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"Oh, I get it now!" The Rob exclaimed as if he discovered the biggest mystery in history.

'You got what?' The small ball of light or Tristan's soul was confused when the Rob just randomly announced that he got something after dazing for minutes.

"I looked into your past, now I know why your world's will threw you here."

'So, what did you see?'

"Well, the students and the teacher that you killed has great futures, heck one of them actually saved billions of lives."

'Oh... now I understand.' Basically, Tristan killed billions by killing 30 people, but even after knowing it, he didn't feel any guilt.

He simply didn't give a fuck about it anymore, he had decided after killing all of the people who had mistreated him he wouldn't give a fuck about what will happen next.

Heck, he didn't even care about how one of his classmate saved billions.

All of sudden, Tristan felt the world blurred, he slowly felt like he's losing his vision.

"I have decided."

'Huh?' He heard the Rob muttered.

"Wait no, I can't be so sure so I'll let you experience what is true life first before I decide..." That was the last thing Tristan heard when he finally lost his consciousness.







[Race Change Commencing...]

'Huh?' Tristan was pretty much confused as he was left without getting any explanation and now he's hearing voices. 

He couldn't feel anything, neither his body, he couldn't move like around like a soul right now, what he just knows was that he's conscious.

[Race Changed to: High Ghoul]

[Due to the race change, Intrinsic Skill: <Consume> has acquired

[Due to the race change, Intrinsic Skill: <Zombification> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Intrinsic Skill: <Tail> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Intrinsic Skill: <Ultraspeed Regeneration> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Intrinsic Skill: <Blood Manipulation> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Resist Skill: <Pain Nullification> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Resist Skill: <Cold Nullification> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Resist Skill: <Paralysis Resistance> has acquired]

[Due to the race change, Resist Skill: <Poison Resistance> has acquired]

A huge amount of information ran into Tristan's mind after hearing the continues voice of him 'acquiring' skills.

It took a moment for him to process everything and during that time he felt something that he thought he have lost.

It was a feeling so distant yet close.

Like a lighting, temporary but powerful.

It was excitement, so little but it was definitely there.




In an unknown vast forest, a young man appeared out of thin air, he has a messy white hair and ragged black shirt with white pants, though he looks like a beggar with his clothes, but paired with his facial features that could put celebrities to shame, he was dripping.


He fell into the ground and layed unconscious for a moment until he finally opens his heterochromatic eyes with gray on the right and on the left was a red blood pupil and iris with black sclera.

It was Tristan, who thought he would be welcomed by the world of swords and magic but what he felt when he first gained consciousness was hunger.

A colossal amount of hunger, he felt like he could eat the grass that he lays on right now, he was also feeling a thirst as if he just arrived after traveling the Sahara desert without drinking water for years.

But he has a feeling that if he drinks water right now it wouldn't satisfy his thirst, but he was thirsty.

He quickly stands up and six pointy tails came out of his lower back with the appearance of blood and flesh, it also has small sharp spikes that looks like it could cut through anything.

When he received information about the skills that he received, this was one of them, the [Tail] that he could manipulate while there is a limit, it was still useful.

Like a spider, he used four of his tail to support his body and jumped.


It left a small crater, and in the sky Tristan immediately looks around to find any lake or anything could satisfy his thirst and hunger and he was successful, he found a lake near him.

He let his body to fall on the ground and immediately dashed as fast as possible just to arrive quickly on the lake.

He arrives and tried to drink the water with his two hands but it wasn't enough so puts his head on the lake like he was drowning himself and drank like crazy.

And when he thought he was satisfied, he took his head and immediately puked all the water he drank, his new body was rejecting the water and felt like he just drank shit.

He looked at his reflection on the water, he was surprised about his new appearance, he could still see some resemblance of his past look but what he has right now was like a whole new different person, especially with the hair.

But it wasn't the time to be surprised, he was still feeling the hunger and thirst.

With his enhanced perception, he felt a presence on his back and saw a rabbit with a horn jumping away from his direction when it saw Tristan.

While he was staring at it, Tristan felt a warm liquid near his mouth and he knew that he was unconsciously drooling.

Without knowing it, one of his tail extended and stabbed the rabbit effortlessly killing it. 

He then realized what he did when his tail brought the rabbit in front of him.

He gulped and drooled more seeing the blood, and for some reason rather than seeing the dead rabbit, in his eyes it looked like the best dish from a 5 star restaurant.

He didn't suppress his desires and willingly accepted it, he had already decided to not give a fuck about what will happen after he killed his classmates and he was given a chance to live again, and this time he will do what he wants, he regretted being a pushover while letting people mistreat him.

He just couldn't take it anymore, he just wants to do his things in peace, and what he does doesn't even bother anyone nor it'll affect them.

He felt the sensation of the rabbit's flesh and blood but rather than disgust, he felt like he had eaten the best meal of his life.

{An overwhelming amount of hunger detected...}


{Confirmed, Unique Skill <Devourer> has acquired.}

Tristan heard the same voice again but he didn't have the luxury to care right now, he was hungry, if the voice came from a person near him right now he would slap that person to death.

He was hungry, very hungry to be exact.

That was all.

He knew that it was unreasonable to kill someone that disturbed you from eating just because you're hungry but for Tristan, that reason was valid.


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