--AN) 20+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne --
"I will keep that in mind. As long as she doesn't try to harm my Mei, then things are good. But if she does…." Shizuku's eyes turned cold. "I will tear all the blood in her body out through her pores."
Amy couldn't help but shiver. She knew a little bit about vampires, and being able to do such a thing was plausible. Just thinking about how painful it would be made Amy cringe. She hoped that if such a thing happened, that it would happen outside of the guild where she could not see it.
"Ahem…. You wish to sign up, is that correct?" Amy tried to change the subject.
"Yes. What do I need to do?" Shizuku asked, and Amy was more than willing to answer.
"After filling out this form, you will then be asked to take a test. Your Slave will also need to assist you in order to get proper judgment." Amy then went on to explain the ranking process.
Every Adventurer had to start off at F Rank unless they had earned some achievement. Only then would they be able to start off at max as a C Rank unless, of course, they had downed a dragon single handily, then they might get special treatment.
"Each Rank requires you to work for a minimum of 2 years before you can advance to the next rank. Of course, there are exceptions, as explained before. You can only take missions 1 rank below or above from the boards. But we do recommend that all adventurers first start off in the dungeon in the city. The requests are normally to farm items and materials that drop from the monsters. I also recommend that you reach level 30 before trying to go for a rank-up. Of course, if you feel you can do it, then you can still try, but only the first time; attempting a rank-up is free. Otherwise, it will cost 1 gold. The gold cost is to keep people from continuously trying to rank up and failing. This makes it so that they have no choice but to become stronger." Amy then began the minor details of does and don'ts.
This mainly consisted of no fighting in the guild. No threatening guild staff. Etc. Etc. "Since this is your first time, I will take you out back now to give you a small test. It is just to see if we can even give you a guild card without worrying about you dying on your first day out."
"Then. Please." Shizuku was happy that Amy was going to test her. If she met an idiot who failed her just because of her race, then she would not be a happy camper.
Shizuku followed Amy through a set of doors, which brought her to an arena-type location. There was nothing special here, just a large stage made of stone. Amy stood on one side of the stage while Shizuku and Mei stood on the other. "Alright please send your slave at me first. Do not worry; I will not harm her."
Shizuku nodded before scratching Mei's ears and saying: "Mei, I know this will be hard, but please fight with the woman over there. Do not worry. If she dares to harm you in any way, I will defend you with everything I have."
Mei nodded and punched her fists together. The sound of metal against metal filled the air. Mei closed her eyes and took a deep breath before charging forward. Amy, who was just standing there, was suddenly startled when her target vanished right before her eyes. Mei's tail swished as she spun her body around and threw a kick at Amy's head.
Amy felt danger and ducked only to find the foot that had passed by had come back and stepped right on her face. Amy's head tilted back as Mei used it as a foothold and sprang up into the air. "Alright, enough!" Amy wanted to cry. Her nose hurt! She never thought she would get stepped on!
"Mei seems to be fit. While I can pass you with just this, I still wish to determine your skills, Shizuku." Amy rubbed her nose as Mei landed in front of her. Mei's fist was pulling back but paused when Shizuku yelled out at her. "Mei, it's over, come back."
Mei lowered her fist and walked back over to Shizuku. She wondered if she had done a good job or not. She could not tell at all. Even as Shizuku scratched Mei's ears as a small reward, she still felt confused about her performance.
"Now then…." Shizuku raised her hand and used her fingernail to cut a slit in her wrist. Blood spilled out but quickly began to gain form. Shizuku grabbed hold of the hilt of her short sword. Her eyes locked onto Amy. "Ready when you are."
"You can attack any time." Amy was a little nervous. She watched as Shizuku slowly raised her sword up over head her. She did not seem to understand what Shizuku was doing until suddenly.
"Bloody Crescent Moon." A blade of blood shot out from Shizuku. The sword in her hand disappeared along with it. It hurdled through the air, targeting Amy, who had not expected a long-distance attack. It was just that….. "Why is it following me!?" No matter which direction Amy went in, the blade of blood followed her.