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Chapter 16: Aoko's Party (Last Part)

Currently on a rooftop of one of the city's many skyscrapers, a boy with a white cape, hat, clothes and everything else, was now in a difficult situation, because there were ten men in black surrounding him.

That boy dressed in white was a professional thief and a magnificent magician, his identity was known to all as Kaitou Kid. He was now facing a secret organization that was different from the Black one Shikami belonged to.

"Khu, khu, khu... I warned you last night on your cell phone to stay away from the stones, but you didn't listen to me, and now we're in this situation.

How long has Kaitou Kid or should I say Toichi Kuroba. Even though since that day 8 years ago I thought that the crazy man who got in our way was now dead. But surprisingly he turns out to still be alive.

Now hand over the gem you took and then don't disturb our actions anymore, and in exchange I will let you live, or kill you and your family"

Kaitou Kid who was now put against the death that wasn't there, took a step back as he realized that he couldn't, because if he did he would only throw himself from the skyscraper.

Looking at the man who had spoken, he asked as he tossed him a blue rectangular gem "tell me, why are you looking for the jewels, and what did this have to do with my father?"

The man bent down to take the jewel and then said "Khu kuh kuh, it is said that there is a jewel named Pandora which is currently lost among the jewels of the world, and this jewel is capable of giving you eternal immortality if obtained. "

Then looking at Kaitou Kid, he took his Gun and then pointed it at him and said "Now I will give you a gift that will send you to the eternity of hell!"

"Bang!!!" with a gunshot sound, drops of blood fell as a dead body sprawled on the ground

Looking at who was the culprit, the remaining members of the organization took their guns and without waiting, shot.

"Bang, Bang, Bang..." But with nine shots being heard in a row, nine bodies fell to the ground, as a clear but calm voice was heard "Kaitou Kid, or should I say Kaito Kuroba?"

From the shadow of the door leading to the roof of the building, a boy appeared on the scene, while Kaito was still surprised by what had happened. The boy was Shikami.

As soon as he arrived on the scene, he saw him in difficulty and so acted without hesitation, while Kaito discovered the identity of the person who saved his life, even if he could have gotten away with it alone.

Seeing that he didn't talk about the, Shokami told him without hiding her action "Kaito, Aoko is very sad about your absence at her birthday party, so I decided to bring you back"

Kaito reacting when you hear the name of his best friend, I look at him and then ask him with perplexity "how do you know my hidden identity?"

To which Shikami simply said "the sky can scrutinize everyone, and you are no exception. But let's go now, or Aoko will be sadder"

Hearing what she said to him, Kaito could only sigh at what happened and so nodded, but before he left the skyscraper, he said "wait, I have a little surprise for Aoko."

So it was that Shikami saw him dial a number and then say a few words to the other party and thus leave with him.

On the way back to Aoko's house, Kaito was very curious how she was able to kill all those men with one shot, and so asked her "how are you able to kill ten men without a shot of mercy or fear ?"

Shikami who was driving the car, I look at Kaito's eyes with the car mirror, and then tell him "when someone kills a human for the first time, it affects his mentality and that of everyone in the world.

But if you think about it carefully from the perspective of an 8 year old child, he is already capable of mercilessly killing an animal such as ant, snails, insects and more, but he does not possess the wisdom of life.

From our point of view, animals are only useful for food and therefore we do not panic when we eat or kill them.

But at the end of the day, we humans are also animals who are just more evolved and wiser, which is why I have no problem killing someone, especially when they're bad guys. "

Giving a long but clear explanation, Kaito was stunned by his speech on human thought, especially since he had never seriously thought about it.

He was also very clear that for him this was not an ideal to rely on, especially since it was wrong to take someone's life, even if it was evil.

But from the point of view of Shikami who had lived in the horror of modern society, it was not wrong to kill his enemies, especially if it could save someone's life.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at Aoko's house who was waiting hopefully for Kaito's arrival. And as soon as she saw the car that she had parked, she walked over.

Kaito and Shikami who saw them approaching, got out of the car and both greeted her "Hi Aoko"

She looked at them from Shikami to Kaito, and then looked at the latter who was in difficulty because he didn't know how to treat her when he saw her cry.

But as usual, he did a magic trick to make those little tears that threatened to fall from her innocent face disappear.

"against until three, and by magic the magic will appear that will show me your smile"

so under his expectant gaze, he began to count "One... Two... Three!"

Once I finished counting, I twisted my fingers and magically fireworks appeared all over the city sky, while Aoko admired the enchanting scenery and showed a happy smile.

After two minutes of fireworks, a last one appeared which was very large, and on a skyscraper where they were advertising, a message appeared on the screen that said "happy birthday Aoko".

Aoko who, looking at the magnificent scenery, said "thank you Kaito"

Thus the party could be considered to have ended with a happy ending, while Shikami was surprised by the speed with which Kaito organized this whole show, especially since it cost a lot.

After wishing her her birthday again, all of Aoko's friends returned to their homes, while Shikami and Kaito helped her tidy up the mess from the party, and then left.

That evening was unforgettable for the birthday girl who felt from sadness to joy. The following day, Aoko's father, who had managed to prevent Kaitou Kid's robbery and thus save the blue gem, returned home with a hangover and a headache.

As a daughter who is used to this kind of thing, I help her with what is necessary and then listen to her stories.

"You know that your father managed to stop that thief from stealing the Blue Birthday gem, but strangely when we arrived on the scene there was no one there"

Aoko was very happy to hear her father's result, especially since she hadn't seen him very happy since Kaitou Kid reappeared. Continuing to listen to what she said about her, suddenly about her father Ginzo Nakamori, I seem to remember something important.

This is how I tell it, "true... when I was in the police station, I heard that your schoolmate, who is part of the police, managed to prevent an attack on the Teitan elementary school.

Alone he defeated more than 50 men armed with machine guns and with the help of an elementary school child, he managed to plant a soporific bomb to put all the mafiosi to sleep and thus avert a terrible case.

It's a shame that he was in contact with the gas too much, but even so he managed to fight and injure all 50 mafiosi, and then fell asleep under the influence. I heard that he didn't wake up until around 5 or 6. Too bad he's already part of the homicide department, or I would have recruited him to face Kaitou Kid"

Aoko, who clearly heard what her father told her, was amazed, especially because when she saw Shikami he seemed healthy, and not a person who had just saved a school from 50 heavily armed mafiosi.

So while Ginzo was telling his stories, Aoko was currently very perplexed as to how he came to her party, especially after what he had done.

She thought that a normal person surely couldn't possess that much strength to walk around, especially after everything Shikami went through, so she was very surprised by the tenacity with which he came to her party.

End of Episode 16

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