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100% Marvel: Become Athenea / Chapter 55: Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Chapter 55

"Let's meet him for a cup of coffee."

Tony got up, walked towards the room, then seemed to realize something, turned his head, stretched out two fingers and turned around: "It's worth mentioning that you two should wear more decent clothes, not that."

Natasha's little goodwill that had just arisen in his heart immediately disappeared and she looked coldly at Tony.

In the city of Mumbai at night.

Mumbai is where characters and cultures of various religions come together, after dark the city is a delight to the eyes, and the old antique shops in the dark alleys are full of rare treasures left scattered after the decline of the royal family in the XVIII century.

There are luxury hotels and poor neighborhoods.

This is the city with the most contradictory classes in the world, and also the most populated city.

In Mumbai at night, in the city center, the lights of luxury hotels and restaurants illuminate the relatively clean roads, and the rich and wealthy of the upper classes are well dressed and travel in luxury cars.

In the slums there are dirty and muddy roads, decades-old houses on both sides and even thatched huts.

Men, women, and children have old rags wrapped around their bodies, and people come and go, busy with tonight's work.

There are also groups of children laughing and playing.

There is a unique style of the lower class.

And in one of the wooden houses on the outskirts of this poor neighborhood, two bare light bulbs were lit on the ceiling, emitting a faint yellow light that was not considered bright.

In the dirty and dilapidated house, Bruce Banner, who was wearing an ordinary gray-blue shirt, put down the medical kit in his hand and washed his hands in the rusty iron sink on the wooden platform.

Although he now lives in poverty, the noise here does not put any pressure on him, on the contrary, it is the peace that he has not had for a long time.

He really enjoyed this unique tranquility.

Dr. Banner, who had been busy all afternoon, was getting ready to prepare today's dinner, but he heard a knock on the door and Dr. Banner turned around and shouted in his not-so-competent Hindi, "Please , between"

Following the sound of several footsteps, Dr. Banner saw three people enter.

When the appearance of one of them was clearly seen through the light, his originally smiling face immediately calmed down.

"I thought that one day someone would come to see me, and I even thought that the army would send soldiers, tanks and helicopters here, but I never thought that Tony Stark would appear in front of me." As he said, he turned around and walked from the side, on the wooden shelf, there was a red thermos and he poured himself a cup of hot water.

He picked it up and took a sip before looking at Tony, Natasha and Clint, his eyes lingering for a moment on the exquisite clothing that enveloped the three of them, especially when Tony was still wearing a suit, he paused and said, "what do you think?Did you come to this impoverished place?"

"If it is a blood draw, you must put on the armor first."

Dr.Banner was pointing, obviously aware of what had happened to Tony in the last few days.

The slightly hostile words didn't make Tony angry, but he glanced at the house and shrugged: "I must say, sometimes living in a house like this for a period of time can give me a different feeling."

He said jokingly, but suddenly found a mouse running around and immediately changed his words: "Wow, the premise is that there are no such children."

"Hmm." Dr.Banner looked at Tony talking nonsense.

That look made Tony immediately extend his hand and make the classic {just kidding} gesture: "Okay, let's get back to business."

He looked at the long table and chairs placed next to him, walked a few steps and sat on one of the chairs, raised his head slightly and looked at Dr.Banner: "I want to form a special response team, I want to invite you to join, Dr.Banner".

Natasha and Clint followed Tony into two of the chairs.

"This big beauty and this tough, handsome guy are members of this team, two killer agents." Tony pointed at Natasha and Clint.

Dr.Banner slowly walked to the other side of the table and sat down, put the steaming cup of tea on the table, looked Tony in the eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I'm not interested in your proposal."

"If you can come to see me, you should know what state I am in now, the other one will get angry with me anytime and anywhere, and destroy you"

The voice gradually became indifferent.

As he spoke, the original voice turned into an angry voice and his pupils changed between light brown and green.

A violent beast breath that seemed to come from the wild era spread from his body.

This breath made Natasha and Clint instinctively alert, They subconsciously touched their weapons, but found nothing, At this moment, they had already reacted, Under Tony's strong request, the two did not carry weapons.

As for Tony, who was facing this aura, his heart was tense, but he still forcibly calmed down, looked directly into Dr.Banner's eyes, and said in a low voice: "...We need you and to the other you."

"Also, by joining the Avengers, Ross has no authority to hunt you down, we are free."

The green pupils looked at Tony and the other party's sincere expression, After an unknown amount of time, Banner slowly opened his mouth.

"Then you better hope I don't get angry."

Dr. Bruce Banner is recruited and the fifth member of the Avengers is in his place.

And on the plane back to the Avengers' temporary headquarters, which is Tony's villa in New York that he doesn't live in often, Tony showed Dr. Bruce Banner a lot of confidential documents and high-level information.

When he saw the shocking truth of the world, Banner also knew the cruelty of the world.

No wonder Tony couldn't wait to recruit.

On the private plane, Banner sat on the sofa, with a dry smile, and looked at Tony in front of him: "Are we all facing incidents of this level?"

Although he knows the strength of his other self, that does not mean that he is completely invincible.

If he faced creatures from myths and legends, Banner believed that there was a high probability that he would be crushed.

"Ha, of course it's impossible." Tony looked at Banner with a {you're kidding} look.

Tony casually placed the coffee he made himself in front of Banner, completing what he had told Natasha.

"Although I don't want to admit it, so far, the Avengers are completely unable to deal with enemies of that level."

"Furthermore, those guys' emphasis on energy has surpassed the level that our known modern technology can achieve."

Tony took a sip of whiskey, he was a genius, not an all-knowing god.

His ability to create equipment that surpasses modern technology is also based on the advanced technology left by his father Howard, he cannot just imagine a technology that surpasses modern technology out of thin air and then create it.

Even this technology needs time to develop, it needs more inspiration and basic technology techniques.

As one of the most knowledgeable scientists in the scientific community, Banner understands this very well, science itself is extremely risky and unstable, himself being the biggest example.

he created an uncontrollable monstrosity.

However, the ridiculous thing now is that he was chased by the army because of the monster and did not know how many innocent casualties and damages he indirectly caused, because of this monster, he was recruited into a team to solve supernatural crises and save lives.

Banner put down the tablet, took a sip of iced coffee, and the cold and bitter taste cheered him up a little: "Fortunately, someone will solve such an existence."

There are so many incredibly powerful monsters and demons emerging one after another, if it weren't for the goddess Athena and the chosen saints.

Perhaps humans are already desperate. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the end of humanity.

Banner is in a good mood now, he's been through bad situations anyway.

"So where do we go now?"

"Let's go see the old man who is said to have just woken up." Tony looked out the window of the plane, and at the moon that seemed to be very close.


"Tsk, he turned out to be a very powerful guy, he can make you fight with everything, as expected, the legendary Mephisto is very scary." The next day, Thor at the sanctuary learned from Bart and Elvis about his battle against Mephisto and couldn't Avoid showing a surprised expression.

He is very clear about the strength of Bart and Elvis.

But he was such a fighter who almost suffered a fiasco against that guy called Mephisto.

This surprised Thor and made his heart warm even more.

He also wanted to fight such a super strong person.

Bart's upper body was bare, revealing a wide body and almost exploding muscles, He was doing one-finger push-ups on the difficult marble floor and sweat was dripping down his forehead.

On his back was a huge black rock with a diameter of more than 100 meters and a strange shape.

This rock is the core of a star that died due to an explosion in the universe, and the weight of this piece has reached the astonishing figure of more than a million tons, which demonstrates its density.

And Pope Kyle also engraved a mark of divine power on it, and the weight will gradually increase over time.

Not only Bart, but also other saints have star cores to train.

But most people don't like this type of exercise and are more willing to find a place with a hostile but suitable environment to practice.

Only Bart and Santiago de la Ursa Major follow this primitive method of body cultivation.

So, out of all the people, Bart has the closest relationship with Santiago and Thor.


Not far away, Santiago, who was also exercising this way, was still panting heavily and while he was exercising he said: "It was that guy who humiliated us."

His harsh, determined face seemed to sharpen at the memory of his evil face.

"Huh~huh~huh, I want to see and fight him" Thor raised the star core and stood up suddenly, then squatted down, back and forth, beads of sweat kept dripping and blonde hair It had become sticky.

If there was a woman here, she would probably faint because she was too unbearable to bear the visual impact.

"Ha, then you can lose miserably, according to the Pope, Mephisto and your father are on the same level, which is what you call Heavenly Father"

"Hey, no matter what kind of enemy a true warrior faces, he will never feel fear, it is the greatest glory of Asgard to die on the battlefield"

"Hmph, your Excellency the Pope left it, just to let us wash away the shame, when I reach the seventh sense, I will put on the golden sacred clothes, go to hell, cut off your head with my own hands, and put it in my Taurus Palace like a trophy." Bart lowered his head and growled sternly.

"Of course, my brother, a thousand years ago, I did the same when I faced a powerful opponent, and I also put a lot of loot into my palace, that's what a warrior does"

Thor laughed boldly.

"I like your style Thor, but your brother Loki is an exception, when I first saw him, my sixth sense told me that he is quite disgusting, full of resentment and conspiracy." Bart straightened his body and turned his head to look at Thor, who was squatting not far away.

Compared to Thor, he does not like Loki, the Saints' superhuman senses give them the ability to capture the feelings in the heart.

Loki's thoughts might fool the determined people of Asgard, but not them.

In Bart's eyes, Loki is simply a scum to the bone, even thinking about playing a conspiracy to kill Thor through the saints.

Fortunately, later, for some unknown reason, Loki's whole person changed drastically, the darkness in his heart disappeared, and his personality changed.

He turns someone intelligent from scum.

That's why Loki was able to come to the Sanctuary, otherwise, he really thought that anyone could come to the Sanctuary?

The dozens of barriers placed by the Sanctuary, in addition to isolating the inside from the outside and defending against enemies, can also sense the darkness in people's hearts, even if given permission, Loki is still a bad guy, so that it is still impossible to enter the Sanctuary.

After the conversation between father and son, Thor also knew that Loki had changed, so he quickly defended his beloved brother: "In the past, he was like this because of a misunderstanding, now that the misunderstanding is resolved, Loki must be a true fighter"

"I believe you, Thor." Bart didn't explain too much, but changed the subject: "Is your brother gone?"

"Heimdall seems to have noticed that there seems to be a conspiracy against Asgard outside the Nine Realms, and father has ordered Loki to investigate."

"Huh~ Conspiracy? So you are still here to exercise with us so calmly?" Santiago heard him not far away and said unexpectedly.

"Haha, for thousands of years, since Asgard became the ruler of the Nine Kingdoms, conspiracies and wars have become commonplace."

Thor seemed indifferent.

Bart and Santiago nodded, the true ruler has never been confused by conspiracy and war, this can be called pride and arrogance, but also why is it not self-confidence?

"By the way, you Asgardians seem to know something about Mephisto?"

Faced with Bart's question, Thor reflected for a moment and said with a remembered expression: "I remember my mother told me once, but I don't remember much because I was a child."

"Just know that hell is a very ancient dimensional world and has an opposite called heaven."


Bart and Santiago's body shook and even stopped exercising, The two simply stood up, lifted the 100-meter star core with one hand, and threw it aside.

booming ~

There were two dull sounds and vibrations, and a piece of marble shattered.

Thor didn't expect Bart and Santiago to react so strongly to a name, Seeing that their expressions seemed a little wrong, he simply abandoned the exercise and put the star core aside.

After wiping the sweat from his head, he asked doubtfully, "Do you seem surprised?"

After speaking, he seemed to realize something: "By the way, his world has records of many myths, and there should be many records of heaven."

"In fact, according to the Bible records of our world, heaven is the kingdom of God where angels live, and God is the ruler of the angels, he is a creator god, according to legend, he created the world" Bart and Santiago looked at each other with slightly wrinkled brows.

"He created the world?" Thor couldn't help but laugh as he heard some joke and waved his hands with a look of disdain: "I don't know how this is recorded, it was probably done by angel believers."

He then hesitated for a moment and said: "It seems that outside the universe, there really is an extremely powerful god who seems to be like his legend and his strength are all unknown, but that God is completely different from the one in heaven."

He simply told everything he knew.

"The God in your mouth should refer to the great existence, and the creation of the world in the sky is pure nonsense, you should be clear, including the earth, the nine kingdoms ruled by Asgard, depend on the world tree, but in fact, Those who depend on the world tree, there is another kingdom, which is heaven."

"As you say, heaven is the kingdom of angels, but I don't remember how many years ago, the leader of heaven angered my father, Odin, for something, and Odin severed the tree's connection with heaven and exiled him to heaven."

"My father doesn't like the sky very much, I remember that he once said that the sky is full of conspiracies and interests, deception and selfishness, under the bright and beautiful appearance, it is full of filth and darkness"

"So that's it~~" Bart thoughtfully received the message.

He remembered that in the Texas cemetery they had communicated with the previous generation of Ghost Rider the old Carter, the Spirit of Vengeance was a very special existence, which in turn was created by a series of conspiracies.

Originally, Ghost Rider's first duty was to protect human beings; originally, the flames on his body were blue instead of red, but conspiracy and depravity caused Ghost Rider to change from guardianship to punishment and judgment.

Among them, there must be many unknown secrets, including hell and heaven.

"At first, I thought only hell was involved, but I didn't expect that there was also heaven, this matter must be reported to the Pope." Bart said in a deep voice, and immediately hurriedly walked towards the Pope's Palace.

Thor and Santiago looked at each other and hurried to follow him.

Pope's Palace.

Kyle, who was wearing the Pope's uniform, looked at the three in front of her and listened to Bart's report, lightly touched her chin and said: "Hell and heaven seem to be opposites, darkness and light, evil and justice, but after all the essence is the same".

"The sky has been watching the world and they are ready to move."

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