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Edo Tensei Release!

"Izanami? Don't you mean izanagi? Danzo used it when i fought him." Sasuke said, both itachi and Kabuto struggle for a few seconds before they jump away back to their original position.

"Is that so? Your lucky to be alive Sasuke. But no, its Izanami. If izanagi is a jutsu that change someone's fate, then Izanami is the one that decide it. Sasuke, don't leave my side." Itachi said before he put his guard up. A kunai then landed beside them before Kuro teleports to it.

"I don't know what these two are talking about but Kabuto, if i were you i would surrender already. Cause your defeat is already set in stone." Kuro said as he pull his kunai out of the ground.

Kabuto just smile as he does a hand sign. "Don't be so sure, with the current me, nothing you three could do would work on me. Sage Art, [Muki Tensei]!" The cave around them start to twist and move around, multiple pillars Sharp edges then forms and shots towards them.

Kuro extend his arms to both Sasuke and Itachi. "[Mana Shield]!" A blue dome of energy covers all three of them, protecting them from the upcoming pillars.

"What a strange jutsu... Maybe turning you into an Edo Tensei wouldn't be a bad idea, Kuro-kun." Kabuto said as he chuckle. Sasuke and Itachi just look suprise by the dome. "This jutsu... I can't see the chakra..." Sasuke said, even though his sharingan are active he couldn't see the chakra inside the dome.

"Of course you wouldn't. Nevermind that, me and Itachi would confront him upfront. Sasuke, you go behind him and try to take him by Suprise." Kuro quietly said to the both of them, he hold Itachi by the shoulder and throw his kunai at Kabuto.

"[Hiraishin]!" Kuro teleports with Itachi on his side to the kunai, the fight between them and Kabuto then commence. If it was only Itachi, Kabuto would probably have a fighting chance, but with Kuro there to support him Kabuto was quick to get overwhelmed.

"Itachi, duck!" Kuro shouts as Itachi do as he says, Kuro uses his shoulder as spring and leaps towards Kabuto. "[Rasengan]!" Kuro Slam his rasengan at Kabuto, but he manage to block it with his chakra coated hands. But even with that, the sheer force of the Rasengan knock him backwards.

"You won't get away!" Kuro shouts as he runs towards Kabuto, throwing punches left and right with the help of his rush style. Kabuto could only dodge Kuro's blows so much before he start to get hit, he tries to counter attack but Kuro easily evade it, leaving a purple mist on his track.

Kuro then uppercuts Kabuto, sending him to the cave ceiling. Not letting him fall to the ground, Kuro does a barrage of punches on Kabuto's chest and stomach area, juggling him up in the air.

He does this for about 10 seconds or so before sending him back to the cave ceiling with a kick to the jaw. Kabuto vomitted blood as his back crash with the ceiling, before he could even get a break however, Sasuke does Multiple handsigns and send a big fireball towards him. "Fire style, [Gōkakyū] no jutsu!"

To combat this, Kabuto does multiple handsigns of his own and let out a massive stream of water. "Water style, [Daibakufu] no jutsu!" The fire and water struggle against each other for a moment before Kabuto's water overpowers Sasuke's fire, creating a big mist as Sasuke is sweep away by the water.

Using his Hiraishin, Kuro goes to Sasuke to save him. Meanwhile Itachi is sneaking closely towards Kabuto and sneaks attacks him, but Kabuto manage to deflect his attack and also disarming him. Kabuto manage to grab a hold of the sword and stab Itachi with it.

Itachi's left eye then turns white as his body burst into flock of crows, this suprises Kabuto as he drop the sword, Itachi manage to grab the sword and swings it at Kabuto's head, cutting a part of his horn.

Kabuto then jumps back and landed on his knees. "The same move... do you still underestimate me?" Before he could continue a kunai landed beside him as Kuro appears and Slam a rasengan at him, but he manage to barely Dodge it.

Using his tail, he grab a part of Kuro's clothes and throws him away. Kuro clicked his tounge before doing a roll mid way to kill his momentum and landed on his knees.

"The way you use Hiraishin is predictable, Kuro-kun. Hahahaha, and beside with me shutting my vision off, no genjutsu would be able to affect me!" Kabuto said as he smirk at Itachi. "Your fate is already in my hands, thanks to the Uchiha forbidden jutsu." Itachi calmly said.

"Well then, why don't we test that statement!" Kabuto said as he coat his hand with chakra and rush at Itachi. Itachi also rush at Kabuto with them both clashing at the middle. "That is the Izanami!" Itachi exclaim as the force from their clash sends them back to their original spot.

Sasuke runs back to Itachi side as he put his guards up, A kunai then land beside them as Kuro teleports to it. "This is a bit of an deja vu... Well, why don't we finish this already? You see, i got a war to win." Kabuto said as he prepare his attack.

"Just surrender Kabuto. like i said, your defeat is already set in stone." Kuro said as he pulls his kunai out of the ground. He then grab Itachi shoulder as he throws his kunai at Kabuto and teleports both him and Itachi to the kunai.

Kabuto does his best to defend and counter attack, but being In a 2v1 while not being a taijutsu specialist he was quick to get overwhelmed by Kuro and Itachi's coordinated attacks. After a minute of struggling, He then manage to seperate the both of them by using jirobo's earth style, [Doroku Gaeshi] jutsu.

Kabuto use this to his advantage and mainly targeting Itachi first, biting his arm off and taking the sword from him before stabbing him with it. Itachi's body then burst into flock of crows, suprising Kabuto as he drops the sword. Itachi manage to grab it and swings at Kabuto's head, cutting a part of his horns.

"What's.... Happening... This is..." Before Kabuto could wander any longer, he sees a kunai flying towards him at a fast speed. when the kunai is directly infront of him, Kuro teleported to the kunai with a rasengan which he slams at Kabuto, he barely avoid it before using his tail to throw Kuro away.

"This... What did you do to me..." Only after throwing Kuro away that he realise, this situation has happened before. It feels like he is in a loop. "Your in my visual jutsu, kabuto." Itachi said as he rush at Kabuto, Kabuto grit his teeth as he coat his hand in chakra and rush at Itachi.

Both of em clash in the middle before the force from the clash knock them back to their original place. "That's impossible! I've shut my vision off, there's no way a genjutsu would affect me!" Kabuto said, Kuro teleports beside Itachi before grabbing his shoulder and throws his kunai to Kabuto, restarting the loop all over again.


(Kuro's PoV)

"Seems like your jutsu works." I said, after their last clash Kabuto just stand there in place, like a stationary robot."Yeah, he wouldn't be able to get out of this loop." Itachi said as he put his hand on kabuto's forehead.

"So this is... The other forbidden jutsu, the companion of izanagi..." Sasuke said, seems like he was a bit in awe by this.

"The jutsu that decide one's fate... This is the Izanami." Itachi said, ignoring the cost of it, the jutsu could literally be one of the most OP hypnosis out there. Especially against any sad boi turn villain like Kabuto.

"So Kabuto is trapped inside this loop of yours? But when and how did you cast the genjutsu on him?" Sasuke asked, Itachi then proceed to explain on how the Izanami works. To put it simply, the Izanami is vaguely similar to kyoka suigetsu. Fooling the opponent's sense by re creating certain events, and then overlaying those with the exact same copy of said events, hence creating the Loops.

(A/N: for more in depth explanation, go to episode 338 of Naruto Shippuden.)

"God damn, i both understand and don't understand the words that is coming out of your mouth." I said, damn, my int is way above 200 and i still couldn't understand something complex as this? Muthafucka.

"No suprise there, not everyone could understand a complex jutsu such as this." Itachi said, is this bastard just indirectly called me an idiot? "So now, Kabuto is trapped inside the loop fighting a phantom of me, you, and this guy, forever?" Sasuke said as he pointed his thumb at me. Just call my name will ya?

"Not exactly, there's an escape route for those that is trapped inside Izanami. In the first place, Izanami was created to save those who abused the Izanagi's power." Itachi said before telling a story, i just tone him out as the story don't got nothing to do with me.

"By only accepting the original outcome that the loop would stop and brought the person trapped inside back to reality." Itachi said, seems like he is done with his stories.

"I now understand why both Izanami and izanagi came to be a forbidden jutsu, but why go the extra way to cast this on him?" Sasuke asked. I got a vague idea on why he does this but i'l let him explain it himself.

"Well... To put long story short, he kinda makes me remember the old me. We both were use as a tool, forgetting our true selves and much more... Unlike me who's now dead, i want to give him a chance to forgive himself and once again find his true self." Itachi said as he look at Kabuto. So i was more or less correct huh?

When he was bitching about how his life was, Itachi eyes let out a shines that said he understand his pain, he could relate to it. If someone could relate to another's pain, they would be more incline to help them. And that saying is true as Itachi went the extra mile to do this.

Sasuke was about to asked something but i interrupted him. "As much as i like to let you two talk, we had an Edo Tensei to undo." I said, Itachi nodded before he takes kabuto's glasses off and lift Kabuto's eye lids up before casting Tsukuyomi on him.

"This is probably the last time you will ever talk to him... If you had anything to say, you better let it out now." I whisper quietly on Sasuke's ears, that caught him off guard and only now makes him realise that with the Edo Tensei being undone, Itachi would also going back to the land of the death.

"With the Edo Tensei being undone, that should also stop the war." Itachi said, Sasuke gritted his teeth at his words. "But... You'll also..." Sasuke mutters, Itachi turns his head to look at him. "I have once again protect Konoha as uchiha Itachi of the leaf, i don't have any more regrets." He said.

"Why!? Why help the village that put you through all of that!? You might able to forgive them but i won't! And you don't have any regrets!!!?? What about me!? The reason i've become what i am now is you!" Sasuke said as he take some deep breaths.

"I... I can't change you Sasuke, but at the very least, i could stop this madness and end the war. This also fullfilled my promise with Naruto." Itachi said, seems like hearing Naruto's name coming out of Itachi's mouth was a suprise to Sasuke.

"I want to stop the Edo Tensei jutsu, tell me the signs." Itachi asked to Kabuto whom which start to say the hand signs. "That's all huh?...." Itachi mutters once Kabuto stopped talking. He then start to say the hand signs one by one to which Kabuto start doing.

In the middle of the hand signs, Sasuke let his heart out, saying his purpose of wanting to validate the story of both Tobi and danzo, wanting to destroy the very village his brother protected cause of how much they brought his brother pain. Saying that no matter who's protecting the village, even if its Itachi himself... He will still destroy it.

I just watch this from the sideline, there's no need for me to barge in on their business. "Goodbye... Brother...." Sasuke said as Itachi is done saying the last two hand signs. "[Edo Tensei] no jutsu... Release!" A small burst of chakra came out of kabuto's body, signaling the releasing of the jutsu.

Itachi then is engulf in a white light, as his skin start to fall of little by little. "Agh.... I could feel... My conciousness fading..." Itachi mutters as he slowly walks towards Sasuke. "I need... To tell you the truth. There is no use of lying anymore... I did all the things both danzo and Tobi have told you... I'l show you all of it." Itachi said before he pulled Sasuke inside of a genjutsu.

"How does it feel? Its a relief right?" I said, Itachi just look at me before nodding. "Yeah... The heaviest weight that i'ved carried is now off my shoulder..." He said. "Right?.... I also.... Nevermind..." I just shake my head before looking out to the cave entrance, there's no need to remember my past live... She probably doing better without me anyway...

I shake my head once more before walking towards the cave entrance, giving some room for the two brothers. 2 minutes later, a long bright light tunnel appears, the tunnel reached the sky and even possibly beyond that. I could see Itachi's spirit going upwards through the light tunnel, i gave him one last head nod before going back inside the cave.

Inside i see a random shinobi's corpse infront of Sasuke, probably the sacrifice Kabuto used to reanimated Itachi. As for Sasuke himself, the expression in his face suggest that he was thinking, hardly and deeply. "It seems that you still have questions that you want to find out the answers to." I said, but he seems to not hear me, that's how deep he is thinking right now.

"What... Am i...." Sasuke said, what a weird question. But its something i could relate to in the first few days of my reincarnation, why me? Out of all people? The system said it was a pure coincidence, luck, that i was choosen to be the Sixth Anomaly. But somehow i get the feeling it wasn't the case.

And Anomaly, even now i still haven't fully understand of what is an Anomaly. A three dimensional person that somehow gets Reincanated into this dimension? A person that would do whatever they want whenever they want without caring for the Consequences? 'Although i actively tried to not think of something like this, i would always subconciously think about it.'

Before i could wonder any longer though a part of the cave ceiling suddenly came crushing down, both me and Sasuke jump backwards to Dodge the rubbles and ontop of the cave rubbles, there's two people.

"Hehehe, found ya!" One of them said. If i remember correctly these two are Sasuke's teammates from team Taka, or is it hebi? Meh, the name of his team is irrelevant.

"You two..." Sasuke mutters, so they are Sasuke's teammates. "Hey, what are you doing here? In the middle of a random cave." The same person from before ask, his name was suigetsu if i remember correctly. "Stopping the Edo Tensei." Sasuke replied.

"*Helping* stopping the Edo Tensei, the one that actually stops it is Itachi." I said, i would never be the technical kinda guy, but i'l be this one time just to annoy him. barging in also make the two newcomers have their focus on me. "Then who are you? You don't look like a Shinobi from any of the village." Suigetsu asked, no shit sherlock.

"Me? I'm just a guy that had his peaceful time interrupted because of the dude behind you with some another dude wage a fucking war, So I'm here to end it. Kuro ravencroft, that's my name if you were curious." I said, i then activated my [Energy Sense] to take a look on Naruto's side.

".... His a weird guy." I Heard suigetsu said, your more weirder then me you slime muthafucka. "And you, you've Always been like this, never explain anything to people. Since its been a while since we see eachother so you better explain everything!" Suigetsu said. Hey, he took after his brother.

I just let them talk for a moment as i focus on three big signature of energy. 'this must be Naruto's side, that mean this one...' at another place there were multiple energy signature that is big, but they all are the same. 'this one must be Madara.... There's also a few small signatures... Those should be the five kage.' Nothing really change for now, but then again i don't really remember this arc that well.

"You just said that both you and him, along side Itachi stopped the Edo Tensei right? But it seems like that dosen't work on the Edo Tensei Madara." The other one said, his name is jugo if I'm not mistaken. His also carrying a woman on his shoulder, that's anko right? I only remember her character cause of that one scene from the original Naruto.

Its been more then a day since i came into this SD, so more then 4 hours has passed back on the real world. Hopefully those two aren't mad that i take my sweet time in clearing this dungeon...

"I see... So it hasn't stopped..." Sasuke said, suigetsu just shout at jugo for interrupting his conversation with Sasuke before giving him some sort of scroll. "Here, take a look." He said as Sasuke grab the scroll from his hand, being a bit curious i also take a look of the inside of the scroll.

Even though i can't read the writing, i somehow could tell that it has something to do with death at some extent. Seems like gro-goroth's magic would react to anything related with death even if its only to some extent, but why dosen't it react with Edo Tensei? Is it because its related to resurrection instead death?

"This is it... The human who's all knowing..." Sasuke mutters, seems like he had some idea to what his going to do now. "I'm leaving, i have to meet with someone." He said as he close the scroll and stand up from the rock he was sitting on. "Eh? With who?" Suigetsu asked.

"Orochimaru." Sasuke replied, getting a bewildered look from suigetsu. "Huh?! The fuck are you talking about, your the one that killed Orochimaru! And now your saying you want to meet him?! Make it make sense!" Suigetsu said, Sasuke pay no mind to him as he walk towards jugo.

"Jugo, give her to me." Sasuke said, jugo just nodded before setting anko down on the ground. Sasuke then start checking her body as suigetsu is having a panic attack.

"Even if you could possibly revive him back, what are you going to do?! His probably going to target your body again you know!" He keeps ranting about it for 10 straight second before i bitch slap his ass out the cave, hearing his ranting is almost the same as hearing Amy schumer do comedy.

"Thanks Kuro, his the type to bitching about everything and anything so its hard to focused with him talking." Sasuke said. He then told Jugo to cut a chunk of flesh from Kabuto's body and bring it to him. Jugo do just that and handed the piece of flesh Sasuke.

I don't know if its the result of him achieving perfect Sage mode, or him injecting multiple DNA into himself but the piece of flesh start wiggling around once they were seperated from Kabuto's body. And its pretty disgusting to look at. Sasuke put the flesh on anko's cursed mark and does a couple of hand signs. "[Kaija Hōin]!" He put his hand on the cursed mark as a big size snake comes out of it.

A person then comes out Crawling from the inside of the snake, covered in some sort of mucus or maybe Saliva of the snake. Don't matter which one is he covered in, its still pretty disgusting.

"To think that i would be resurrected by you... Sasuke-kun..." The person, Orochimaru said with his raspy ass voice. If i haven't seen it, i wouldn't believe that the va behind him is a woman.

At this point suigetsu has came back to the cave and are afraid by the recently resurrected Orochimaru as he hides behind the rubbles of the cave ceiling.

"Orochimaru, i want you to do something for me." Sasuke said. "There's no need to explain the little details, i've been watching from this whole time." Orochimaru said, he then turns around and looks at me. The fuck you looking at snake pedo?

"And i have to say, you are an interesting one, boy." He said as he looks me up and down, the pure disgust that i'm feeling right now is enough to send a little shiver down my spine, i don't need your attention you snake pedophile bastard!

'Hmm?' One of the energy signature from Naruto's side has just burst out of control and is getting bigger and bigger by the minute, is it the Ten tails? But i could still sense both Naruto and bee's energy.

If its going to get bigger more and more it would probably reach the Satan level in terms of energy. So the Ten tails is atleast a Satan level huh? "I want to know everything first, before making my decision." Sasuke said. oops, i accidently tune them all out. Orochimaru just stare at Sasuke for a moment before walking towards Kabuto, grabbing his shoulder and taking his chakra back.

"His absorbing Kabuto's chakra to kill us all!" Suigetsu shouted, are you that afraid of Orochimaru? "No, his just taking back his own chakra from Kabuto's body. He left Kabuto's chakra completely untouch." Jugo said. That kinda calm suigetsu down a bit as Orochimaru release Kabuto's shoulder.

"Sure, i'l help you out. Now follow me." Orochimaru said, i should follow them, there's nothing wrong with me taking my sweet time right?....












TheCursedMortal TheCursedMortal

hi! twenty Fourth chapter is here! sorry for not uploading for a whole week, i totally underestimate how much work i had to do that i only got a few hundred words in per day, but i've finished like 60% of my work for this month so hopefully i could write and upload a chapter or two this week. enough about me, With the help of Kuro and Sasuke, Itachi could end the Edo Tensei once and for all. but who is this girl that Kuro mention when he was talking with Itachi? let's find out together shall we? anyway, hope you all enjoy this chapter, and forgive me if there's any word and grammar errors in this chapter.

Aight, Peace


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