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Chapter 2: Ch.1

 My name is Bella or now I go by Jeff… Yup Jeff, thanks whoever named me for coming up with Jeff as a name for a baby. I used to be Bella a young 26-year-old woman living in Wyoming, but then I died somehow. I never figured out how and I was never told, but now I am a 38-year-old man living in a world that doesn't have a single speck of plant life, which means no green… Oh how I was sad, but all the money I wished for and the game I knew was going to come later in life made up for it.

 You see when I died, I met some beautiful Goddess, she granted me a wish and a new world to go to, so I picked Overlord my favorite of all time anime, light novel, and web novel. Of course, I flirted with the Goddess, you don't just meet a Goddess without trying to work some of your own magic on them.

 I would like to say I made a good impression and even saw a blush cross her cheeks weirdly it was a blue tint that flashed across her cheeks before I disappeared and possibly never to see the cute face she made again as I got pushed out of her realm. A stupid cute Goddess that was packing some serious meat, yup that's right I was trying to get the ultimate prize before going away.

 As a woman seeing something like the bulge she had going on any thoughts in my mind at the time was wondering; how big it actually is, would it fit, wonder how wide it could stretch me, how fulfilling would the feeling be, would it even feel good, lets see if I can try it, am I beautiful enough to wow a Goddess, of course I am.

Those first thoughts set me up to find out the Goddess was easy enough to tease and arouse, oh the cute face she made when she was trying her hardest not to break her beautiful dress with that club of meat she had down below. It was too bad I couldn't get her to blush more, it was the cutest face she made throughout the whole time we were together.

Oh well, who knows I could meet her once again in the future at least I can hope. Now as Jeff I am a wealthy businessman that never leaves his house because I don't have too. I order all my food or grow it myself. I have a whole portion of my house dedicated to just growing plants I wanted, I have that beautiful Goddess to thank for this.

I somehow ended up making the Goddess give me seeds and clean fertile dirt. I have fruits, veggies, and marijuana. Yup I'm growing weed and a lot of it, its some good stuff I enjoy in this shitty world, plus I use it for a lot of medical uses now as my body stops working as it should.

All that doesn't matter now though as I take the headset in my hands and place it on my head.

Today is the last day of Yggdrasil and I plan on spending it with Momo.

Logging into Yggdrasil and selecting my avatar a beautiful busty woman whose figure would have rivaled the Goddess I met before with a set of horns that look like a crown. A black dress covered with emerald, green dragon scales with lines of teal running along the arms. The dress ends in a lacey frill with multicolored gems inlaid in the material of the dress with hanging jewels off the ends making it look like stars were captured in the fabric itself.

Black gloves with exposed fingertips were on my hands and on each hand, I had five rings, each one doing something different.

Spawning in with a flash before instantly going to the Round Table room on Floor 9 to meet Momo and see if anyone else is going to be joining us in the New World. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I was able to get a few more people to log on before the game gets shut down for good.

In the real world and in game Momo, Buku, and I were almost inseparable. Now Pero wasn't a bad guy in fact we got a long great. Due to me being a nymphomaniac in both my lives it was easy for me to get along with Pero.

We always had long conversations about our dream women, and men… Ahh I miss Pero and our talks, good thing I got to put some of my own designs on Shalltear and few others throughout their creation.

So, no more flat chest Shalltear, although she is still relatively flat compared to most of the beauties in The Great Tomb of Nazarick.

She may only have C sized breasts but its better than her wash board tits from before… Really don't know what Pero was thinking when he was going to make her chest so small. All it took to convince him to change it was me saying 'What if that was you as a woman with such small breasts, how would you feel?'

 The rate at which he changed her appearance was hilarious for both me and Buku who was watching us make Shalltear at the time. Poor Pero got so much teasing from his sister for months after that incident… Those siblings are something else.

While lost in thought walking down the hall I finally reach the Round Table Room where I see Momo. A massive skeleton in dark purple and black robes sitting in a chair at the table talking to a slime of almost orangish gold color and another slime of deep black color. Each slime is in a constant state of wiggling and moving.

Only difference you can see in Momo is the fact that he is she as the robes outline an impressive set of breasts and the massive skeleton is a bit smaller than what would be his male counterpart.

Hearing the voices of the people around the table I can make out Momo's sweet but seemingly energetic voice. Buku's high pitched loli voice that makes a lot of grown men weak… freaking scary voice actors.

Also hearing the voice of what sounds like a man drag his voice through the air as if he's trying to display how tired he is through his voice.

 "Indeed, it has, Momo-san."

 Hearing the voice of the black slime that seemed to lack any energy as if just talking was taking all he had left in him. Like he could just collapse in on himself at any time.

 "You stopped coming online after you changed your job IRL, so how long has it been… about two years?" Momo says to Herohero-san while soft scoff could be heard from the other slime in the room which is Buku.

 "Ah- seems about right- wah. It's been so long… this is bad. I've been doing so much overtime recently…" Hearing Herohero-san dragging on the conversation to poor Momo who is just happy to see someone else from the guild online before the end.

 Zoning out to the conversation happening at the table I start thinking about the past and how my actions have changed the scene happening before me. It first started when me and Momo were voted to be the guild masters.

 Co-leader of a guild of supreme beings… That wasn't something I had expected, I had expected to see Momo become the guild master like it was supposed to happen. That moment ended up changing the way I thought of the world I was going to come to live in here very soon.

 I couldn't help to think of all the times Momo would have been lonely and missing her friends being the only one in the new world. Granted you have the Guardians and all of its citizens living in the tomb to help with the feeling of being alone, but she doesn't truly know the citizens and Guardians of the tomb like she would one of us.

 So, when everyone decided to quit the game and delete their avatars, I convinced a few who wanted to quit to not do so… At least not right away. Slowly over time the results where the same only difference is how soon they turned in their gear to me and Momo.

 I truly understand Momo and the sadness she feels when everyone left, it was like a part of our family dying.

In the world we live in the most beautiful thing you will see is the game we are in now, a fully immersive world that is so real looking it could actually be from other worlds. The only thing we can't truly do in this game is have our senses, to feel our surroundings like we would if it was IRL.

So, when it came to the day that Buku and Pero approached us I convinced the siblings to stay to keep their gear and to try the game out for a little while longer… But all good things come to an end as they say.

Buku decided to stay and to try to stick around, which she ended up staying with us even as she worked her hardest as a voice actor. Her voice acting career did cause her to stay away from the game at certain times, but she always came back.

Unlike Pero, he stayed for a while a lot longer than the rest of the members of the guild, but he still ended up giving up his gear and deleting his avatar from the game like the rest did.

His career had him busy all the time, but it still hurt when he decided to leave. He wasn't just my friend he was family to me, and it hurt more than the rest, because I thought I was going to be able to give him a better life in this new world, a life he would surely enjoy.

Building this guild meant a lot to us, it was our escape world from the horrid world we call home. A complete wasteland that shouldn't really have much life in it with the state it's in. Where people have to wear a bubble to just breath decent air, where any kind of real food would cost you thousands of dollars.

When I hear the hurt and excitement in Momo's voice as she talks to a member of the guild who she thought she would never see again… All I can think is just wait Momo, all this will be worth it in the end.

The suffering of losing our guildmates and our family hurt, spending at least 8 years in people's constant presence will make you grow bonds with those people. Eventually you see them as more than just friends… I understand they all had real families, but over the 8-12 years they spent in this game all the guild members would have spent more time in game with us than their families in IRL.

It's just sad to see all you've built over the years to suddenly disappear and leave a hollow shell of what used to be the greatest heteromorphic guild in the game.

But I know what is to come so dwelling on the past is of little concern now as I zone back in on the conversation happening in front of me.

"Ah I am grateful for that, Momo-san. I'm glad I could meet a friend after signing on."

"I'm very happy to hear you say that too."

"…Although it's about time for me to log off."

Watching Herohero-san moving about as he messes with his interface to log off for one last time.

"You're right, it is getting pretty late…"

"I'm sorry about this, Momo-san."

Hearing Momo sigh lightly into her chest I can hear the regret she has built up from watching the guild members slowly leave over time.

"I really did want to stay with you until the end, but I am about to fall asleep."

"Ah… well you do sound pretty tired. Then, you should log out soon and have a good rest."

"I'm really sorry… Momo-san. Although, how long do you plan to stay?"

"I intended to stay on until the server shut automatically."

"Is that so… still, I really didn't expect this place to be so well preserved."

Hearing the complete silence fell over the table for a few minutes as I can tell the feeling in Momo were at a boiling point and she just didn't want to show it.

"Momo-san and Valkura-san you must have kept the guild running so that way we could come back to it at any time."

"… It was a guild built by everyone, so it's our job to keep things going so that the members can come back at any time." I could slightly hear the hurt in Momo's voice as she answered Herohero-san.

"Yes. We had fun with the game because your two were our guildmasters, Momo-san… I hope that when we meet again, it'll be in Yggdrasil II."

"I haven't heard of a second game coming out… but like you said, I'd be glad if we could meet like that."

"I'll look forward to it! I'm having trouble staying awake… I think I'll log off first. I'm glad I could meet you in the end. Goodnight."

"Take care of yourself Herohero-san." I say while looking at the black oozing slime with mixed feelings.

"Bye Herohero-san hope we meet again in the future." a cutesy and energic voice sounds through air.

"I was very happy to meet you too. Goodnight."

"Let's meet up again somewhere." Were Herohero's last words before his avatar disappeared for the last time before compete silence hung over the air of the table.

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