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64.15% A Strange Moon's Multiversal Adventure / Chapter 30: Chapter 30 (Part 18+)

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 (Part 18+)

9/15 21:14 (Summer, Night, Nord Lowrar)

Luna gently settled the Humanoid Phoenix on the bed of her newly-formed refuge within a cave she personally excavated thanks to her Familiars, before hiding it thanks to Artifacts made previously by Edgar, the late Vampire.

She carefully observed the very cute girl she just saved, noting how ice crystals were growing slowly all over her body while she seemed to be hibernating, thing that could happen when it comes to graveously injured Phoenix and Dragons.

She neared her, cutting her palm and letting her Black Blood gently flowing from her new injury to the other's mouth, sneaking through her lips to feed her Vital Mana to help her heal from the damage.

This, however, caused the blonde to frown even more at the smell of her blood that was very intense, overpowering all other smells in the room.

Luna curiously felt it, her own Vital Mana being drained to the Phoenix before her from her blood.

"This is the Innate Skill "Energy Siphon" of the Succubi, isn't it? But the drain is almost insignificant considering how I'm not resisting at all and that I am at less than a meter away."

Luna nodded before nearing the Succubus-blooded Phoenix, leaning on her and, after biting her own tongue hard enough for her blood to flow from her new injury before gently kissing the other girl, letting both her blood and saliva flow down the Phoenix's throat.

After all "Energy Siphon" was more effective on saliva then on blood and this would let her increase the output of Vital Mana to heal her.

As Vital Mana flowed into her, her temperature rose slightly trying to fight back against the ice within her body thanks to the support of the Lunarian.

But this was far from enough, thing Luna quickly realized.

With narrowed eyes, she Manifested her Unique Arma to increase the Quality of her Energy and her newest Skill, "Unleash Aura" while suppressing all of its effect that would harm the other while leaving active the Burning Effect as Phoenix naturally Gain "Fire-Attribute Absorption".

The purpose of such was to both increase the external heat and the internal heat to melt down the ice, thing quite hard as it seemed to have various Resistances and it was slowly growing in size and coldness in time.

In that case, it was time to experiment.

Luna Summoned Ash within her Aura, it changing to a phantasmal image of a flaming bird with great wings, wings that quickly enveloped the two of them, Luna surrounding the other in a warm embrace, the ice's melting slightly faster.

Meanwhile three of her Images appeared around her, becoming Familiar-Images.

Vision-image carefully observed the process so that Luna would be able to increase the efficiency and efficacy of the it as much as possible while the other Images were simply training to maximize the effect of the Skill "Coordination" and, as a consequence, accelerating the melting down of the ice and the healing of the patient while trying to wore down her Walls.

Luna wasn't discouraged by the fact that she was barely on par with the progress of the ice but instead decided to continue this process without any hesitation as long as needed.

A faster way to heal her would be for Luna to kill her and reform her new body out of her own Black Blood but that would render the Phoenix her newest Mate, thing she wouldn't do without some form of consent from the other or at least knowing the other's name.

This process went on for hours and the day ended.

*Luna Gained 330 + 1000 + 400 Magicules.

Vision noted it first as expected, a clump of Vital Energy forming within the other's heart.

The Resurrection of "Undying Body" was active once more.

Luna smiled as some of her blood within the other moved to her heart gently following her veins before, carefully and precisely, killing the Phoenix in her arms before the blood turned back into Vital Mana for her to absorb.

As a conseguence, the Resurrection stored within the other's body was forcefully Activated, releasing a wave of Vital Energy and heat that rushed all over her body, damaging the ice and repairing some of the damage instantly while waking her up from her Hybernation.

For an instant, the Succubus-blooded one attacked with an explosion of fire before stopping upon feeling the Vital Mana hard at work to both heal her and attack the ice.

And so the orange-eyed one closed her eyes, her arms rising to embrace the red-eyed one and actively kissing her back.

"My name is Luna." The low whisper preluded another intense kiss before the blonde briefly separated to respond.

"I'm Amber." The kiss restarted at full force.

(Start Section 18+)

Hands explored each other bodies, both of them naked, one because of the recent blast of fire and heat, the other because her clothes made by the "Blaze Crafting" Skill ceased to be to regain as much Energy as possible, the bed surviving only because it too was an Artifact.

All the same neither of the two mythical Beings tried to stop the kiss anymore, not until the wounded of the two would fully recover at least.

Amber moaned in pleasure as her tongue was dominated and played with ruthlessly, her body being caressed and explored.

The shorter one tried to invert their position as her natural pride as a Phoenix was starting to ache at being dominated so long but the taller one had at least as much pride as her future Mate and so she forcefully maintained her position to the top of the two, a smirk on her lips as she leaned her weight down on the other.

And in response Luna's hands opened Amber's legs, pulling her more firmly against herself, before they traveled the other's body, teasing her all over, before her right hand played with Amber's left nipple and her left hand traveled downwards, stopping to the other's ass and groping it.

Amber moaned in the other's mouth again and again, her claws digging in the other's shoulders, while her legs encircled the other's waist.

The heat in the room increased as ice melted and evaporated, her Familiar-Images leaving after making a True Sphere around them to hide them and the ever increasing heat.

Finally the last of the ice evaporated and the two could go all out, their make out section ending as Luna, after briefly licking her lips, lowered herself again, licking and biting her neck enough to leave a mark before continuing down her body leaving behind various marks, even if they quickly healed, before stopping to the nipple she wasn't continuing to tease even now and started to suck and bite it, while making sure not to seriously wound her new... paramour.

Luna lowered her head further, leaving behind a trail of kisses as she went, teasing Amber's lower lips, her hands caressing the other's thighs and legs with her hands, before finally and eagerly entering her.

Moans and mewls escaped, only for the True Sphere to suppress these sounds, as Luna went all out on and in Amber, a satisfied smirk on her lips as she hungrily explored her future's Mate insides, before this last one came with a loud yell as Luna eagerly drunk her in.

Luna rose, happily admiring the mess she made out of her Phoenix's body, licking her own lips to clean her face from the other's juices before laying down next to her, pulling her in her arms and against her chest.

It was evident that this was the blonde's first time considering her reactions, it was only natural for Luna to take care of the other.

(End Section 18+)

Luna and Amber quickly fell asleep in each other arms, exhausted but satisfied.


9/16 6:14 (Summer, Day, Nord Lowrar)

Amber woke up only for her eyes to widen when they fell upon what she was seeing, jumping away from the arms embracing her and falling out of the bed and into the ground, trying and failing to look away from the rising red-eyed Person before her.

This last one looked at her, amused by her reaction, as she stood up while stretching, blatantly showing off her body at the same time as she stood up.

"Amber, you can look. After all we did more than just look at each other." The other's smile widened, showing her pointed fangs.

Amber's face exploded in red as she hurriedly turned her back on the other young woman in the room.

Thing that was a mistake as this was an opening Luna certaintly would not waste.

Amber found herself being embraced from behind again, a soft yet sultry voice whispering in her ears.

"How cute, you are adorable when you are embarassed. I could just eat you up. Again." This whisper was joined by Luna biting softly one of her ears, forcing a whelp from the blonde, that exploded into flames because of embarassement.

At that the Vampiric Being exploded into soft laugher while holding the one currently on fire, her Aura-Ash protecting her from the undirected heat while her Image-Familiars returned to within her, their training done for now.

"Now, why don't you tell me about what's up with that Ice Dragon?"

Amber breathed in and out, forcefully calming herself down, thing quite hard considering how her Succubus blood was flaring harshly, excited by both her current companion and the fact that this morning she subconsciously used "Energy Siphon" for the first time in her whole life.

"Before that, can you tell me why you interfered in our battle?"

"Do I really need a reason to rescue a cute girl like you?" The flirt came out immediately and without much thought, causing the blonde to sigh, her desires and emotions already forcefully suppressed, thanks to her age.

"If it comes to fight a soon-to-be C-Rank Ice Dragon, yes." Amber.

"Soon-to-be C-Rank? Wasn't she just at around 90% of her progress to that Rank?" Luna.

"Yes but now that she won against me, her Mental Block should have been surpassed completely and she will quickly advance. I give her a month at most to reach C-Rank." Amber.

"Mental Block, eh? Could you explain a bit more about that?" This response from Luna caused Amber to recalculate the other's age and experience.

"It's different than the phenomenon where someone's will accelerates the Growth of a Being. Instead, the Growth of People is slowed or even fully stopped in certain cases because of emotional or psicological unstabilities and once they are surpassed, their Growth spikes suddently." Amber.

"I see… This is a new phenomen for me as I am too stable for my Growth to be influenced by such things." Luna's exclamation full of confidence and pride was actually and factually correct.

Even when she was Scarlet and she killed for the first time, the victims being her own parents, she never experienced such a thing and neither did she at any other point in time, even once her loss against Edgar's Master was a fact.

And while her emotions do influence her Growth as shown by the fact her Images training is not as effective as fightning, it certainly was not a waste considering the Growth of her Familiars themselves and her newest Skill, "Unleash Aura" that was still active even now as it had no actual Cost and her Parallel Processing negated the necessary Concentration.

*Luna's Innate Skill "Unleash Aura" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Vision's Skill "Third Eye of Physicality" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Vision's Skill "Projectile Fire" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Warden's Skill "Physical Resistance" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Warden's Skill "Metallic Body" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Ash Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Ash's Skill "Fire-Attribute Magecraft" Increased to C-Rank.

*Familiar Ash's Skill "Coordination" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Blitz's Skill "Magnetic Amplification" Increased to D-Rank.

*Familiar Blitz's Skill "Lightning-Attribute Amplification" Increased to D-Rank.

Amber nodded, her situation largely similar to the other's, before looking at Luna with narrowed eyes.

"Clear. However my answer doesn't change. I just saw a cute girl in trouble." The tease worked, Amber's face became crimson again, especially when Luna pulled her back into her arms and then trapped between her and the bed, the other initiating another short kiss between the two of them.

"You intend to seek a re-match, correct? In that case I can help you."

The orange-haired one breathed deeply to calm down, thing quite hard considering how she was more than able to smell both the young naked woman pressing against her bare body and the activities the two of them had partaken in this same day.

But she was after all part Demon and so she could, figuratively, smell that she needed to be very carefull of the fine prints in their deal.

"What do you offer me then for a price that will only seem to be reasonable." At Amber's response Luna smiled eagerly before lowering her lips from near her own to barely brush against the Phoenix's neck.

"What I offer you is simple. I am aware you have the Innate Skill "Energy Siphon" at E-Rank. I offer you my help for you to reach D-Rank in that Skill, causing your Evolution, a Growth Skill and all the informations and Energy you want until you are ready to fight your opponent."

This was way too good of an offer, especially considering how if she didn't hunt down and then beat Aurora fast, she would have no more chance too.

Instinctively Luna was also careful not to wound the other's pride in offering direct assistance with the fight itself and successfully tempting the other.

After all the burning one herself had previously observed the effect Growth Skills had on to the little ones' power.

"I wonder which of us is the real Demon here. Tell me what do you want in exchange." Amber.

Luna smiled, rightfully secure in her victory in the negotiation, before lowering herself to lightly bite the other's neck, carefull not to hurt her.

"Your blood. While you are learning and training under me, I want to drink your blood. Makes sense, doesn't it?"

"Fine. I know it is a trap somehow but fine. I accept."

"Before we start training in earnest could you tell me why you didn't want to increase or even use your Innate Skill?"

Amber grimaced, closing her eyes, before sighing.

"Because of my mother."

Total Magicules 75732 (V)

Stored Magicules 1820

Magicules a Day 340 + 1000 + 400 = 1740

Total Grade: X + V + V + V + V + IV + V + V + V + IV + IV + IV= LXI (61)

Racial: Lunarian D

Magicules: 10k/100k. (V)

Unique: Singularity C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Growth: Soul Harmony C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Growth: Unique Arma: Sorcerous Armor of the Singularity C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Growth: Devouring Evolution E

Magicules: 1k/1k. (IV)

Innate: Regeneration C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Innate: Authority: Vital Mana D

Magicules: 10k/100k (V)

Innate: Familiar Summoning C

Magicules: 10k/10m (V)

Innate: Authority: Black Blood E

Magicules: 1k/1k (IV)

Innate: Lunar Resistance E

Magicules: 1k/1k (IV)


Innate: Unleash Aura E → D

Magicules: 1k/100k (IV)

(New) At D-Rank the User can imbue their Aura in every single one of their Melee attacks when the Aura is not Unleashed at the cost of some Energy.

Unleashed Aura:

(New) _At D-Rank the owner's Spells and Arts are considered as Melee Hits when it comes to additional effects from this Skill.

(Up) _It is further altered depending on the owner's other Skills.

Ability: No-Attribute Sorcery C

Ability: Unharmed Technique C

Ability: Weapon Mastery D

Ability: Artifact Proficiency E

Ability: Meditation C

Ability: Presence Suppression D

Ability: High-Speed Processing D

Ability: Parallel Processing D

Ability: No-Attribute Magecraft E

Ability: Formalcraft E

Ability: Crafting E

Magicules sources.

#Lunarian #Singularity #Authority:Black_Blood

The final gain of Magicules is 100 plus the Magicules absorbed by the victim, all of it increased to 105%.


Every day, then, the owner will gain 68 Magicules times 5, 340.

#Unique_Arma #Singularity

At the moment Unique Arma is C-Rank and Singularity is at C-Rank and so, every day, the owner will gain 1000 Magicules.


At the moment the Skill Grade is 4 and so, every day, the owner will gain 400 Magicules.


_Coordination Link

All those in the Coordination Link no longer interfere with each other while Casting.

All those in the Coordination Link have their Existence increased by 9%.

All those in the Coordination Link have their Energy Recovery increased by 6%.

_Vision D/D

(Up) Third Eye of Physicality D/C

Weapon Mastery D/C

(Up) Projectile Fire D/C

Coordination E/C

_Warden D/D

Imperial Scale D/C

(Up) Physical Resistance D/C

(Up) Metallic Body D/C

Coordination E/C

Barrier E/C

(Up) _Ash D/D

(Up) Fire-Attribute Magecraft C/C

High-Speed Flight E/C

(Up) Coordination D/C

Acceleration E/C

_Blitz E/D

(Up) Magnetic Amplification D/C

Electrify E/C

(Up) Lightning-Attribute Amplification D/C

Coordination E/C



Roaring Destruction

Magnificent Ray


Attribute Modification

Attribute Reflection

Attribute Barrier


Fire Ball


Fire Rain



Mana Laser


Heat Ray


Mafel (Spectral Elf D; US Malice Generator D) E

Sabel (Human D; US Unknown) E


"I will always be in a state of "Deep Meditation"."

"I will never use Vital Energy and Mana separated."

"I will never use Blood and Shadows separated."

"I will never use Artifact made by other's hands if they aren't made explicitly for me."


Thanks for reading, comment if you have any thoughts about this chapter and story in general or any suggestion at all.

If you want to read chapters in advance, I have a Patreon.


White_Chaos White_Chaos

Thanks for the subscription on Patreon to: AchroniaXenia.

Thanks for the Comments to: AchroniaSamara; BocchiWithTism; Teial.

Thanks for the Power Stones to: Teial.

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