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96.55% OPM: Normal Neighbor / Chapter 28: TWENTY-EIGHT: One Final Attack

Chapter 28: TWENTY-EIGHT: One Final Attack

"Is this all?"

Kou looked at the three high level criminals that was with him earlier. They were confident because of their strength, even thinking that this mere ambush can kill one of the strongest hero currently. Luckily for him, he didn't have that thought. After he watched almost all the battle Steve face, he don't think that there is many people that can toe to toe with Steve. Even for him who got blessed by God wasn't confident on facing Steve alone so he brought those three super criminals underground. Unfortunately, looks like they can only do this much.

Angela looked at Kou and was furious that he isn't helping.

"You! Why are you not attacking?! What the hell would you even bring us here if you aren't confident as you tell the boss!!"

Suddenly, after she said that, her body was swallowed by a massive beam of light. After a few seconds, a large explosion happened kilometers away from them.

Kou them looked at the remaining two with indifferent expression. He really want to kill them like what he did to Angela right now but they might have some use for now. Angela was really annoying him with her mouth so he decided to kill her first.

"Call all your dogs and let them help here."

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to bring you this news but. . . They're all dead."

Time stopped as all of them couldn't move. Kill all hundreds of elites in a matter of second? That's probably the most absurd thing the three of them heard. Although all of those elite criminals were alot weaker than them, it doesn't change that they all were the elites of underground.

Seeing their reactions, Steve smile. He wasn't lying when he said that he killed them. Steve used one of his ability [Illusion Master] to make an illusion that they really hit his body. He then use hundred percent of his power and begun moving at a lightning speed and begun killing all the elite criminals one by one. Although there were hundreds of them, it only took Steve under a minute to kill all of them.

Corpy felt that this fight was really disadvantageous. Thus he sighed and turned around.

"I don't want to fight anymore so I will leave."

Steve arrive Infront of Corpy and grabbed his neck. He then smiled as he said.

"Who said you can leave?"

Corpy felt like he was getting his neck gripped by an invincible hand. He tried to break free with all his might and powers that he copied. But no matter what he did, the gripped on his neck didn't loosen. Instead, it made it worse as it was getting tighter on his neck.

"Kkeeuuukk!! He- lp... me. . ."

Unfortunately for him, Steve wouldn't have any mercy to people that he thinks evil and to the people that tried something on his life. He was strong to the point that people who can fight him can be counted with a finger. But he doesn't have any tolerance against threatening his life.

After he squished Corpy neck, Steve then dropped the lifeless body on the ground. Blood flow and Corpy body was getting surrounded by his own blood.

Seeing this, Kou and OneShot didn't move nor help. They know that they're really dead now. But there's no fear in their eyes. OneShot doesn't have any happiness in life, he was raised by a criminal organization since he was a kid. So any type of happiness like family wasn't familiar to him. He knows that he will die if he stayed on the organization, but the brainwashing they did to him forbid him from leaving. Thus even if he will die now, he don't really care and will accept it.

As for Kou, there was no meaning on his life anymore. His sister died. The only person that kept him wanting to live is to support her.

Steve was surprised to see the two of his ambushers don't fear him despite what he did. As such, he couldn't help but praise the two.

"Very good. I like your fearlessness so I will give you two a chance. If you even manage to have me drop a blood then you two are free to leave. Though there is slightly restriction which is I will have to crippled your powers."

Steve was indeed giving them a chance, he was really confident on his ability. And so, he wanted to play with them first before finishing them.

When they heard about Steve offer, Kou and OneShot didn't care. Kou planned to die anyway if he killed Steve or not. As for OneShot. Having his power crippled was equal to death. He was on the underground world for most of his lifetime so he naturally made so many powerful enemies. So once they know about him losing his power, he know he wouldn't last a day. The Boss wouldn't even save a worthless thing like him if he loss his power.

Without saying anything, the two of them attacked Steve at the same time. Kou was firing massive beams of light from his arm rapidly and with full power. Once the beam hit the land, it will create large explosion that shook and would be heard from many neighboring City's. Thankfully, Steve was redirecting all the beams towards the sea far away from the City with one of his ability.

OneShot was emptying all his super bullet and was targeting Steve head. Unfortunately, he couldn't hit him no matter how much he concentrate. Steve would just vanish and appear to random location every second.

After a continuous firing, Kou felt really tired and his arm was trembling from pain. Although this power came from God. He was just an ordinary human before. So his body couldn't handle and adapt to such a change. He was breathing really rough as he looked at Steve.

The same for OneShot, his eyes were already bleeding and his vision was slowly fading away.

Looking at the condition of the two, Steve smiled and stop changing locations.

"Looks like the two of you loss."

Steve then arrived Infront of OneShot and punched his head, blowing it up. After that, he turned and looked at Kou who probably have given up. He then walk towards him slowly.

"Why did you kill my sister?"

Such a random question made Steve stopped.


"The black haired assassin. . . She's my sister. Why did you kill her when you could just subdue her like the other herous."

"Isn't that obvious? She's a criminal!! And don't compare me to other hero's who will stupidly put a high ranking criminal in a prison cell to which they will easily escape."

"I see. . ."

Hearing all of that, Kou lost any light to his eyes. He then gather all of his energy toward his arm.

Steve eye's widened and he immediately rushed towards Kou. But unfortunately, he couldn't make it in time as Kou blow himself. With that, the original use of Kou power given to him by God was fulfilled.


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