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29.03% The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion / Chapter 9: Farewell, Free Academy Life

Chapter 9: Farewell, Free Academy Life

It's a time before the sun has fully risen.

My room's curtains are completely closed, the door locked.

Now no one can interfere with our secret affair. Mine and Alice's.

"Lord Ouga, this is…"

"Heh heh, you lack your usual vigor, don't you?"

"But, something like this…for me is…!"

"My orders are absolute. Isn't that right, Alice?"


"If you understand, hurry up and humor me. This, I—"

"—Cut me with your sword!!"

Saying that, I take off the top half of my clothes.

With a vexed expression, Alice raises her sword overhead.

"To think I'd be pointing this sword meant to protect Lord Ouga at Lord

Ouga himself…!"

"Don't worry. The theory is complete. Can't you trust me?"

"I understand. Then, Alice will…come at you with everything she has!"

The fighting spirit swelling up in her in an instant. An intensity that

threatens to swallow me if I relax even a little. Faced with that, I faintly


In turn, I imagined circulating magical power through my whole body.

Mixing with the blood flowing through me, accelerating circulation more

and more.

My whole body gained heat, and I felt like my flesh would expand to the



Alice swung her sword down.

The well-weighted blade touched my soft skin, trying to carve it up—and

stopped like it struck solid steel.

Almost simultaneously, Alice and I look up and lock eyes.

"Lord Ouga, this is…!"

"Yeah, experiment success."

"Congratulations, Lord Ouga!"

Sheathing her sword, Alice ran up to me and energetically shook my hand.

What Alice and I were trying was how much we could strengthen my body.

From examining the [Body Enhancement Extract] previously obtained from

Aliban, I realized it contained ingredients that drastically stimulated heart

movement. So I noticed that if I could manipulate the power in my body, I

may achieve a similar effect.

Mastering this would increase my options when fighting even without


That was the purpose of the research I had been doing in secret with Alice's


"It's still in the first stage, but the effectiveness against slashing attacks has

been proven. Moreover, it's a cost-effective alternative to [Magic


[Magic Burial] requires a quantity of power that surpasses the

opponent's magic when used. In other words, it has a dependency on the


I don't have any magical aptitude, but my potential magic power quantity is

exceptionally high. So far, I've been able to brute force my way through

with my vast power, but there will come a time when that becomes difficult.

The research objective this time is to develop countermeasures for that

eventual scenario.

Enhancing physical resilience by repeatedly expanding and contracting

muscles at an abnormal rate."

The robust effects obtained may also be thanks to my sturdy body born in

exchange for magical aptitude, but being able to receive Alice's attack

means it's ready for practical use.

In that case, what we should try next is…

"Applying it against magic as well…I believe?"

"Yeah. This could become a new weapon following [Magic Burial]."

Now then, I think I'll stop celebrating.

I still had a mission left to accomplish.

"Alice. We'll stop for today…Did that stuff arrive?"

"Yes. Everything went smoothly."

Good. This time I'll definitely pull it off.

These past few days, a certain fact had been bothering me.

While the engagement to Karen was one thing, an even bigger problem was

looming over me.

The joy from my new discovery faded away at this gloomy event…

"Good morning, Mashiro. I'm happy to be with the bright Mashiro like the

sun again today."


Mashiro, who had been my comfort, since the day our engagement with

Karen was decided, had changed.

That girl who smiled so cheerfully every day had gotten so cold lately.

Trying to improve her mood, I gave her accessories and spent entire days

off together, but the effects were weak.

I was even talking to her in the prince mode she previously said she wanted,

as part of it.

"Actually, I got something for Mashiro. Won't you accept it?"

"Does…Ouga think I'm the type of girl who's happy when given expensive


"No way, right? It's something with proper feeling put into it."

"Hmm…Ouga who doesn't understand a girl's heart…"

Thorny words that make me instinctively clutch my chest stabbed into me.

Tch…! My lack of romantic experience from my past life is becoming an

obstacle to my harem ambitions…!

Of course I know Mashiro isn't the type who bites on money, and I vaguely

realized this wasn't the right answer.

But I've already said it!

It's not like I can say it was a lie now!

The point is it's fine if it's a high-class item with feeling put into it.

I'll decorate it with all the words I can and push through!

With my mind made up, I open the box received from Alice and show

Mashiro the contents.

"Ouga kun…!? This is…!"

"This represents my feelings for Mashiro day-to-day. Please accept it."

Saying that, Mashiro timidly took the —ring sitting in the box into her


This ring is a magical tool fitted with a magic stone – a special stone

imbued with magical power as the name suggests.

Magic stones themselves are rare existences, and magical tools made by

processing them almost never circulate, but I was able to obtain one at the

right time.

Naturally it was expensive, but Mashiro is more precious than money to


A wonderful girl like her would surely not be found again no matter how I

searched. Friends can't be bought with money after all.

"Is it really okay? I'm…a commoner you know?"

"Commoner? That doesn't matter right? It's because you're Mashiro that

I'm going this far."

Things like our circumstances don't need to be worried about.

With this magical tool, Mashiro's ability will grow even more.

I'm happy too. Mashiro's happy too. Isn't this an excellent choice that

makes us both happy?

"It's so pretty…"

"It's the same azure color as Mashiro's right eye, so when giving it to you,

this was the only choice I thought."

I'm very grateful to Mashiro.

How my everyday life has become so enjoyable after spending time

together with her.

Certainly, my shut-in days devoted to research were fun too.

But if you trace it back, my efforts were to be able to do as I pleased.

Forming a harem is one of my dreams. Since that dream is coming true,

nothing could be more enjoyable.

I put those feelings of gratitude into it, but I hope they properly reached


"Ma, Mashiro! Why are you crying!?"

"Sniff…it's just…Ouga kun thinking seriously about our future together…

makes me…so happy…"

"Of course. I'm a man who takes responsibility for his actions."

"That's so true… Ouga kun has always been like that. Even with the Lady

Levezenka thing, my head understood but…when it actually happened, I

got jealous…"

Hm? Why is Karen coming up here?

I can't read where this conversation is going, but I can read the mood so I

won't cut in.

"I'll treasure this forever. So…put it on me at our wedding okay? When it


"No, I want you to wear it now but…"

"Ehh, ehhhhh!?"

"You reacted a lot huh…"

Mashiro jumps back in surprise.

I mean, it won't take effect unless she wears it…

"No way! That's, I'm a student…becoming a housewife…!?"

Unable to hear well what she's saying from the distance, but I see she's in

disarray, blushing and covering her face with her hands.

"…Alice. What's the right way for me to speak here?"

"I believe leaving her be for a time would be best."

"Then, I'll do as Alice says. We still have time after all."

"…I've become worried for Lord Ouga's future regarding this one point."

What are you saying, Alice?

I properly resolved the issue here didn't I?

Though I still don't really understand why Mashiro was in a bad mood.

"Ouga kun! What are you smiling about!"

Haha, of course I'm smiling. Mashiro's returned to how I know her.

Yeah~, with this, things with Mashiro are settled.

Today will surely be a wonderful day.


Mashiro melts her cheeks gazing at the ring I gave her the other day.

In the end, unable to put it on her finger, she settled on wearing it as a

necklace on a chain for daily use.

"Oh yeah Ouga kun, my mom and dad said they want to meet you, is that


"I don't mind, but then let's invite them to Vellet territory during the long

summer vacation."

I can understand parents worrying about the environment their child will

work in the future very well.

Since I intend for Mashiro to come to Vellet territory right after graduating

from the magic academy, they probably became concerned.

This is an extremely convenient talk.

"Kukuku…we'll welcome them grandly."

"Really!? They'll both be happy~!"

Trick them on the first day and the parents are mine.

I have no intention of letting Mashiro go.

She's a precious person who adds smiles to my everyday life.

A loveable existence I want to spend my whole life with.

"No need to wear anything formal. If you're nervous I can lend you some.

Tell them that if there's any other worries, don't hesitate to say so."

The most unpleasant result is if they make excuses to escape for various


Sealing them off like this in advance, Mashiro's parents won't be able to

refuse either.

Just like how I'm trying to cut off Mashiro's parents' escape route.

"Yeah, yeah! I think they'll happily agree!"

"Hmph, of course. Since I'm the one inviting them, I absolutely won't do

anything to discomfort my guests."

"Hehe, they'll be surprised. I didn't imagine this kind of future before

entering the academy either."

With a fluffy atmosphere, Mashiro smiles happily.

…It seems her mood is completely recovered.



The magical tool was extremely effective after all. But thinking about it,

that was the natural result.

No aspiring magician would be unhappy with a proper magical tool.

Glancing at Alice, she made a small okay sign with her fingers.

Looks like our conversation just now exceeded passing points.

Kukuku, my own growth is frightening…

While immersed in that good feeling, waiting for the first bell to chime,

words I didn't want to hear were forced into my ears via the broadcast


[Ouga Vellet, Mashiro Leiche. Headmistress Flone Milfonti wishes to speak

with you. Come to the headmistress's office immediately.]

"How dreary…"

Being called before homeroom even started.

It will undoubtedly cut into class time. Forcing students to abandon their

roles means it must be an urgent matter of some kind.

In that case, there's only one thing I can think of.

"I wonder if it's about the duel?"

"Since Mashiro's being called too, that's the likely reason."

Mashiro was designated as the prize in the duel, so she's a distinguished

related person.

But the aim is surely creating a situation where I'll definitely go.

If it was just calling me out, I could ignore it, but it's different if Mashiro's

going too.

I didn't like leaving the formerly bullied commoner girl alone in the


In other words, they sealed off the justification that I disliked having the girl

bullied again if I wasn't with her.

It's the same as me trying to cut off Mashiro's parents' escape route.

Calling us out directly over the broadcast rather than a letter like before

gives the feeling of [You absolutely must come].

"A direct summons. Shall we go?"

"Yeah. I hope it's nothing serious though…"

"Mashiro has no need to worry. …It's probably about my engagement."

"Oh…that huh."

To tell the truth, I still hadn't accepted the engagement with Karen.

Of course. Would I readily acknowledge the crisis to my harem formation?

Why do you think I enrolled in the academy?

"Hm? Is there something on my face?"

In order to obtain cute girls with big breasts in my hands…!

If this were a picture story, Karen and I would be happily kissing and it'd be

the end.

However, my life, and Karen's life, are still continuing.

Above all, I'm a man who can say NO.

While rejecting Karen's engagement now would likely bring more ill

rumors flying, it's irrelevant if 1 becomes 10 or even 100 now.

I who is already evil itself piling on more evil deeds doesn't impact my

daily life.

"Mashiro. I won't let you go no matter what happens."

"Wha-!? Why, so suddenly…!?"

"Nothing, just confirming my resolve. I believe Mashiro thinks the same."

…I doubt she does, but just in case.

If Mashiro tried to leave me, I'd die from shock.

A capable man advances matters prudently, yet sometimes boldly.

I threw out words to discern her intentions.

"Yeah…I won't leave Ouga no matter what happens. That day, I said I'd

stick with you forever, so you better properly take responsibility…!"

Saying that, Mashiro snuggles up close, clinging to my arm.

Her reply makes me ashamed of my attitude.

That's right. What if my core wavers?

My previous life's worrywart nature peeked out on its own.

"Yeah…you're right."

"Ehehe, good thing. I thought you forgot."

"No way. Listen Mashiro. I absolutely never forget words I've uttered."

Mashiro, what a great guy she is.

She's properly engraved her debt to me in her heart, and strives like this

every day.

Yeah yeah, looks like there's no worry she'll leave with this.

"Whatever decision you make, I'll accept it. I might get jealous though…"

"Please spare me that."

"That's one thing I can't promise~!"

Mashiro grins and pokes me in the side.

"Oh, rock hard! So you really are training huh, Ouga."

"Of course. I have Alice check every day."

"Ehhh!? Then Alice sees you naked every day!?"

"Yes. It's necessary to build an appropriate physique. …It's nothing like

what Miss Leiche is imagining."

"I, I'm not imagining anything!" …But I see. Maybe I should start training


"Then let's do it together starting tomorrow. I'll prepare a light menu."

"Then, early morning. I will come get Miss Leiche."

"Hooray! I'll do my best!"

Just as Mashiro and I were about to leave the classroom after making plans

to train together, two figures cut in front of us.

A skinny guy with an asymmetrical hairdo, and a short-haired musclehead

who looks like he loves showing off his body.

It's quite an odd combination, but they have in common the negative

emotions they're directing at me in their gazes.

"…Do you need something from me?"

"You're speaking awfully cockily for a new student. Did going and

defeating Arnia make you get a big head?"

"Arnia, huh…"

The guy I beat has been forbidden from attending school by the king, so he

hasn't been coming to school.

Even the king who had left him alone finally lost patience this time, as my

father taught me about the circumstances.

He's getting morality thoroughly drilled into him at the royal castle until the

king is convinced, apparently.

After that incident, Arnia's stock crashed completely.

I've overheard the girls used to be around Arnia complaining how there's

no point trying to get in with him anymore.

"I'll return those exact words back. The ones who got big heads are you

guys. With the prince gone, you're trying to seize power over the grade.


"Heh…how perceptive. And that's exactly why you're in the way, Ouga


Among us new students, besides Arnia, the highest peerage is Duke house –

in other words, me and Karen.

But Karen was Arnia's fiancée, and I'm the [drop-out] with no magical


So they didn't pay us any particular attention until now.

However, here I went and defeated Arnia, making my ability known to the


With this, the talk changes. For those ambitious types aiming to rise up, I'm

the first one they'll target as someone who changed quickly.

"Arnia had plenty of ability as a magician too. Since you defeated someone

like him, then if we defeat you…?"

"It'll be recognized I have skill, and I could make representative in my first

year, not just a dream huh."

"Thinking they could defeat me, they swagger up to challenge me two-onone."

I don't really get what the representative talk means, but the gist is they're

picking a fight with me.

Then I'll take it as the villain.

We have some gallery, though not as much as with Arnia. I'll use them as a

stepping stone on my road to domination!

"Of course I'll accept your challenge. Can't have you guys looking uncool

in front of girls right?"

"I don't care. I take it you've already submitted the application for a duel?"

"Yes, naturally. We also have permission from the student council


Saying that, the skinny guy takes out two documents.

Properly stamped by the student council.

The wager is money.

I wonder if they lost betting on Arnia?

They're in the mood to win that amount back from me.

Kuh kuh…how utterly second-rate.

"Let's handicap it. Come at me together, both of you."

"What did you say…?"

"Hope you heard the announcement earlier. I have a prior appointment. I've

no time to waste on small fries like you."

"You bas…! Don't screw with me…!!"

"I'll make sure you regret those words…"

"Spare me the threats. Let's hurry to the designated duel location."

Saying that, I start walking toward the Practical Skills Building specified as

the duel location.

Mashiro promptly scurries up beside me too.

"Is this okay, Ouga kun?"

"What, does Mashiro think I'll lose?"

"No, not that. I meant, is it okay not to tell the headmistress we'll be late?"

"Then there's no problem."

I show her a smile blowing away her worries.

"It'll be settled in one minute."


"Do, don't come…don't come closer!"

"Lose your composure and a magician is finished."


The eyes speak louder than the mouth. As long as I keep track of where

their gaze is aimed, avoiding the first strike is simple.

In an instant I slip into their bosom, sealing their noisy mouth with my palm

then pounding them straight into the ground just like that.


"Weak. Your lower body is too frail, chicken legs."

"Y, you bas…gah!!"

The muscle guy swings his fists in confusion at his partner's instant defeat,

but his well-trained upper body is unsupported by his lower body.

Choosing to go hand-to-hand instead of using magic, which wouldn't make

it in time at this range, was admirable judgment, but still far from enough.

Receiving his fist, I sweep my leg from the heel, lightly pushing his head

with my hand.

Then revolving focused around his center of gravity – the abdomen – the

man tumbled down helplessly.

"Winner! Ouga Vellet!"

The referee's voice rings out. But it probably isn't reaching these guys

writhing on the ground.

Just as I declared, it was settled in one minute.

Their lack of domineering aura was obvious at a glance compared to Arnia.

Despite the two-on-one advantage, they used such sloppy tactics of just

firing their magic. Of course they couldn't win like that.

They've gained the dishonor of losing to the [drop-out].

"I'll have my attendant come collect the promised money later. Make sure

it's prepared."

"Y, yes…"

"Then please handle the aftermath."

Leaving the rest to the student who refereed, I left the scene.

"Lord Ouga, well done. Here's a towel."


"…I wonder what they were trying to accomplish."

Looking at the two collapsed figures, Mashiro tilts her head.

If those guys still had consciousness, this line would surely pierce their

hearts the most.

"Those who lose sight of their footing, their hearts stolen by ambition, often

end up with results like that."

"As Lord Ouga says. But how kind. Using your own time to make them

realize their mistakes and reform… Alice is impressed!"

"Yeah…As expected of my sword, able to discern my actions and even my


"Oh, your words flatter me…I will continue striving!"

Just what has my character become in Alice's mind?

She may have already crossed the line of no return.

With that skit inserted, our group, who took a detour, arrived at the

magnificent door of the headmistress's office.


"Come to think of it, Lady Levezenka still isn't attending school right?"

"Yeah. Can't be helped I suppose. Given her change of position, she's got

her own business to take care of."

Since the day of the duel, I've been aware of the fact that Karen, just like

Arnia, hasn't been attending school.

She had mentioned that she was temporarily returning to her family's home

on that day.

Naturally, the Academy Principal had put pressure on her damn father, and

if they resorted to confinement, the next step would be to go after my own

family, with whom I had entered into an engagement.

Furthermore, our engagement had been officially recognized by the King


The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm already trapped in a cage

with no way out.

For the sake of my future harem life, I'll have to overcome these


"Maybe she's around somewhere after all."

While idly chatting that, I knock on the door.

"Sorry for being late. It's Ouga Vellet."

"Co, come in…!"

Speak of the devil. The voice that responded was that girl's.

Mashiro and I exchange glances, inadvertently letting out smiles before

opening the door.

"Long time no see, Kare–"

The first thing to jump into view when entering wasn't the headmistress,

but the beautiful red-haired girl sitting on the sofa.

The face looking this way certainly belonged to Karen Levezenka.

The eye bags seemingly caused by her daily unease were gone, and instead

more redness as if embarrassed.

That's fine until there.

The problem is below the neck.

Something clearly not there until now was jutting out.

It had swollen as if melons were stuffed in despite being so flat before.

Her outfit was also the girls' uniform instead of the boys'.

"I, it's been a while."

Karen I'm seeing after a week is holding down her skirt with her hands,


While accentuating the jiggling fruit with both arms.

She's probably shy since she's not used to skirts.

Her healthy, taut thighs usually hidden by pants are exposed.



"Ouga! Hey, Ouga! Come back to us!!"

"What are you panicking for, Karen? I'm the same as always."

So don't bring that face with make up close.

The more you press against me, the more my consciousness is mowed down

by those jiggly breasts…!

"Is that so? Looked like you froze up for a second there…"

"It's your imagination. Kukuku, Karen is such a worrywart."

Lies. I was enraptured for an instant by the shocking transformation and


The only one who notices is Mashiro behind me who keep poking my back


Ow, that hurts. Mashiro, it hurts so stop.

"Hmm~? What's up, Ou~ga kun?"

Strange, her smile seems scary.

Hmph, as expected of a girl I took a liking to.

She's keeping her cool despite the shocking situation. And she's covering

for me when I'm about to lose it.

I've fallen for her even deeper now.

"Welcome back, Karen. That's quite an enthusiastic transformation."

Hiding that I'm being poked and pinched, I flash a hollow smile and touch

Karen's bangs.

Feels nostalgic. She used to hide her eyes with her bangs. I gave her a hair

ornament as a present to pin them back then, I think.

Looks like she's still treasuring it.

Thanks to that, I immediately recognized her as Karen when we reunited,

and now too.

"I don't have to crossdress anymore. I've become free. And it's all thanks to

you, Ouga."

Then she continues.

"And Ouga li…likes girls with big breasts, so I thought this side might

make you happier… Since I'm your fiancée."

"…I see."

My childhood friend discovered my preferences.

But Karen accepted that, and is exposing the parts she had hidden,

suppressing her embarrassment for my sake.

Right now, I was reconsidering my thoughts.

That trampling on the feelings of this girl who is so dedicated might be the

worst conduct, I thought.

Of course Arnia being terrible as a human is the main cause.

However, Karen harboring affection for me is also due to my own words

and actions.

My absolute justice abiding woman behind me surely wouldn't permit me

to shirk responsibility and abandon Karen.

So I think it's inevitable to change the opinion I had until coming here. Yes,


I'll accept it – the engagement with Karen.

I gently take her hand.



"Let's get married."

"Hyah, hyaiiii!"

And so, Karen and I were married, and we lived happily ever after. The end.

Happy ending!!

"All right, Ouga-kun. Come back to reality now."


My flesh, which had been pinched hard, was twisted a little more.

My consciousness, which had been soaring into the future, returned to

reality at the same time as I felt a sharp pinch.

I suppressed the urge to wince and petted Mashiro's head.

"Thank you, Mashiro. Thanks to you, I can make sound judgments."

"That's good~. After all, Ouga-kun's most important wife is me, right?"


Before I could interject, Karen's voice, which I had never heard such a

forceful tone from before, came out.

"Leiche, that was quite the funny joke. I almost burst out laughing."

"I just stated the facts. He gave me this, together with passionate words."

Saying that, Mashiro flaunts the ring hanging from her neck.

Karen grinds her teeth, then breathes out once to calm herself down.

"Come to think of it, I have a memory of Ouga saying something to me

when we were small too. I think it was, [Karen is mine]…right?"

"Isn't that just misremembering? Things from long ago can become

convinced memories."



Ah, um…? Why do both of them have such a hostile atmosphere?

"…It seems your reunion went fine."

"Wha-!? Headmistress…"

I'm startled by the old woman suddenly appearing beside me.

She was probably here from the start, but the shock from Karen was so

great I didn't notice.

Since Alice also came up behind me along with the headmistress, she must

have noticed the headmistress upon entering unlike me.

"You all seem to get along very well. How lovely."

The benignly smiling Headmistress Milfonti clapped her hands.

Even the renowned [Flone the Lightning Strike ] seems to have lost to old


That clearly wasn't a friendly atmosphere.

"That didn't look friendly at all to me."

"Oh my, is that so? I was much more rambunctious when I was young."

"For example?"

"Let's see… Grabbing their collar and punching them unconscious, the one

who passed out first lost. Ah, nostalgic. My opponent always blacked out at

the first punch."


As spirited as Alice huh. How does someone like that mellow into the

gentle old lady she is now after aging?

Doesn't sound like fun memories at all.

"Reminiscing makes me feel nostalgic. Should I teach you two as well?"

"I'll mediate here so please stay still, Headmistress. Don't take a single step

from there."

If you get involved, it'll probably escalate into full-scale war.

I like watching cute girls be lovey-dovey, but I don't want to see them

smack each other around.

"Both of you, that's enough. Don't get so heated up."

"Which is more important to Ouga!?"

"You should know that without me saying it. Both Mashiro and Karen are

equally precious to me."

Saying that, I pat both their heads.

And then, their vigor rapidly deflated.

Kuh kuh…no matter how adult they seem, these two are still teens.

Unlike their abundantly swollen breasts, their mental maturity doesn't catch

up so quickly.

Calming them like a parent should quickly soothe their anger—

"I'm really happy. —But that's not the words I want to hear right now."

"I like Ouga's kindness too. —But sometimes I want a clear answer."

"—So Headmistress. What business did you call us here for?"

I smoothly make a spectacular U-turn.

Completely composed. As if nothing happened.

"Oh? It doesn't seem resolved yet, but is it alright?"

"Yes, absolutely no problem."

Hands are digging into both my shoulders, but please ignore that.

Just for now, I don't want to look at the faces I'm always watching.

"Then I'll get right to it. Though I suspect Reina has asked you two many

times already."

"Which means…"

"Yes. Will you still not join student council?"

…So the disciple, the student council president's master – the headmistress

herself has come out huh.

I feel more determination than before in the proposal that has my head

aching in pain.

And a bone-creaking sound started coming from my shoulders.

…Though the source of the pain might be right here.

However, the student council…

The Royal Rishburg Magic Academy Student Council.

Our academy has only the president elected by vote, and the elected

president scouts executives.

The Rishburg Magic Academy is called the best in the kingdom in name

and reality. Just being admitted is an honor, and only students recognized as

excellent by the headmistress can join the student council. In other words,

the fact of having been on the student council alone adds considerable


Therefore, candidate applications apparently never cease every year,

settling into this form.

Last year, first-year student Reina Milfonti, disciple of the renowned [Flone

the Lightning Strike ], brilliantly prevailed and formed an organization

centered on third-years.

With the students supporting her graduating, vacancies in the current

student council are quite noticeable.

The shocking makeup is just the two of Reina and Karen!

"Reina already has experience in her duties as student council president,

and can teach you plenty. And Karen was there since first year too. So I

think it'll be a reassuring environment even for you first years…"

I have no objection to the work itself.

If explained, I'm confident I can handle most tasks.

"There are openings in every position. For Vellet…how about vice


"Vice president, you say."

My reason for not wanting to join student council is I don't like being

watched by Milfonti.

Until provided benefits exceeding the demerits of being monitored,

negotiations will likely run parallel forever.

So I decided to play my trump card early.

"In the first place, what's the reason for nominating me? There's no benefit

in having me, someone who can't use magic, join the student council."

Of course, student council executives are expected to have [status].

Moreover, the current president is Reina Milfonti, that [Child Loved by


Would general students accept me sitting in the vice president position, the

president's right hand?

There would undoubtedly be strong pushback.

You don't need to be a fortuneteller to prophesize that.


"In the first place, other upperclassmen should take vice president. It makes

even more sense if they have more experience than me."

"Hmm, troubling. Actually I've reached out to promising candidates, but

they all seemed reluctant…"

"It's justified for upperclassmen to refuse a position I don't want to

undertake either, right?"

"I believe you have ample ability. Does the [Flone the Lightning Strike ]

have the wrong impression?"

"An evaluation beyond my worth, but I'm honored."

Frankly, I understand the headmistress highly values my skill from how

stubbornly she's sticking to this.

Did she take notice of me from the previous fight with Prince Arnia?

If she gauged my ability from that one brief attendance, it makes me need to

raise my alert level even further.

"If you join student council, prestige will undoubtedly follow you in the

future. This is a title you can't obtain even with money."

"I'm the eldest son of one of the four great Duke houses. After graduating

from here, what I want to do is already decided. I also dislike being bound

by entanglements too much."

"…So you absolutely refuse no matter what, I see."

A sigh from the headmistress echoes in the room.

A heavy atmosphere spread, seemingly ending the negotiations.

…However, her gaze at me hasn't given up at all.

As if she has a card to overturn this disadvantageous situation…

"Then how about this deal?"

The headmistress raised her face and grabbed my shoulder, saying this.

"If you become vice president, I'll let you have your way with Reina."



The ones who bit at that proposal were Mashiro and Karen, who had been

silently watching the whole time.

They rushed up to the headmistress and began fiercely protesting.

"What are you saying, Headmistress! He can't add more fiancées!"

"Isn't the student council president your precious disciple!? You can't just

arbitrarily decide things without her!"

"Oh my. I believe Vellet would be no issue. It's rare to find someone who

can be so devoted to one person."

"But the student council president's feelings matter too…!"

"She'd surely come to like him."


I pull back Mashiro and Karen, and face the headmistress.

Staring eye to eye, trying to discern even a little emotion.

"How can you say that with certainty?"

"Fufu, simple. She resembles me greatly… I wouldn't miss a chance to

marry into one of the four great Duke houses."

"…Is that so."

The reason I bit this far is because the headmistress's attitude bothered me.

I kept observing, but there's not the slightest wavering in this hag's spirit…

her expression barely changed.

However strong the confidence from a war hero who raced through fatal

battlefields and slew enemy generals, isn't this clearly abnormal?

I had a hunch in my response. I wanted to confirm it, so I took the risk of

confronting her head-on like this.

Let's make a bet, shall we? I'll provoke her and see if I can grasp her true


"…Your precious disciple was offered to me in exchange for joining the

Student Council?"

"Yes, of course. You have the value for that."

"I've said it many times, but I don't think so."

"People have different values. But isn't what's most important now Vellet's

feelings…? How about it? Reina is a promising candidate with numerous

marriage proposals from influential noble families, but I'd be willing to

give her to you."

"─I'm sorry."



I wrapped my arms around Mashiro and Karen's waists and pulled them


They each let out cute voices that mixed embarrassment and joy and

pressed their bodies closer.

The Student Council President would never be able to make such a gesture

that tickled a man's heart.

She always wore that same enigmatic, almost mask-like smile.

Even I, who had only known her for about a month, felt uncomfortable, so

it's impossible for her beloved disciple, Flone, who had been with her for a

long time, not to notice.

Moreover, I didn't like her attitude of trying to control me.

The Third Law of Evil: Do not let anyone decide the future of your life. I

would say "NO" to anyone who believed everything would go their way.

So, I said with irony,

"I'm not interested in dolls."

In an instant, I felt a chilling sensation down my spine.

The once-friendly atmosphere changed completely, becoming incredibly


I increased the strength of my arms around the two people in an attempt to

reassure them.

Despite the pressure I felt, I didn't avert my gaze from the source of it.

"Oh… That's a shame."

A voice that was thick and sticky,

not the pleasant Academy Principal I had known before, but something

else… If I had to describe it, it was as if the "evil" side of her was peeking



Th-this is… scary!!

If I were alone, I might have fled immediately. That's how bottomless her

intimidating presence was.

Did she get angry because her beloved disciple was insulted? …No, that's

not it.

But with this, I learned what I wanted to know.

And there's another effect of the provocation strategy.

It lowers the favorability rating from the Academy Principal.

The conversation won't end like this. So, I'll keep pushing her until she

refuses my advances.

This reaction undoubtedly caused her favorability towards me to drop


She won't choose me anymore.

Kukuku… as expected of a genius.

"Well then, I'll take my leave."

"Yes, there's no help for it after all. Until next time."

I left the Academy Principal's office while still holding the two of them.

After confirming that Alice had closed the door, I started walking towards

the classroom.

Mashiro and the others, who had been taken aback, gradually regained their

composure as they escaped from that oppressive atmosphere.

"W-what happened, Ouga-kun? It's unusual for you to badmouth someone."

"…Does Mashiro think I'm the kind of guy who would say something like

that for no reason?"

"Eh!? Could it be that there's some deeper meaning behind that


"That's right."

I nodded meaningfully.

I didn't really want to be part of the Student Council, but there was no need

to reveal the real reason.

I'll take advantage of Mashiro's misunderstanding.

"But even so, there was no need to say that much, right…?"

"No, that's not true, Levezenka-sama. …I felt it clearly. Ouga-sama's


I thought that Alice, who is more sensitive to evil than others, might have

that possibility.

Ah, there's no doubt about it.

It confirmed my guess that the anger earlier wasn't about insulting her

beloved disciple.

She seemed to harbor something even darker that I can't articulate now.

While she only gave a glimpse of that interesting part for an instant, I see.

"There was no anger in her eyes."

And before her eyes changed emotion, they overflowed with confidence.

Why is she so convinced it'll succeed even with the sudden marriage


That headmistress thinks it's fine to treat Reina however she wants.

She has a fundamental belief that [Disciples must absolutely obey their


She only sees her beloved disciple Reina as a tool.

I could be so certain because she had the same eyes as my previous life's


"…I should change how I interact with her a little."

Sprouting sympathy.

…Come to think of it, I heard a rumor the student council president is

skilled at brewing tea.

After school, I'll go see her too for once.

While casually thinking that, I slowly walk the hallway as the pre-bell


However, I don't know yet at this time.

I'll be made to recognize Flone Milfonti is a legendary human.


"This useless thing!!"

As soon as I was called out, the teacher slapped my cheek.

A dry sound rings out as I look at the teacher expressionlessly.

"Do you understand why you were called out here?"

"…Is it about Ouga Vellet still not joining student council?"

"That's part of it. But a bigger problem arose today."

My neck is grabbed and I'm lifted up.

Strangled tightly but I don't feel suffocated.

My body is remade by this person to be like that.

"That Vellet brat…noticed your body is special."

" ... "

There was no surprise.

On that day I interacted with him, doubt lingered in how he looked at me.

He still hasn't shown any sign of relaxing when talking to me even once.

"You didn't happen to…ask him for help, did you?"

"I did not. In the first place, he likely doesn't harbor good feelings for me."

"…Tch, answering without changing your expression one bit… You're

creepy, really creepy. Don't you think I might dispose of you as you are?"

I don't think that yet.

Losing me would mean losing a spare for herself.

There is no individual exceeding my magic talent… No, able to withstand

the alterations to implant talent.

That's why I've been able to live without being disposed of until now.

The teacher understands that too.

And even angry, her eyes hadn't lost their calm.

"Hmph, it's troublesome having an incompetent disciple."

"I deeply apologize."

"Don't say things you don't even think. …Oh well, fine. I was waiting for a

good response, but Ouga Vellet, I'll forcibly make him join student council

as headmistress."

While she says forcibly, the teacher acts because she sees a chance, I


Vellet is a person with a strong sense of justice.

He feels indebted to the teacher who cooperated in saving Karen Levezenka

from Prince Arnia.

He should swallow some highhanded actions as writing things off. No, the

teacher was convinced he would swallow it.

The Levezenka house has proven those of the four great Duke houses desire

the title of magic academy student council executive.

So she predicted he would desire it too, and her actions based on that were

not mistaken.

It's just that the opponent was more skillful than we imagined.

As expected of Vellet.

Ouga Vellet instinctively sniffed out the faint suspicious smell that can't be

fully hidden, and incorporated it into his actions.

"With him joining, Mashiro Leiche will surely follow. Then I can take those

two to the Magic Academy Competition…"

"…In that case, I plan to utilize Lady Levezenka as a love rival to spur on

Miss Leiche. Lord Ouga Vellet has soft spots for those two."

"Fine. Ensure those two join student council. And take them as our

academy's representatives to that land which will host it."


"As long as the plan succeeds, even this position will lose meaning.

Therefore, it would be wasteful not to exercise authority while still useful."

Low laughter echoes in the quiet room.

The teacher has accumulated the years for this plan.

The time to fulfill her desires is nearing.

The rise in emotions I've seldom seen before must also be because of that.

I feel…nothing in particular.

I just carry out the role given to me – the meaning for Reina Milfonti's


"After preparing his letter of appointment, I will arrive on-site first… Then

just follow my instructions properly. Even an incompetent like you should

manage that much."

"…I will surely fulfill teacher's wish."

"Good. That's why I picked you up. Now return to your duties. Lunch break

must be busy for student council too."

The pressure enveloping until just now disappears, and I'm prompted to

leave by the teacher wearing the face students know – the headmistress's.

Once more bowing my head, I left the room.


While walking down the hallway, I erase the traces of being hit by the

teacher with healing magic.

That's right, my neck too. She put quite some strength in, so there might be

hand marks.

The only reason she couldn't destroy me is the decline in the teacher's


No matter who, the power one can exert decreases with age.

Even if she is the renowned [Flone the Lightning Strike ], who raced

through countless battlefields and slew enemy generals.

"Now then, let me finish my duties as student council president as told."

With insufficient council members, the amount I shoulder naturally


…I'll have to stare down piles of paperwork again.


"Oh my."

—Just as I was somewhat depressed and about to open the door, a blackhaired boy came out from inside.

Since that's none other than Ouga Vellet, it's only natural my body

reflexively stopped moving.

It's as if God descended to comfort me. What a fortuitous encounter.

"Perfect timing. I was looking for you, Student Council President."

"How unusual. You were looking for me?"

"How about we have lunch together?"

"Why is that?"

"I heard you make excellent tea, Student Council President, so I hoped you

could demonstrate for me."

"…I see, I see."

Caught off guard by the unexpected words, I couldn't even retort lightly.

I never imagined I would be praised so directly.

Seeing me at a loss for words, Vellet thinks I misunderstood and continues

his proposal.

"As compensation, I'll provide a satisfying meal. So, how about it? Let's

eat together?"


The hostility I always sensed in his gaze has faded.

At first I thought he was contacting me to try and extract information, but…

The possibility it's just goodwill has arisen.

…In other words, could his earlier invitation have been sincere…?

Various speculations and slight emotional ups and downs swirl inside me.

…No, my priority can remain low.

This opponent who I could never get a handle on has come forward himself.

I can't miss this chance.

"Then by all means, I'd love to."

I answer with my usual smile.


The academy courtyard, famous as a lunch break spot at Rishburg Magic


It's always bustling with students gathered regardless of grade, but right

now it's unnaturally quiet.

Because we who took position surrounding the center aren't saying a word,

just silently eating our meals.

[Th, they've arrived! Lady Sattia…!!]

In an instant, a transmission comes in to the transceiver-type

communication magical tool – an earring I have on – from the lookouts.

I – Schultz Sattia – simultaneously feel joy and tension that the target

person has arrived, making a complex expression.

But it seems I'm not the only one, looking around shows everyone has

similar faces.

As the one leading these girls, I lightly play with my golden curled hair to

calm the excitement.

Fufu, it can't be helped getting this worked up.

[It's…Ouga Vellet!]

Gathered here are comrades – unofficial Ouga Vellet fanclub members.

[As gallant as ever today…]

[Ahh…I see a golden aura shining from his whole body…]

[Just seeing Lord Vellet brightens my heart!]

Voices of praise come pouring in.

We saw and were moved by his duel with Prince Arnia where he

demonstrated overwhelming love for Lady Levezenka through his actions.

For nobles, marriage is strongly tied to connecting houses and expanding

power, with future spouses often decided from birth…it's not rare.

While I understand being born in a blessed position, the desire to freely

experience love sometimes wells up, which is also a fact.

There's a proper basis for romance plays and novels being popular among

young noble ladies.

In that context, the grand romance of the two from Duke houses shown to


The many love-filled actions for Lady Levezenka he displayed at the venue.

Charging ahead unwaveringly even against Prince Arnia, the next king. Of

course we'd be envious.

Ignoring the boos from the masses, his resolute attitude. Fighting fearlessly

amidst Prince Arnia's magic without even a shield.

Above all, despite being restrained, the spirit seeking true love he showed

lit fires of admiration in our hearts.

[La, Lady Sattia!]

"What is it? Report calmly."

[Lo, Lord Vellet and the student council president are heading toward the

target point…! So the rumor was true after all!]

The rumor in question is of Lord Vellet joining student council.

It's unclear who started saying it, but apparently the student council

president highly values Lord Vellet's ability.

She's also supposedly gotten involved with the duel against Prince Arnia.

…If that's true, it's not strange for them to have lunch together like this.

But spreading uncertain information and causing trouble is shameful as

fanclub members.

Especially making mistakes handling information in front of the Vellet

Duke house, just imagining what disappointment we might cause…it's


"It hasn't been confirmed yet. Absolutely don't spread rumors,


[Y, yes ma'am!]

We're happy to see Lord Vellet active, but that's our own circumstance.

In fact, when secretly contacting his attendant maid, I was told Lord Vellet

acts for the sake of others entirely.

He's not after popularity as a noble at all.

So there remains the possibility he wouldn't take on student council

positions that restrict his time.

[…Lady Sattia. Lord Vellet and the student council president are heading

toward you on the path to the target point.]


The target point refers to the table a maid has prepared.

On that path was also the table where I sat.

In other words, Lord Vellet would pass right by next to me…fufu, I've

gotten excited for no reason.

Just look, the tea poured into the cup in my hand is rippling.

It's shaking minutely. My hand, that is.

"No good, me. I must calm my breathing now—"

"—So I've prepared menu items that I think will pair well with the tea here.

Please enjoy fully."

"Thank you very much. Actually I've been interested for a while in the

unfamiliar brands the Vellet house sells."


Since I couldn't calm down, I'll cope by holding my breath…!

He shines! If pierced by that sharp gaze, anyone would surely fall for him!!

[Lady Sattia? Did something happen?]

"No…it's nothing."

…Phew, calm down.

I'm the shrubbery in the courtyard. An object. The air…

Yes…just someone in the same space. I absolutely musn't openly show


"Now everyone. Let's be sure not to interfere today, just watch over Lord


[ [ [Yes ma'am!] ] ]

Even from afar, we can view this historical moment of His Lordship.

That alone makes us happy.

…However, everyone.

"I wish you'd acquire more ladylike refinements."

The gazes directed at the seated Lord Vellet are a bit rough—Ah!?

I can't see His Grace from this seat…!!


It's a nice clear day today. The perfect gentle warmth for taking a break


"As expected of the Vellet Duke house. So many hard to approach brands."

Alice arranges the tableware with clinks and clanks while Milfonti gazes at

it curiously.

This time I've had Mashiro and Karen sit elsewhere.

I wanted some time alone with her.

…But more than that, something's been bothering me since I sat down!

An incredible amount of gazes!!

Especially the gaze of the blonde curled hair girl behind me, I feel it

strongly piercing me.

It's not the usual interested gaze I get.

It's like I'm feeling some strong pressure.

"Fufu, Vellet is popular."

Milfonti seems to have noticed too.

Popular, huh.

…Come to think of it, that may be true in a sense.

This is just speculation, but…the ones looking this way are probably girls

close to Arnia.

He hasn't attended school since that incident.

The clear cause is me.

I wouldn't be surprised if they resented me.

I could just ignore it, but…this is important time with Milfonti now. We

probably wouldn't get to our true feelings under watch filled with

resentment like this.

If they're willing, I'll deal with them directly.

Boldly. Villainously.

"Milfonti, wait just a moment."


Saying that, I walk up to the blonde curled hair girl.

Noticing I was approaching her, she seems obviously flustered.

Her eyes are darting left and right, and the contents of her cup spill, causing

a big mess on the table.

"Hey, playing dumb now is meaningless. I noticed from the start."

"Eek, eeek!"

"If you've got something to say, I'll hear you out. Go on, say it."

I lift the corner of my mouth into the evilest grin I can.

From her behavior until now, she has no composure whatsoever.

This much should be plenty to sap her vigor completely.

"Um, well, I was just…"

Too bad, I treat women equally. No mercy.

Whether she tucks her tail and runs, or hurls abuse, it's fine.

Now then, I wonder how she'll respond…

"P, please shake my hand!!"


Shake hands…?

In front of me, she's asking for a handshake… Kuh kuh, what an interesting


Asking for a handshake despite our hostile relations…she's undoubtedly

seeking a [duel].

To think there was a girl who thought of Arnia to this extent…love is


I know well a woman's grudge is scary.

However…for her to desire a [duel] so much she's shaking, she must be

quite gutsy.

Searching through the students I've pounded knowledge into in order, a

face matching her traits came up as a hit.

"…Schultz Sattia, right?"

"Y, yes…! You remembered my name…"

"Of course. I'd prefer you don't underestimate me."

I'm a genius in this life after all.

I've properly remembered to secure excellent subordinates – I mean a


The Sattia house is Viscount.

Is she an idiot or brave to challenge me to a [duel] despite her standing?

Like that idiot Luark, education among nobles is just—eh!?

"…Th, thank you…uuhh…!"

She's crying!?

Could it be…she didn't expect me to accept…?

Despite that, she's so happy I approved the [duel] she started crying…?

What deep love…admirable, though an enemy.

Maybe someone like her is what Arnia needed.

But at this rate, it won't be a satisfying [duel].

I also want to focus on talking with Milfonti now. I'll give her a hand here.

Not losing composure is a cool villain move too.

"Sattia. We'll make time separately for this talk another occasion. So for

today, leave."

"You'll…give me your time…?"

"That's right, I don't run or hide. I'll take you on anytime."


"Believe my words or not. It's up to you, but…what do you think?"

"I believe you!!"

O, oh…what an energetic reply.

I wonder where that trust comes from.

From the earlier tears, and this, perhaps she's my fan…? No way.

I haven't made any moves that would make someone like me.

She's probably just pressing me to "not run away".

"Then shall I ask you to go along with this?"

"Yes, of course. Well then, excuse me. Take care, Lord Vellet."

She briskly claps her hands then promptly left the scene.

…No, not just her, the students around are leaving one after another too.

Did they politely make way after overhearing my talk with Sattia…? Only

God knows the circumstances.

"…Made you wait."

Somehow we're alone now.

Now I can leisurely talk with the main dish fully.

"Oh not at all. I just finished my preparations too."

Returning to my seat, Milfonti had finished warming the pot and cups by

pouring in hot water.

It's nice this world has magic, so you can easily make small magical tools

like this.

"Will your maid drink as well?"

"If…I may partake for learning."

"Then three servings it is."

Showing no sign of refusing, she puts three spoonfuls of tea leaves into the

pot, then pours in boiling hot water from up high like a waterfall.

"Just let it steep for a few minutes and it will be done. In the meantime…

shall we chat?"

"I don't know what misunderstanding you have, but I was just interested in

the tea Milfonti brews."

"Fufu, then let's take it as that."

No really, I have no other meaning…

Somehow she seems to over-analyze a lot.

Come to think of it, she also made probing movements at our first meeting,

so it must be ingrained.

Being Flone's disciple seems tough.

…Now then, what to do? For starters, the wall between us needs removing.

The wall I unilaterally built up. So breaking it down is my role too.

"Milfonti, let me apologize for something. It seems I had the wrong


"The wrong impression?"

"I mean, I had mistaken feelings. From now on, I want us to be friendlier

than before."

"Wah, that makes me happy! Then let's be besties starting today, Ouga


"Spare me the Ouga Ouga."

"Is Rei Rei okay?"

"That's not the issue, Reina."

"…I see! Understood. Let's become friends, Ouga."

When I call her by name, she smiles and calls me by name in return.

But it's the same smile as always.

As I thought, this much won't melt the iceberg.

I'll keep interacting patiently. I don't dislike waiting.

"Here you are, sorry to keep you waiting. I hope it meets your


After stirring it once, she pours the translucent orange tea through a strainer

into the cups.

Just bringing it near, the fragrance alone raises expectations for the taste.

"Thanks for the food."

Taking a sip, I savor it on my tongue and throat.


"It's so tasty…"

I naturally muttered my impression from my mouth.

Alice who brews it for me daily is by no means unskilled.

Yet the delicate fragrance, rich body, and perfect combination of

astringency and sweetness in the aftertaste let me clearly feel the difference,

making Reina's tea incredibly delicious.

"…It's the best I've had so far."

"I got quite the excessive evaluation."

"It's not excessive. My honest thoughts."

"It's because Ouga provided quality tea leaves."

"No…I couldn't have brought out this depth alone. I believe it's thanks to

your skill, Lady Milfonti."

"For you both to praise me so…today must be a good day."

She pours tea into her own cup and takes a sip.

With a hoh…she exhales and smiles at me.

"—Compliment me all you like, it won't change teacher's opinion."

A cold voice that makes the air grow taut.

It feels like my body, warmed by the tea, chills all at once.

She looks down at her reflection in the cup with inorganic eyes.

"I've no interest in my words whatsoever, so teacher will—"

"Weren't you the one who said you didn't intend that at first…?"

"It's fine, no need to make excuses. I knew from the start."

The rare bluntness from Reina sets her cup down without drinking it all.

"…Sorry. I soured the mood, didn't I? Are you finished with your business?

If so I still have work left…"

"—Then why not come to me?"

Her movements froze for a moment.

But it was just for a brief moment, an action so subtle that you wouldn't

notice if you weren't watching closely.

"To tell you the truth, the Academy Principal made me such a proposal. She

asked if I'd join the Student Council and offered to give up Reina. I

declined earlier, but now I think accepting it wouldn't be so bad."

"Did she you some charm in me that changed your mind after how much

you hated the idea?"

"You can have this delicious tea every day. Even small changes like that can

increase daily happiness."

I continued, "Being with someone like that won't be fun. I can guarantee

that spending time honing your skills with me would be much more

meaningful. And that time will take me to even greater heights."

"…Then, Ouga-kun, can you surpass 'Flone of Lightning'?"

"In the near future, I intend to."

"…Ouga-kun is a mysterious person. When I hear your words, for some

reason, I want to believe."

She stood up, flicked her hair behind her ears, and looked back at me.

"I appreciate your enthusiastic invitation. However, don't say it too loudly.

You're already engaged to Levezenka-san, after all."

She winked this time and finally left the scene.

As the disciple of a hero and the Student Council President of the Magic

Academy, her back looked much thinner and weaker than one would


I recognized that back.

She does resemble… my former colleagues from the black company, who

disappeared suddenly in my previous life.

Eventually, she will reach her limit.

Kukuku, I understand now… the reason she closes off her emotions.

The heartless boss. The Student Council short on members. The tasks that

have to be done even during lunch breaks.

To protect herself from the stress caused by these harsh conditions, she has

closed herself off in a tough shell.

If I can help her like this, there's no doubt her favorability will rise.

Unlike the masses, I should be able to become a special person to her…!

Certainly, Reina doesn't have large breasts. But she more than makes up for

it with her administrative abilities and magical talent.

Now, if I can bring her into my circle, she will surely demonstrate her

abilities as my subordinate.

I feel sorry for Reina… just when she thought she was free from evil, she

will be targeted by an even greater evil…

"I've decided, Alice."

She didn't say "no." There was a reaction.

It was worth using strong words.

That's enough for now.

"I will definitely obtain Reina-Milfonti…!"

Saying that, I clenched my fist tightly.


The next day.

"Hey, Ouga… want to join the Student Council with us…?"

"Ouga-kun… I want to stay with you from morning till after school."

Karen and Mashiro inched closer from both ends.

Don't come…!

I don't want to get involved in this black company-like scene…!

But my thoughts didn't reach them, and I was caught by both arms.

They squeezed me as if to say they wouldn't let go, with my arms trapped

against their breasts.

It's the ideal scenario of a busty harem that I had envisioned, but I had no

joy in it.

"You're popular, Ouga-kun."

Why did it have to turn out like this!?

To explain the beginning of this situation, let's go back to when I was

awakened by Alice earlier than usual.

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