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100% The eternal infinity / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

On Screen

The screen lit up to show them a big futuristic city with purple lights all over the place. There are also many transport ships that delivered the package to their city. The one with the most particular design is the one look like a fortress at the edge of the city.

The wheater is rainy today but infernos are still keep guard and security to this place.

The ship landed at the landing platform and both sides of the ship open revealing a bulky and muscular spectral with futuristic armor holding a spear with both their hands.

They can see other landing platforms there are other ships landing and come out people like the two of them. "Come on out!" Said one of the armor man with a rough voice.

The man was shouting at someone or something inside the ship but suddenly many people coming out of the ship with hands on their back with a big purple ring around them as a tool to held them so they can't do anything.

The situation can be said the same in different platforms and sections of the prison.

Off Screen

Dc comics, Prime Earth

The justice league are watching the place giving them dark, creepy and ominous vibe.

"I don't like this place." Wally shudder at see the place. It gives him the creeps.

"What gives it away? The dark and purple building and also light that gives you ominous feeling and also the dark creepy people holding spear? Then yeah." Nightwing said.

"Yeah, this place is a prison alright." Beast boy see this place is a perfect place called prison.

"I wonder how many eternals they have captured in this place?" Oliver see many people in many different sections are held with big glowing purple restrictions.

"Many I believe!" Dinah grimace see the eternals are being captured and she can't imagine how will they treat harshly because they are prisoner of war not to mention prison was always have a harsh and unfair treatment to the prisoners.

Justice society

"Oh man I don't like this place at all." Stargirl see this place giving her the creeps as she held tightly her cane.

"Nothing good coming from this place." Jay garrick said.

"I can sense a powerful dark magic or forbidden magic coming from this place." Dr.fate sense dark magic or a powerful forbidden magic in this prison.

"Shit they have taken many eternals." Wildcat see many of the eternals are being held as prisoners as they escort out of the transport ship.

Karen see the eternal army feels sad for them. She felt this because she is one of the future members of the dimensional chat group and she might be invoved in this war because she see OAA is one of the chat group members and the leader. She thinks she might also be participate in this war and command an army.

'Wait! Is that the symbol of house L?' She is surprise to see in another platform or sections see her house symbol on a man and woman on their right armor. Although it was just a glimpse she definetly see it.

She became more convinced that she might fight in this war with dimensional chat group members.

One Punch Man

"So many have held as prisoners." Bang watch the screen the same as S-class in the room, they see many eternals have been captured.

"As expected in every war there must be a POW prison for them not to mention the eternals." Child emperor.

"Man this guys muscles must be very huge and built behind those armor." Superalloy darkshine looking at the infernos looking guards wondering how built they are.

"Oh my they must be handsome." Puri-Puri prisoner is blushing.

"Keep pay attention people!" Flashy slash said. "They must be involved in our world also because there is a certain person was invited from our world."

They remember the bald head man with a cape was chosen even though he is only B-rank hero. "Why would that baldy get chosen and not me?" She gets irritated the more they reminded of the bald head got chosen.

"Calm down tatsumaki." Bang hold up his hand. "Therr must be a reason of why he is chosen and not one of us."

"Hmph!" Tatsumaki still didn't believe this bald head is better than her not to mention blast.

Marvel (mcu)

"I don't like the feeling of this place." Bruce is nervous because this place is a prison.

"So this is the prison of spectral inferno." Tony murmured although he didn't get to prison but he knows what it felt like when get as a captive. He shudder at the memory and disn't want to remember that event again.

Captain america see this scene and the prisoner remember when he is going alone to save bucky from the prison of nazi back in WWII. He see many of the soldiers are held as prisoner and force as a worker and also there are many held as prisoner more but luckily in the end he save all of them and bucky and make them fight them back getting them home back alive.

"I hope the plan OAA create will going according to plan." Wanda remember OAA will go to the prison to save neoth.

On Screen

"Commence Prisoner Transfer!"

The loud sound was heard from outside the prison. The two inferno guards with spear are gurading them from the front.

"Move it eternals!" Said the inferno guard from the left.

There is three particular prisoner the very front of the line.

The first looks like a woman with black advance suit with a purple lines all over the suit.

The second is a man with an advance suit with the color of white mix with greens with his shoulder a gold trimmed green-mantle.

The last one is somekind of a monster or octopus, this creature has round face with ten feet and four hands. This creature also wears an advance suit of armor all over his body from head to toe.

"I hope this plan is working, lady nagant!" Said the green armor man with a nervous voice to the purple suit lady.

The one with the purple suit lady which her name lady nagant look to the back right. "Have faith, kazuma and follow my lead."

"Lady nagant is right, we've been in tougher spot than this. WOW... Azatoth has gathered quite the army, hasn't he?" Said the yellow purple armor man looking around to see many spectral infernos.

"Quiet!" Said the left guard prisoner irritated by their conversation and continue walks to the front gate.

Off Screen

MHA Universe

"Oh my god! That purple suit is lady nagant." Midoriya is surprise to hear a familiar hero, he remember her as the sniping hero with a great accuracy even teacher snipe admire and respected her.

"I also have heard before too she is quite famous in japan. She is specialize in long-range fight." Momo said remembeing the female hero in the past.

"I also have heard of her too but she was never was seen again." Lida said.

"But how come she never in public or never show her appareance again?" Mina ask why would a hero like her dissapear.

"It is unknown some people say she is dissapear and some said she has retired." Lida said.

Midoriya meanwhile wrote the name of the advance purple suit lady and the green armor man name kazuma and the last the yellow armor man with unknown name but the last man in not a human but a creature she might think this man has a mutant quirk so he didn't seen as human.

Principal office

"So lady nagant huh?" Nezu held his chin didn't expect the lady in armor as lady nagant.

"Wait I tjink I heatd him before. Snipe didn't you use to admire her." Present mic look at snipe.

Snipe nod. "Yes I once was admire her of how he use sniler rifle and her accuracy. That is why I respected her and admire her." He still admire her altough she never have seen again.

All might have heard and meet once before with this women. They once have a chat with each other when fighting with a villain and rescuing civillians. He and her never met again although he see her on tv but she never appaeared or seen again. This confuse him of why did she suddenly dissapear.

Meanwhile a purple haired lady in a skintight black auit watching the screen with serious and confusion. 'What the fuck? Why the hell am I involve in this? Am I gonna be invited to this chat group in the future.' This woman is lady nagant and she is worried about her situation right now.

The HPSC will soon contact her and order her if she got invited she will spy them and take advantage of them.


"Look, look, look Kazuma! You are in there!" Megumin shouts pointing to the screen.

They are at eating at adventurer's bar and watching the screen. "Haha! It is time for the world to show how powerful I am!" Kazuma proudly shouts to know how amazing he is.

"Um kazuma..." Aqua put her hand on her mouth and trembling.

"Huh what is it aqua?" They look at aqua who seems to be trembling and covering her mouth with her hand.

"Why don't you look at the screen yourself?" Aqua giggled.

Kazuma is confused and look at the screen. He look at himself om the screem surprise. "WHAT!" He is surprise to see himself getting captive by the enemy and going to prison. "I am being captured."

"HAHAHAHAHAH! Oh my god this is so hilarious. I thought you would get change or stronger turns out you would be the same." Aqua laugh at kazuma misfortune.

"Oh my! What kind of torture they would do in the prison?" Darkness is blushing and hig herself dreaming about many tortures they would do making her arouse.

Kazuma became depressed and hing his head down. He felt a pat from his back and look to his left. He look at megumin. "What?"

"Don't you remember?" Megumin ask.

"Remember what?" Kazuma ask, confused.

"Remember when OAA the leader of the chat group said he had a plan to jailbreak Neoth from prison?" Kazuma, darkness and Aqua now paid attention to megumin words and remember.

OAA said he will make a plan to rescue neoth and escape from the prison. "Yeah. OAA said he will make a rescue plan for neoth." Darkness said.

Megumin nod her head confirming darkness words. "This means kazuma and the other two must be here to save neoth. They may have been instructed by OAA to let themself get captured and execute their plan to save neoth just like OAA plan." Megumin said.

They are surprised of what megumin and kazuma suddenly felt relief. "Thank you for the explanation megumin." Kazuma look at aqua. "Ha! See Aqua I knew I wouldn't be captured easily this was actually all part of the plan to save neoth, one of future teammates." Kazuma said to aqua.

"Hmph! Doesn't matter you still got captured!" Aqua look away.

They continue to watch the video while eating and drinking.

Assasination classroom

"Korosensei, look it's you!" Nagisa said.

The students are in the classroom watching the screen and surprised to see their sensei in the screen.

"Does that meam our sensei will join this chat group in the future?" Yuzuku ask.

"Of course he is, I mean just look at the man in yellow armor of course it is our sensei." Yuuma said.

They talk about korosensei being joining the caht group in the future meanwhile korosensei looking at his counterpart who is held as a captive in the screen. He didn't know how or what to feel he is joining this particular group in the future. 'Could they bring me to my human self?' He wonder if the chat group can bring him back to his human self back.

On Screen

Two turret guns suddenly pop out at the upper gate "Data Signature Confirmed. Opening The main gate." The purple gate opening revealing inferno soldiers inside.

"Welcome to kaon." Said the guard on the right.

They keep walking inside the building and hear many screams from everywhere.

"Hey, soundwave! Your prisoners have arrived!" Said the left guard.

They see many screens and in the middle a hige screen with platform above them with a huge seat just unbuckled two mechanism rotate backwards to reveal a huge man with blac amd purple armor, a mouth mask, a visor, a gatling gun om his upper right and a symbol of inferno in the middle of the man's futuristic armor.

He also held somesort of robot or cybernatic eagle on his left hand.

"Initiate processing." He speak with a techno or robotic voice with some mixture of hip hop dj voice.

"We captured them trying to raid supplies outside of kaon." He report to soundwave.

"Take them to recycling." He pointed to the right.

"Move it prisoner!"

They continue their journey to the direction the man name soundwave just order them.

Off Screen

DC Comics, Prime Earth

"Recycling?" Flash ask, alarmed. He didn't feel good about this recycling.

"Hey guys! What do you think this recycling about?" Green arrow ask.

They look at him with raised eyebrow even her girlfriend dinah also look with deadpeaned face. They gave him 'Are you serious?' Face.

"Really ollie, you're gonna ask that?" Dinah smack her forehead.

Oliver raised his hands with surrender gesture. "Hey! I am just asking."

Dinah sigh at him. "Probably something related to recycling." She only has that answer because she didn't know or want to know what recycling means do to the prisoners.

"What kind of prison use the words recycling to the prisoner?" Hawkgirl ask.

"A bad one." Batman look with a dark tone. He didn't like the man soundwave and his words called recycling.

"Hey guys... is it just me or that soundwave give me the creeps." Blue beetle is uncomfortable see soundwave.

"You're not the only one." Beast boy instict is blaring and told him to be extra careful of the man name soundwave.

"Who do you guys think that soundwave do in this prison?" M'gann ask.

"He is probably the prison warden because all the man are obeying him and take charges of the prisoner." Batgirl explain soundwave role in this prison.

"A prison warden, huh?" Red hood look at the man with a visor and somesort of eagle android in his hand. He is getting ready to take his gun, he has a bad feeling about this man.

Justice society

"Re-Recycling?" Star girl with a nervous tone.

"Oh I have a bad feeling about this." Jay garrick is also nervous the terms of recycling.

The others are also nervous, what did soundwave means by recycling. This means something bad will happen to the three of them. Powergirl somehow feels nervous and worried about what will they do to the three. She might feel this because these three people is her future team in the dimensional chat group.

'Please let the three of them be ok.' Powergirl wish them good luck and make it out alive.

Marvel comics, 616

"Oh shit!" She-hulk cursed when she heard what soundwave said.

"Recycling? What does he mean by recycling?" Miles ask but no one answered because they all thought the recycling means worse.

"Man those screams of people are gonna be my mightmare!" Johnny storm shudder hear the people scream in the screen.

"This soundwave give me the creeps." Jessica drew shudder when she heard soundwave voice.

"Who do you think he is doing in this prison?" Luke cage ask.

"My guess is this soundwave is the one in charge of this prison or prison warden." Visipn said estimated soundwave position.

Natasha look at soundwave and feels her instict became alert. She is ready to pull out her handgun. She didn't like soundwave presence and the android eagle in his hand give her the creeps of being spied.

Bayonetta 2

"Recycling?" Cereza raised her eyebrow intrigued what this soundwave said.

"What do you think this guys soundwave recycling about?" Jeanne ask also intrigued.

"I don't know." Rodin said. "But I guess this people who are prisoner will be killed by them or making them go to their side. Which the terms called recycling." Rodin guess the word recycling by kill the people.

"Hmmm, maybe you're right." Cereza said while she drink.

"I also be carerul of that soundwave If I were you." Rodin pointed to the man on the high platform lookinh down at the prisoners.

They look at the man name soundwave.

"Now I am more intrigued by this inferno people." Jeanne really want to know more about the inferno.

On Screen

"Recycling? That doesn't seem so bad." Kazuma with nervous voice.

"Yeah? What exactly do you think they're recycling?" Korosensei stated to kazuma obviously what they are recycling in this place.

"Keep moving!"

They keep following the guard to a door with a symbol of inferno on the top. "What a jerk!" Kazuma said.

"Patience. Our time is near." Lady nagant keep reminding them of their plan.

They get into the door to follow the line on the guard walking but to their surprise they see their left and right there are many bodies, armor, weapons and other stuffs on the floor. It looks like they are taking out trash.

"Oh shit!" Kazuma whispered look horror at seeing those dead bodies while walk following their destination.

"Kazuma!" He look to the front to see korosensei with a calm face. "Don't worry everything will be fine." He said with reasure voice.

Kazuma who heard this began to calm and keep walking.

Off Screen

The omniverse see this began to wide eyed and jawdrop in horror. They just see many bodies and maybe other body parts are lying everwhere on the floor to the left and right. It seems like the inferno didn't bother to clean it up and keep it that way.

DXD Universe

"Oh my god!" Asia shouts scared and gasp close her mouth with her hands.

The devil are getting a headache when asia said the word god but they are also look in horror to see many body are lying everywhere.

"What kind of place is this?" Irina stared in horror and scared, she also tried not to puke.

"Shit! There are bodies everywhere and they don't clean it up." Ajuka surprise to see body everywhere and they don't bother to clean it up.

"They seem didn't bother to clean it up." Odin look glare at the screen.

The supernatural are in one place from gods, devil, fallen angels, angels and other superntural are in one place. This is because they are having a party and a tournament from different pantheon to see who are the strongest pantheon.

They are surprise to see a screen suddenly appeared out of knowhere they thought it was an attack but they don't attack and suddenly the screen show them a video. They thought they should watch it first and they are entertain and interested in the videos.

"What kind of prison does this?" Gabriel is crying and sad when she see there is this cruel place.

"Even our prison don't do this." Frigg said although they know the prison is cruel they didn't kill their prisoner but they keep them jail and captured but now she see a prison with dead bodies everywhere making her sick.

"Oh I don't like this place." Saji look sick see the screen.

"This place feels like death!" Rossweise can feel the aura of darkness and death in this prison.


The people are scared and fear because they see many dead bodies and worse they can also hear the screams when they enter the prison.

"Ka-Kazuma, I'm scared!" Aqua trembling and hugged kazuma scared.

"Oh my those screams! Oh my what kind of things they would do, OH I can't wait!" Darkness hug herself and blushing while having bad thoughts.

The others looking at her with deadpanned expression. 'Did she not hear this place is a prison?' They thoughts the same but leave those aside because they know what kind of person is darkness.


"There are so many dead bodies." Sebas looking at the dead bodies on screen.

"This prison might have a rule to kill their prisoners and they seem didn't care." Shaltear said.

"I never heard or seen a guard gets away after killing a prisoner usually they will get punishment." Demiurge intrigued by this prison lack of care to the prisoners.

"So unhonorable! They should fight to the death not killed while get hancuffed." Cocytus didn't like they die while they are in handcuffs not die on a battle.

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