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48.1% On The Bench / Chapter 38: Leaders

Chapter 38: Leaders

"Why am I here?" Sona asked wearily. "I have work to do."

"Oh, relax," Rias said, tossing popcorn at her rival. 

It missed, sailing over the couch and bouncing off Tsubaki's glasses. Rias gave the Queen an apologetic look before answering Sona's question.

"We're here for some downtime," Rias said. "No training, no talk of Rating Games or work. We're just here to have fun."

Sona narrowed her eyes at the Gremory.

"I would believe that if I didn't know for a fact that you are still training your power under the couch," Sona said, adjusting her glasses so they glinted in the light. Rias looked unapologetic at the accusation. "I also know you are doing this to brag about your Rook."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

Akeno's King would have been more believable if she wasn't positively radiating smug satisfaction.

"Ufufufu," Akeno giggled at the glare Sona was sending Rias. "She's not wrong, Kachou. It has been a stressful few months. Taking a night off won't kill us."

"Some of us have duties to attend to," Sona sniffed.

"You'll work yourself to death with all your duties," Rias rolled her eyes, tossing more popcorn into her mouth. "You've been so busy lately that I've barely seen you on the bench."

Sona shot a quick glance to a corner of the room at Rias' words. 

She wasn't the only one whose eyes travelled in that direction every few minutes. Half the teenagers gathered were sending looks that way every other moment. 

Akeno was one of them.

On a plush long chair, with a smug Koneko on his lap and Mikasa next to him, Eren Yeager looked distinctly uncomfortable. His eyes roamed the large, opulent room as if searching for an escape route.

There was something about seeing the sickly boy anywhere but on the bench that seemed so... Not wrong, but it certainly was something Akeno was having trouble getting used to.

Granted, going from a plain wooden bench, even one surrounded by luxurious amenities, to the private home theatre the Gremory had installed when remodeling Issei's home was a significant change.

It was another moment of surreality that seemed common these days where Eren was concerned.

"How did you convince him to come to... this?" Sona whispered, leaning forward as if the question would attract the older boy's attention.

"Cuteness is justice," Rias 'explained.'

Sona looked at Akeno for a proper explanation.

"Koneko-chan was with Eren and Aunty," the hybrid nodded in their direction. "They were going to go home for the night, but she asked them to come. Eren doesn't show it, but he's really soft on Koneko. It's cute."

"Still," Sona whispered. "This isn't the type of thing they would enjoy."

Akeno doubted Sona needed to be that careful about attracting their attention. Both Gremory and Sitri Peerages, as well as Irina, were in the room, and nobody was trying to be particularly quiet.

Really, if it weren't for the prime drama going on right here, Akeno would have been in the thick of things, teasing and instigating all sorts of mischief. 

Oh, what great targets there were now that Issei had been... unsealed.

Should she try to instigate the new angel to fall, convince Xenovia she and Issei needed to 'practice' some more, or tease Asia into a blushing mess? 

Choices, choices.

Even if she didn't poke Issei and his little harem, Akeno was not lacking for other targets. While she'd feel bad about messing with Saji after his clear rejection by Sona, the way those other girls were pressing against him was fertile ground indeed.

"It's because it's his Kohai's big movie debut," Akeno giggled. "He'd never miss it."

"He would," Sona deadpanned. "Neither my aunt nor Eren appreciate this kind of... childishness."

"Maybe they've learned the joys of Tokusatsu," Rias sniffed in haughty dismissal. "I don't expect you to understand its subtle intricacies and mature appeal of the genre."

"You don't get to say that to me," Sona retorted. "You're not the one who had to listen to their sister break down children's shows, genre by genre and trope by trope and explain, in great detail, why Magical Girls are mathematically superior to all others."

"That..." Akeno hesitated with a shaky smile. "That sounds like Leviathan-sama, alright."

Sona's face was haunted, staring past Akeno toward some no doubt traumatic and horrifying memory.

"Four and a half hours. She had me frozen to my chair for four and a half hours. I just visited to talk to my mother. And she had... costumes."

Hmmm, Akeno should try to spend more time with Serafall-sama if she gets the chance. Seeing how Sona shivered in fear sent a wonderful shiver down the half-fallen's spine.

Rias, at least, decided to take pity on her rival.

"You haven't been around for a while, but something happened between Eren and Issei," Rias explained. "I think Eren said something that really inspired him. Issei's been giving training his all, even more than usual."

"...Your last Rating Game, perhaps?" Sona offered, and all three young devils grimaced at the reminder. "Still, I suppose it is for the best. Better his time be spent training than getting up to his usual perverted antics with his friends."

It was a clear topic shift from Diodora Astaroth, but nobody pointed it out.

"I don't think Issei needs to worry about that anymore," Akeno said slyly. "He has other... outlets."

Rias sent her Queen an aggrieved look, but Akeno returned a smug smile.

They had both agreed that Asia was a foregone conclusion and the 'head wife,' so she wouldn't count in their little bet, which meant Akeno was currently in the lead since Xenovia was the only other to officially join Issei's little harem. 

Until either Irina or Ravel Phenex, both girls Rias had chosen to push forward, the score was one to zero in Akeno's favour.

It wasn't all peachy; Akeno was still searching for a second candidate that not only liked Issei but wasn't just a power-digging slut looking to hook up with the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Why are you so busy anyway," Rias turned from her smug Queen to ask her rival. "It's not academic, right? You're not even on campus."

"No," Sona denied, slumping back in her cushion. "I am, unfortunately, suffering from success."

Despite the words, Sona did not look happy. Just tired.

"You're sponsors?" Akeno guessed, and the Sitri Heiress nodded tiredly.

"I knew what I was getting into, but I underestimated how... bitter some members of our nobility are about the peace. Just this week alone, I have had a dozen meetings with Lords and Ladies of various ranks discussing how I intend to build my school, where it will be, and what its initial focus will be on."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Rias offered with a shaky smile.

Sona glared.

"If it were just them wanting to make certain that their wealth and influence was put to good use, then no, it wouldn't be too bad," Sona growled in a rare display of open frustration. "But it's not just that. They not only want to ensure favourable treatment for anyone they will send in the future, but they also want to ensure other races are taught the 'truth about devil culture.' Nepotism at its finest, and they are all but demanding I turn my school into a brainwashing center for propaganda."

"Your words did have a certain... target," Akeno said delicately. Sona's glare turned on her. "All I'm saying is that was your plan, right? Target the malcontents that would oppose your dream and turn them into allies. Then, by the time they realize what's happening, it's too late for them to stop you and you'll have the support of their political opponents."

"I know," Sona sighed, rubbing her eyes under her glasses. "As I said, I just underestimated... or I guess I overestimated them. I can almost understand some of the animosity. Those who lost family or friends in the Great War want to ensure that they don't lose in this new culture war. It does not excuse their demands that other race students be treated as slaves, but I can at least understand where they are coming from. Others though... they have asked for some truly vile conditions and have been none too subtle of the threat of withdrawing support if they are not met."

"Like what?"

"The tamest of which would make Diodora look like a saint," Sona deadpanned. "Since I've started taking these meetings, I have had fifteen marriage proposals, twice as many unwanted sexual advances, and five who all but demanded I prostitute my Peerage. I've actually been able to give your brother some names for him to investigate. You'd be amazed how some of them talk when they think I'm just a dumb girl riding my sister's coattails."

"Are you going to be all right," Rias asked, worried for her childhood friend.

"I might not be as strong as you, but I am not weak," Sona waived off the concern. "Very few of these reprobates are Ultimate Class, and Aunty is on the premises if I ever feel in danger. No, it is more likely exhaustion than violence that will kill me."

Unsaid was that even the most foolish devil noble knew how much Serafall Leviathan dotted on her younger sister. They might try to pressure her for benefits, but nobody was dumb enough to try and physically force Sona to do something she didn't want to do.

That was a great way to have your entire territory suddenly enter a new ice age.


"Still," Rias worried her lip in concern. "I know this is for your dream, but wouldn't it be better to put things off till you're older and stronger."

"The only reason I am getting this much support is the recent peace conference," Sona denied. "The outrage is fresh and that leads to impulsive decision making. It is either I lay the groundwork now using that resentment as fuel, or I wait decades for things to settle down. While that path might be safer, it doesn't account for any incident that might happen in the meantime. Besides, I've already started down this road. I'll see it through to the end."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help," Rias offered.

"Thanks," Sona gave her friend a slight smile but didn't look relieved. "I do not mean to vent, but I am just... disappointed. I knew there were bad actors and malcontents among the 31 Pillars, but I suppose I wanted to believe it was simply a few bad apples. But it's not. It's pervasive, even after the Great War and the Civil War. I guess I just hoped they had learned something. That they were better than all this."

"You both are fortunate," Akeno couldn't help but point out. "Your siblings and family are very modern and permitting. Just because a Pillar family sided with them during the Civil War does not mean they did it for the right reason. They maybe just wanted to preserve devil-kind, and now that population has recovered, they want to regain their lost glory."

It was a testament to how much they had gone through recently that neither heiress protested Akeno's words.

Not too long ago, they would have argued against any intervention from their siblings and family.

Now? Both Rias and Sona couldn't help but nod grimly, well aware by now of how sheltered and privileged they had been all their lives.

"That's what your school is for, isn't it," Rias told her rival, trying to bring the mood back up. "To help people learn from other's mistakes? You just have to put up with these types for a few years, then they'll have no choice but to bend to the times."

"I hope so," Sona sighed again, then visibly gathered herself, looking around the theatre. "So, when will this show begin? And I thought it had been airing for a while in the underworld?"

"We're just waiting to receive the final product," Rias said with a smile, returning to her popcorn. "The show is still mid-season, but it's been so popular that the studio decided to make a special movie. That's what we're watching tonight."

"We will have the first showing," Akeno elaborated. "It was actually done last week, but apparently Issei found out it was going to happen through Ravel Phenex and asked for some last-minute edits. The public won't see it for another month or so."

"What sort of edits would take a week," the Sitri heiress asked with a furrowed brow.

Sona would know all about the absolute marvel magic conjoined with technology had brought to film and television. Even if she didn't want to. 

Serafall Leviathan had been the pioneer behind the incredible speed of the devil entertainment industry's rapid project completion. It was the only way she could film her show, movies, and specials while also attending to her duties as a Satan.

"Issei won't tell us," Rias pouted, throwing a piece of popcorn over to her Rook.

Even surrounded by his girlfriends, with a pleased smile on his face, Issei instinctively opened his mouth and caught the food, not taking his eyes off Xenovia's bust the entire time.

"He's really shy about it," Akeno smiled mischievously. "I can't wait."

"Be nice," Rias chastised her Queen. "And you, try and relax."

"Very well," Sona said, relaxing into her chair and idly swiping Rias' popcorn bucket. The red looked affronted, but Sona paid her no mind. "I can spare a few hours."

Then Sona froze, popcorn halfway to her mouth and glared at her friend.

"My sister can never find out about this. If she heard I watched her 'rival's' movie instead of one of hers, I'd never hear the end of it."

"Tell Aunty that, not me," Rias said as she stood up to grab another popcorn bucket from the machine against the back wall. As she did, she nodded toward where Mikasa and Eren were talking with Yuuto in low tones, Koneko napping against Eren's chest.

"... I'll talk to her tomorrow," Sona eventually said with a conflicted look on her face.

Akeno noted it but didn't tease her about it.

Eren's situation was already difficult for all of them, but having her aunt be the woman Sona's crush had confessed to loving and Lady Mikasa return those feelings would surely put Sona in a rough position.

Akeno wasn't entirely convinced Sona wasn't just using her work as an excuse to avoid the bench and its daily occupants.

However, she didn't have time to ask the student council president about her theory as Rias let out a cheer behind them.

"Got it!"

With a quick flash of magic, the Gremory King had a case in her hand. She hurried to set up the movie and returned to her seat as the theme song began.

'Zoom Zoom Iyaan.'

The room quieted as everyone sat back to watch the movie without talking.

They may be devils, but they weren't evil, after all.

The premise of the show was straightforward.

Ise Gremory was a young devil who made a pact with a legendary dragon to protect his friends when their school was attacked by evil monsters. After that, he goes on to fight other threats to devils. 

All of which was relatively common for children's shows.

What was uncommon was Ise's love of breasts. 

The man who loves breasts and fights for breasts. He turns into the legendary Oppai Dragon to defeat those who do evil deeds. He powered up by talking about boobs, seeing boobs, and touching boobs. 

It lent the show an absurdist, comedic, and light-hearted tone while still appealing to more mature audiences.

Akeno could admit, if nothing else, that the production quality was well done. Although she didn't usually enjoy the genre, she could see why it became a monstrous show, boasting viewing rates of around 50%. 

It was helped that over half the current devil population were either reincarnated devils or the children of such, meaning a large portion was very young compared to most supernatural races.

The movie covered the Oppai Dragon's origins, the first time he met the legendary dragon and the deal they made, which hadn't been shown in the show yet.

There was, however, one moment in the movie that took everyone by surprise.

Near the end, during the attack on the school, the legendary dragon demanded Ise Gremory demonstrate his conviction before agreeing to partner with him.

Cue a flashback.

Ise Gremory, a young devil sitting in a park. 

Beside him on the bench is an older boy, face cast in shadow.

"Someday," the older boy said, taking a hand from his cane to ruffle Issei's hair affectionately. "Someday, you'll face a choice. You will have to choose what sort of devil you want to become. I am trusting you to make the right choice."

"I will! I promise!" Young Ise Gremory swore, eyes wide as he held a fist out.

The two boys knocked fists.

The flashback ends.

Ise Gremory stands up, covered in the red armour of the draconic scale mail.

"I promise!" He shouted, thrusting his fist out as if fist-bumping someone who wasn't there and destroying the monster tormenting his friends. 

The leitmotif of the theme begins. 

"I promise to become a devil that will defend all the Oppai in the world! So, trust me! I am the Oppai Dragon Emperor!"

The fight begins and, powered by the legendary dragon and by touching his girlfriend's boobs, Ise Gremory wins in grand fashion.

The movie ends with a shot of the Oppai Dragon Emperor flying away into the sunset, off to defend all the Oppai of the world.

"What." Sona demanded, popcorn fallen to the floor and forgotten. "What did I just watch?"

"Ufufufufufufu," Akeno was laughing so hard she was having trouble breathing.

Rias wasn't much better, biting one of her knuckles to keep from laughing as well.

"Well, um," Issei started to explain, face red as half the room looked at him. "Everyone else has a role, so I figured, you know, it wouldn't be fair if Senpai didn't as well. And, uh, the studio really liked the idea. I mean, they really, really liked it. They decided to rewrite the ending of the movie to include him."

All eyes turned to the back of the room.

Eren Yeager looked completely poleaxed, eyes wide and mouth open, as he stared at the credits rolling across the giant screen.

The look of confusion, complete bafflement so at odds with his usual severe expressions, sent Akeno into an even deeper fit of giggles.

Nor was she the only one.

Mikasa was facing away from Eren, mouth covered and shoulders shaking in silent laughter of her own.

"Congratulations," Yuuto said, prodding Eren on the shoulder companionably. Not one ounce of mockery could be heard in his voice. "My character is a villain in season 1 and doesn't join till season 2. He hasn't even shown up yet. When this airs, everyone will want to know who you are."

Shaken from his surprise by the nudge, Eren looked at the Knight in horror.

"They told me he will appear here and there for flashbacks," Issei said proudly, seeing he wasn't being yelled at. "'A mysterious senior with a hidden past! Who is he? What does he want? How does he know Oppai Dragon?' The director was very excited and said he'd sprinkle in scenes through seasons 1 and 2 to tease the audience. Still, since those are already written, you'll be a mysterious background character until you appear in season 3. Sorry."

"...That's-" Eren said, still looking confused but no longer horrified. He took a deep breath, released it, and looked at Issei again, face once more composed. "That's all right. I... appreciate the thought. Thank you."

Issei beamed.

The rest of the evening was spent eating, talking about the movie, chatting with friends, laughing, and discussing everyone's own favourite shows.

Akeno was glad to have a memory like that.

Eren had been right. 

Memories like that were what pushed you forward when the world seemed determined to see you stop.

Such as when, the next day, Azazel appeared with a perverted old geezer, a hapless Valkyrie, and Akeno's father, Baraqiel.

ReadingDangerously ReadingDangerously

Just a silly little chapter to bring a smile to the face. Absolutely nothing here is important to the later plot, I swear officer... and if there were, I wouldn't talk about it to avoid spoilers.

I will talk about a few silly things, though.

For those curious about the ripple effect, here are a few differences from canon. First, since Vali and his team only rescued Asia, while the Gremory Peerage were the ones to stop Issei's rampage, Bikou never called Rias 'Switch Princess,' so her character is not the main heroine; Asia's is. Secondly, while it is still 'Oppai Dragon Emperor' (Because Issei is still all about boobs), there is more focus on the heroic aspect because of his actions during his three rating games, so the narrative is slightly changed.

Only a handful of chapters remain in part 3, and then we will move on to the final part.

I will also return to 2 chapters a week this week, so I will meet you all on Friday on the bench.

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