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53.12% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 17: Chapter - 17, Ash VS Drake

Chapter 17: Chapter - 17, Ash VS Drake

Nurse Joy: well, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. These badges are authentic and your challenge has been accepted your match with Drake will be on the 6th of this month. Are there any seats you would like to book? As there are rarely any challenges. The stadium could be booked within an hour. 

Ash: could I have 5 seats, please? 

Nurse Joy: very well, your tickets will be delivered to your rooms have a good day. 

Ash: thank you Nurse Joy, and you as well. 

As I said that, I went out of the poke center to see Brock, Misty, and Tracey watching something in the sky. 

Ash: hey guys, what are you watching?

I asked while looking up in the sky. 

Tracey: a huge Pokémon was flying in the air just now.

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash: oh, really which Pokémon… 

Before I could continue Dragonair came out of her poke-ball let out a cute roar and flew up. 

Pikachu: Pi Pikachu pi

Ash: Dragonair, where are you going?

Dragonair: Dragonair Dragon

Pikachu: PI

Ash: I see. 

Misty: hey, Ash what's Dragonair saying? 

Ash: Dragonair, is saying she senses a Dragonite near by. 

Brock: that must be the Pokémon that we saw in the sky. 

Tracey: I agree, it is known that Drake's Ace is a Dragonite. 

Ash: hm, well this would be a fun battle don't you think guys and girls?

Pikachu: PI Pikachu 

Dragonair: Dragonair

Misty: wow, they are fired up, huh?

Brock: well of course after the Kanto League this would be the first challenge where Ash could go all out. 

Tracey: yeah, I agree with you Brock. 

3rd person POV – 

As they were talking with each other, somewhere On the island in a huge mansion a man could be seen resting near a pool when a Dragonite landed near the man. And this man was none other than Drake the champion of the Orange Islands. 

Drake: so, you returned partner, how was your morning flight? 

Dragonite: Dragonite Drago…

As Dragonite was about to say something Drake's phone started to buzz and after picking up the phone and a 5-minute call later. 

Drake: well partner, I have a fight a few days from now and it seems like you would be able to fight this time. 

Dragonite: Dragonite 

Dragonite said with a happy tone. When he suddenly sniffed and said in a serious tone. 

Dragonite: Dragonite 

Drake: you are sensing a Strong Dragon type in the area, Huh? Hm, here are the details of my challenger. Ash Ketchum is the 2nd place winner of this year's Kanto League. Dragonite it looks like we will have a good fight this time. 

Time Skip – 

Ash POV – 

Soon the day of my match came and I was warming up with Pikachu by my side. After warming up and stretching I sent Pikachu to Nurse Joy and went to my room to get a good shower and clear my head. After that, I was thinking of my team. 

Yesterday Mom came along with Professor Oak, they both were teleported here with Professor Oak's Alakazam. Professor Oak also told me about the ancient Pokémon sanctuary and how they also found hundreds of more fossils of different Kanto fossil Pokémon. Mom also told me about how my Pokémon were at the ranch and I also asked Professor Oak to give my Pokémon food with some extra protein with a gram for their body weight in kilograms. Mom had also gotten me, Misty, Treacy, and Brock her homemade food, and I and Pikachu ate at least 3 plates. 

Mom also told me I have now bulked up compared to when I left for my journey and gotten a good amount of muscles and as I trained with all my Pokémon let it be Gravity training, lifting, Swimming, or running I am also exercising with them. And also my mental training with Kadabra. And I am studying various laws, rules and regulations, history, economics, and keeping up with day-to-day activities. Soon I was in the stadium where I would face Drake. The stadium looked like the Roman Coliseum. Mom, Brock, Tracey, Misty, and Professor Oak sat in the VIP Area. 

3rd Person POV –

Announcer: now people we are in for a delightful fight, today's challenger is none other than Ash Ketchum a rookie who took the world by storm by Achieving 2nd rank in the latest Kanto League and has one of the best performances in the Kanto league, and this year Kanto League had a total of 8,890 participants. Now for our Champion, he needs no introduction the undefeated champion for the past 6 years is Drake. Please give a huge round of applause to both the trainers. 

As the audience clapped, we saw 2 people coming out of a tunnel and standing in front of their trainer box. 

Referee: now trainers this will be a 6 on 6 battle and both trainers shall be allowed only 3 substitutions. And the one that has defeated all 6 Pokémon of the other trainer shall be the winner. Are there any questions?

Ash: No

Drake: No

Referee: very well, we shall first decide the field the battle shall take place on. 

As referee said that the big screen showed various fields and after that, It showed a picture of Grass, and the normal field was switched with a Grass field and a pond in between the fields dividing the trainers. 

Referee: now trainers release your Pokémon. 

Drake: Ditto, I choose you. 

Ash: Sceptile, I choose you. 

The Pokémon battlefield was set, the air charged with excitement as Ash Ketchum, with a gleam in his eyes, faced off against Drake, the powerful Dragon Master. Ash's trusty Sceptile stood before him, its green scales glistening in the sunlight. On the opposite side, Drake smirked confidently, revealing his choice – a Ditto. The crowd erupted in whispers, intrigued by the unusual match-up.

Ash: you can do this Sceptile, show them your power. 

Drake responded with a mysterious smile. 

Drake: Ditto, show them what you've got.

With a flash of light, Ditto took the stage, its gooey form transforming into a replica of Sceptile.

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the referee announced, 

Referee: Let the battle begin. 

Ash wasted no time to start the battle and commanded 

Ash: Sceptile, start with Leaf Blade.

Sceptile lunged forward, its tail glowing with the energy of a powerful Leaf Blade. The attack was swift and precise, aimed directly at Ditto. However, with surprising agility, Ditto mirrored Sceptile's movements, dodging the attack effortlessly.

Drake's grin widened. 

Drake: Ditto, Counter with Dragon Claw. 

In an instant, Ditto's transformed paw transformed into a draconic claw. It clashed with Sceptile's Leaf Blade; the two Pokémon locked in a tense struggle. The crowd watched intently, curious to see how this unconventional battle would unfold.

Ash didn't miss a beat. 

Ash: Sceptile, use Quick Attack to break free. 

Sceptile's agile form blurred as it executed Quick Attack, surprising Ditto and breaking the deadlock. Before Ditto could react, Sceptile leaped back, ready for the next move.

Drake 'chuckled': Impressive, but let's see how you handle this. Ditto, use Frenzy Plant. 

The atmosphere crackled with energy as Ditto transformed into a towering mass of vines and leaves, mirroring the powerful Grass-type move. The Frenzy Plant surged towards Sceptile, who darted and dodged with incredible speed. The battlefield was now a spectacle of green energy, leaves swirling and vines thrashing.

Ash frowned, assessing the situation. 

Ash: Sceptile, dodge using Quick Attack and counter with Energy Ball.

Sceptile gracefully evaded the Frenzy Plant, leaves brushing against its scales. Gathering energy, it formed a vibrant green Energy Ball and unleashed it towards Ditto. The unexpected maneuver caught Drake off guard as the Energy Ball collided with Ditto, causing it to revert to its original gooey form.

The crowd erupted in cheers, witnessing the clever strategy from Ash. However, Drake remained composed. "Well done, Ash. Ditto, Transform once more!"

Ditto transformed into a replica of Sceptile, mimicking its every move. The battlefield now hosted two identical Grass-type Pokémon, each waiting for the other to make a move.

Ash grinned, recognizing the challenge ahead. 

Ash: Sceptile, let's keep the pressure up! Use Double Team.

Sceptile blurred into multiple afterimages, confusing both Ditto and the onlookers. The Ditto-Sceptile struggled to pinpoint the real one, its transformed eyes darting between the illusions.

Drake remained unfazed. 

Drake: Ditto, don't be fooled. Use Earthquake.

Ditto, relying on the innate knowledge of its copied moves, unleashed a powerful Earthquake that rippled through the battlefield. The ground trembled, and the illusions of Sceptile shattered like glass. However, the real Sceptile, with its agile reflexes, managed to leap into the air, avoiding the brunt of the attack.

Ash seized the opportunity. 

Ash: Sceptile, now's our chance! Solar Beam!

Sceptile absorbed sunlight, harnessing the energy for a devastating Solar Beam. The green glow intensified, and with a triumphant roar, Sceptile unleashed the powerful beam towards Ditto. The Dragon-type Pokémon caught off guard, and couldn't react in time.

The Solar Beam collided with Ditto, engulfing it in a radiant explosion. The crowd held their breath as the light subsided, revealing Ditto in its gooey form with swirls in its eyes, unable to continue the battle.

Seeing this the referee raised the green flag and said. 

Referee: As Ditto is unable to battle the winner of the 1st round is Ash Ketchum. Trainer Drake, you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon, and Trainer Ash you have 30 seconds to decide if you want to stay with Sceptile or use a substitute. 

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging the ingenuity and strategy displayed by Ash in this unique battle. Ash approached Sceptile, extending a hand in gratitude. Sceptile, with a nod of acknowledgment, shared a moment of triumph with its trainer. 

Drake, though defeated, wore a proud smile. 

Drake: Well, done, Ash. That was a battle worthy of a true Pokémon trainer. I can see how you got to the 2nd place in the Kanto League but now get ready for my next Pokémon. 

As Drake said that he returned Ditto to his Poke-ball and thanked him for his hard-fought battle and a quick encouragement. 

Ash beamed with pride, grateful for the challenge and the chance to showcase the strength of his bond with Sceptile. The battle had been unconventional, but in the end, the trust between a trainer and his Pokémon had prevailed, leaving the crowd in awe of the victory achieved most unexpectedly.

Referee: trainers only 15 seconds remaining. 

Ash: I will stick with Sceptile. 

Drake: now Venusaur, I choose you. 

The sun hung in the sky, casting a warm glow over the battlefield. Ash Ketchum, having just emerged victorious in a challenging battle, now faced his next opponent – the formidable Dragon Master, Drake. Across from him, Drake's choice of Pokémon stood tall and proud – a mighty Venusaur.

Ash, determined and slightly fatigued from the previous match, went with his trusted partner, Sceptile. The Grass-type Pokémon appeared battle-worn but ready for the next challenge. On the other side of the field, Drake wore a confident expression as he prepared his Venusaur for the upcoming clash.

The referee raised his hand, signaling the beginning of the battle.

Referee: let the battle begin. 

The two trainers locked eyes, each assessing the other's strength. Ash, though fatigued, was determined to give it his all. Drake, with the experience of a seasoned trainer, understood the challenge ahead.

Drake: Venusaur, start with Solar Beam. 

Drake commanded.

Venusaur's flower glowed brightly as it began charging the powerful Grass-type move. Ash knew he needed to act quickly, aware that a direct hit from Solar Beam could prove detrimental to Sceptile, who was still recovering from the previous battle.

Ash: Sceptile, dodge, and counter with Leaf Blade. 

Sceptile sprang into action, its agile form evading the impending Solar Beam. With a flash of its tail, Sceptile conjured a sharp Leaf Blade, rushing towards Venusaur. The two Pokémon clashed, the impact resonating across the battlefield.

Drake smiled, acknowledging the skill of his opponent. 

Drake: Impressive, Ash. But let's see how Venusaur handles this. Use Vine Whip. 

Vines shot forth from Venusaur's flower, aiming to ensnare Sceptile. Ash, relying on the bond he shared with his Pokémon, called out. 

Ash: Sceptile, use Quick Attack to evade.

Sceptile blurred into motion, darting away from the incoming vines with remarkable speed. The crowd watched in awe as the nimble Grass-type Pokémon gracefully avoided the attack.

Drake: Good reflexes, Ash. But let's keep the pressure up. Venusaur, follow up with Earthquake.

The ground beneath Venusaur trembled as it unleashed a powerful shockwave. Ash gritted his teeth, knowing that Sceptile, already fatigued, would struggle to evade this formidable move.

Ash: Sceptile, use Detect.

Sceptile's eyes glowed as it focused its energy, creating a protective barrier just in time to shield itself from the Earthquake. The crowd erupted in cheers at the display of skill and teamwork.

Drake nodded appreciatively. 

Drake: Well done, Ash. But can you handle this? Venusaur, go for Sludge Bomb.

Venusaur spat out a toxic burst of sludge, aiming to catch Sceptile off guard. Ash, relying on his intuition, shouted, 

Ash: Sceptile, use Agility to avoid the Sludge Bomb.

Sceptile's movements became a blur as it utilized its incredible speed to dodge the incoming projectiles. The Sludge Bombs splattered harmlessly on the ground, leaving Sceptile unscathed.

The battle raged on, with both trainers showcasing their tactical prowess. However, the strain from the previous fight began to take a toll on Sceptile. Once sharp and decisive, its movements now carried a hint of fatigue.

Drake seized the opportunity. 

Drake: Venusaur, let's turn up the heat! Solar Beam, one more time.

Venusaur began charging another Solar Beam, the radiant energy intensifying. Ash knew he needed to act decisively to turn the tide in his Favor.

Ash: Sceptile, we can't dodge this time! Use Leaf Storm and counter with all your strength.

Sceptile, despite its weariness, summoned the last reserves of its energy. Leaves gathered around it, forming a powerful vortex. With a mighty roar, Sceptile unleashed the Leaf Storm, colliding with Venusaur's Solar Beam in a spectacular display of power.

The battlefield trembled as the clash of Grass-type moves created a dazzling explosion of energy. The crowd fell silent, watching the outcome unfold. When the dust settled, both Pokémon stood, visibly fatigued but determined to win but suddenly both Pokémon fell and had swirls in their eyes. 

The referee stepped forward raised both the red and green flags and said. 

Referee: both the Pokémon are unable to battle, this round is a draw. Both trainers have 30 seconds to release their next Pokémon. 

A mixture of cheers and gasps filled the air. Both trainers exchanged nods of respect for their brave Pokémon. Ash recalled Sceptile with a grateful smile, acknowledging its unwavering determination. And Drake also recalled his Venusaur to his poke-ball and thanked him

Drake: That was an outstanding battle, Ash. Your Sceptile is truly remarkable. And you are the first trainer that is giving me such trouble after a long time. 

Ash, though weary, grinned with satisfaction. 

Ash: Thanks, Drake. You and Venusaur gave us a tough fight. 

The crowd could be seen happy with the fight and also clapped and cheered on their favorite trainers while the announcer was commenting on the battles. 

The Pokémon battlefield sprawled before the trainers, a stage set for an epic clash between two colossal serpentine creatures. Ash Ketchum, with a gleam of determination in his eyes, faced off against Drake, the renowned Dragon Master. 

Referee: Trainers, choose your next Pokémon.

Ash: Steelix, let's show them our strength. I choose you. 

Ash declared, throwing his Poké Ball into the air. With a resounding roar, Steelix emerged, its metallic body gleaming in the sunlight. On the opposing side. 

Drake: Onix, I choose you. 

Drake released his Onix, a stalwart Rock Snake Pokémon that faced the daunting challenge of confronting his evolution. The size difference between the two Pokémon was immediately evident. Ash's Steelix, a colossal Steel and Ground-type Pokémon stood at an imposing three times the size of Drake's Onix, a formidable Rock, and Ground-type. The sun cast long shadows as the referee raised his hand, signaling the beginning of the battle.

Referee: let the battle begin. 

The referee said while signaling the flags downwards 

Ash and Drake locked eyes, the tension palpable. Drake, a seasoned trainer with a wealth of experience, wore a confident smile. Ash, eager to get the first hit, issued the first command.

Ash: Steelix, Iron Tail.

Steelix's massive tail, coated in metallic energy, swung with impressive speed toward Onix. The sheer force of the Iron Tail created a resounding clash as it connected with Onix's sturdy body. The crowd watched in awe as the ground trembled beneath the impact.

Drake, unfazed, responded quickly. 

Drake: Onix, retaliate with Rock Slide.

Onix, showing remarkable agility despite the size difference, summoned a cascade of large rocks. The rocks rained down upon Steelix, creating a tumultuous storm of stone. Ash, relying on his bond with Steelix, called out a counter-strategy.

Ash: Steelix, use Dig.

With a mighty roar, Steelix burrowed into the ground, evading the incoming barrage of rocks. The crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch as they watched the colossal Steel Pokémon vanish beneath the surface.

Drake remained composed. 

Drake: Onix, anticipate its emergence and use Slam.

Onix tensed, ready for Steelix's return. As Steelix burst forth from the ground, Onix lunged forward with impressive speed, aiming to slam into its massive opponent. But Ash was one step ahead.

Ash: Steelix, use Iron Head.

Steelix's metallic head glowed with energy as it collided with Onix's imposing form. The impact sent shockwaves through the battlefield, disrupting Onix's Slam. The crowd erupted into cheers, impressed by the strategic prowess displayed by Ash and Steelix.

Drake, undeterred, formulated his next move. 

Drake: Onix, Screech to lower Steelix's defenses.

Onix unleashed a piercing screech, a sound wave that reverberated through the air. The disorienting noise echoed across the battlefield, causing discomfort even to the colossal Steelix. Drake seized the moment.

Drake: Now, Onix, Earthquake.

Onix, energized by the advantage gained from Screech, generated a powerful seismic shockwave. The ground quaked beneath the force of the Earthquake, creating a challenging situation for Steelix to navigate. Ash knew he had to act swiftly.

Ash: Steelix, use Dragon Breath to disrupt the Earthquake.

Ash quickly directed. 

With a surge of energy, Steelix released a powerful stream of Dragon Breath. The swirling, draconic energy collided with the seismic shockwave, creating a chaotic clash of forces. The battlefield became a spectacle of power as the two colossal Pokémon grappled with the opposing energies.

Drake observed the intensity of the battle, a calculating gleam in his eyes.

Drake: Impressive, Ash. But let's see how Onix handles this. Rock Tomb. 

Onix, despite its lowered defenses, summoned pillars of rock that surrounded Steelix, forming a temporary cage. The crowd held their breath, wondering how Ash would respond to this new challenge.

Ash, displaying quick thinking, issued his command. 

Ash: Steelix, break free with Iron Tail.

Steelix's tail swung with unparalleled strength, smashing through the rocky confines of the Rock Tomb. The debris scattered, revealing Steelix, resolute and undeterred.

Drake nodded in acknowledgment.

Drake: You've got skill, Ash. But this battle is far from over. Onix, bind Steelix with Bind.

Onix's massive body coiled around Steelix, attempting to restrict its movements with the constricting Bind attack. Ash, recognizing the need for a strategic move, called out to his Pokémon.

Ash: Steelix, use Crunch to break free.

Steelix's powerful jaws clamped down on Onix's rocky body, applying pressure to break free from the Bind. The two colossal Pokémon struggled in a display of sheer strength, each determined to gain the upper hand.

The crowd erupted into cheers, witnessing the fierce struggle between the colossal Pokémon. The battlefield, marked by the remnants of the clashes, bore witness to the unyielding spirit of both trainers and their Pokémon.

Drake, maintaining his composure, formulated his next move. 

Drake: Onix, use Sand Tomb. 

Onix, having successfully broken free from the Bind, summoned a vortex of swirling sand that engulfed Steelix. The abrasive sandstorm obscured vision and buffeted against Steelix's metallic form. Ash, undeterred, assessed the situation.

Ash: Steelix, use Iron Head to clear the sand and strike Onix

Ash gave a quick command.

Steelix's metallic head plowed through the sandy tempest, clearing a path with the force of its Iron Head. The crowd marveled at the resilience displayed by the colossal Steel Pokémon. Drake, however, had one last strategy up his sleeve.

Drake: Onix, use Dragon Breath.

Onix, drawing on its inner strength, unleashed a stream of Dragon Breath toward Steelix. The collision of Dragon Breath and Iron Head created a dazzling display of energy, illuminating the battlefield in a radiant burst.

Ash, realizing the decisive moment had come, shouted his final command.

Ash: Steelix, finish it with Hyper Beam.

Steelix, gathering the last of its energy, released a devastating Hyper Beam toward Onix. The powerful beam of energy engulfed Onix, leaving a trail of sparks and remnants of the sandstorm in its wake. After the sandstorm settled down it showed Onix down with swirls in its eyes while Steelix was standing proudly and roared with victory. 

Steelix: Steelix Steel Steelix

The crowd fell silent as the battlefield settled. The referee stepped forward, assessing the aftermath. And then raised the green flag and spoke. 

Referee: As Onix is unable to battle the winner of this round is Ash Ketchum. And as Trainer Drake, has lost 3 of his Pokémon we shall take a 10-minute break and resume the match, trainer Ash you have a choice to either return your Pokémon or stay with your Pokémon for the next round. and if you decide to stay, you are not allowed to return him to his Poke-ball, you have 2 minutes to decide that. 

A wave of cheers erupted from the onlookers, acknowledging the valiant efforts of both trainers and their colossal Pokémon. Ash approached Steelix with a triumphant smile, patting its metallic hide in gratitude. Drake, despite the defeat, nodded and congratulated him and went to the stands. After a minute Ash had decided to use his first substitute. 

Announcer: WHAT A BATTLE FOLKS! WHAT A BATTLE FOLKS! Challenger Ash is putting pressure on the dragon master Drake….

As the announcer was talking we could see the audience getting up from their seats to talk with others, go to restrooms, get something to eat, or move their body. While the majority were talking about how awesome the battle was going on. Or should Ash had not used his 1st substitute or not and many other things? 

In the VIP booth, we could see Ash's friends talking about his match and Delia was happily cheering Ash and reviewing the photos she took of the battles. Professor Oak, Misty, Brock, and Tracey were talking about Ash's and Drakes's battle strategies and Drake's early Solar Beam to get an advantage due to Sun being on top of the stadium and it being noon, and other strategies. 

Soon time passed and 30 seconds were left for the break to be over both Ash and Drake returned from their tunnels with a determined face, and their eyes, if anyone looked closely, could see a fire that could scare anyone if they looked too closely and for a long time. 

After the break, the referee called them ready and the announcer announced the current active Pokémon both trainers have used and what was out of commission to give the audience a quick summary of the battle till now. Then a new field was selected and this time it was a Grass field with a pond in the middle where the poke-ball usually is and a small stage in the middle for the button in between the poke-balls. 

Referee: trainers choose your next Pokémon.

Drake: Gengar, I choose you. 

Ash: Gengar, I choose you. 

The Pokémon battlefield was shrouded in an eerie atmosphere, a perfect setting for the impending clash between two skilled trainers. Ash Ketchum, with his characteristic determination, faced off against Drake, the enigmatic Dragon Master. The choice of Pokémon for this mysterious encounter was equally intriguing—both trainers had opted for the ghostly and mischievous Gengar.

The two Gengar materialized on the battlefield, their playful grins hiding the intensity of the battle about to unfold. The referee raised his hand, signaling the commencement of the match.

The two Gengar faced each other, mirroring each other's movements, creating an eerie symmetry. The crowd watched with bated breath as the trainers prepared for a showdown that promised to be as unpredictable as the ghostly Pokémon they commanded.

Referee: let the battle begin.

Ash was the first to issue a command. 

Ash: Gengar, start with Shadow Ball. 

Gengar's eyes glowed as it conjured a swirling sphere of dark energy. With a swift motion, it launched the Shadow Ball towards Drake's Gengar. However, Drake was quick to respond.

Drake: Gengar, use Psychic to redirect the Shadow Ball.

Drake's Gengar's eyes glowed with psychic energy as it seized control of the incoming Shadow Ball. The crowd marveled at the psychic prowess displayed by both Gengar as they engaged in a mental tug-of-war over the dark sphere.

Ash, recognizing the challenge, adjusted his strategy. 

Ash: Gengar, Confuse Ray.

Gengar released a burst of confusing rays that enveloped the battlefield. The hypnotic lights danced around, creating a disorienting effect. Drake's Gengar, despite its psychic abilities, found itself momentarily thrown off balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Ash pressed on. 

Ash: Now, Gengar, use Sludge Bomb.

Gengar expelled a barrage of toxic sludge towards its confused opponent. Drake's Gengar, struggling to regain focus, took a direct hit from the Sludge Bomb. The impact left it temporarily poisoned and visibly weakened.

Drake, unfazed, responded with a strategic move. 

Drake: Gengar, use Hypnosis.

Gengar's eyes glowed with a mesmerizing light as it attempted to lull Ash's Gengar into a deep slumber. However, Ash had prepared for such a move.

Ash: Gengar, use Dream Eater.

His Gengar, instead of succumbing to the hypnotic effect, channeled the strange dreams induced by the Hypnosis into a potent Dream Eater. The ethereal tendrils of Dream Eater reached out, siphoning the energy from Drake's Gengar and replenishing its strength.

The crowd erupted into gasps at the unexpected turn of events. The two Gengar, locked in a battle of wits and supernatural abilities, showcased the depth of their trainers' skills.

Drake, undeterred, countered with another tactic. 

Drake: Gengar, Destiny Bond. 

Gengar's eyes gleamed with an ominous light as it invoked the mysterious power of Destiny Bond. A connection formed between the two Gengar, a pact that signaled potential consequences for any further actions taken against Drake's Gengar.

Ash, recognizing the gravity of the situation, remained composed. 

Ash: Gengar, use Shadow Punch. 

Gengar's fist glowed with ghostly energy as it executed the Shadow Punch. The ethereal first shot forward, aiming for Drake's Gengar. However, the Destiny Bond connection activated, creating a momentary pause in the battle.

Both trainers watched withholding breath as the impact of the Shadow Punch struck both Gengar simultaneously. The crowd fell silent as the ethereal force seemed to ripple through the battlefield. When the ghostly echoes subsided, both Gengar were down, with swirls in their eyes.

The referee stepped forward to observe the 2 ghost Pokémon and spoke.

Referee: both the Pokémon are unable to battle, this round is a draw. Both trainers have 30 seconds to release their next Pokémon. 

A mix of awe and suspense-filled the arena. The trainers recalled their Gengar, acknowledging the uncanny strength and resilience displayed by the ghostly Pokémon. Ash and Drake exchanged nods, a silent acknowledgment of the extraordinary battle they had just experienced.

The mysterious aura lingered, a testament to the unpredictable nature of battles involving ghost-type Pokémon. The crowd, though initially expecting a clear victor, found themselves in awe of the intricate dance of shadows and spectral energies that had unfolded before their eyes. 

As they cheered at the ghost battles, soon both trainers decided to release their next Pokémon. 

Ash: Pikachu, you up next buddy. 

Ash whispered to his partner. 

Pikachu: Pika pi

Pikachu said nodding. 

Referee: trainers please release your next Pokémon.

As he said that Ash raised his arms and said

Ash: Pikachu, I choose you. 

As Ash said that Pikachu ran from Ash's hand and jumped from his palm to the field. 

Pikachu: Pi Pika Pi.

Drake: Electabuzz, I choose you. 

Electabuzz: Electabuzz Electa

The Pokémon battlefield was charged with anticipation as two seasoned trainers prepared for an electrifying showdown. Ash Ketchum, with his loyal companion Pikachu at his side, faced off against Drake, the renowned Dragon Master. The air crackled with energy as both trainers exchanged determined glares, ready to prove their skills in a battle that promised to be nothing short of intense.

Two formidable Electric-type Pokémon faced each other, the anticipation reaching a fever pitch. The referee's voice echoed across the arena. 

Referee: let the battle begin. 

Ash, never one to hesitate, took the initiative. 

Ash: Pikachu, start with Quick Attack. 

Pikachu's form blurred as it zipped across the battlefield, aiming for a swift and unexpected strike. Drake, undeterred, issued his command. 

Drake: Electabuzz, meet it with Thunder Punch.

Electabuzz's fist crackled with electrical energy as it intercepted Pikachu's Quick Attack with a powerful Thunder Punch. The collision created a burst of sparks, illuminating the fierce determination in both Pokémon's eyes.

Ash: Great start, Pikachu! Now, use Thunderbolt.

Pikachu's cheeks crackled with electricity as it unleashed a potent Thunderbolt toward Electabuzz. The electrifying bolt streaked across the battlefield, aiming for a direct hit. Drake, showcasing his strategic prowess, countered swiftly.

Drake: Electabuzz, dodge and retaliate with Thunder Punch again.

Electabuzz evaded the oncoming Thunderbolt with nimble agility, closing the gap between itself and Pikachu. Its fist crackled once more with electric energy as it delivered another Thunder Punch. Pikachu, caught off guard by the sudden change in tactics, took the hit but remained resilient.

Ash, showing his adaptability, called out the next move. 

Ash: Pikachu, use Iron Tail.

Pikachu's tail glowed with metallic energy as it swung toward Electabuzz. Drake, recognizing the impending attack, swiftly issued a command. 

Drake: Electabuzz, use Light Screen.

Electabuzz generated a protective Light Screen, absorbing the impact of Pikachu's Iron Tail. The arena crackled with energy as the two Pokémon tested each other's strength and resilience.

Drake seized the opportunity. 

Drake: Now, Electabuzz, Thunder Wave. 

Electabuzz released a cascade of paralyzing Thunder Waves toward Pikachu. Ash, relying on Pikachu's speed and agility, shouted. 

Ash: Pikachu, dodge, and counter with Volt Tackle.

Pikachu danced nimbly, avoiding the Thunder Waves, and charged toward Electabuzz with a surging Volt Tackle. The electrifying collision between Pikachu and Electabuzz created a burst of energy, sending shockwaves across the battlefield.

The crowd erupted into cheers, captivated by the dynamic exchange between the two Electric-type Pokémon. Both trainers were locked in a battle of wits and strategy, each trying to outmaneuver the other.

Drake, maintaining his composure, issued his next command. 

Drake: Electabuzz, use Thunder Punch to create an opening, then follow up with Thunderbolt.

Electabuzz's fist crackled once again as it aimed a Thunder Punch at Pikachu. The force of the punch sent Pikachu staggering, creating an opening for the subsequent Thunderbolt. However, Ash was quick to react.

Ash: Pikachu, use Double Team to evade and confuse.

Pikachu multiplied into multiple illusory copies, confounding Electabuzz's targeting. The Thunderbolt struck one of the illusions, dispersing it in a shower of sparks. The real Pikachu, having used the diversion to its advantage, prepared for the next move.

Ash's voice resonated with determination. 

Ash: Now, Pikachu, unleash Thunder

Pikachu, gathering electrical energy to its fullest, released a powerful Thunder attack. The arena illuminated with a blinding flash as a thunderous boom echoed through the battlefield. The electrifying surge of energy struck Electabuzz, who roared in response.

Drake, undeterred, saw an opportunity. 

Drake: Electabuzz, counter with Light Screen to absorb the Thunder attack.

Electabuzz generated a protective Light Screen, mitigating the impact of Pikachu's Thunder. The battlefield crackled with residual energy as the two Pokémon assessed each other's condition.

Ash, strategizing on the fly, issued his next command. 

Ash: Pikachu, close in with Quick Attack and follow up with Iron Tail.

Pikachu blurred into motion, executing a rapid Quick Attack that closed the distance between itself and Electabuzz. The nimble Electric-type then swung its tail, charged with metallic energy, aiming for a precise Iron Tail strike.

Drake, recognizing the impending attack, acted swiftly. 

Drake: Electabuzz, use Detect to evade Quick Attack and counter with Thunder Punch.

Electabuzz's keen senses allowed it to detect Pikachu's Quick Attack, and with a burst of speed, it evaded the assault. Simultaneously, it unleashed a Thunder Punch aimed at Pikachu's flank. The battlefield crackled with the clash of lightning-fast movements.

The crowd, enraptured by the intense battle, watched as the two Electric-type Pokémon continued to push their limits. Pikachu and Electabuzz, both showing signs of fatigue, stood resolute on the battlefield.

Ash, gauging the situation, knew that victory required a decisive move. 

Ash: Pikachu, gather your strength! It's time for Volt Tackle.

Pikachu's cheeks crackled with intense electricity as it charged up for its signature move. The air tingled with anticipation as Pikachu surged forward like a bolt of lightning, surrounded by a brilliant electric aura.

Drake, aware of the impending attack, braced for impact. 

Drake: Electabuzz, withstand the Volt Tackle, and counter with Thunder Punch. 

The collision between Pikachu's Volt Tackle and Electabuzz's Thunder Punch created an explosion of energy, sending shockwaves across the battlefield. The crowd held its breath as the electrifying clash unfolded before their eyes.

As the dust settled, Pikachu and Electabuzz stood on opposite ends of the battlefield, both showing signs of exhaustion. Suddenly Electabuzz fell and had swirls in its eyes. 

The referee stepped forward, his voice echoing across the arena. 

Referee: As Electabuzz is unable to battle the winner of this battle is Ash Ketchum. Trainer Drake, you have 30 seconds to release your last Pokémon, and trainer Ash you have 30 seconds to decide if you want to stay with Pikachu or use substitute. 

A wave of cheers erupted from the crowd, acknowledging the skill and determination displayed by Ash and Pikachu in the electrifying battle. Ash approached Pikachu with a triumphant smile, praising its unwavering spirit. Drake, despite the defeat, extended a handshake in acknowledgment of the fierce competition. The battle had been a testament to the unbreakable bond between Ash and Pikachu and their ability to overcome challenges through strategy, resilience, and sheer determination.

Ash: I will recall Pikachu for the next match. 

Referee: very well, trainers please release your next Pokémon within 18 seconds. 

Drake: well, buddy it looks like I will depend on you. Dragonite, I choose you. 

Ash: Charizard, I choose you. 

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the Pokémon battlefield. Ash Ketchum, with an air of determination, stood at one end, ready to face the formidable Dragon Master, Drake. At his side was Charizard, the fiery Dragon Pokémon with wings that spanned wide, exuding an intimidating presence. On the opposing end, Drake, known for his expertise with Dragon Pokémon, had chosen the majestic Dragonite, a legendary creature with a serene yet powerful aura.

Two titans, Charizard and Dragonite, stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of determination. The referee's voice echoed across the arena. 

Referee: let the battle begin. 

Both trainers issued their commands almost simultaneously, their Pokémon ready for the clash that awaited them.

Ash: Charizard, start with Flamethrower.

Drake: Dragonite, meet it with Dragon Pulse.

Charizard's maw erupted in a fierce blaze as it unleashed a scorching Flamethrower toward Dragonite. In response, Dragonite gathered draconic energy and countered with a powerful Dragon Pulse. The two attacks collided in a spectacular display of fire and energy, creating an explosion that sent shockwaves through the battlefield.

The crowd erupted into cheers, witnessing the dazzling exchange of firepower between Charizard and Dragonite. Both Pokémon, however, stood firm, a testament to their resilience and the bond they shared with their trainers.

Ash, showing his familiarity with Charizard's capabilities, seized the moment.

Ash: Charizard, now use Dragon Claw. 

Charizard's claws crackled with draconic energy as it lunged forward, aiming to strike Dragonite with its powerful Dragon Claw. Drake, quick to react, issued his counter-command.

Drake: Dragonite, dodge, and retaliate with Thunder Punch. 

Dragonite's wings beat with astonishing speed as it gracefully evaded Charizard's Dragon Claw. Simultaneously, it first crackled with electric energy as it launched a Thunder Punch toward Charizard. The electrifying punch connected, sending Charizard staggering backward.

Ash, undeterred, called out his next move. 

Ash: Charizard, use Seismic Toss. 

Charizard, summoning its immense strength, grabbed hold of Dragonite and soared into the sky. The battlefield was bathed in sunlight as Charizard executed the mighty Seismic Toss, spinning in midair before slamming Dragonite to the ground with tremendous force. The impact created a shockwave that resonated through the arena.

Drake, displaying his unwavering composure, issued his next command.

Drake: Dragonite, use Hurricane. 

Dragonite, despite the force of the Seismic Toss, conjured a powerful hurricane that surrounded its form. The swirling winds buffeted against Charizard, creating a tumultuous clash of elements. The battlefield became a spectacle of power as the two colossal Pokémon grappled with the opposing forces.

The crowd watched in awe as Charizard and Dragonite showcased their incredible strength and resilience. The arena became a battleground of titans, the very essence of Pokémon battles at its peak.

Ash, assessing the situation, planned his next move. 

Ash: Charizard, break through the Hurricane with Dragon Claw. 

Charizard, its wings slicing through the swirling winds, charged toward Dragonite with its claws aglow. The collision between Charizard's Dragon Claw and Dragonite's Hurricane created a fierce whirlwind of energy, obscuring the battlefield. The trainers and the audience strained their eyes to catch glimpses of the intense struggle within the vortex.

Drake, recognizing the need for a strategic shift, issued a calculated command.

Drake: Dragonite, change tactics! Use Aqua Tail. 

Dragonite, adapting swiftly, shifted from the hurricane and lashed out with its aquatic tail. The Aqua Tail, surrounded by swirling water, clashed with Charizard's Dragon Claw, creating a dynamic clash of elements. The arena resonated with the power of the opposing attacks.

As the battlefield settled, both Charizard and Dragonite stood, showing signs of wear from the intense exchange. The crowd held its breath, awaiting the next decisive move.

Ash, with a keen eye for opportunity, called out his next command. 

Ash: Charizard, use Fire Spin. 

Charizard, summoning the power of flames, created a vortex of searing fire that surrounded Dragonite. The spiraling flames danced around Dragonite, trapping it within the fiery whirlwind. The crowd gasped, witnessing the dazzling display of Charizard's mastery over fire.

Drake, however, maintained his focus. 

Drake: Dragonite, break free with Twister. 

Dragonite, surrounded by the searing flames of Fire Spin, summoned a powerful Twister that clashed against the fiery vortex. The opposing forces created a mesmerizing display of elemental power, each Pokémon pushing itself to the limit.

Ash, showing his strategic prowess, issued his next command.

Ash: Charizard, capitalize on the opening with Dragon Pulse. 

Seizing the moment, Charizard launched a Dragon Pulse toward Dragonite, exploiting the distraction caused by the clash of Fire Spin and Twister. The pulsating draconic energy struck Dragonite with precision, leaving it momentarily disoriented.

Drake, assessing the situation, knew he needed to turn the tide. 

Drake: Dragonite, use Hyper Beam. 

Dragonite, gathering a tremendous amount of energy, unleashed a powerful Hyper Beam toward Charizard. The intense beam of energy collided with Charizard's Dragon Pulse, creating a spectacular explosion that illuminated the battlefield.

The crowd watched in suspense as the smoke cleared, revealing both Charizard and Dragonite standing on opposite ends of the battlefield. The trainers exchanged determined glares, each aware that the battle was far from over.

Ash, feeling the intensity of the moment, shouted his next command. 

Ash: Charizard, let's finish this with a full-powered Blast Burn.

Charizard's wings glowed with fiery energy as it gathered the might of its most potent attack. The very air around Charizard crackled with heat as it released a colossal Blast Burn toward Dragonite. The searing stream of fire surged toward its target with unstoppable force.

Drake, with a sense of urgency, issued his final command. 

Drake: Dragonite, use Barrier to withstand the Blast Burn.

Dragonite, summoning a protective Barrier, braced itself against the oncoming Blast Burn. The collision of the incandescent flames and the defensive barrier created a dazzling explosion of light and heat, enveloping the battlefield in an intense display of power.

As the smoke cleared, the arena fell into a hushed silence. The crowd eagerly awaited the outcome, their eyes fixed on the battlefield. 

And as the spoke dispersed it showed a Dragonite down with swirls in its eyes but no Charizard when a roar was heard and it showed Charizard barely standing, its eyes showing him ready to go but his entire body had bruises and looked like he too would faint any minute. 

The referee stepped forward and spoke what was heard in the entire stadium. 

Referee: as Dragonite is unable to battle and Dragonite being the last Pokémon of trainer Drake the winner of this match is Ash Ketcham of Pallet Town. 

Announcer: After a fierce battle, between Drake and his Dragonite the winner is Ash Ketchum and Charizard. 

A wave of cheers erupted from the spectators, celebrating the hard-fought victory of Ash and Charizard. The bond between trainer and Pokémon, the culmination of years of challenges and triumphs, shone brightly in that moment.

Ash approached Charizard with a triumphant smile, his hand extended in appreciation. Charizard roared in response, acknowledging the support of its trainer and the thrill of the battle. On the other end, Drake, with a nod of respect, recalled Dragonite with a sense of fulfillment from losing after many years and a resolve to train harder and battle Ash again and win. His pride won't allow him to simply rest after this match. 

As both trainers returned their Pokémon, the audience went wild in the seating area. Many were cheering, some crying, some happy, and some depressed at the battle of their favorite trainer. 

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sorry had to re-upload it seems more than 3/4 of the story got deleted. I have fixed it now

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