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31.25% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 10: Chapter - 10, Top 16

Chapter 10: Chapter - 10, Top 16

Jason: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Grovyle and your other Pokémon's are truly a skilled and powerful Pokémon.

Ash: thank you, Jason and your Steelix and your other Pokémon are also very strong.

Announcer: Amazing folks, Ash Ketchum has done it. he is now advancing to the Top 16 and we at the Pokémon league will soon bring many other great battle and the next battle is after a small break of 15 minutes and.….. 

As announcer was talking, we can see both Ash and Jason shaking hands and both talking with each other. 


Delia: oh, ash what a wonderful battle and I got the battles pictures that you wanted and that fight was amazing, your father would be proud.

Ash POV –

After the match, me and Jason talked while talking to each other. After giving our Pokémon to Nurse Joy, me and Jason also met Mom, Misty, Brock and his Mother. We talked about our adventures and so much more. And when I told Jason that I have the 4 orange league badges he was surprised and when I showed him that he was surprised along with my friends and mom. While taking, I saw something that I wouldn't forget, a girl with blond hair winning and also reaching Top 16 and I knew who she was she was Cynthia Shirona the strongest champion. I gulped and after dinner, I went and find out why the Future Champion of Sinnoh is here competing in the Kanto League and I found out threw one of her interview and turns out after winning the Sinnoh league, she started competing in the Kanto league according to her interview, and next year she would officially challenge the Kanto League. 

When I saw all her battle and other I was a bit scared and when I and Pikachu saw her battle had a small sweet and I also showed Charizard her Starter Garchomp and after that, I had instructed Charizard to start a training with Chansey for at least 2 weeks along with Pikachu. I wanted them extra prepared. Soon, I also got to know about my opponent for Top 16 and it was none other than Ritchie.

Ritchie and I actually met, in a elevator, before we got to know about our Top 16 opponent and soon after finding out my opponent was Ritchie, I and him just nodded not to hold back and wont hold any grudges. 

Soon it was time to battle with Ritchie. Soon I was in my waiting room, waiting for my announcer to call me. Then I heard it. 

Announcer: Ash Ketchum, please report in your designated spot, your battle starts in 5 minutes. 

As I heard that, I drank a glass of water and went to the stage and was ready for my battle. 

3rd person POV – 

Announcer: now audience, we are in for a treat after a great battle, we have another. And let me introduce our two participants who will be competing with each other to see who will move on from here to the Top 8. Now let us give a warm welcome to Ritchie from Frodomar City and he has given us a beautiful performance in his Elemental Field battles and his opponent today is non other than Ash Ketchum one of the few people who has not lost a single Pokémon during the entire tournament and he is in his 1st year of journey as well. Now lets give a huge applause as both the trainers are here for their battle. 

As the announcer said that both trainers came on opposite side the battle arena and so did the referee and the audience was giving applauses and cheering for their favourite trainer. 


Delia: good luck honey, do your best. 

She said while petting Meowth. As the cat Pokémon also cheered on, in her own way.   

some people in audience could also see showing posters of both ash and Ritchie.

Referee: trainers, this will be a 4 on 4 battle and whosever Pokémon is unable to battle in the end wins and there is no time limit and both are allowed to substitute your Pokémon. is everything understood by both of you. 

Ash: yes

Ritchie: yes 

Referee: very well trainers Release your Pokémon.

Ash: I choose you Snorlax.

Ritchie: I Choose you Zippo. 

The battleground is set, trainers and Pokémon ready for an intense clash. Ash, with his imposing Snorlax, faces off against Ritchie and his fiery Charmeleon named Zippo. The anticipation in the air is electric as the battle begins.

Ash: Snorlax, let's kick things off! Body Slam!

Ritchie: Zippo, dodge and retaliate with Flamethrower!

Snorlax charges forward, aiming to crush Zippo with a powerful Body Slam. However, the agile Charmeleon evades, responding with a scorching Flamethrower that engulfs the battlefield.

Ash's Snorlax: (adjusting its strategy)

Ritchie's Charmeleon: (nimble and resilient)

Ash: Snorlax, use Hyper Beam! Let's show them our strength!

Ritchie: Zippo, use Smoke Screen to obscure their vision! Create an opportunity!

Snorlax gathers energy, unleashing a devastating Hyper Beam. In a tactical move, Zippo releases a thick Smoke Screen, shrouding the battlefield and creating an opening for the fiery Pokémon.

Ash's Snorlax: (unleashing Hyper Beam)

Ritchie's Charmeleon: (utilizing Smoke Screen)

Ash: Snorlax, dispel the smoke with Ice Punch!

Ritchie: Zippo, use Dragon Rage! Break through the Ice Punch!

Snorlax, with a powerful Ice Punch, disperses the smoke. Zippo counters with Dragon Rage, creating a collision of icy and draconic energy.

Ash's Snorlax: (clearing the battlefield)

Ritchie's Charmeleon: (showing resilience)

Ash: Snorlax, seize the moment! Use Body Slam again!

Ritchie: Zippo, we can't let up! Dodge and counter with Dragon Tail!

Snorlax charges for another Body Slam, aiming to crush Zippo. The nimble Charmeleon evades, countering with a forceful Dragon Tail.

Ash's Snorlax: (pressing the attack)

Ritchie's Charmeleon: (responding with Dragon Tail)

Ash: Snorlax, let's finish this! Giga Impact, full power!

Ritchie: Zippo, give it your all! Use Fire Blast and meet the Giga Impact head-on!

Snorlax charges with the unstoppable force of Giga Impact. Zippo, determined, counters with a blazing Fire Blast, creating a clash of colossal power.

The battle concludes with Snorlax's Giga Impact proving overwhelming for Zippo's Fire Blast. Zippo, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Charmeleon is unable to battle the winner of the first round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Ritchie you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Snorlax.

Ash: Great job, Snorlax! Your power and resilience shone through.

Snorlax (Ash's): (content and triumphant)

Ash: I will stay with Snorlax. 

Referee: very well, trainer Ritchie you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon. 

Ritchie: you did well, Zippo. Now Happy, I choose you. 

Referee: let the 2nd round begin 

As the battlefield for the 2nd round is set, trainers Ash and Ritchie ready for an intense battle. Ash, with his mighty Snorlax, faces off against Ritchie and his graceful Butterfree named Happy. The atmosphere is charged with excitement as the battle begins.

Ash: Snorlax, let's start strong! Use Body Slam!

Ritchie: Happy, dodge it with Gust and counter with Sleep Powder!

Snorlax charges forward for a powerful Body Slam, aiming to crush Happy. However, the nimble Butterfree evades with a swift Gust and retaliates by releasing Sleep Powder, creating a delicate dance of wind and sleep-inducing particles.

Ash's Snorlax: (adjusting its strategy)

Ritchie's Butterfree: (dancing gracefully)

Ash: Snorlax, shake off the Sleep Powder with a good old Thunder Punch!

Ritchie: Happy, maintain your distance and use Psychic to redirect the Thunder Punch!

Snorlax, rousing from the sleep-inducing particles, charges with Thunder Punch. Happy, displaying psychic prowess, redirects the punch with a graceful Psychic manoeuvre.

Ash's Snorlax: (shaking off the drowsiness)

Ritchie's Butterfree: (utilizing Psychic)

Ash: Snorlax, show them your speed! Use Quick Attack!

Ritchie: Happy, counter with Stun Spore! Slow down their movements!

Snorlax surprises with a burst of speed, executing Quick Attack. Happy responds by releasing Stun Spore, attempting to impede Snorlax's movements.

Ash's Snorlax: (displaying unexpected agility)

Ritchie's Butterfree: (attempting to slow Snorlax down)

Ash: Snorlax, change the pace! Use Ice Punch to break through!

Ritchie: Happy, stay evasive! Dodge and counter with Psybeam!

Snorlax's fist glows with icy energy as it launches an Ice Punch. Happy, evading with grace, counters with a Psybeam, creating a clash of icy and psychic powers.

Ash's Snorlax: (pressing forward with Ice Punch)

Ritchie's Butterfree: (responding with Psybeam)

Ash: Snorlax, finish it! Giga Impact, full power!

Ritchie: Happy, give it your all! Counter with Solar Beam!

Snorlax charges with the unstoppable force of Giga Impact. Happy, gathering solar energy, counters with a dazzling Solar Beam, creating a clash of colossal power.

The battle concludes with Snorlax's Giga Impact overpowering Happy's Solar Beam. Butterfree, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Ash: Great job, Snorlax! Your power and versatility made the difference.

Snorlax (Ash's): (triumphant and content)

Referee: as Butterfree, is unable to battle the winner of the first round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Ritchie you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Snorlax.

Ritchie: Wow, ash that Snorlax is has some power. 

Ash: thanks, so are your Pokémon. 

Referee: trainers, please select your next Pokémon.

Ritchie: Sparky, I choose you. 

Referee: let the 2nd round begin. 

The battlefield is charged with excitement as trainers Ash and Ritchie prepare for a thrilling battle. Ash, with his colossal Snorlax, faces off against Ritchie and his spirited Pikachu named Sparky. The air is filled with anticipation as the battle kicks off.

Ash: Snorlax, let's start strong! Use Body Slam!

Ritchie: Sparky, dodge it with Quick Attack and counter with Thunderbolt!

Snorlax charges forward for a massive Body Slam, aiming to crush Sparky. The nimble Pikachu evades with a swift Quick Attack, countering with a powerful Thunderbolt that crackles through the air.

Ash's Snorlax: (adjusting its strategy)

Ritchie's Pikachu: (nimble and electrifying)

Ash: Snorlax, shake off the electricity! Use Ice Punch to break through!

Ritchie: Sparky, dodge and counter with Iron Tail!

Snorlax, showing resilience, charges with an Ice Punch. Sparky, evading skilfully, counters with a sparkling Iron Tail, creating a clash of icy and metallic powers.

Ash's Snorlax: (shaking off the electricity)

Ritchie's Pikachu: (responding with Iron Tail)

Ash: Snorlax, let's try a ranged move! Use Hyper Beam!

Ritchie: Sparky, dodge and retaliate with Electro Ball!

Snorlax gathers energy for a powerful Hyper Beam. Sparky evades with agility, countering with an energetic Electro Ball that crackles with electricity.

Ash's Snorlax: (unleashing Hyper Beam)

Ritchie's Pikachu: (responding with Electro Ball)

Ash: Snorlax, show them your speed! Quick Attack now!

Ritchie: Sparky, use Agility to match their speed and follow up with Thunder Punch!

Snorlax surprises with a burst of speed, executing Quick Attack. Sparky, matching the pace with Agility, follows up with a charged Thunder Punch.

Ash's Snorlax: (displaying unexpected agility)

Ritchie's Pikachu: (striking with Thunder Punch)

Ash: Snorlax, let's finish this! Giga Impact, full power!

Ritchie: Sparky, give it your all! Use Volt Tackle and meet the Giga Impact head-on!

Snorlax charges with the unstoppable force of Giga Impact. Sparky, surrounded by electrical energy, counters with a dazzling Volt Tackle, creating a clash of colossal power.

The battlefield trembles as Snorlax's Giga Impact proves overwhelming for Sparky's Volt Tackle. Pikachu, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Pikachu, is unable to battle the winner of the first round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Ritchie you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Snorlax.

Ash: Great job, Snorlax! Your power and adaptability made the difference.

Snorlax (Ash's): (triumphant and content)

Ritchie: (smiling) Well-fought, Ash. Your Snorlax is truly a powerhouse. Now this is my most powerful Pokémon, go Cruise, I choose you. 

The battlefield is set, trainers Ash and Ritchie ready for an intense showdown. Ash, with his colossal Snorlax, faces off against Ritchie and his formidable Pupitar named Cruise. The air is charged with anticipation as the battle begins.

Ash: Snorlax, let's start strong! Use Ice Punch to break through Pupitar's defences!

Ritchie: Cruise, brace yourself and counter with Stone Edge!

Snorlax's fist glows with icy energy as it charges forward with Ice Punch, aiming to break through Pupitar's defences. Cruise responds by summoning sharp stones with Stone Edge, creating a clash of icy and rocky powers.

Ash's Snorlax: (pressing forward with Ice Punch)

Ritchie's Pupitar: (responding with Stone Edge)

Ash: Snorlax, show them your resilience! Use Rest to recover and nullify any status conditions!

Ritchie: Cruise, seize the opportunity! Use Dragon Dance to boost your stats!

Snorlax settles into a restful state, recovering from any wear and tear. Cruise takes advantage of the moment, executing a graceful Dragon Dance to enhance its stats.

Ash's Snorlax: (resting and recuperating)

Ritchie's Pupitar: (boosting its stats with Dragon Dance)

Ash: Snorlax, wake up with a bang! Use Body Slam with full force!

Ritchie: Cruise, counter with Dark Pulse and disrupt its movements!

Snorlax awakens from its restful state, charging forward with a mighty Body Slam. Cruise responds with a disruptive Dark Pulse, attempting to throw Snorlax off balance.

Ash's Snorlax: (awakening with power)

Ritchie's Pupitar: (creating disruption with Dark Pulse)

Ash: Snorlax, change the pace! Use Crunch to counter Pupitar's Dark Pulse!

Ritchie: Cruise, stay agile! Dodge and use Rock Slide!

Snorlax counters the Dark Pulse with a powerful Crunch. Cruise, showcasing agility, dodges and retaliates with a cascade of rocks using Rock Slide.

Ash's Snorlax: (responding with Crunch)

Ritchie's Pupitar: (dodging and using Rock Slide)

Ash: Snorlax, let's finish this! Giga Impact, full power!

Ritchie: Cruise, give it your all! Use Earthquake and counter the Giga Impact!

Snorlax charges with the unstoppable force of Giga Impact. Cruise counters with a seismic Earthquake, creating a clash of colossal power.

The battlefield trembles as Snorlax's Giga Impact proves overwhelming for Cruise's Earthquake. Pupitar, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Pupitar, is unable to battle the winner of the first round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Ritchie you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Snorlax.

Ash: Great job, Snorlax! Your power and resilience were outstanding.

Snorlax (Ash's): (triumphant and content)

Ritchie: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Snorlax is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Ash: Thanks, Ritchie! Snorlax, that was incredible. Let's keep rolling towards victory in our journey!

Announcer: Amazing folks, Ash Ketchum has done it. he is now advancing to the Top 8 of the Kanto League and we at the Pokémon league will soon bring many other great battle and the next battle is after a small break of 15 minutes and.….. 

As announcer was talking, ash and Ritchie were talking to each other and also shaking his hands. And leaving the battle arena. 

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