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79.04% I Am Energy In Dc / Chapter 132: Chapter 132 I Have No Use For You

Chapter 132: Chapter 132 I Have No Use For You

Hey guys! Miss me? Well, for those who want to know, I'm not dropping this fic for now. Special thanks to all of you. Sorry for the zero updates, admission issues and stuff.

Love you all, enjoy the chapter.


"What?" The blonde had a slightly bewildered expression on her face.

"I don't understand".

"No?" Bruce asked. "Then let me be clearer then. Everything concerning your one night out with him".

A flash of realization flashed in her eyes, followed by a look of annoyance. Although Clark told her, she would be disturbed, she definitely wasn't expecting it to be now, and so suddenly.

"Um..... Is this a bad time?" Zatanna asked beside them.

"You're seriously asking that?" For her words, Kara's annoyance only grew. She turned her head to look behind The Dark Knight where several figures were standing in the middle of the room, watching the whole thing play out before them.

Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado.

How exactly was this not a bad time?

"Hold on ..... You're.....". Among the group, there was a face she had seen before. That was on the night she first came into contact with the team. However, they hadn't crossed paths with each other ever since.

An attractive woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, red lips and a slender yet toned build. She wore a badass one-piece leotard with the labelled jacket and black fingerless gloves.

"Black Canary". Dinah waved with her right hand.

"We met each other that night". Her stern expression broke apart to show a sincere smile.

"Yeah ..... I remember. Just haven't seen you around here recently".

"I was on hospital leave, as you can probably guess". Her smile stiffened slightly as she uttered, her hand gesturing towards what she sat on.

A wheelchair.

She was greatly injured during her last encounter against Zoom who had chased The Flash of Earth -1 all the way to the cave.

Similar to Artemis, both had fractural injuries on their spinal areas. However, while Artemis managed to recuperate with timely help, Dinah wasn't as lucky.

Unlike the archer who received a fracture from Zoom's casual attack, the blow to her lower back had effectively shattered her spine, rendering her forever crippled from the waist downward just like The Oracle.

For several weeks, she was hospitalized while receiving Hal's willpower treatment to no avail.

As a result, there was nothing Hal could do to save her in the case of an injury this severe.

"I ... I'm…".

Kara didn't know what to say. She wanted to apologize or console her but felt it would be inappropriate.

"It's fine kid. No need to feel bad, this had nothing to do with you". Dinah's voice came out at that moment.

"Besides, just because I was knocked down doesn't mean I'm out". She said solemnly.


"As you already know, Black Canary served as the combat instructor for the Team before your arrival". Bruce interrupted at this moment to fill in Kara's confusion.

"Due to the incident, she couldn't come in to perform her duties. But now she's back, and with her condition, while she won't be able to fully guide you all on physical combat, she's taken on another equally important role in guiding your teammates".

The Justice League was now severely short on manpower. With Black Canary's accident, the league had once again lost another member with considerable combat power.

The initial plan was for Dinah to stay away from superhero activities due to her disability.

In simpler words, she was retiring from the Superhero life.

As you can guess through the current situation, she refused.

Like all females who joined the JL, Black Canary was a tough woman who wouldn't allow herself to show weakness due to a setback. She believed that injuries and setbacks came along with the job of being a hero.

No way in hell was she just going to retire like this.

Faced with the persuasion of Superman, Green Arrow and Green Lantern, Dinah strongly objected to their proposal and stated that she was going to continue to do her best to remain of help to the League and the world as a whole.

Seeing as they couldn't persuade her, Bruce could only compromise and let her do the only thing she could in her current situation.

Work as the watch guard in the Watchtower. Just like Oracle, Black Canary had taken on a similar to an invisible helper behind the scenes.

Monitoring the affairs of the world and reporting to available league members if there were any abnormalities.

It was her voice that responded to Flash's emergency call concerning a major incident some time ago.

Now however, Batman had found something else she could be put to use doing. The recent training incident with the team had gone horribly wrong.

The spike in Miss Martian's abilities had inflicted severe emotional trauma in all of them, something that hadn't shown any signs of dissipating in the past week.

Seeing this, Batman and Martian Manhunter knew that they had to do something before a permanent scar was branded on the hearts of these young heroes.

And so, Bruce called Black Canary over to the Cave to see the situation and act as a hero psychiatrist to the team. During the time she was here, Red Tornado would be deployed to other areas where League attention was needed.

The high-level combat power could be seamlessly transferred, Bruce saw it as killing two birds with one stone. Simple and effective.

Recently, the foreign Flash had found one of their missing members. Cyborg.

However, the half man, half machine had been in a coma ever since he was brought in.

"Starting from today, you can consider her as your personal counselor and psychiatrist". Bruce revealed finally.

"And before you arrived, she was looking into the states of your available teammates". The team right now was dysfunctional.

Currently, they were in no condition to perform missions within their current state.

And with the mission currently in store for them, Batman couldn't allow this to happen. So Black Canary being here was essential.

Bruce concluded before bringing back the original topic.

"Now that that's cleared up, and the pleasantries are out of the way, I need you to tell me exactly what happened when you disappeared a week ago".

"Superman has already filled me in on the rough details. I just need to hear it again from your end".

"He said that you were abducted by a group of warriors to another planet. Who and where?"

A moment of silence filled the cave. Both Martian Manhunter and the crippled Black Canary raised an eyebrow at the revelation, clearly quite surprised.

If not for the fact that Red Tornado was a machine and so didn't have any eyebrows, he would have probably done the same.

Kara was silent. Feeling the gazes of multiple people on her, even Zatanna, she felt uncomfortable.

Nevertheless, she still spoke after a while.

"They called themselves the Furies". She uttered with a pause.

"Go on". Bruce urged.

"Apparently, their leader had discovered my existence and taken a fancy to me".

"Really?" Black Canary was surprised. Looking at the wells developed sixteen-year-old, Dinah's eyes flashed with as strange light.

Seeing the strange look on her face, Kara was puzzled before understanding what she meant.

"That's ... Not what I meant".

"Oh! My bad. So he didn't take any sexual interest in you then?"

"No. He was more interested in my body".

Her words were met with a resounding silence. This time, everyone, Batman included gave her weird looks allowing her to realize her poor choice of words.

"I ..... I …. Again I didn't mean.....". A blush took over her features as she tried to make coherent sentences.

"I meant ... He took interest to my Kryptonian heritage".

"Your genes. Just like Clark".

"Yes. Apparently, I was supposed to be captured and taken to be brainwashed into one of his obedient soldiers".

"On his world?"

"It's called Apokolips". Coming to this point, her face morphed into a frown as she recalled the terrible atmosphere of that planet.

"Apokolips?" Martian Manhunter had his eyebrows furrow.

"Are you sure?" Batman had the same expression. Clark had already told him this.

Kara's words had too many implications.

The first invader of Earth was Stepphenwolf, who claimed to come from such planet.

"Batman. Do you think?" Martian Manhunter and Batman trade glances.

"Yes. That's precisely what I think".

"Wait!" Black Canary cut in.

"You're talking about the first invasion".

The world of Apokolips was no stranger to the Justice League. From the first day Stepphenwolf invaded their world, they knew the matter was far from over.

Apparently, that day had come.

After defeating the Parademon army and establishing the Justice League, Hal generously shared everything he knew with the rest of them.

Apokolips was home to a powerful ruler, known to be a conqueror of worlds. He had destroyed thousands of planets all over the universe, expanding his domain indefinitely.

The Green Lantern Corps had tried to stop his tyrannical actions. They failed marvelously.

It was said that whatever planet he set his sights on, would be conquered by him. Not once had he ever failed.

"Yes". Batman answered, his gaze still fixed on Supergirl.

"That day, Stepphenwolf led his army of Parademons under the orders of his master". Bruce paused for a moment.


Kara saw his piercing eyes, as if he was asking her cousin to confirm. Which she did.

"That's right. It's him".

Black Canary's face was particularly ugly.

"So this means he's back?"

"For now, the situation seems that way". Batman answered without a change in tone or expression.

"In that case, we need to assemble the rest of the League to discuss preparations". The thick voice came from J'onn.

"We need to be ready in case he sends his forces to launch another attack on Earth". The solemnity in his voice was without concealment.

Countless thoughts on how to tackle this situation went through his mind.

However, Batman's next words surprised everyone.

"No need".




Exclamations erupted as everyone turned to look at Batman with a puzzled expression.

"Please explain". J'onn said in puzzlement.

"While this is a cause for concern, if my suspicions are confirmed, then we need not worry about an invasion for the moment".

"And why is that?"

"Because according to what she said, Darkseid was defeated". Once again, everyone's gazes turned to Kara making her feel slightly uncomfortable again.

"That...". Martian Manhunter was at a loss for words.

"By who?" The Green Lantern Corps was the greatest force in the galaxy. With an army of lanterns all capable of utilizing the power of will under the guidance of the Guardians of Oa.

Yet even they were unable to do anything against this cosmic tyrant.

In Hal's description, Darkseid was the living embodiment of the word evil itself. A being who had destroyed thousands of worlds in his thirst for conquest.

A Literal living New God.

When you drew a comparison with Wonder Woman whose strength firmly rested at the top of the League and was quite literally only a demigod, you could imagine how powerful Darkseid, who could send someone as powerful as Stepphenwolf to earth was.

Everyone's impression of Darkseid was fixed on the level of their most formidable adversary yet.

So you could imagine how people would react when they heard that the enemy they feared was suddenly defeated.

"Who do you think?" Bruce answered with a blank face and a question of his own. Kara was kidnapped without anyone in the League knowing.

Martian Manhunter raised an eyebrow.


"Correct". Bruce replied and continued.

"Apparently, Amari took her to the Darkseid's world after freeing her from her captors. Once there, he destroyed Darkseid's palace, and the following development can be easily guessed".

"They fought, Amari won. From her description, overwhelmingly at that. In the end, Darkseid was forced to flee and the planet was brought to the point of near ruin from the aftermath of their battle. Thousands, if no hundreds of thousands of Parademons were annihilated as a result and the planets core was unstable. Under those situations, any attacks on the planet will have to be postponed indefinitely".

Bruce stopped. Then asked.

"Am I right?"

"Yes". Kara folded her arms and turned her head slightly to the side. "That's about right. Looks like Clar... Superman told you everything".

"He did". Batman responded with a nod. "Although to me, all this cannot be taken at face value".

"What?" The sudden change in his words left the blonde surprised.

"I mean no offense Kara, but this concerns the safety of our world. While we do believe you, we weren't there, so we cannot accept everything you say the way you said it. Some crucial details might be over exaggerated while others could be understated. A single flaw in our intelligence could lead to disastrous results. We can't have that".

The fact that Amari fought Darkseid was one hundred percent believable. Judging from that guy's character, he would certainly do such a thing without hesitation.

The followup of Amari defeating Darkseid was also believable.

Defeating him with extreme ease .... That was debatable but also believable.

What truly worried the Dark Knight was the fact that Amari didn't kill the enemy. So the possibility of Darkseid attacking earth in the very near future still existed.

It all depended on how damaged Darkseid was before he fled.

If it was brutally beaten to the point of Ocean Master, then The Dark Knight could plan ahead with confidence.

If not and he gathered an army to seek revenge, then countermeasures must be sped up no matter what.

".... Then what do you want from me?" Kara restrained her temper at being questioned like this and asked in a low tone.

"J'onn". Bruce called Martian Manhunter forward.

"What's going on?"

"I want you to share your memories with J'onn". Bruce revealed his intentions.

"With his telepathy, J'onn can see your memories and with that, distribute it to the rest of the League. We'll be able to have a clearer grasp of what to expect and how to prepare in case the unexpected happens".

This wasn't for the League. It was mainly for him.

So he could judge the combat power of Darkseid and see if there were any means of restraint.

Kara didn't answer.

After a few seconds of thought, she finally nodded in agreement.

"As long as I can leave after this".

"No worries. With your memories, your reference will no longer be required". Batman obliged.

"Fine". And so, she drew closer to the green skinned bald Martian and stood before him.

"I promise not to look at anything other than what is needed. Just relax your mind and don't resist".

J'onn uttered softly. Following which, he placed his hands on her temples, closed his eyes and activated his telepathy.

Two of them stood still as if frozen in time.

Seeing J'onn get to work, Batman turned o Black Canary and the silent Red Tornado while ignoring Zatanna who had been listening in for a while now.

"In that case, Canary, you can just monitor Megan and Superboy for the time being. The others should be here by tomorrow, then you can begin trying to help them.....". His words were halfway through, a sudden change occured.

Martian Manhunter holding Kara's head suddenly let go.

"Ugh!" He placed his own hands on his head and took several steps backwards.

"No, No, No ...".

"J'onn? What's wrong?"

Batman asked with narrowed eye as he turned around.

Unfortunately, Martian Manhunter didn't answer but fell backwards. Luckily, he was caught in time by the caped crusader.

"My ... My head ...".

"Manhunter, speak to me. What happened?"

Martian Manhunter was silent for a long time. His body was weak, as if a lot of mental strength had been drained out of him and his eyes flashed with horror and fear.

"Batman ... ". He opened his mouth and spoke gravely.

"What did you see?"

"We..... We may have miscalculated".


"Your power?"

Bill uttered in confusion.

"Did the Wizard teach you nothing?" A trace of coldness flashed past the eyes of the All-father.

"The power you once possessed is derived from the sources of Six Gods. The abilities and strengths of me and my children".

The lightning within his palms crackled.

"The Wizard Shazam stole a source of our powers and used it to create a champion for the mortals of this world. Back then, I did not interfere due to having more pressing matters to deal with. Now, I have returned to retrieve what does not belong to this world, only to find that a portion of my power was stripped away from me. The source being the previous holder of the gifts.....".


"So I ask again. What have you done with the gifts given to you?"

".... I can't tell you". Shazam didn't answer at first.

"Since you wish not to answer, then .....".

"I can't tell you because I don't have them". Billy finally responded.

The All Father didn't reply. Seeing this, Billy continued.

"My powers were stripped away from me weeks ago when fighting against an enemy stronger than me".

"He took the gifts and I have been without them ever since". The boy replied with cold eyes and a lifeless expression.

"I can't tell you what you want to know".

"In that case .....". Zeus looked at Batson Apathetically.

"You have no further use to me".

Following which, his lightning bolt shot forward.


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