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81.25% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 26: Chapter 25 - Journey to Violet City - part 1

Chapter 26: Chapter 25 - Journey to Violet City - part 1

Soon the next day, after breakfast, we said goodbye to Professor and Mom, as they would leave after meeting with Professor Elm.

Ash 'thinking': let us see what new adventure I would go through Jhoto and will finally meet the Ho-Ho that I saw on the first day of my journey I am sure that was no ordinary Ho-Ho as I am 95% sure the Ho-Ho I saw was a 'shiny'.

Time skip –

It has been a few days since I got promoted to the ACE rank and we had a few adventures, we crossed the borders of New Bark Town and met with Casey again. It turns out, she has been here in New Bark Town, to train with her Pokémon to make sure they are ready to survive in the wild. After we met with Cassey, she asked for a battle, and I fought her in a 3 vs 3 with me using Skarmory, Spinarak, and Vulpix as they were the closet to her Pokémon in power with 3 of them being in 2nd badge level. And with her Pokémon, the weakest Beedrill being the Novice stage, her starter Chikorita and Pichu being slightly powerful at the 1st badge level.

3rd Person POV –

The sun shone brightly over the battlefield, casting long shadows as two trainers faced each other with determined expressions. Ash Ketchum, known for his unwavering spirit and resourcefulness, stood on one side, while his opponent, Casey, a trainer with a fierce competitive streak, stood on the other. Each trainer had chosen three Pokémon for this battle, ready to put their skills and strategies to the test.

Brock, acting as the match's referee, raised his hands, signaling the start of the battle.

Brock: Trainers, send out your first Pokémon!


Ash and Casey simultaneously reached for their Poké Balls, their movements synchronized by the anticipation of the fight.

Ash: Skarmory, I choose you!

Ash called out, releasing his Steel and Flying-type Pokémon onto the field.

Casey: Beedrill, let's go!

Casey shouted, sending out her Bug and Poison-type Pokémon. With misty yelping on the side, I saw the Pokémon with Pikachu cheering its trainer and teammates. 

The two Pokémon faced each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. The metallic sheen of Skarmory's feathers glinted in the sunlight, while Beedrill's twin stingers gleamed menacingly.

Casey: Beedrill, start with the Twin needle!

Beedrill darted forward with incredible speed, its twin stingers poised to strike. The Bug-type Pokémon's movements were swift and precise, aiming to land a quick hit on Skarmory.

Ash: Skarmory, counter with Steel Wing!

Skarmory's wings glowed with a metallic sheen as it met Beedrill's attack head-on. The two Pokémon clashed in mid-air, creating a burst of sparks as Steel Wing collided with Twin Needle. The force of the impact sent both Pokémon skidding back, but neither was willing to give an inch.

Casey: Beedrill, use Poison Jab!

Casey commanded, her voice filled with determination.

Beedrill's stinger glowed with a purplish hue as it lunged forward, aiming to land a poisonous blow on Skarmory. The attack was fast and relentless, showcasing Beedrill's agility.

Ash: Skarmory, dodge, and use Air Slash!

Skarmory narrowly avoided Beedrill's Poison Jab, its wings slicing through the air as it retaliated with a powerful Air Slash. The attack created a blade of wind that streaked toward Beedrill, cutting through the air with precision.


Beedrill was struck by the Air Slash, sending it spiraling backward. Casey's eyes narrowed as she quickly assessed the situation.

Casey: Beedrill, hang in there! Use Agility and then Drill Run!

Beedrill shook off the impact and began to move even faster, its body becoming a blur as it used Agility to boost its speed. With newfound swiftness, Beedrill charged at Skarmory with its stingers spinning like a drill, aiming to pierce through its defenses.

Ash: Skarmory, use Protect!

Ash shouted.

Just as Beedrill closed in, Skarmory created a shimmering barrier of energy around itself, blocking the Drill Run. The impact of Beedrill's attack against the Protect barrier caused another explosion of sparks, but Skarmory remained unharmed.

Ash: Now, Skarmory, use Brave Bird!

Ash commanded, seizing the opportunity.

Skarmory's body glowed with a brilliant blue aura as it soared into the sky, then dived toward Beedrill with incredible speed and power. The Brave Bird attack struck Beedrill head-on, sending it crashing to the ground with a powerful thud.

Beedrill struggled to get back up but ultimately succumbed to the powerful attack. And fainted with swirls in its eyes.

Then Brock raised his hands.

Brock: Beedrill is unable to battle! Skarmory wins this round!

Casey recalled her Beedrill, determination burning in her eyes.

Casey: You did great, Beedrill. Now it's your turn, Chikorita!

She threw her second Poké Ball, releasing Chikorita onto the battlefield. The Grass-type Pokémon stood ready, its leaf waving gently in the breeze.

Ash called back Skarmory, deciding to give it a rest after its hard-fought battle.

Ash: Great job, Skarmory. Take a break. Spinarak, I choose you!

Ash's Bug and Poison-type Pokémon emerged onto the field, its many legs skittering as it faced Chikorita. The two Pokémon sized each other up, ready for the next round.

Casey: "Chikorita, use Razor Leaf!

Chikorita whipped its leaf, sending a flurry of sharp leaves toward Spinarak. The leaves cut through the air with precision, aimed directly at their target.

Ash: Spinarak, use String Shot to block and then Poison Sting!

Spinarak shot a stream of sticky silk from its mouth, creating a web that intercepted the Razor Leaf attack. The leaves became tangled in the web, rendering them harmless. With a swift movement, Spinarak then launched a barrage of Poison Sting needles at Chikorita.

Chikorita dodged nimbly, avoiding most of the Poison Sting needles, but a few managed to strike, causing it to wince in pain.

Casey: Chikorita, use Leech Seed!

Casey called out.

Chikorita fired several seeds from its leaf, which landed on Spinarak and began to sprout vines that sapped its energy. Spinarak shuddered as the Leech Seed took effect, slowly draining its strength.

Ash: Spinarak, shake it off and use Night Shade!

Spinarak's eyes glowed with an eerie light as it unleashed a shadowy beam of energy toward Chikorita. The Night Shade attack struck Chikorita, causing it to cry out in pain as the dark energy enveloped it.

Casey: Hang in there, Chikorita! Use Vine Whip!

Casey urged.

Chikorita's vines lashed out, striking Spinarak and causing it to recoil. The battle was intense, with both Pokémon giving their all despite the damage they had taken.

Ash: Spinarak, use Constrict to immobilize Chikorita!

Spinarak shot out strands of silk, wrapping them around Chikorita and restricting its movements. Chikorita struggled against the bindings, but the silk was too strong.

Ash: Now, finish it with Poison Jab!

Spinarak's stinger glowed with a toxic purple as it struck Chikorita, landing a decisive blow. Chikorita slumped to the ground, unable to continue the battle.

Brock: Chikorita is unable to battle! Spinarak wins this round!

Casey recalled her Chikorita, her resolve unwavering.

Brock: You did great, Chikorita. Now it's up to you, Pichu!

She released her final Pokémon, Pichu, onto the field. The small Electric-type Pokémon bounced with energy, ready to fight.

Ash called back Spinarak, knowing it needed a rest.

Ash: Great job, Spinarak. Vulpix, I choose you!"

Ash's Fire-type Pokémon emerged onto the battlefield, its six tails swishing gracefully as it faced Pichu. The two Pokémon stared each other down, ready for the final round.

Casey: Pichu, use Thunder Shock!

Pichu's cheeks sparked with electricity as it released a jolt of lightning toward Vulpix. The attack was swift and precise, aimed directly at Vulpix.

Ash: Vulpix, dodge and use Ember!"

Vulpix nimbly dodged the Thunder Shock, then fired a burst of small flames from its mouth toward Pichu. The Ember attack struck Pichu, causing it to flinch from the heat.

Casey: Pichu, use Sweet Kiss!

Pichu's eyes sparkled as it blew a kiss toward Vulpix, the heart-shaped energy floating through the air. Vulpix was hit by the Sweet Kiss, causing it to become confused.

Ash: Vulpix, snap out of it and use Quick Attack!

Ash urged.

Vulpix shook its head, trying to clear the confusion. With a burst of speed, it charged at Pichu, striking it with Quick Attack. The move landed, but Vulpix was still somewhat disoriented from the Sweet Kiss.


Casey: Pichu, use Nuzzle!

Pichu rushed forward, rubbing its cheeks against Vulpix and delivering a mild electric shock. The Nuzzle attack caused Vulpix to wince, and its fur stood on end from the static electricity.

Ash: Vulpix, use Flamethrower!

Vulpix gathered its strength and unleashed a powerful stream of flames from its mouth. The Flamethrower attack engulfed Pichu, the intense heat causing it to cry out in pain.

Casey: Pichu, hang in there! Use Thunder Wave!

Pichu, though weakened, released a wave of electricity that paralyzed Vulpix, causing it to freeze in place.

Ash: Vulpix, finish it with Fire Spin!

Despite the paralysis, Vulpix managed to summon a swirling vortex of fire that encircled Pichu, trapping it within the fiery cyclone. Pichu struggled to escape, but the flames proved too intense.

Brock: Pichu is unable to battle! Vulpix wins this round! And since Casey al 3 Pokémon are unable to battle the winner of this match is Ash!

Brock declared.

With Pichu unable to continue, Ash was declared the winner of the match. Casey recalled her Pichu, a look of respect and determination on her face.

Casey: You did great, Pichu. We'll get them next time.

Ash walked over to Casey, extending his hand.

Ash: That was an amazing battle, Casey. Your Pokémon are really strong.

Casey shook his hand, smiling.

Casey: Thanks, Ash. Your Pokémon were incredible too. We'll have to battle again sometime.

On the side, Brock and Misty clapped and cheered, proud of Ash's victory.

Brock: That was an intense battle. Ash and his Pokémon showed their strength. And Casey did well for a beginner trainer with her Pokémon, this showed she has a great chance of becoming a good trainer. 


Misty nodded, her eyes shining with admiration.

Misty: Yeah, they did. Ash has come a long way. He's becoming a great trainer from the start of his journey.

Brock: yeah.

As the trainers and their Pokémon left the battlefield, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the scene. The echoes of the battle lingered in the air, a reminder of the strength, determination, and bond between trainers and their Pokémon. For Ash, it was another step forward on his journey to become a Pokémon Master, and for Casey, it was a valuable experience that would only make her stronger.

Ash POV –

The next day after my battle with Casey, I encountered a Chikorita and found it sunbathing and after defeating her, I captured her. She like Pikachu didn't prefer to stay in her poke-ball but could go in case of emergency. I also started to teach Primeape the move Rage Fist and while in a nearby town, we got stuck there for the day due to a snowstorm and waited to clear to continue our journey. After that, we continued our travel to reach Violet City.

Soon we traveled across a forest where like in the anime, we encountered a horde of Pinsir's and a horde of Heracross's and of course, we can't forget the clown trio Jessie, James, and Meowth. After like in the show, we blasted off the rocket trio and saved the forest from destruction and I caught myself a Heracross that liked fighting and also managed to catch a Shiny Pinsir after beating him. Brock also caught some Heracross for his sibling I said that they could be helpful to help them train Pokémon and as they are peaceful Pokémon they wouldn't hurt children. And after a successful capture and misty complaining about the bug Pokémon. we moved forward to our next destination.

The next day nothing much happened and we moved forward we did encounter Pokémon but nothing that I would capture now as I already have my hands full. While training, I did get an emergency signal of a lost Donphan, and as I was in the area I had to respond after searching for 2 hours we finally found the Donphan near a cliff edge. And was able to the Donphan and returned in to her owner and Brock like usual tried to flirt with her.

The next day, I knew that we were going to go through a forest with ghost Pokémon, and as Primeape had learned rage fist I sent him to Professor Oak and got my Gengar from Professor Oak's Lab/ Coral and I asked what happening in Pallet town and he just gave everything is good and no trouble and he made sure to at least visit my mom twice a day, and my Pokémon are training every day.

In the forest we encountered Gary and when he asked how we were traveling without a Hoothoot, I just pointed at my shadow from where Gengar came out and waved at him. And seeing the ghost Pokémon Gary nodded as the wild ghost Pokémon would usually avoid another strong ghost Pokémon unless the ghost Pokémon wanted to challenge the stronger Ghost Pokémon. After saying goodbye to Gary, we met a granny who rented her Hoothoots. after getting a rest we traveled and I also captured the Shiny Noctowl that I caught in the show. All it took was a quick Thunderbolt from Pikachu and he was down for the count.

After that, we were able to leave the forest and meet with another granny who looked like the woman we met in the forest and turns out she is the twin of the granny we met and after that, we continued to Violet City to get my first Jhoto Badge. 

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

hey, guys here is an update for you guys. I will not be able to upload for some time as my exam starts on 2nd June. see you after my exams.

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