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28.12% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 9: Chapter - 9, Top 32

Chapter 9: Chapter - 9, Top 32

Seeing this, ash and the rest of the audience clapped for the person that surrendered rather that have is ego ahead of him, while some will say he should have not given up. But the saying still fight at a later instead of dying is for a reason. 

Referee: very well, since Jason Druella has given up the winner of the Grass field is a Ash Ketchum. 

While everyone clapped, we see ash Ketchum and Jason Druella could be seen shaking hands and walking out of the stadium while talking about the league and battle. 

Ash POV – 

After my battle I went to the Pokémon centre and gave Persian's Poke-ball to nurse Joy and as I was one of the first people to finish my 4 element field battles, I had to wait at least 2 days before I could know when my match is. After that, I went and waited and saw those that won, the matches and soon I went out and met up with Mom, Misty, Brock, Professor Oak and Gary. We talked and Gary and me were taunting each other. Soon time passed and me and Gary went to prepare for the Top 32. Soon I got a call in my cabin to come to the Pokémon Centre and I got to know my opponent for the Top 32 match is Jimmy kern from Valencia Island. And I checked his past official battles and his Gym battle to prepare and soon time came for me to fight him to coalify for the Top 16, soon I was in my waiting room, waiting for my announcer to call me. Then I heard it. 

Announcer: Ash Ketchum, please report in your designated spot, your battle starts in 5 minutes. 

As I heard that, I drank a glass of water and went to the stage and was ready for my battle. 

3rd person POV – 

Announcer: now audience, we are in for a treat after a great battle, we have another. And let me introduce our two participants who will be competing with each other to see who will move on from here to the Top 16. Now lets give a warm welcome to Jimmy Kern from Valenica Island and he has given us a beautiful performance in his Elemental Field battles and his opponent today is non other than Ash Ketchum one of the few people who has not lost a single Pokémon during the entire tournament and he is in his 1st year of journey as well. Now lets give a huge applause as both the trainers are here for their battle. 

As the announcer said that both trainers came on opposite side the battle arena and so did the referee and the audience was giving applauses and cheering for their favourite trainer. 


Delia: good luck honey, do your best. 

She said while petting Meowth. As the cat Pokémon also cheered on, in her own way.   

some people in audience could also see showing posters of both ash and Jimmy. 

Referee: trainers, this will be a 4 on 4 battle and whosever Pokémon is unable to battle in the end wins and there is no time limit and both are allowed to substitute your Pokémon. is everything understood by both of you. 

Ash: yes

Jimmy: hm 

Referee: very well trainers Release your Pokémon.

Ash: Pidgeot, I choose you. 

Jimmy: Rhydon, show your might. 

Ash: Pidgeot, take flight! Let's start with a gust of wind – use Gust to create some distance.

Jason: Rhydon, stand firm! Counter with Rock Slide and show them the power of the earth.

Pidgeot ascends into the sky, beating its powerful wings to generate a strong gust of wind. Rhydon responds by summoning a cascade of rocks with Rock Slide, attempting to counter the aerial manoeuvre.

Pidgeot was soaring gracefully while Rhydon was steadfast, rocks swirling around him. 

Ash: Pidgeot, dive down with Aerial Ace! Strike with precision.

Jason: Rhydon, brace for impact! Use Horn Drill to counter.

Pidgeot descends sharply, wings glowing with the power of Aerial Ace. Rhydon, undeterred, prepares Horn Drill to counter the incoming attack.

Pidgeot was swift and focused

Rhydon was determined and powerful

Ash: Pidgeot, show them your speed! Quick Attack, now.

Jason: Rhydon, meet it head-on! Use Stomp to defend.

Pidgeot darts forward with blinding speed, executing Quick Attack. Rhydon attempts to defend with a powerful Stomp, creating a clash of speed and strength.

Pidgeot nimble and agile and was showing no sign of exhaustion. Whereas, Rhydon was already showing signs of exertion. 

Ash: Pidgeot, let's go for an aerial assault! Brave Bird, full power.

Jason: Rhydon, endure it! Use Rock Wrecker to counter the Brave Bird.

Pidgeot, with a burst of courage, charges towards Rhydon, feathers glowing with the intensity of Brave Bird. Rhydon, resolute, channels the power of Rock Wrecker to defend against the incoming attack.

due to Brave Bird Pidgeot was showing signs of fatigue, while Rhydon still looked tough and ready to go. 

Ash: Pidgeot, we're not done yet! Steel Wing, now.

Jason: Rhydon, stand your ground! Use Megahorn to counter the Wing Attack.

Pidgeot executes a sharp Steel Wing Attack, aiming for Rhydon. Rhydon responds with the powerful Megahorn, creating a clash of flying and horned prowess.

The battle concludes with Pidgeot's Steel Wing Attack proving superior to Rhydon's Megahorn. Rhydon, unable to withstand the onslaught, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Rhydon is unable to battle the winner of the second round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Jason you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Pidgeot. 

Jason: you did well, Rhydon now return. 

Ash: Great job, Pidgeot! Your speed and precision and hard paid off.

Pidgeot: Pidgeot Pidge Pidgeot

Screeched Pidgeot in a triumphant cry. But anyone could tell, she could faint at any moment. And as suddenly she started to go down but before that could happen, a red beam hit her and returned her to her poke-ball. 

Referee: trainers, release your next Pokémon.

Jason: Tauros, show your Might.

Ash: very well Tauros, I choose you. Show the world why you are the leader of the herd. 

Announcer: well folks, this is a bull battle. 

Referee: let the 2nd round begin. 

Ash: Tauros, let's show them the strength of our herd! Start with Take Down.

Jason: Tauros, mirror their move! Use Take Down as well.

Both Tauros charge at each other with incredible speed, colliding in a powerful Take Down. The impact sends shockwaves through the battlefield.

Ash's Tauros: (recoiling slightly but standing strong)

Jason's Tauros: (matching the strength, showing resilience)

Ash: Tauros, keep the momentum! Use Horn Attack.

Jason: Tauros, counter with Horn Attack too! Let's see who's tougher.

Both Tauros lower their heads, their horns glowing with energy, and charge at each other once again. The clash of Horn Attacks creates a spectacle of power and determination.

Ash's Tauros: (steadfast)

Jason's Tauros: (feeling the impact but holding its ground)

Ash: Tauros, let's change it up! Stomp to disrupt their rhythm.

Jason: Tauros, brace for impact and retaliate with Stomp as well.

Ash's Tauros abruptly shifts tactics, using Stomp to disrupt the pattern. Jason's Tauros responds in kind, creating a momentary disturbance in the battlefield.

Ash's Tauros: (nimble and adapting)

Jason's Tauros: (adjusting to the change)

Ash: Tauros, it's time for a ranged move! Use Zen Headbutt.

Jason: Tauros, meet it with Zen Headbutt too! Let's see who can focus better.

Both Tauros channel psychic energy into their heads and charge, colliding in mid-air with Zen Headbutt. The clash showcases their mental and physical prowess.

Ash's Tauros: (focused)

Jason's Tauros: (showing signs of mental resilience)

Ash: Tauros, this is it! Take them by surprise with Iron Tail.

Jason: Tauros, defend with Iron Tail as well! Don't let them catch us off guard.

Ash's Tauros swings its tail, imbued with the power of Iron Tail. Jason's Tauros reacts quickly, also using Iron Tail to deflect the attack.

Ash's Tauros: (adapting its strategy)

Jason's Tauros: (matching the defensive move)

The battle concludes with a close exchange of powerful moves. However, as the dust settles, it becomes evident that Ash's Tauros has maintained a slightly stronger stance.

Ash: Excellent job, Tauros! Your strength and adaptability made the difference.

Tauros (Ash's): (proudly snorting)

Referee: as Jason's Tauros is unable to battle the winner of the third round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Jason you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with your Tauros.

Jason: return Tauros, you have fought well. 

Ash: return Tauros, you showed the world why you are known as the leader of your herd. That Tauros is something Jason, he is really strong. 

Jason: oh, thank you. So is your Tauros, by the way how big is your Tauros herd if you don't mind be asking? 

Ash: my Tauros is the leader of 30 Tauros. 

Jason: that's a big herd, but the way who… 

Referee: trainers you only have 15 seconds to release your 3rd Pokémon. 

Ash: Jason, how about we talk after our battle. 

Jason: yeah that sounds good. 

Ash: now, go Muk I choose you. 

Jason: Victorybell, I choose you. 

Ash: Muk, let's start strong! Use Sludge Bomb.

Jason: Victorybell , dodge it and counter with Razor Leaf.

Muk hurls a toxic Sludge Bomb towards Victorybell aiming to poison its opponent. Victorybell swiftly dodges, retaliating with a flurry of Razor Leaves.

Ash's Muk: (ready for the next move)

Jason's Victorybell:(nimble and evasive)

Ash: Muk, don't let up! Follow it with Acid Armor to boost your defences.

Jason: Victorybell, close in with Wrap! Constrict Muk's movement.

Muk envelops itself in Acid Armor, reinforcing its defences. Victorybell lunges forward, wrapping Muk with its vines, attempting to constrict its movements.

Ash's Muk: (protected by Acid Armor)

Jason's Victorybell: (constricting Muk)

Ash: Muk, use Minimize! Make yourself harder to hit.

Jason: Victorybell, counter with Sleep Powder! Aim for accuracy.

Muk shrinks in size, becoming difficult to target. Victorybell responds by releasing a cloud of Sleep Powder, attempting to induce drowsiness.

Ash's Muk: (minimized and elusive)

Jason's Victorybell: (dispersing Sleep Powder)

Ash: Muk, strike while it's distracted! Use Sludge Wave.

Jason: Victorybell, snap out of it and counter with Acid.

Muk releases a powerful Sludge Wave, catching Victorybell off guard. Victorybell reacts by countering with a corrosive Acid.

Ash's Muk: (attacking with Sludge Wave)

Jason's Victorybell: (retaliating with Acid)

Ash: Muk, let's wrap this up! Gunk Shot, full power.

Jason: Victorybell, endure it! Use Vine Whip to counter.

Muk gathers toxic energy for a potent Gunk Shot, launching it towards Victorybell. Victorybell braces for impact, countering with a swift Vine Whip. 

Ash's Muk: (unleashing Gunk Shot)

Jason's Victorybell: (responding with Vine Whip)

The battle concludes with Muk's Gunk Shot overpowering Victorybell's Vine Whip. Victorybell, unable to withstand the toxic assault, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Victorybell is unable to battle the winner of the third round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Jason you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Muk.

Ash: Great job, Muk! Your adaptability and powerful moves really paid off.

Muk (Ash's): (gleaming with satisfaction)

Referee: trainers, please release your last Pokémon.

Jason: GO Steelix, show your might. 

Ash: Grovyle, I choose you. 

Referee: let the fourth round begin.

Ash: Grovyle, let's set the pace! Start with Quick Attack. 

Jason: Steelix, brace yourself! Iron Tail to counter the Quick Attack.

Grovyle darts forward with incredible speed, launching a Quick Attack. Steelix responds by swinging its mighty Iron Tail, aiming to intercept the swift assault.

Ash's Grovyle: (nimble and quick)

Jason's Steelix: (powerful and resolute)

Ash: Grovyle, use Leaf Blade! Aim for Steelix's weak points.

Jason: Steelix, protect yourself with Iron Défense! Harden your defences.

Grovyle's leaves shimmer with energy as it slashes with Leaf Blade. Steelix fortifies its defences with Iron Défense, creating a protective barrier against the slashing attack.

Ash's Grovyle: (focused and relentless)

Jason's Steelix: (hardening its defences)

Ash: Grovyle, show them your agility! Dodge and use Bullet Seed.

Jason: Steelix, coil up and counter with Dragon Breath! Unleash your draconic power.

Grovyle agilely dodges Steelix's Dragon Breath and retaliates with a barrage of Bullet Seed, peppering Steelix with seeds.

Ash's Grovyle: (evading with finesse)

Jason's Steelix: (enduring the Bullet Seed assault)

Ash: Grovyle, change it up! Use Energy Ball to pierce through Steelix's defences. 

Jason: Steelix, endure it! Strike back with Earthquake to disrupt its aim.

Grovyle gathers energy for an Energy Ball, launching it towards Steelix. The colossal Pokémon retaliates with a powerful Earthquake, causing the ground to shake.

Ash's Grovyle: (releasing Energy Ball)

Jason's Steelix: (shaking the battlefield with Earthquake)

Ash: Grovyle, let's finish strong! Use Leaf Storm, unleash the full force of nature.

Jason: Steelix, endure it! Counter with Iron Tail, show them your strength.

Grovyle summons a tempest of leaves with Leaf Storm, aiming to overwhelm Steelix. Steelix retaliates with a mighty Iron Tail, creating a clash of swirling leaves and metallic power.

Ash's Grovyle: (exerting its full power)

Jason's Steelix: (responding with immense strength)

The battle concludes with Grovyle's Leaf Storm proving overwhelming for Steelix. Steelix, unable to withstand the onslaught, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Trainer Jason's Steelix is unable to battle the winner of the fourth round is Ash Ketchum, and as Trainer Jason's has no Pokémon left the winner of Indigo Legue 32nd round branch [B] is Ash Ketchum. 

Ash: Fantastic job, Grovyle! Your speed and power were incredible.

Grovyle (Ash's): (roaring triumphantly)

Jason: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Grovyle and your other Pokémon's are truly a skilled and powerful Pokémon.

Ash: thank you, Jason and your Steelix and your other Pokémon are also very strong.

Announcer: Amazing folks, Ash Ketchum has done it. he is now advancing to the Top 16 and we at the Pokémon league will soon bring many other great battle and the next battle is after a small break of 15 minutes and.….. 

As announcer was talking, we can see both Ash and Jason shaking hands and both talking with each other. 


Delia: oh, ash what a wonderful battle and I got the battles pictures that you wanted and that fight was amazing, your father would be proud. 

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