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87.17% Overlord The Vampire Lord / Chapter 34: Final Act

Chapter 34: Final Act

Seal-based spells were some of the least popular in the game. why you may ask. it was because they took some time to be cast, or needed some requirement, which led to many players wanting to learn such spells. 

To make things worse, some seals even protect the person they seal away. So, they were only useful for getting powerful enemies out of the way, giving everyone a chance to defeat the weaker enemies.

Of course, Dracula had faced many seal spells. the Supreme Palm Of Buddha was not new to him, in the game it seals one away for a long time, even up to days depending on who cast it. within that time, one movement would be limited to an extremely dense cave, with their magic all sealed.

how to break out of it? 3 ways. the best way is to have an item that could either shorten the time, limit the effect of the seal, or make it so you can't be sealed in the first place. of course, Dracula had all 3,

the second way was a spell, something like World Breaker couldn't be sealed by normal seals. Simple super-tier magic wasn't enough, but super-tier magic which was enhanced with another effect would be able to seal this ability.

the last way was a special ability, a special ability that could allow one to be unheld by seals and could allow one to ignore just about any seal. for example, Ainz's The Goal Of All Life Is Death, if used with an area of effect instant death type spell would seal the spell.

In the game, there were other special abilities, such as the Rule Breaker. a unique special ability that was held by one of the seven deadly sins but his data was erased from the by by Longinus. this ability allowed one to break the rules and go against the rulers set in the game, an ability Dracula wanted but didn't know how to get.

Rule Breakers could break the rule the seal placed upon them, either freeing themselves or allowing themselves to use their spells or something. there were other such special abilities, for example, Chita had the Special Ability Speed Force.

This special ability made Chita's speed go far above the normal game limit. his speed was great, compared to Dracula, and they would have been equal in speed before Dracula became a world Enemy and became a Vampire Lord. That was impressive, sadly Chita didn't have the rare unique job class Extreme Racer. if he did, then he could have gotten the Juggernaut ability, which could have increased his Phy. Atk and Def based on his speed, at that point even Dracula couldn't just stand there taking his attacks like they were nothing.

But Speed Force gave Chita the ability to be fast, fast enough to outrun death... of course it was not so overpowered. what it pretty much meant was that Death of old age could never catch Chita as it can't catch up. but the same could be added to other things, before this ability, the Supreme Palm Of Buddha wouldn't be able to catch Chita once it was active,

Back to the mountain which was cracking, turning back into dots of energy that disappeared, everyone watched on with held breaths. a pregnant salience filled the air, only to be broken by a laugh, a laugh of a crazy woman. In Dracula's arms, Honyopenyoko was held in a princess carry, while she laughed away while wrapping her arms around Dracula's neck.

"You knew I had a way to save you, didn't you? thats why you were not worried. such a bond, such care unconditional trust... it soul touching." Honyopenyoko said with a lost look while looking into Dracula's eyes, everyone was lost unable to say anything. This woman was crazy, couldn't she see that Dracula tried to take her down with him?

"... you really love me?" Dracula asked softly, to which Honyopenyoko nodded seriously, 

"Of course, you are the man whom I would do anything for without a second thought... I love you." Honyopenyoko said in a soft voice, making Dracula's eyes complex. Momon who was watching this stopped Tiamat from launching an arrow... this wasn't acting anymore.

"I... I was cruel to ignore your feelings... brushed them off, I see now that was a mistake." Dracula said softly, making Honyopenyoko's eyes water slightly. she opened and closed her mouth, unable to say anything 

Dracula slowly opened his mouth, revealing his vampire fang, before he went on to bite Honyopenyoko's neck. She let out a soft moan, and as her tears began falling she hugged Dracula deeply, leaving everyone confused.

"Amongst vampires... biting each other nack symbolize marriage, partnership, and one acceptance of the other to live all of eternity with each other," Momon explained, causing Tiamat to frown, while Evileye's heart felt crushed, those on land couldn't hear.

"N-no... it was no mistake. you just needed time, and we have all the time in the world. and how do you like your new body? I knew you were insecure about having your strength be limited to level 60, so you trained hard to be able to match a level 100. but I gave you that, a gift..." Honyopenyoko happily but she froze in her words, frozen like a statue. Dracula didn't say anything and just hugged her

"So, you were watching... This was all my fault. It was cruel from the start and just told you, would this have happened? My act of trying to befriend you, ignoring your love only hurt you. I'm sorry." Dracula said while hugging Honyopenyoko who was frozen like a statue, unmoving, but slowly her body began to turn into a blood mist.

"your sins, are all because of my foolishness... so rest." Dracula's soft voice fell as Honyopenyoko's body fully disappeared,

"w-what did you do?" Tiamat asked in shock, not understanding what happened,

"I sent a drop of my blood into her neck, and from there I stopped her mind from working, before having her body break down. erasing her," Dracula said softly, to which everyone went quiet

"Undead mins can't be affected, they have complete immunity." She said with a frown, to which Momon stepped forward to speak

"Dracula is a Vampire lord, one of his kind capable of getting past that immunity... even so, she could have resisted. yet she let him." Momon said softly, leaving Tiamat speechless on this whole matter.

Dracula looked towards Evileye, but he couldn't look her in the eyes, he opened and closed his mouth for some time before he grew his wings. and with a flap, he disappeared far away. Evileye reached out to stop him but didn't say a thing...

a few months back, Evileye had set off to find the Nameless Book of Spells. She knew where it was, one off if not the strongest Dragon Lord held it. Heavenly Dragon Lord, the largest of all Dragon Lords.

Above the skies, a huge Dragon the size of an island flew, with Evileye flying towards it. this huge massive dragon was the Heavenly Dragon Lord, It was detached from events down below and kept itself mostly in the sky if not always. slowly, the huge eyes of the dragon opened, moving slightly to look at Evileye

"Why have you come, Landfall? if it's for my book, you can forget it." The Heavenly Dragon Lord said it didn't speak through her voice as that alone could cause massive damage, instead, its voice entered Evileye, the voice of a wise sage woman, yet still somehow sounding young.

"There is someone I wish to save, i just need to look at one spell, and then will leave," Evileye said causing the Heavenly Dragon Lord to be interested

"You, the unfeeling vampire have someone it wants to save?" it asked, slightly shocked. Evileye went quiet for a moment before telling her everything about Dracul.

"I love him... and I can't just stand by while he is used like a puppet. I will do anything, so please, help me." Evileye finished with a slight bow, making the heavenly dragon lord sigh softly

"you are a fool, such powerful beings what spell could you possibly want? with how weak you are, nothing you have could affect them." The Heavenly Dragon Lord said, to which Evileye nodded in agreement

"I know... thats why I seek that sealing spell," Evileye said softly, making THe Heavenly Dragon Lord frown slightly.

"it would kill you, you're willing to go so far for someone you barely knew for a month? is this not foolish?" The heavenly Dragon Lord asked, making Evileye quiet for a moment

"You would not understand... ever since you got that book, you ignored everything else and spent your time up here researching. To me, power isn't everything, this feeling that makes my undead heart move... I want to protect it. I will not let someone keep disrespecting the man I love like that." She said, her voice filled with power, which made the Heavenly Dragon Lord's eyes narrow.

"Amazing, A non-dragon tapping into wild magic." The heavenly Dragon Lord said, its shake so great it almost spoke with its mouth. it moved closer to Evileye, its one eye completely swallowing Evileye's world.

"This love... it made you unlock it. the last time I got you, it was to see if you could learn wild magic with that talent of yours. but you failed, yet now you stand before me, with wild magic." it said with bright eyes before pulling out a book, a world item, a grimoire which once belonged to the 8 greed Kings, but it had taken

Evileye knew it as she had come seeking this Heavenly Dragon Lord for a spell to turn herself back into a human long ago. form there, she got to see a few pages. this Grimore held every spell of this new world, if even a new spell is created, it shall appear on this Grimoire

Amongst them were many 1 to 10th-tier spells, with a few super-tier spells. the spell she wanted was called Supreme Palm Of the Buddha, a powerful spell cast by an undead like herself, it should kill her... but if she had wild magic, then she had nothing to worry about,

Evileye needed not to learn any spell, her talent gave her the ability to store any spell that she had seen or been targeted with, and use it for her own. this was a powerful talent, yes she could only cast the spell once before having to see it again or be targeted with it, but it was still impressive.

In the past, Evileye could copy wild magic, any magic she could copy. but it was like having a one-time-use item, yes she could cast it, but it didn't have the added benefit of protecting her from something like a world-class item. but now she had wild magic, and by adding it to her tier magic, the effect of her magic would evolve and reach new levels.

So, for the following months, Evileye trained to get the hang of wild magic, and also be able to fuse it with tier magic. something which the heavenly Dragon was more than happy to help her with, even after her training was done, the Heavenly Dragon didn't even want her to leave, forcing her to promise it that she would turn to look deeper into this... but Dracula just up and left after she returned, she was done... but she saw the look of shame in his eyes.

She wanted to say it wasn't his fault, she wanted to hug him and say You did nothing wrong... but Dracula didn't see it like that. too ashamed to even look her in the eyes, he must think she would be disgusted with him or something... poor thing...

time passed, and news of what happened at the sea spread. with Ainz having copies of the recording spread, everyone got to see for themselves everything... and everyone had mixed feelings.

Many were sorry for Dracula, while others pity Honyopenyoko. what made their pity for her grow was the realization Momon had during the end of everything, his words were.

"now that I think of it, Honyopenyoko never killed anyone... even when he attacked Gazef and Laykus, she had Dracula summon holy rain the next moment," Momon said softly looking towards where Dracula flew towards

"Are you trying to justify her actions?" Tiamat asked with a raised eyebrow, to which Momon shook her head

"nothing like that... but I can't help but wonder. if someone held so dear to me were to fall, I might do the same as Honyopenyoko did. if I had the chance to see my daughter once more, I would do anything." Momon said while taking off his helmet, which he destroyed

"what are you doing?" Tiamat asked with a shocked look, to which Momon just smiled, a tired look on his face

"I... I will go relax and live my life in some forest. grow old and die. 500 years... I'm tired." Momon said softly, leaving Tiamat unable to say anything as Momon left.

the world currently, was in a state of confusion, by now they had come to accept Ainz and the undead. Momon and Dracula's job was done, now Ainz could sit back, and make sure everything was running smoothly.

Dracula was gone, Momon was gone, and now Ainz stood, the supreme ruler of this world... funny enough, he was not the main topic, Dracula, Honyopenyoko, and Momon were. Momon was a hero to many, he also won the hearts of countless people. Dracula also won the hearts of many people, leaving countless people heartbroken by how cruel fate treated their VIrgin Vampire Hero. 

from a human who stumbles upon a mask, to a badass vampire king... all while keeping his virginity, the willpower this took was something many people were amazed by, even more so with Dracula still having his humanity and and while being so charming. 

"what do you want?" Renner asked while looking at the newspaper, a new thing Ainz created to have news get along. for the past few days, all the talk was on the two vampires and Momon, along with what that city in the sea was

"come on, I said I would make it up to you," Dracula said while stretching the back of his head, not knowing what to do. Renner should have been married to him by now and gone with him to Nazarick, but that sudden change to the plan changed everything.

"And how? I had everything planned out, her wedding would have been beautiful and special, and at night we would both join as one. but you didn't even bother to speak with me." Renner said truly hurt

"It was on the moment...after finding out the platinum Dragonlord was staying within a guild, we acted quickly, it also was to have a bigger impact on how sudden everything was," Dracula said softly while walking up to Renner taking her hands.

"I promise, I will make our wedding beautiful, and worth it," Dracula said softy, making Renner look at him deeply with expected eyes.

"Really?" Renner asked, to which Dracula nodded while pulling her into my arms.

"it would be the first wedding that would have a mix of this world and my world, a fusion of two different worlds," Dracula said softly, making Renner smile gently. having Dracula sit down, she sat on his lap while getting comfortable in his lap.

"... then. what do you plan on doing with Evileye? She seems to have the talent to copy magic spells she sees." Renner said, making Dracula's eyebrow raised slightly. that was overpowered, but what could he do? he liked her... if he had to, she would erase her memory 

"Okay... what about Calca?" Renner asked softly, making Dracula's eyebrow raise, a look of annoyance flashing past his face at the thought of that woman.

"you like her?" Renner asked with an interested look. Dracula had a weird look at her words, but he couldn't say no right away,

"She thinks of you as a friend, a weird friend you two share. marrying her would give Ainz pretty much, complete say in the kingdom." Renner said, to which Dracula frowned at the thought,

"you didn't think everything was over right? you need absolute control. Calca is the easiest one, then this kingdom. marry me, and our child would take the throne. The Baharuth Empire is simple, there is a knight near Jircniv. breaks her curse, she would be more than willing to give you her body after that, push for the child to be king." Renner said, only to be flicked in the forehead by Dracula,

"I don't care for a harem," Dracula said softly, making Renner just smile slightly while she rested her hand on Dracula's chest.

"In the past, I would have 100% agreed, you only need me. but now I don't think so. Demi-Gods have high potential, we don't know what the future holds, and it would be foolish to limit ourselves. what if after a few hundred years from now, players come every year or day? what if they all appear at once?" Renner asked softly, making Dracula frown slightly

"then there was the fact there might be other words out there. what if other players were appearing in these other words. yes, you made up the world of vampires and demon realms. but is it impressive to say these worlds don't exist? what if when you summon beings it forms such worlds? if you can come to this world, you should also be able to leave. if there are 2 words, there could be 3, 4, 5, or even 9 like the 9 realms you spoke of. I was to send all of eternity with you, although I wish I could birth all of your children. I do understand different bloodlines are needed to make our children the best and most special." Renner said making Dracula frown deeply as she had a point

"fine, but only under my conditions," Dracula said calmly, to which Renner rolled her eyes. This vergin' think she couldn't see through the fact he was more than okay with having a harem and just didn't want to hurt her?

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