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45.16% Novel's Demon / Chapter 28: Change of Plans

Chapter 28: Change of Plans

Rookie Graveyard - A Mana Rich dungeon that is notorious for swallowing up inexperienced Awakeners.

Being only F rank, the dungeon seems like an easy challenge, however, if it was that easy, it wouldn't have earned the name "Rookie Graveyard."

The dungeon itself is a massive stone labyrinth filled with traps and dangerous creatures that roam its winding corridors. Many souls had gotten lost and were consumed by the monsters that lurk within the depths of the Rookie Graveyard.

It is a dungeon that requires careful planning and a strategic approach or someone who knows the labyrinth inside out.


"We are going to explore only the outer regions of the dungeon since there's no available information on its inner depths."

Standing before the crowd of students who all were members of Mana Control club, Alaric announced.

"If any of the monsters attack us, remember to stick together and use your mana to defend yourselves."

Overlooking the students, he nodded seeing that they were all paying attention.

"Let's go!"

One by one students began to approach the swirling Dungeon portal, disappearing as soon as they stepped through. Like the massive jaws of a hungry beast, the dungeon engulfed them, leaving behind only an eerie silence.

Soon enough, I was also standing before the Dungeon portal.

'This is it...'

I took a deep breath, feeling my heart race with anticipation.

Just a step away was the first major event in the novel and...

"Come on move! Why are you standing in place?"

While I was talking to myself internally, some random student nudged me from behind. He pushed me forward, causing me to stumble and step through the portal.


This was my last thought before the world around me went black.


It felt like I was falling through an endless void, and then suddenly, I was standing in the dimly lit corridor with many other students.

We were inside the Dungeon.

My eyes were instantly drawn toward Luna who was standing in one of the front lines of the group.

Her black hair was tied back into a ponytail, revealing her delicate nape, which made male students throw continuous glances of desire in her direction.

However, I wasn't swayed by her beauty.

My mind was too focused on the upcoming event, I had no time to be distracted, I had to make sure that everything went perfect.

'Where is he...'

As I made sure that Luna was here, my eyes began to wander around, searching for another figure in the crowd - James.

Of course, he was there, standing awfully close to Luna, his violet eyes gleaming with strange Darkness that didn't promise anything good.


Unknowingly, I gripped my sword's handle tightly.

I wanted to twist his neck.

"Can you all feel the Mana in the air?"

However, before I could do something stupid, Alaric's voice filled the corridor, bringing me out of my dark thoughts.

Only after I heard his words did I notice that something was off.

Indeed, the Mana in the air was way thicker than usual, like a dense fog that seemed to cling to everything it touched. It was like an unending ocean of energy, pulsating and ready to be harnessed.

I didn't understand it at first, but now I think I know why these mana-rich dungeons are so highly sought after by awakeners.

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to collect my thoughts as Alaric surveyed the group with a thoughtful gaze, his voice resonating through the corridor.

"We need to explore this labyrinth smartly. We'll split into groups of five. Each team should have a mix of abilities for better coordination and defense. I'll assign the teams."

My heart skipped a beat. 

This shouldn't have happened.

There was no such thing in the novel. We shouldn't have been split into groups like this.

"Luna, you're with Team One, joining her will be James, Lucian..."

Alaric began calling out names, forming the groups, however, his voice faded into the background.

The voices of students, the sound of monsters screeching somewhere in the dungeon, even my own racing heartbeat - all of it became muted.

Only one thought echoed in my mind: this was not how the story was supposed to go.

Not only did the plot deviate from the original story, but Alaric also placed Luna on the same team as the Demon Worshiper - James.

They were trying to separate the strongest person from the group.

'Crafty motherfuckers...'

Biting my lip, I let out a bitter smile.

With this single change, my plan was basically fucked. I got played.


Looking toward Alaric who was still assigning teams, I began to think.

If we are split into smaller groups it is also likely that we'll be attacked by only a few demons each time, which could potentially be easier to handle than a large horde.

If my group manages to wipe out the Demons sent to kill us fast, I can go and try to find the Demon I needed to kill, who is most likely going to attack Luna's group considering that he's also the strongest.

'This has to work...'

Taking in a deep breath, I set my resolve and turned toward James, approaching him with calm steps.

"Good Luck!"

My face contorted into the best smile I could muster as I lifted my hand to pat him on the back.

"Thank you, don't get lost in the labyrinth as well."

Although a tad confused, James also gave a small smile in return, not noticing the weak trail of Mana I left behind on his back as I made physical contact with him.

As I walked back to my assigned group, I couldn't help but feel an eerie smile creep onto my face.

'Let the event begin~'

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