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89.36% I FOOLED THE ENTIRE CHAT GROUP / Chapter 83: Fourth Stage of Quantum Immortality —Infinite Rebirth(Reapeat, don't read)

Chapter 83: Fourth Stage of Quantum Immortality —Infinite Rebirth(Reapeat, don't read)

The vast Palace of Reincarnation. No one knows how many levels the entire Palace of Reincarnation has. Even one level is vast beyond anyone's imagination. It is like an endless universe. According to rumors, no one has ever explored the end of a level. It's not impossible but they can't do it.

The middle area of ​​the Reincarnation Hall is the level where the intermediate Adventure team is located. Among the Advents at this level, the strength is generally in the fourth and fifth levels of life forms. Occasionally, there will be Level 6 beings and Level 6 strong men. The middle zone is actually a giant-level existence.

Suddenly, a rainbow teleportation gate appeared out of thin air, and then a figure walked out of it.

No one would care about the passing fourth-level descendants or the more powerful fifth-level descendants. They had seen too many of this kind of teleportation, and at most they showed some malicious eyes. Only one person from the team came back, apparently all the other team members died.

However, at this time, the descendant, who had been lowering his head, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of extremely dark eyes without any color. They were empty and dead. They did not look like the eyes of a living person at all, but more like the eyes of a dead person.

The next moment, a pale hand suddenly lifted up, instantly touching the chest of the descendant who was walking by.

The massacre officially begins at this moment!

What kind of place is the Palace of Reincarnation? Many reincarnations and descendants all like to call it a gathering place for lunatics.

It is not that there are no madmen in the Reincarnation Hall who want to challenge the rules of the Reincarnation Hall, but in the end all those madmen died under the punishment rules of the Reincarnation Hall, and even died in extremely painful ways.

To this day, those bloody examples have suppressed everyone's thoughts. However, today, an unprecedented riot has occurred!

On the bloody ground, a trembling figure was staggering forward. It looked like it was about to fall down at any time, but even with such an appearance, there was no one there that dared to look down upon it, some are just straight up horrified.

Along with the swaying figure, everything was swallowed up, the sky, the earth, stones, trees... everything was swallowed up together even the vanquished foes.

In less than ten minutes, all the descendants within a kilometer radius were slaughtered by this terrible guy. At least thousands of descendants died in its hands, including many famous top fourth-level descendants.

What's even more terrifying is that after devouring so many descendants, this monster is still getting stronger, and its aura is getting more violent and powerful!

At the same time, above the sky, there was a huge single eye composed entirely of pure white, indifferent and majestic, from which streams of destructive torrents continuously shot out, falling on that figure.

This is the Punishment Eye, the punishment mechanism of the Palace of Reincarnation. When the riots that occur in the Palace of Reincarnation are felt, the corresponding Eye of Punishment will be condensed according to the strength level of the rioters.

That terrifying monster is level four, so the current Eye of Punishment is also level four. The Eye of Punishment of the same level has destructive power that far exceeds the normal level. Even if it is as powerful as the Adventurer, which can destroy a world at every turn, it is difficult to compete with it. The punishment of living in the eyes of punishment is a truth that countless people have proven through death.

However, at this time, what is frightening is that the rickety, monster-like figure has been supporting the attack of the Eye of Punishment for nearly ten minutes. All the descendants found started a bloody massacre.

"Hold on, hold on, according to the rules of the Eye of Punishment, there will be one wave every ten minutes, one wave every half hour, three waves of Punishment Light in one round, and the power will continue to increase. If you still can't kill the opponent in thirty minutes, The Eye will advance and transform directly into a higher-grade Eye of Punishment until it kills the opponent."

While this descendant was running away, he was cheering up other descendants around him.

However, his voice also attracted the attention of the monster at this moment. A pair of lifeless eyes turned towards the person who spoke. The next moment, the monster appeared in front of the person as if teleporting. One hand pierced his chest and swallowed up everything he had.

"This monster is stronger and we can no longer escape. We must seal it and wait for the upgrade of the Eye of Punishment!"

"Come on, you might die if you continue to escape. Come on together. Even if you can't kill it, at least you have to provide time for the Eye of Punishment to be promoted!"

The descendants have always been madmen and butchers. They were already angry at being chased by a monster like this. With a rage in their hearts, they raised their voices fiercely, not caring about anything else, and started bombarding the Monster with everything they got.

Boom! Boom! Boom.....

The monster was shrouded in overwhelming attacks, many of which were comparable to the fifth-level killing blows. It was a truly hidden and unique killing move. With so many masters attacking together, even a fifth-level master would be lucky enough to leave behind a corpse, let alone just a level four monster.

Fire, thunder, ice, storm, sword energy, fist power... came from the full blow of countless descendants, instantly submerging the monster, and smashed the monster's body causing its limbs to get scattered in all directions.

However, the next moment, the monster with a relatively intact head suddenly shifted its head upwards and let out a shocking roar. This formed a huge rune at the sky.

The moment they saw the rune, almost everyone immediately understood the meaning of the rune for some reason: War Demon Evolution - Quantum War Demon Second Stage - Mature Body!

With the appearance of that rune, the missing body of the monster was completely rebuilt in an instant. The aura of his body became more and more violent, and his momentum became more and more terrifying!

This monster can also evolve!!!!

Countless descendants almost went crazy when they saw this scene and ran away. They stopped talking nonsense and ran away immediately!!

Before, this monster treated ordinary level 4 monsters as rubbish, but now it has successfully evolved. I am afraid they can only wait for the arrival of level 5!

Although they are on the same floor in the Reincarnation Palace, dragons do not live with snakes, and descendants of different levels will definitely not stay together unless they are in the same team.

The massacre continues!

Finally, the fifth-level descendants who sensed the change began to appear. However, facing this monster-like guy, even a life level gap of one level had no meaning at all. Each and every fifth-level descendant was completely torn into pieces and devoured!

The Eye of Punishment above the sky has been completely upgraded. A single ray of punishment is enough to completely kill a newly promoted fifth-level descendant. The damage caused by these rays of punishment to the monster is not as good as the opponent's recovery. The speed is fast!

Finally, as the news of the riots spread, more and more level five descendants received the mission prompts from the Reincarnation Palace and rushed over. They cooperated with the light of punishment to kill the rioter. This was the second insurance of the Reincarnation Palace. There were people along the way. When a riot occurs, rewards will be derived, and they are known to be extremely rich. With this layer, the chance of the rioters surviving will naturally be lower.

One after another, the fifth-level powerhouses came through the air, covering the sky tightly. However, these were veterans who had been on the battlefield for a long time. Naturally, they did not rush to kill on the fly. They were observing the monsters below, and even wary of other people around them 'kill stealing'.

"How about it, do you have more detailed information about what happened to this guy? This is my first time encountering an S-level punishment mission. This reward is more generous than conquering several worlds. It's really scary!"

"I don't have much information. I only know two points. The monster below is called the Quantum War Demon. Its ability is currently to devour. It will continue to grow through devouring. Once it has devoured enough, it is said that it will be promoted. It has been promoted once now and has high-speed regeneration, any wound can be fully healed within seconds."(Tl: Raga the opp stomper)

"Hiss, where did this monster come from?!!"

"Let's take action together. I can't even think of letting this monster continue to advance."

The finished fifth level no longer hesitated at this moment, and all chose to take action with all their strength.

One after another, the hundred-foot-long sword light is about to tear the void, the sky-shaking fist shadow shatters everything, and various powerful elemental abilities cover an area at every turn, causing devastating damage to the area.


Surrounded by hundreds of level five full-strength attacks, with a continuous light of punishment above his head, this power has exceeded the quantum war demon's endurance limit, and the entire body has begun to completely dissolve.

The quantum war demon roared in pain and unwillingness.



At the same time, a huge rune shone with light and began to evolve rapidly.

"No, take action quickly, this guy is going to evolve again. If he evolves again this time, we may all die!!!!"


Hundreds of attacks once again enveloped the quantum war demon. This time, the quantum war demon was completely shattered into nothingness.

"I finally killed him. By the way, who knows what this monster's final roar of immortality means?"

"Who knows? Is it related to the re-evolved form?"

"Speaking of which, I'm really curious, what will this thing look like if it evolves again?"

"It is said that the first stage only speeds up recovery, while the second stage can regenerate lost limbs and adapt to various forces to create resistance. As for the stronger third stage, it is scary to think about it~~"

"It's better not to think about it, and don't go crazy and cause trouble. This thing is too dangerous. Let's go back and collect the reward quickly."

In less than a day, the quantum war demon incident spread throughout most of the Reincarnation Palace.

At the same time, in a luxurious hall, a top level six man was smiling and talking to the person sitting above.

"Have you heard, boss? There is something called the Quantum War Demon that is making a big fuss in the Palace of Reincarnation. It slaughtered more than 100,000 descendants under the light of punishment. Killing descendants of the same level is like killing a chicken, that's really cruel!"

"Moreover, the legendary thing called the Quantum War Demon can continue to evolve, and the third stage of evolution is called immortality. Although I don't know what it means, but if you dare to use the word immortal, it might be a kind of ferocious existence I want to see..."

"Do you want to see immortality?" The descendant, known as the boss, kept his head lowered and said quietly.

"Of course, who is not curious about that thing now, but..."


The entire chest was torn directly, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. The sixth-level descendant stared blankly at the hand that penetrated his chest, full of confusion and confusion: "Boss, why?"

At this time, the descendant known as the boss raised his head, revealing his extremely dark eyes, deeper than hell. This guy was the seventh-level descendant captain who had been transformed by Lu Ming.

The sixth-level descendant's eyes suddenly burst out: "You, boss, you..."

"I originally didn't want to use this power. This power is too dangerous. However, when the power came from the void in an endless stream, I already knew that the person behind the scenes was no longer prepared to give me any more power. When I had the opportunity to wait, he forced the power within me to begin to revive."

"The quantum war demon you call is just a seed. The real meaning of its existence is to save enough power. "

"I am the real quantum war demon!"

"You expect immortality, then I will give you immortality!"

A drop of blood carrying the immortality factor sank into the body of the sixth-level descendant. Suddenly, the sixth-level descendant let out a painful roar, and the essence of his body began to be transformed.

After a while, a new quantum war demon knelt at the feet of the descendant captain.

The descendant captain raised his head and felt the quantum immortality power that had reached the third stage in his body. In a pair of dark eyes, he was filled with intoxication and enlightenment.

"Eternal life, eternal life, the third stage is not enough, I want to become stronger!!!"

A fourth-level descendant transformed into a quantum war demon that can withstand the light of punishment and slaughter 100,000 descendants. Then, what about a seventh-level descendant~~

The crazy massacre begins again!

Half a day, only half a day.

In the entire Reincarnation Hall, thirty of the top 100 intermediate areas were destroyed, hundreds of intermediate areas after one hundred were destroyed, and seven high-level areas were completely destroyed! They were massacred.

The number of descendants is beyond imagination and difficult to calculate!

Until the end, with the complete recovery of the will of the Reincarnation Palace, everything was completely wiped out with the power of thunder, and the whole incident was finally concluded.

However, the thre words "Quantum War Demon" are like the imprint of the soul, imprinted in the heart of every descendant. Following these words is the fear that makes the soul tremble.

Fear, and deep suppressed desire!

At the same time, in the supernatural world, Lu Ming, who had planned all this, was savoring the fruits of his harvest.

[Name: Lu Ming

Title: Fraudster

Talent: Turn false into true (no superior)

Powers: quasi-A level blast, quasi-A level ice seal, quasi-A level water-bending, S-level three-point return vitality, SSS-level steel body, Ultimate Titan (14%)

Supernatural powers: Incarnation of Heaven (14.61%), omniscient authority·medium (52%), quantum immortality·fourth stage (1%), demon reincarnation, one thought and three thousand realms of law (Dark Law Level 8 (2.560%) , Devouring Law Level 7 (90%) , Fire Law Level 6 (88%) , Thunder Law Level 6 (87%) ,...)

The harvest was unprecedentedly large and ridiculous!

The progress of the Law of Darkness is directly over half, and the Law of Devouring is even more exaggerated. It is about to be promoted to level 8. This is because the most perceptible external manifestation of the quantum war demon is devouring, and the other laws are the most conspicuous.

The low ones are now above level 5.

Compared with these by-products, the biggest gain is naturally quantum immortality, which has reached the fourth stage!

Let's not talk about the quantum immortality in the first and second stages for the time being. In the third stage, one's own cells are initially immortal and possess the power of communication, which can transform other living beings into quantum war demons.

This ability is nothing. Lu Ming can transform the quantum war demon even if he has not reached the third stage, but the fourth stage is completely different.

The fourth stage of quantum immortality is the reorganization of consciousness. The quantum effects of one's own cells expand from microscopic to nanooscopic. Even if one of one's own cells is still alive, they can gradually recover.

Combined with the third stage of quantum immortality, the third stage of quantum immortality can only transform other living beings into quantum war demons, and those pieces and war demons are only equivalent to younger brothers.

But when it reaches the fourth stage, each new quantum war demon will have a cell of the transformer stored in its body, and it will have the conditions for recovery.

In other words, as long as Lu Ming uses his own cells to transform a living being, and then waits for his own death, he can use the other person's body to complete rebirth, which is basically the same as

Infinite rebirth!

This is quantum immortality, the most powerful way to live forever!

Of course, even at this stage, you will still be killed. You only need to kill every cell in the body, so this stage can only be called rebirth. When it reaches the fifth stage though.

When the body particles turn into countless possibilities, and being killed is equivalent to erasing one possibility, then that is the true sense of... eternal life!

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