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A Fateful Day

"Yeeeesh! Wham!"

With the defeat of Misosona Magic Academy, who we thought would be

our toughest opponent, there was no stopping us now.

Our next opponent in the semifinals was Haius Magic Academy.

They tried hitting us with water magic wave attacks, but with Mashiro's ice

magic, they were at a huge disadvantage and got completely crushed.

With their main method of attack sealed away, we pushed through with

brute force and magic from me and Reina.

At last, the semifinals were over for every category. The fever pitch

excitement across the land was reaching its peak.

But then a report came that doused water on the excitement.

"What…? The competing students have gone missing?"

All that was left was tomorrow's finals. To be in top shape, I had been

pushing my body to the limit in training today.

Since Reina got called away by Ms. Milfonti, I went to meet her.

I was with Mashiro who had been accompanying me in my training, when

Reina came running up to us. She immediately brought up the missing

students case.

"What's going on, Reina?"

"I asked the teacher, and it seems students from other schools haven't come

back to their lodgings…"

"Couldn't they just be out partying and overdoing it?"

"If it was one or two, that's possible. But…some haven't been seen for two

or three days. That's suspicious."

"I see. Yeah, that smells fishy."

"No one from Rishburg is missing, right?"

"Yes. Roll call this morning confirmed no one from our school is gone."

That was a silver lining in this misfortune.

…To be honest, I didn't really care about students from other schools going


I felt a little bad for them, but in the end they were strangers.

It wasn't a hero's job to save every random person like I was some goodygoody.

Karen came on her family's ship. It was big enough to hold all the Rishburg


So we should just gather up Mashiro and Reina and say farewell to this


"The teachers are going to patrol the school grounds tonight. I'm scheduled

to help out too."

"Then I'll come along too. More people is better."

This is not good. Very not good.

The students who have come to this island this time are all promising

talents for the future. They are powerful enough to kidnap several of them.

If, by any chance, Reina were to be abducted…

All my efforts so far would be in vain. Certainly, patrolling is a hassle, but

the most painful thing for me is the thought of all my hard work going to


It's like the feeling of emptiness that comes when a game data you've been

playing for a long time gets lost due to a malfunction.

I could try convincing her not to go against Ms. Milfonti's orders, but that

was too big a gamble on her choosing my side.

"Then I wanna help too! Can't let the bad guys get away with this!"

"Alright…I'll let the teacher know you two are coming too."

With that, Reina ran off towards the lottery hall.

That was probably their command center now.

Just as she left, Alice came over.

"I have returned."

"Welcome back, Alice. How was the town? Have fun?"

I had given her the day off.

With no plans today and Mashiro to accompany me, I didn't have much

work. So I decided to let her freely enjoy the outside world for a change.

She's been cooped up with me at Rishburg Academy,

I told her that since she was out, she was free to go around for a break.

Definitely not because I wanted alone time to flirt with Mashiro.

"Yes, very much so. Thank you for thinking of me, Master Ouga. By the

way, this is for you."

She handed me an envelope.

I immediately recognized the Vellet family seal stamped on it.


He had already written back to me. Busy as he must be…


"Yes, Miss Leiche, please refrain from looking."


Mashiro's eyes were covered by Alice.

Once I confirmed that, I opened the envelope.

[My Dearest Son Ouga,

Thank you for the letter. It seems you're enjoying academy life, and that

makes me happiest of all.

I frequently hear of your exploits back home too. You're bringing honor to

our family as the next head.

I was quite surprised to hear of your engagement to the Levezenka girl.

Thanks to you, cooperation with the military has gotten easier, and you've

helped your old man out.

Your mother was thrilled you were chosen as the academy tournament rep.

I'm proud too. Congrats.

Work keeps me from cheering you on in person, but I'm watching your

accomplishments closely.

Bring all your friends over. I look forward to meeting the kids you've taken

a liking to.

Now then, here's the information you wanted to know.

You take after your father more than I ever imagined, asking about this…

Those two first met twelve years ago. The year the Ramdarb Kingdom was

attacked by the demons.

I hope this helps you out. Burn this letter after reading.]

"I knew it…"

My guess was right. No, it might have been worse than I imagined.

Adding the extra details, I picture Reina Milfondy's past.

She was probably a war orphan. With nowhere to go, her exceptional

magical talent got Ms. Milfonti's attention. Becoming her disciple was

likely Reina's only path to survival.

Under the guise of mentorship, Ms. Milfonti made the young girl do harsh

labor. The state of the student council before we joined tells that story.

With that kind of past, it makes sense why Reina's face is so stiff.

She couldn't bear those painful days and lost her smile.

Maybe her heart and mind are broken beyond repair.

When even I was only planning to exploit the church orphans when they

grew up…

Ms. Milfonti is more wicked than me.

At first I just wanted to poach Reina for her administrative skills.

But knowing we shared similar circumstances completely flipped my

feelings for her.

I must save Reina from that soul-crushing slave driver…!

"Thank you, father."

I expressed gratitude to my father for making me realize what's important.

"Alice, the magical ignition."

"Here you are."

Alice lit it with the magical ignition, and I burned the letter in the fire.

Though, he replied so fast it was like he was here in Ramdarb…

"Ouga! Miss Leiche! Over here!"

Seeing Reina call out to us makes me feel bad for her.

Even outside school she gets bossed around by Ms. Milfonti…

…I'm resolved.

After this mess gets sorted out, I'll confess how I feel to her.


Night time had come.

Mashiro and I were walking the second floor of Rishburg's lodging facility.

"Hope tonight ends peacefully."

"Yeah, that's what we want."

Various discussions happened that led to the academy deciding students

would continue using the lodging.

Renting rooms at local inns was proposed, but there was too much risk in

dispersing when the culprit was after students. And it would involve

civilians. The lodging was easier to monitor the students.

Students were strictly ordered to not leave their rooms no matter what.

The lodging had five floors. We patrolled in pairs, one duo per floor.

Some objected to me and Mashiro participating, but they were short on

teachers. Ms. Milfonti's vote let the student council members help.

Reina and the headmasters waited in the command center as a trump card,

ready to head over if trouble occurred.

Alice seemed eager to join since I told her about the incidents, but I

couldn't exactly add my maid to the patrol group…

I had her wait somewhere else.

"Tonight's the decisive moment. If we get through this, we can sail


In case the missing students return, the departure has been postponed until


If the students were indeed kidnapped, capturing the culprit would ensure

the safe return of all of them.

The missing students are naturally children of nobility.

For the sake of the reputation of the magic academy, it wouldn't be

acceptable for this to end like this.

"Yeah, but… hmm…"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm wondering what the motive of the culprit is. If it's for ransom, they

should have issued a ransom demand by now."

"…You're right. They must have already secured enough hostages."

Once you start thinking about it, more questions arise.

"Why would they specifically target the representatives? If it's for financial

gain, there are easier targets on this island."

There are many students who came to this island to support the school at

their own expense, like Karen and the others.

So, why would they target the representatives?

"…Is being an excellent magician a condition they're targeting?"

If that's the case, then it's possible that…

─ And at that moment, it comes without any warning.

"…! Mashiro, are you here!?"

"Yeah, I'm here!"

I immediately reached out to the position where Mashiro was. I felt a

familiar touch and pulled her close.

Those breasts were unmistakable. It's Mashiro.

"Mashiro, can you activate a magic light source?"

"Uh, yeah, wait a moment."

She took out a magic light source from her pocket and pressed the switch.

The light illuminated both of us, and I realized that we were incredibly

close to each other.

"Uh, sorry, Ouga-kun. It must be difficult to walk like this. I'll step back…"

"No, it's fine. Hold on tight."

"Huh, wha… ohhh!?"

I lifted Mashiro and ran towards the first floor where she had been.

If my prediction was correct, then one of the most likely candidates for the

target was the two of us.

Mashiro, who was one of those targets, was safe. Therefore…


"Ouga-kun! That voice just now!"

"Ah! Down there…!"

Damn it, why didn't I notice something so simple?

Turning my frustration into energy, I stepped on the accelerator.

As soon as we reached the first floor, Mashiro illuminated the surroundings.

Two male teachers, who looked familiar, were lying near the entrance.

"Hey! Are you guys okay!?"


We rushed to the two of them and checked their injuries.

There were some minor scratches, but nothing life-threatening.

"…You guys…"

One of them, who responded to our voices, opened his eyes.

Thank goodness… it seems he's conscious.

"…We were… targeted when it got dark…"

"I understand, you don't have to talk now. Just rest."

"Sorry… he… went that way…"

Saying that, he pointed in the opposite direction from where we came.

He must be indicating the direction in which the culprit who attacked them


And beyond that, there is the headquarters where Reina is.

"…! Mashiro, one more time!"

"Up!? Uh, yeah!"

Since Mashiro was also a target, we couldn't just leave her.

I lifted her again and rushed into the headquarters.

It's okay… there are battle-hardened veterans in there. They must have

already captured the culprit.

As I reassured myself, I ran down the hallway and kicked open the door.

"Reina! Are you okay!?"

But as I looked at the scene illuminated by the light, I was speechless.

The room was completely destroyed, and everyone, including FloneMilfonti, who was here, was lying on the floor.

"Ouga-kun, the student council president is not here!"

"…!? What…!?"


As I was momentarily stunned by Mashiro's comment, another scream

echoed from the accommodation facility.

I don't know if the voice belonged to a student or a teacher, but someone in

the accommodation facility was trying to take Reina away.

That much was certain.

"Damn it, we won't make it in time by running from here…!"

"Ouga-kun! Let's use that thing from the magic battle!"

"…! Right! Do it together!"

Understanding her intent, I summoned a battle coat to protect her skin.

"Explosive Gust!"

In the next moment, we flew with tremendous force towards the

accommodation facility and reached the top floor.


I broke the window with a kick, and we entered.

I cut my arm while protecting my face and throat, but this level of injury

wasn't a problem.

And when I raised my head, my gaze met with a suspicious figure in a

black robe wearing a mask, who was reaching for the doorknob of a room.

This person was the culprit of the kidnapping incident…!

"Where is Reina!?"


The black robe didn't react to my shouting. He showed no intention of even


He wasn't carrying Reina.

…Which meant, the room his hand was touching. That was suspicious.

[I'll take you too…]

In a low, muffled voice, the black robe choose Mashiro as another target.

Not satisfied with just Reina, he planned to abduct Mashiro too.

"That's too greedy. I won't hand over either."

"Ouga…he's the one who…"

"Yeah. We're definitely catching this guy."

He's the one who defeated those headmasters. An absurdly strong foe.

Judging by the lack of footsteps upstairs, I couldn't expect backup from the

teachers. They were likely all taken out already.


We had to face this guy alone, huh?

A truly hopeless situation.

…Heh heh, how interesting.

"Ready, Mashiro?"

"You bet. I won't let you get away."


Everyone took their stances, and silence dominated the room.

We couldn't give him an opening to retrieve Reina. Depending on

circumstances, we had to strike first.

"Now, Mashiro!"

"On it! Frozen Sixteen Arrows!"

Sixteen ice arrows were launched from all directions at staggered intervals

the moment I stepped in.

[Flame Bullet]

"Crap…! Fire magic…! Worst matchup…!"

The ice arrows being shot down. But the fact Mashiro's magic power

exceeded his meant they cancelled each other out.

Normally the Flame Bullets would have reached her too.

"Two on one! Gotta deal with me too!"

I struck at his head and gut simultaneously.

An average mage would be distracted blocking the high attack and eat the

body blow, but the black robe handled both perfectly.

Being grabbed was bad. I had to make distance…!

I threw a front kick. My sole made contact with his body and we both got

blown back.

"Hmph, not bad."


Talented in magic, and agile enough to keep up with my movements.

Clearly unnatural. His body must be somehow enhanced.

It's a proven fact throughout history that a mage's physical abilities tend to

be inversely proportional to their magical talent.

This guy broke the rules set by the world.

"Now then…what's your next move?"

If I use Magic Burial, I should finish him here.

But even with me and Mashiro, our chances are fifty-fifty at best.

We're evenly matched covering each other's weaknesses, but if either of us

gets knocked down, it's over.

If we can't win two-on-one…there's only one option left.

The issue is when to use it.

I glance at the room where Reina is likely in.

The distance is about equal between me, the black robe, and that room. So

I'll make the first move!


"We really do think alike."

We both moved at the same time, but he got there first.

"What are you up to…!"


No verbal response…but an unpleasant sound comes from his body.

Getting hit by that would be bad!

I instinctively pull back my arm about to block and shift my body to evade.

His swung fist sticks into the wall, pulverizing it.

I break into a cold sweat at the terrifying power. But villains don't withdraw


"Don't forget wide swings leave you open!"

I circle around to his back and put him in a full nelson to restrict his


C'mon muscles, hold him…!

"Frozen Sixteen Arrows!"

[Flame Bullet]

The colliding wind and fire magic cause an explosion.

In that moment, a pleasant, out-of-place aroma drifted through the


That scent…where have I…

My eyes unconsciously go to her room.

[Taking your eyes off your opponent mid-battle?]


As I turn, the black robe's fist grazes my cheek, cutting it and drawing


What kind of body does this guy have?

"I'll rip off that mask and see your face!"


He catches my palm strike aimed at the mask between his hands, stopping


We end up grappling, arms locked.

"What freakish strength…!"

[That's my line…]

"Frozen Wind!"

[Scorching Wind!]

"Did you forget you told me not to look away!?"


To counter Mashiro's magic, he had to unleash a considerable amount


I don't miss that opening, tripping him to destroy his balance.

Now! This was my only chance!

I call out the name of the one who can break this deadlock.


"I've been waiting."

As if it was only natural, she slipped into the facility through the window

without a sound.

Spotting her golden hair poised at the edge of my vision, I dive and push

Mashiro's head down to shield her.

"Petal Storm."

In an instant, shockwaves from slashes pass overhead.

Their speed is like lightning.

The slashes launched from Alice's sword split into three directions.

Crawling along the floor and walls, flying through the air.

The undulating slashes seemed alive and confused the black robe.

[Flame Bomb…]

The flame bombs scattered in the air, but Alice's attack wasn't done.

Her slashes directly struck the slow-to-react black robe and blew him away.

"Frozen Wind!"

The moment the slashed black robe exploded, Mashiro's spell froze him–

but the spreading flames from the blast froze into an ice wall, blocking our


"Damn! Had to make this annoying at the end!"

"I will pursue him."



"I'm counting on you!"

I could leave it to Alice.

She made a hole in the ice wall for people to easily pass through and

continued chasing the black robe.

Mashiro and I charged into the room he tried entering.

It was a room used by teachers, with oddly few and plain belongings.

And there. Slumped against the bed was a familiar girl with pink hair.

Her skin looked devoid of life, pale white in the moonlight.


We rushed over and gently laid her body on the bed.

Mashiro brought her face close to check Reina's breathing. I felt her wrist

for a pulse.

It felt like the longest ten seconds of my life.

Our expressions as we looked at each other went from anxious to relieved.

"Phew…thank goodness."

Mashiro sighed in relief, her eyes half teary.

"Looks like she's just unconscious."

"Then could the others also be…"

"Yeah, let's go check on them quick. We'll need the students in their rooms

to help too."

"Okay, I'll go tell them!"

"Ah, hold on!"

But Mashiro had already left the room before I could stop her.

…She really needs to be aware she's a target too.

Well, the culprit was probably chased by Alice, so the threat's gone. It

should be safe.


"You alright? Don't strain yourself."

"Sorry…for the…trouble…"

"Don't worry about it. I told you to rely on me, right? This is nothing."

"Hehe…you're so…kind…"

"Quiet now. Get some rest."

She gave a small nod and closed her eyes.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

I stroked her beautiful hair along her shut eyelids.


"Master Ouga! This way!"

"Got it…I'm coming."

With Reina now safe, I headed over to where Alice was calling me.

She had already sheathed her sword and was back in maid mode.

"That is…"


What Alice pointed at was a gruesome sight beyond description.

A body twisted and folded like an origami crane.

The shattered mask and glasses…

Shuelba Anthem in the black robes lay dead in a way he'd never return.

"And this was near his body."

"Long time no see, huh?"

Muscle Enhancement Extracts. The illegal drug Aliban used to temporarily

boost strength.

I see. With this, his abnormal physical abilities make sense.

It's honestly disappointing how neatly it wraps up.

"The magic he used matches too. Evidence points to him being the

culprit…what do you think, Master?"

"Yeah…I think you're right, Alice. As a Vellet house servant, go inform the

kingdom guards."


"Hold on, Alice."

"Yes? What is it?"

"Do you have paper and a pen?"

"I have my daily use ones, if those will suffice."

"That's fine. Lend them to me."

This was just insurance, to be safe. Maybe overthinking things. But being

thorough is first-rate.

"Take this along too. I'm counting on you."

"Of course…I will carry it out."

Alice bowed and leapt out the window again, sprinting through the night


I imitated her moves, jumping around until I reached the ground.

There was something I wanted to confirm before they recovered the body.

I hope I'm mistaken.

I approached Shuelba's corpse and checked what I wanted to know.

And I became certain.

"Just as I thought…"

My murmur was swallowed by the night wind.


The incident that struck fear in the magic academy students was handled as

Shuelba losing control in jealousy, and the curtain fell unceremoniously.

Evidence from numerous testimonies showed he had gone mad and acted

on emotion after using Muscle Enhancement Extracts.

That was the kingdom's official record.

As Mashiro and I guessed, there were no deaths among those attacked last


However, the missing students who disappeared before that could not be

found despite the guards searching for them.

They couldn't smooth over students gone missing.

The Ramdarb Kingdom and magic academies issued a joint statement.

The academy tournament was cancelled, and all students including those

who came to cheer and tour were ordered to return home.

Besides the rep players, it would take time for the others to leave by regular

transport. As for Mashiro and the other reps, they were likely already

sailing away by now.

I walked forward, my pure white battle coat fluttering.

I passed through the dark path of nothing but shadows and finally stepped

into a place with light.

A lone figure standing center stage with no audience, gazing at the sky.

"You came after all."

"I thought you might not show and stand me up. Even though I'm the one

who got called out. Being late wouldn't impress me either."

"And yet I arrived earlier than the specified time…"

"So what's this important talk?"

"Don't rush the conclusion. First, one thing to clarify–the culprit, Reina


With that, she made an unpleasant smile that seemed plastered on, wrapped

in a black robe.

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