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87.5% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 28: Chapter - 27, Violet Gym, [Vs Falkner] {Part -1}

Chapter 28: Chapter - 27, Violet Gym, [Vs Falkner] {Part -1}

Finally, after a long time, we see the site of Ash's first Jhoto Badge Violet city.

Ash: so, we finally arrived at the place huh guys?

Misty: I can finally get some rest and a real bath.

Brock: yeah, and we have to get some supplies as well guys don't forget we are running out soon.

Pikachu: pika Pikachu

Togepi: chu Chuki 

Ash POV –

After entering Violet City, we went to the Pokémon Centre and I gave Pikachu and Blissey to Nurse Joy, hadower, and went, to the phone to call Professor Oak to get my Pokémon for the Violet gym. I had already prepared my team and sent some back for rest to make sure they were all rested and in good condition to fight. In the violet gym, the highest level it will go is the 8th gym badge level and I prepared to fight a 6 on 6 8th gym badge level fight and a 4th–5th gym level fight.

Soon I gave a call to Professor Oak and got my 12 Pokémon for the Violet City gym.

For the 8th gym badge level –







The 6 Pokémon are at the level of the 7th stage and I am hoping to get them to the 8th stage by the end of the match and get Evee to evolve.

And for the 5th level, my Pokémon are –







These are the Pokémon's for my 5th gym badge level. After that, I gave a call to Mom and after a quick 10-minute call, went and got Pikachu and Blissey. After that, I found Brock and Misty near the cafeteria, and had some sandwiches, we went to Violet City gym, to collect my first Jhoto badge the Zephyr Badge.

As we were going to the violet gym, I saw a Pidgeot going above us. It was ok in my opinion and I just shrugged and went to inside the gym premises.

Receptionist: hello, good morning, sir, welcome to the Violet Gym. How may I help you?

Ash: hello, good morning, I am here to book myself 2 gym challenges for a 5th Gym badge level and an 8th Gym badge level.

Receptionist: could you give me a minute?

Ash: Sure.

Saying that she went towards a door outside, and I turned to Brook and Misty and we started talking and after a while, I saw a young man walking towards me.

?: sorry, to keep you waiting I am the gym leader of the Violet gym. Nice to meet you I am Falkner.

Ash: Hello, I am Ash Ketchum, it is nice to meet you.

Falkner: ah, now I remember you from the Indigo and Orange leagues, you have some strong flying type Pokémon.

Ash: thank you gym leader Falkner.

Falkner: now, my secretary here tells me you want to challenge me for an 8th and 5th gym badge level, is that correct?

Ash: yes

Falkner: I see, well we can do a 5th gym badge level battle today and an 8th gym badge level battle tomorrow to get the ground ready for that kind of battle.

Ash: I see, that will be no problem at all.

Falkner: that's good. Now could I ask you a question not to be rude?

Ash: sure go ahead.

Falkner: why challenge me twice as I would have gotten a badge from a single 5th gym badge fight.

Ash: oh, it's to make sure my Pokémon and myself are up to shape and also I imagine you don't have many 8th gym badge levels.

Falkner: try none, most take me up for my 1st gym badge level and go ahead.

Ash: I see, oh sorry for the late introduction. These are my friends Brock, Misty, and my partner Pikachu.

Falkner: it is nice to meet you.

Ash: so when can we have our match?

Falkner just turns towards the receptionist.

Receptionist: you could have a match in 20 minutes. We need to get everything prepared. And do you want a private or public match?

Ash: in public, it's shown on TV and poke-net as well right?

Receptionist: yes

Ash: I think I will go for the public option.

Falkner: all right I will go and get ready for the match.

3rd person POV –

Soon after that, we can see both Falkner and Ash on an open battlefield. Standing on their sides.

Falkner: Welcome, Ash Ketchum, I hope you're ready for this battle.

Falkner said, his voice calm but authoritative.

Ash: I'm always ready! Let's do this!

Ash replied, his eyes sparkling with determination.

The referee stepped forward, raising his flags.

Referee: This will be a six-on-six battle between the Gym Leader Falkner and the challenger Ash Ketchum. Each trainer is allowed three substitutions. The battle will continue until all six Pokémon on one side are unable to battle. Trainers, send out your first Pokémon!"

Ash and Falkner both grabbed their first Poké Balls, ready to kick off the battle.

Ash: Go, Magnezone!

Ash shouted, releasing his Electric/Steel-type Pokémon onto the field.

Falkner: Noctowl, I choose you!

Falkner called, releasing his wise-looking Noctowl, its eyes glowing with keen intelligence.

The battle began with both Pokémon staring each other down, the tension in the air palpable.

Falkner: Noctowl, start with Hypnosis!

Noctowl's eyes glowed with a mesmerizing light as it attempted to put Magnezone to sleep.

Ash: Magnezone, use Thunder Wave!

Ash countered quickly. Before Noctowl's Hypnosis could take effect, Magnezone released a wave of electric energy that struck Noctowl, paralyzing it. Noctowl's movements became sluggish, and its Hypnosis failed to take hold.

Ash: Great job, Magnezone! Now use Thunderbolt!

Ash shouted. Magnezone's magnets crackled with electricity as it unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt attack. The electric surge struck Noctowl, causing it to cry out in pain as the electricity coursed through its body. The paralysis made it difficult for Noctowl to dodge the attack.

Falkner: Noctowl, try to use Air Slash!

Falkner urged, despite its paralysis, Noctowl managed to flap its wings and create sharp blades of air, sending them toward Magnezone.

Ash: Dodge it, Magnezone, and use Flash Cannon!

Magnezone floated to the side, narrowly avoiding the Air Slash attack. Its central magnet then glowed with a bright light as it fired a powerful Flash Cannon at Noctowl. The steel-type energy hit Noctowl hard, knocking it out of the sky and rendering it unable to battle.

Referee: Noctowl is unable to battle! Magnezone wins this round!

The referee declared.

Falkner recalled his Noctowl, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Falker: You did well, Noctowl. Now it's time for you, Dodrio!

He released his three-headed Dodrio onto the field, the Pokémon's sharp beaks and agile legs ready for action.

Falker: Dodrio, use Tri Attack!

Dodrio's three heads glowed with different colors as it unleashed a beam of fire, ice, and electricity toward Magnezone.

Ash: Magnezone, counter with Protect!

Magnezone created a shimmering barrier of energy around itself, blocking the Tri Attack and preventing any damage.

Ash: Now, use Thunderbolt again!

Magnezone's magnets crackled once more as it fired another powerful Thunderbolt at Dodrio. The Electric-type attack struck Dodrio, causing it to stagger back, clearly hurt by the super-effective move.

Falkner: Dodrio, use Agility!

Dodrio shook off the pain and began to move with incredible speed, its legs a blur as it boosted its agility. The increased speed made it much harder for Magnezone to land a hit.

Ash: Magnezone, try another Thunderbolt!

Magnezone fired another Thunderbolt, but Dodrio's increased speed allowed it to dodge the attack with ease.

Falkner: Dodrio, use Drill Peck!

Dodrio charged at Magnezone, its central head spinning like a drill as it aimed to land a powerful pecking attack.

Ash: Magnezone, use Flash Cannon!

Ash countered Magnezone and fired its Flash Cannon, but Dodrio's speed allowed it to dodge the attack and land its Drill Peck. The impact was strong, causing Magnezone to stagger back.

Ash: Magnezone, hang in there! Use Thunderbolt one more time!

Ash urged, Magnezone gathered its remaining strength and unleashed a final Thunderbolt. The electric surge hit Dodrio directly, causing it to cry out in pain and collapse, unable to continue.

Referee: Dodrio is unable to battle! Magnezone wins this round!

The referee declared. Falkner recalled his Dodrio, nodding in approval.

Falkner: You're doing well, Ash. But let's see how you handle this. Fearow, I choose you!

He released his Fearow onto the field, the large, predatory bird spreading its wings and letting out a fierce cry.

Ash: Magnezone, you've done great. Return and take a rest.

Ash said, recalling his Pokémon.

Ash: Graveler, I choose you!

Ash released his Rock/Ground-type Pokémon onto the field. Graveler's rocky exterior and sturdy build made it a formidable opponent for Fearow.

Falkner: Fearow, use Drill Run!

Fearow's beak glowed as it charged at Graveler with incredible speed, aiming to land a powerful Ground-type attack.

Ash: Graveler, use Rock Throw!

Graveler picked up a large rock and hurled it at Fearow. The rock struck Fearow mid-charge, disrupting its Drill Run and causing it to crash to the ground.

Ash: Great job, Graveler! Now use Rock Blast!

Graveler fired a series of large rocks at Fearow, each one hitting with force. The Rock-type attack was super effective against the Flying-type Fearow, causing it to stagger and struggle to stay airborne.

Falkner: Fearow, use Aerial Ace!

Fearow shook off the rocks and flew at Graveler with blinding speed, its wings glowing as it aimed to land a critical hit.

Ash: Graveler, use Protect!

Graveler created a protective barrier just in time to block Fearow's Aerial Ace. The impact of the attack against the barrier caused a burst of energy, but Graveler remained unharmed.

Ash: Now, Graveler, finish it with Rock Slide!

Graveler raised its arms and caused a cascade of rocks to fall from above, crashing down on Fearow. The powerful Rock-type move proved too much for Fearow, knocking it out.

Referee: Fearow is unable to battle! Graveler wins this round!

The referee declared.

Falkner recalled his Fearow, a hint of frustration in his eyes.

Falkner: You're strong, Ash. But I'm not done yet. Pidgeot, let's go!

He released his Pidgeot onto the field, the majestic bird flapping its wings powerfully.

Ash: Graveler, you've done great. Return and rest.

Ash said, recalling his Pokémon.

Ash: Raichu, I choose you!

Ash released his Electric-type Raichu onto the field. Raichu's cheeks sparked with electricity, ready for the battle.

Falkner: Pidgeot, use Quick Attack!

Pidgeot shot forward with incredible speed, aiming to strike Raichu before it could react.

Ash: Raichu, dodge and use Thunderbolt!

Raichu nimbly dodged Pidgeot's Quick Attack and unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt. The electric surge struck Pidgeot, causing it to cry out in pain and struggle to stay airborne.

Falkner: Pidgeot, use Hurricane!

Pidgeot flapped its wings powerfully, creating a massive whirlwind that swept across the battlefield, aiming to engulf Raichu.

Ash: Raichu, use Double Team!

Raichu created multiple copies of itself, making it difficult for Pidgeot to hit the real one with its Hurricane attack.

Ash: Now, Raichu, use Thunder!

Raichu gathered a massive amount of electric energy and released it as a powerful Thunder attack. The electric bolt struck Pidgeot with immense force, causing it to crash to the ground, unable to continue.

Referee: Pidgeot is unable to battle! Raichu wins this round!

The referee declared.

Falkner recalled his Pidgeot, his expression serious.

Falkner: You're a tough opponent, Ash. But I still have more to show. Murkrow, I choose you!

He released his Murkrow onto the field, the dark and mischievous bird cawing loudly.

Ash: Raichu, you've done great. Return and take a rest.

Ash said, recalling his Pokémon.

Ash: Scyther, I choose you!

Ash released his Bug/Flying-type Scyther onto the field. Scyther's sharp blades and quick movements made it a formidable opponent.

Falkner: Murkrow, use Shadow Ball!

Murkrow formed a dark ball of energy and hurled it at Scyther, aiming to deal significant damage.

Ash: Scyther, use Agility to dodge!

Scyther moved with incredible speed, easily dodging Murkrow's Shadow Ball. It then positioned itself for a counterattack.

Ash: Now, use X-Scissor!

Scyther's blades glowed with a green light as it charged at Murkrow, slashing with precision. The Bug-type move hit Murkrow hard, causing it to stagger back.

Falkner: Murkrow, use Dark Pulse!

Murkrow released a wave of dark energy toward Scyther, aiming to push it back and deal damage.

Ash: Scyther, counter with Slash!

Scyther's blades glowed as it met Murkrow's Dark Pulse with a powerful Slash attack. The two attacks collided, creating a burst of energy. Scyther's strength and speed allowed it to overpower Murkrow, causing the Dark-type Pokémon to collapse.

Referee: Murkrow is unable to battle! Scyther wins this round!

The referee declared.

Falkner recalled his Murkrow, a determined look in his eyes.

Falkner: You're an impressive trainer, Ash. But let's see how you handle this. Xatu, I choose you!

He released his Xatu onto the field, the mystical bird Pokémon standing tall with its wings outstretched.

Ash: Scyther, you've done great. Return and rest.

Ash said, recalling his Pokémon.

Ash: Rhydon, I choose you!

Ash released his Rock/Ground-type Rhydon onto the field. Rhydon's powerful form and tough exterior made it a strong contender.

Falkner: Xatu, use Psychic!

Falkner commanded.

Xatu's eyes glowed with a mystical light as it unleashed a powerful Psychic attack on Rhydon.

Ash: Rhydon, use Rock Blast!

Rhydon fired a barrage of rocks at Xatu, trying to disrupt its Psychic attack. The rocks struck Xatu, causing it to flinch and lose focus.

Ash: Great job, Rhydon! Now use Stone Edge!

Rhydon summoned sharp stones from the ground and launched them at Xatu. The Rock-type move hit Xatu hard, causing it to cry out in pain and struggle to stay aloft.

Falkner: Xatu, use Air Slash!

Xatu flapped its wings, sending sharp blades of air toward Rhydon.

Ash: Rhydon, use Protect!

Rhydon created a protective barrier just in time to block Xatu's Air Slash. The impact of the attack against the barrier caused a burst of energy, but Rhydon remained unharmed.

Ash: Now, Rhydon, finish it with Rock Slide!

Rhydon raised its arms and caused a cascade of rocks to fall from above, crashing down on Xatu. The powerful Rock-type move proved too much for Xatu, knocking it out.

Referee: Xatu is unable to battle! Rhydon wins this round! And as all 6 of gym leader Falkner's Pokémon's are unable to battle the winner of this match is challenger Ash Ketchum. 

The referee declared.

Falkner recalled his Xatu, a smile on his face.

Falkner: You've bested me, Ash. Congratulations on your victory.

Ash beamed with pride as the referee raised his flag. The winner of this battle is Ash Ketchum!

Brock and Misty, who had been watching from the sidelines, cheered loudly.

Brock: Great job, Ash! You were amazing!

Misty nodded, her eyes shining with admiration.

Misty: Yeah, that was an awesome battle. You and your Pokémon worked together.

Ash walked over to Falkner, shaking his hand.

Ash: Thanks, Falkner. Your Pokémon were really strong.

Falkner nodded, a respectful smile on his face.

Falkner: And yours as well, Ash. You've earned this.

He handed Ash the Zephyr Badge, a symbol of his victory.

Ash held the badge up, grinning from ear to ear.

Ash: We did it, guys! Our first Jhoto badge!

With the badge in hand and his friends by his side, Ash felt more determined than ever to continue his journey and become a Pokémon Master. As he left the Violet City Gym, ready for the next challenge for tomorrow he would face.

Inside the Violet City Gym

The stands inside the Violet City Gym were packed with eager spectators, buzzing with excitement. The anticipation in the air was palpable as Ash Ketchum faced off against Gym Leader Falkner in a thrilling six-on-six battle. Among the crowd, two familiar faces watched intently: Brock and Misty, Ash's long-time friends and traveling companions.

As the battle unfolded, Brock and Misty couldn't help but comment on Ash's performance.

Misty: Wow, Ash is giving it his all. He's improved so much since we first started traveling together.

Misty said, her eyes fixed on the battlefield.

Brock nodded, a proud smile on his face.

Brock: Yeah, he's come a long way. His strategy with Magnezone against Falkner's Flying types was spot on. And using Graveler to counter Fearow's speed was a smart move.

Nearby, a group of Violet City locals were equally engrossed in the battle.

"Ash's Raichu is incredible," one of them remarked. "The way it handled Pidgeot's attacks was impressive."

"Falkner's not holding back either," another added. "His Pokémon are well-trained and powerful. This is one of the best battles I've seen in a long time."

As the battle reached its climax with Ash's Rhydon facing off against Falkner's Xatu, the excitement in the gym reached a fever pitch. People were on the edge of their seats, cheering and shouting encouragement.

Online Reactions

The battle wasn't just being watched by those in the gym. Across the Pokémon world, fans tuned in to watch the livestream of Ash's gym battle. Among them was Gary Oak, Ash's long-time rival and friend.

Gary watched the live stream from his computer, leaning forward in his chair.

Gary: Ash, you've stepped up your game," he muttered to himself, a hint of a smile on his lips. "That Rhydon is a powerhouse."

In another part of the world, Serena, another of Ash's friends, was also watching the battle. "Go, Ash!" she cheered, her eyes glued to the screen. "You've got this!"

Other viewers chimed in with their comments on the livestream chat:

PokéFan99: "This battle is epic! Ash and Falkner are both amazing!"

Trainer Jay: "Did you see that Thunderbolt from Raichu? That was insane!"

BirdKeeperSam: "Falkner's Flying-types are so cool! But Ash's strategy is impressive."

EliteFourLance: "Ash has grown as a trainer. This battle is proof of that."

Back in the Gym

As Rhydon delivered the final Rock Slide, knocking out Xatu and securing Ash's victory, the gym erupted in cheers. Brock and Misty were among the loudest, their faces beaming with pride.

Misty: Ash did it! Misty exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "He won!

Brock nodded, his eyes shining with admiration.

Brock: Yeah, he showed what he's capable of. That was an incredible battle.

Ash walked over to Falkner, shaking his hand and receiving the Zephyr Badge. The crowd's applause was deafening, and Ash felt a surge of pride and joy.

Brock: You did great, Ash! That was an awesome battle.

Brock shouted from the stands. Misty added

Misty: Yeah, you were awesome! Your Pokémon were amazing!

As Ash looked up at his friends, he felt a warm glow of happiness. He held the Zephyr Badge high, knowing that this victory was a testament to his hard work, his Pokémon's strength, and the support of his friends. The journey to becoming a Pokémon Master was long and challenging, but moments like this made it all worthwhile.

Reactions in Violet City

Outside the gym, the streets of Violet City were buzzing with excitement. People who had watched the live stream on big screens scattered throughout the city were discussing the battle animatedly.

"Did you see Ash's Magnezone? That Thunderbolt was incredible!" one person said.

"Yeah, but Falkner's Fearow was impressive too. It's not easy to take down an opponent like that," another replied.

"Do you think Ash will go all the way to the Pokémon League?" a young trainer asked, wide-eyed with admiration.

"He's got a real shot," an older trainer replied, nodding thoughtfully. "He's got the skills and the determination. I'd say he's one to watch. Plus in the Indigo League, he did reach the finals."

Online Commentary

Back online, the comments continued to pour in as people shared their thoughts on the epic battle:

ChampionCynthia: "Impressive battle, Ash. You're growing as a trainer."

BrockRocks: "Ash's Rhydon was the MVP for sure! Great strategy and execution."

FlyingFanatic: "Falkner put up a great fight too. His Pidgeot and Murkrow were awesome."

AshFanGirl: "Ash is the best! Can't wait to see him win more badges!"

Closing Moments

As Ash, Brock, and Misty left the Violet City Gym, they were surrounded by fans and well-wishers. People congratulated Ash, asked for autographs, and took pictures. Ash, always humble and gracious, thanked everyone and posed for photos with a big smile.

"That was an amazing battle, Ash," Misty said, her voice filled with admiration. "You showed everyone what you're made of."

Brock nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're definitely on your way to becoming a Pokémon Master. Just keep training hard and believing in yourself."

Ash smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for his friends and the journey they were on together. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without you and my Pokémon. Let's keep going and win more battles!"

As they were talking, they went to the Pokémon center and Ash handed his 6 poke-balls to Nurse Joy. Ash went to his room to get some rest and freshen up.


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