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8.62% my new life in highschool dxd / Chapter 5: chapter 5:I just heard from the system

Chapter 5: chapter 5:I just heard from the system

At the age of four, Issei and I found ourselves immersed in playful adventures in the backyard, with the energetic Irina Shidou joining us. The sunlit afternoon echoed with the laughter of carefree children, blissfully unaware of the supernatural twists that awaited us.

Issei, brandishing his toy sword, declared,

Issei:I'm the brave knight! No monster can defeat me!

Irina, with her tomboyish charm, responded

Irina: Then I'll be the fearless warrior, ready to face any challenge!

embracing the magical realm of make-believe, exclaimed,

Kousei:And I'll be the wizard, casting spells to aid our noble knight and warrior!

The backyard became a canvas for our shared imagination, a playground where the ordinary and the extraordinary seamlessly coexisted in the minds of innocent children.

Irina, twirling around with playful vigor, laughed,

Irina:Watch out, wizard Kousei! I'll match your magical prowess with my fearless warrior skills!

conjuring imaginary spells, responded, I responded

Kousei:Challenge accepted! Let the magical battles begin!

As we reveled in the innocence of childhood play, the thought crossed my mind—a contemplation of what the future might hold for Irina. Me that did I know that, in the years to come, she would embark on a journey of her own, evolving into an exorcist and eventually becoming an angelic force.

The sun continued its gentle descent as Issei, Irina, and I, the trio of playful adventurers, received the call from our parents to come inside for lunch. Our imaginary kingdom reluctantly took a pause, and the enchanted backyard awaited our return. The race to be the first person inside became the next thrilling chapter of our childhood escapade.

Issei, his eyes sparkling with excitement, shouted

Issei:I'll be the first one to reach the kitchen! Watch out, wizard Kousei and fearless warrior Irina!

Kousei, embracing the challenge, countered

Kousei:You might be the brave knight, Issei, but my wizard powers will teleport me straight to the kitchen! Prepare to be amazed!

Irina, joining in the playful banter, grinned,

Irina:Well, this fearless warrior is not one to back down. Let the race begin!

The backyard transformed into a temporary racecourse, with the finish line marked by the enticing aroma of lunch awaiting us inside. Each step became a sprint, and every laugh echoed with the shared joy of childish enthusiasm.

Issei, charging ahead with the determination of a valiant knight, declared

Issei:No one can catch me! I'll be the first to taste the victory of lunch!

Kousei, tapping into his wizardry, responded

Kousei: in the blink of an eye, I'll whisk past you and claim victory for the wizards of the backyard kingdom!

Irina, showcasing her warrior spirit, laughed,

Irina:Prepare for a surprise attack! This fearless warrior has a few tricks up her sleeve.

As we raced toward the house, the boundaries between the ordinary and the extraordinary blurred once more. The backyard, which moments ago had been a realm of fantasy, now served as the backdrop for our lively sprint to the awaited lunch feast.

Who knew a simple journey to the kitchen could become a grand adventure? Childhood is truly a treasure.

Issei, determined to claim victory, shouted,

Issei:I can almost taste the victory! Lunch, here I come!

Irina, with a burst of speed, playfully teased,

Irina:You may have a head start, but this warrior is not giving up. Prepare to be overtaken, brave knight!

As we reached the door, laughter echoed in the hallway, signaling the end of our race. The imaginary crowns of the backyard kingdom might have temporarily shifted, but the shared joy of the adventure lingered.

Issei, with a triumphant grin, announced,

Issei:The brave knight claims victory! Lunch, prepare to be conquered!

playing along, I bowed dramatically,

Kousei:Well done, Issei. The wizard concedes defeat with honor.

Irina, catching her breath, laughed,

Irina:A valiant effort from both of you. The fearless warrior is ready to feast!

And so, with the imaginary race concluded, we entered the house, leaving the enchanted backyard behind. Lunch awaited, but the magic of brotherly fun and childhood adventures had woven another unforgettable chapter into the tapestry of our shared memories.

The aroma of lunch filled the air as Issei, Irina, and I gathered around the table, indulging in a spread that mirrored the warmth of our shared moments. Issei, my energetic little twin brother, couldn't help but add an extra dose of enthusiasm to our mealtime.

Issei, his eyes lighting up, exclaimed, "Big bro, pass the potatoes! I need the energy to be the bravest knight in the backyard kingdom!"

Kousei, with a playful grin, obliged, "Here you go, Issei. A knight needs his strength. And don't forget to save some room for dessert—we might need it for our next adventure."

Irina, with her tomboyish charm, chimed in, "Speaking of adventures, remember the time we faced the imaginary dragon in the backyard? Those were the days."

Kousei, reminiscing with a smile, added, "Ah, the legendary backyard dragon. We fought valiantly, and Issei, the brave knight, emerged victorious."

Issei, munching on his potatoes, declared, "Yeah, and you, big bro, were the magical wizard who helped us defeat the dragon with your powerful spells!"

Our lunchtime banter continued, a delightful symphony of laughter and playful conversations that echoed the carefree spirit of childhood.

Kousei, turning to Irina, inquired, "So, Irina, any new adventures in your exorcist and angelic endeavors? Saving the world one celestial battle at a time?"

Irina, with a mock serious expression, replied, "Of course, big bro Kousei! The forces of darkness stand no chance against the fearless warrior and her celestial companions."

Issei, adding to the imaginary narrative, teased

Issei:Maybe one day, big bro, you'll join us as a legendary wizard, casting spells to protect the world!

Kousei, playing along, chuckled

Kousei:Who knows, Issei? The wizarding world might need my expertise one day. Until then, I'll stick to passing the potatoes.

Our lunchtime chatter seamlessly blended the ordinary with the extraordinary, creating a space where the mundane and the magical coexisted in harmony.

I was savoring the moment, thought,

These simple lunches, filled with laughter and childish tales, are the essence of our shared journey. A journey that holds the promise of countless adventures in the High School DxD world.

As we continued to enjoy our meal, the bonds of brotherhood and friendship grew stronger, anchoring us in the comfort of family and the magic of shared moments. The lunch table became not just a place for nourishment but a stage for the unfolding chapters of our extraordinary yet wonderfully ordinary lives.

The tranquility of our lunchtime chatter was gently disrupted as the doorbell rang, and in walked Irina's parents. The lively atmosphere shifted subtly, and Issei, ever the observant one, looked up with curiosity.

Issei, wide-eyed, whispered

Issei:Big bro, who are they?

Kousei, with a reassuring smile, replied,

Kousei:Those are Irina's parents, Issei. Looks like our adventure for the day is coming to a close."

Irina, standing up with a mix of excitement and reluctance, announced,

Irina:Hey, everyone, it's been a blast, but I've got to head home now. Big plans for celestial adventures, you know!

Issei, pouting playfully, said

Issei:Aw, come on, Irina! Can't you stay for a bit longer? We were going to explore the mystical land of the living room Next

Irina, ruffling Issei's hair affectionately, responded

Issei:As tempting as that sounds, Issei, duty calls. But don't worry, we'll have more adventures soon. Maybe even tomorrow!

joining the banter, added,

Kousei:Yes, tomorrow we'll embark on new quests, but for now, it's time to bid farewell to our fearless warrior.

As Irina gathered her belongings, her parents exchanged friendly greetings with mine. The living room, once a potential realm for imaginative play, now served as the backdrop for farewells and promises of future adventures.

Irina, with a playful salute, declared,

Irina:Until next time, brave knight and magical wizard! Stay vigilant in the realm of the living room!

Issei, waving enthusiastically, shouted,

Issei:We'll be ready, Irina! And next time, the backyard dragon won't stand a chance!

Kousei, waving goodbye, thought,

Kousei:Childhood friendships are like fleeting adventures, each encounter leaving an imprint on the canvas of memories.

As the door closed behind Irina and her parents, the living room returned to its ordinary state. Issei, still bubbling with the energy of our playful afternoon, turned to me.

Issei, with a grin, said,

Issei:Big bro, when's the next adventure? I want to explore the mystical land of the living room!

Kousei, with a playful twinkle in my eye, responded,

Kousei: How about we plan for a grand adventure tomorrow, Issei? The world awaits, and maybe we'll discover new realms right here in our own home.

And so, with the promise of more adventures on the horizon, we returned to the ordinary routine of the day, knowing that the magic of childhood friendships and imaginative play would continue to paint the canvases of our everyday lives.

The sun began its slow descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the surroundings as Issei, exhausted from our playful adventures, settled down for a nap. With the backyard now a canvas of serenity, I seized the quiet moment to immerse myself in a different kind of exploration—inner reflection through breathing exercises.

Kousei, finding a peaceful spot in the backyard, took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill my lungs. The gentle rustling of leaves and distant sounds of nature became the backdrop for the rhythmic inhales and exhales.

In the quiet solitude, I focused on the steady rise and fall of my breath, allowing the stresses of the day to dissipate with each exhale. The world around me faded as the breath became a gateway to a realm of inner calm.

Kousei, internally, mused

Kousei:Breathing exercises bring a sense of tranquility. In the midst of our playful adventures, finding this moment of stillness is like uncovering a hidden treasure.

As I continued the rhythmic breathing, the backyard transformed into a sanctuary of peace, a retreat from the lively energy of our earlier escapades. The air carried a subtle stillness, and with each breath, I felt more attuned to the present moment.

Kousei, reflecting on the practice, thought,

Kousei:It's essential to find balance—the yin and yang of playful exploration and serene introspection. Each complements the other, creating harmony in the tapestry of experiences.

The soft sounds of nature, the occasional chirping of birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves intertwined with the measured cadence of my breath. The backyard, once a realm of energetic play, now embraced a different kind of vitality—the quiet vitality of mindful presence.

Kousei, internally, continued the practice

Kousei:In the High School DxD world, where supernatural twists and turns await, finding moments of inner calm becomes a source of strength. The breath, a constant companion in the journey of self-discovery.

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, I concluded the breathing exercises, feeling a renewed sense of clarity. Issei, still peacefully napping, added a touch of innocence to the tranquil scene.

Kousei, observing the surroundings, thought

Kousei:The backyard holds multitudes—a playground of imagination, a stage for brotherly play, and now, a haven for mindful reflection.

With the sun's warm glow casting a serene ambiance, I sat for a while longer, appreciating the harmonious dance between the external world and the internal landscape. The backyard, a witness to the ebbs and flows of energy, embodied the essence of balance—a lesson learned amidst the breaths and quiet moments of a peaceful afternoon.

Host has been detected in trying to activate system

Host not yet ready

Estimated time:3 years

The revelation hit me like a sudden storm, the calm in my mind giving way to a tempest of astonishment and frustration. Three years—those two words echoed in my head, each syllable carrying a weight that felt almost unbearable. I stood in the backyard, once a sanctuary of tranquility, now a battleground for my swirling emotions.

Kousei:Three years? What the hell!

I exclaimed, the frustration bubbling up within me.

Kousei:Do I really have to wait that long? What kind of cultivation system imposes such a timeframe?

This one ,get used to it

The setting sun cast long shadows across the landscape, and Issei, undisturbed in his peaceful nap, seemed oblivious to the internal turmoil provoked by the mysterious countdown.

Pacing through the backyard, I couldn't help but vent,

Kousei:I wanted an extraordinary journey in the DxD world, but three years is a lifetime! What am I supposed to do in the meantime? Sit and twiddle my thumbs?


The voice, silent and distant, offered no reprieve. It left me grappling with the impatience that coursed through my veins, the very notion of waiting feeling like an unwelcome sentence.

What kind of fucking system is this

Looking up at the heavens, I questioned the unseen force

Kousei:Is this some kind of cosmic joke? Three years feels like an eternity! What if I miss out on crucial experiences in the meantime?

A sigh escaped me as I considered the possibility that there might be a reason for this three-year timeline. Perhaps the cultivation system required this gestation period, like a seed patiently awaiting the right conditions to sprout.

With the frustration subsiding, a curiosity emerged—a curiosity fueled by the unknown possibilities that awaited in the High School DxD world.

Kousei:Fine, three years it is

I conceded.

Kousei:I'll use this time to hone my skills, and prepare for whatever the cultivation system has in store.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of the day, the backyard, now bathed in the soft glow of twilight, bore witness to my resolve. Looking toward the future, I concluded,

Kousei:Three years may seem daunting, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a chapter in the larger story of my adventures. The countdown begins, and so does the anticipation for what lies beyond.

Entering the room, the soft glow of the evening seeping through the curtains, I found Issei peacefully nestled in his slumber. However, my frustration lingered, casting a shadow over what should have been a serene moment. As he stirred, his innocent eyes met my gaze, and I couldn't help but sigh, the weight of the mysterious countdown still pressing on my thoughts.

Issei, rubbing his eyes, murmured, "Big bro? Why do you look so frustrated? Did something happen?"

I ruffled his hair with a half-hearted smile, attempting to mask the tumult within me. "Hey, Issei. It's nothing you need to worry about. Just some thoughts swirling around my head, that's all."

His curious gaze persisted, and I could sense the concern in his voice as he asked, "Are you sure everything's okay, big bro?"

Leaning against the doorway, I decided to share a glimpse of the complexities clouding my mind.

Kousei:You know, Issei, sometimes things don't go as planned. I got a message, something about waiting for three years. It's just a bit frustrating, that's all.

Issei, wide-eyed, responded,

Issei:Three years? That's a really long time. What are you waiting for?

I chuckled, appreciating his straightforwardness.

Kousei:Well, apparently, there's something called a cultivation system that needs time to activate. A countdown to who knows what. It's a bit confusing, but I'll figure it out.

Issei, sitting up with a serious expression, offered his support,

Issei:Big bro, whatever it is, we'll face it together. Like the brave knight and the magical wizard, right?

His words, filled with a childlike sincerity, managed to lighten the weight on my shoulders. I tousled his hair affectionately,

Kousei:You're right, Issei. We'll face it together, just like always. But for now, let's focus on the adventures we can have in the world. Who knows what awaits us tomorrow?

Issei's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and he grinned,

Issei:Yeah! Tomorrow is a new day for more adventures!

As I left his room, the air seemed a bit lighter. Issei's unwavering support reminded me that, even in the face of mysterious countdowns and uncertainties, the bond between us held the strength to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

Walking back into the quiet corridor, I whispered to myself,

Kousei:Three years might be a long wait, but with Issei by my side, it's a journey worth taking.

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