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10.52% Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story / Chapter 2: Chapter Two

Chapter 2: Chapter Two

"Rise and shine Straw Hats, it's shopping time." Luffy shouted at the top of his voice the next morning. He was fully cleaned and dressed in his favorite red sleeveless shirt and blue rolled up pants with of course his straw hat perfectly snug on his head. His first destination was Usopp's room, pushing open the door to find the black- skinned boy buried under his covers with his messy mop of dreadlocks covering his face.

"Usopp, get up!" Luffy chirped dragging his blankets off of his body.

The cold air hit Usopp's skin and he shivered instantly trying to cover up his shirtless torso to reserve the warmth the blanket gave." Luffy, it's too early in the morning!" He complained.

"Exactly my point, if we want to finish ordering and loading up today we best get this done earlier." He explained, nonchalantly throwing Usopp's blanket on his face and striding out of the room." I want to be out of Mock Town before the pirates here decide to break the peace pact! I'm having a bad feeling that something's gonna go down."

"Well that's new." Zoro grumbled striding out of his room and heading to the kitchen to rummage the kitchen area almost scarce of food. He had on his blue shirt, black boots, trousers and bandana around his head with his green Haramaki around his waist and of course his three swords.

"Zoro, good morning you're up early!" Luffy greeted moving on to Nami's room. After knocking twice on her door in order to be appropriate he pushed her door open to find her also snuggled comfortably in her bed." Nami, it's time to wake up!" He sang.

"No, please no, how are you still so cheery early in the morning like this?" She moaned sitting up and rubbing her eyes tiredly. Her tangerine hair shooting up in different places and her face swollen with sleep. She looked like she could get back in bed and sleep for five more hours.

"Sorry, Nami but we better get going. I'll give you time to dress." Luffy smiled warmly at her, excusing himself and closing her door as he left the room. Turning to wake the last person up, he bumped into Sanji at the pathway of the rooms almost pushing him to the ground.

"Aye, easy Captain!" Sanji exclaimed reaching out to grab Luffy's arms to prevent the him from falling backwards and hitting the hard deck floor. Luffy's hand stretched a bit as he was stopped from his abrupt fall and came snapping back to normal like a rubber band when Sanji pulled him forward. Only that he came snapping back right into Sanji's bare chest.

"Aye, easy does it!" Sanji found himself chuckling at his Captain's clumsiness, pulling him away from him.

"Ah, sorry about that Sanji...." Luffy's voice silently choked back when he got a full view of the man before him. He'd been sailing with Sanji for about two years, yet he had never actually seen him without a shirt on. It left nothing to his imagination. A glorious defined six pack, wide chest and creamy white skin with some muscles packed on his arms.

Luffy gulped.

"Luffy?" Sanji called, snapping his fingers in front of him to grab his attention. He leaned in closer to the shorter males face, staring into his deep brown eyes with his.

"Uh, yes good morning." Luffy turned away with red cheeks, clearing his throat." Right get dressed we all have work to do. I'll be waiting on deck."

Sanji cocked his head to the side as he watched his little captain hastily walk away, a small with a cocky smile grew on his face. Luffy's reactions were too cute, and he would love to take advantage of that at any moment he had.

"Hey, go grab a shirt!" Nami hissed flicking his forehead as she passed by, fully dressed in a pink top, orange skirt and orange and white striped pop socks coupled with boots." How are you not cold, and make it quick, the earlier we finish this the earlier I get to sleep."

" Right." Sanji murmured running his hand through his blonde hair and dashing back into his room to grab a shirt and a coat. Luffy and the rest were already awaiting his arrival at the foot of the ship.

The morning was dull with hardly a sign of the sun. The clouds were a darker bluish grey with a few birds and seagulls soaring through the air. The atmosphere was unusally cold for a bustling morning, it seemed that this was the starting of some choppy sea weather.

" Alright crew, first thing first." Luffy said joining his hand together in a cloud clap, his signature wide grin spreading across his face." We shop for food."

Nami snorted." What else would it be with a food monger like you."

" I won't deny that. Food is everything! "Luffy laughed as they moved on and away from the ship docks.

" I still think people can kidnap you with just placing a food trap out in the open." Usopp scowled.

Luffy gasped overdramatically, placing his hand on his chest and trying his best to appear emotionally hurt.

Zoro nodded with a hum." Yeah you're that stupid."

"Just like the time he ate a pot full of poisonous soup at Kaya's birthday party." Nami smirked at that memory remembering how she found him in the kitchen on the table completely passed out beside the pot of blue soup.

"Really?" Sanji chimed in genuinely curious. His eyes went to Luffy's with a questioning stare." Did you eat a pot full of poisonous soup?"

" Can we drop that?" Luffy pouted looking away with a blush on his cheeks. Of all the embarrassing things he'd done since he started his pirating quest, they had to bring up that one.

"Huh? Why am I just hearing about it now?" Sanji cackled nudging the shorter male with his elbows. He leaned in closer to his ear." Did you really do that Luffy?"

" I said let's drop it!" He exclaimed pulling away from him and turning a left to the bustling local market. Sanji smiled at the brown skinned pirate as he rushed over to the first fruit stall his eyes dropped upon. His blush had disappeared now and his eyes stared hungrily at the assortments of fruits on display. He licked his lips hungrily, eyes staring at a fresh and supple looking tangerine." Guys let's buy some fruits first. I'm starving."

"Yeah, preferably a stock that is durable enough for a month or two, or probably more? "Usopp offering grabbing two apples and handing one to Nami. She bit into it hungry sending him a grateful smile.

" What say you, Mr Chief?." Zoro looked at Sanji after grabbing a bunch of berries and handing the stall owner a Berry for his share." What do you think is durable enough to last up till our next docking."

" We'll need the blueberries, apples, pomegranate, oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit and many more." Sanji counted off, looking at the fruits in concentration. He grabbed the tangerine that Luffy's been staring out, paying for it before handing it to him." Here, before you start drooling."

"Thanks." He grinned grabbing at it gently before starting to peel off the back.

" We will need some vegetables too, and some canned or jar sealed food for long lasting provisions, of course. Usopp, Nami, Zoro do you mind going around to get the vegetables, canned items and organics listed in here? There are some things that I need to buy which aren't in this stall." Sanji asked handing Usopp the neatly folded piece of paper with a small grateful smile." Meet us back at this spot when you're done yeah?"

" Sure, thing. Nami? Big guy?" Usopp called to Nami and Zoro before moving towards the opposite direction, the two others following closely behind.

Luffy pursed his lips as he watched the trio walk away and disappear behind the crowd of people walking around to shop for various things too. He turned back to look at Sanji who was discussing quietly with the shop seller. Sanji caught his stare and returned his with a wide smile.

"What is it?" He asked handing the shop seller a small black sack of Berry for the fruits he had ordered.

"What am I going to do, then?" Luffy asked hitching a thumb behind him to where the three had moved towards." You sent them fruit shopping, do I have something you want me to do?"

"You're shopping with me, come on, we need some spices." He answered taking his hand softly and leading him through the sea of people. Luffy walked silently behind Sanji, staring at their entwined fingers with warm cheeks. Sanji's hand was a bit calloused, probably with the years of cooking and serving food. But it was warm in contrast to Luffy's. He hadn't bothered to wear a coat, and he felt rather cold.

His cheeks were warm with his pink blush. He didn't know why Sanji held his hand, or got too close, or teased too much. He'd only begun this recently. Luffy couldn't deny that he felt something for the blonde guy. Something he'd never felt before. He blushed at close proximity, or a little touch. His coy reaction confused him.

"Where are we going?" He finally found his voice to ask.

"We're here," Sanji answered pulling him towards an open stall of different varieties of spices stored and perfectly sealed in transparent glass jars.

Luffy gasped in amazement. He'd never seen so many colorful spices before. He'd only seen the grounded pepper and salt the cook kept on the shelf back when he was still with Shanks and his crew." Woah, what is that?" Luffy asked pointing towards a particular jar.

"Oh? That's just a Makrut Lime Powder" Sanji answered with a smile as he watched Luffy peer at the the glass with a green spice inside. The color was a bit vibrant. That was the one reason why Sanji liked stocking up in Mock Town. They had so many things from different parts of the world, all brought here to sell for a decent price.

"Cool, are you going to by this?" Luffy asked grabbing it and placing his hand on the cover." If you are can I take a sniff?"

"Sure, I want to buy one off everything please." He told the shop seller." Except the Oregano. It's on an order for this evening. We'd like to stock up on our ship please."

"Of course, leave it to me." He shop seller nodded.

Sanji smiled in amusement as he watched the shorter male pop open the huge cock sealing the jar and took a sniff of the rare spice. It smelt good. While conventional limes have a sour-sweet tang, makruts offer a complex aroma and taste that's astringent, floral and citrusy. Luffy felt like dipping his hand in a taking a lick and to that Sanji wouldn't be so surprised. Their captain can eat anything as long as it was edible.

"Gosh it smells so good." He moaned closing his eyes in delight.

Sanji bit his lips hard. If only Luffy knew what that sound does to him.

"What are you going to use this for?" Luffy asked, looking up at the taller male under his long lashes and with his nose still buried in the jar.

"To cook, obviously." Sanji blanched

"Ah, but to cook what exactly?"

"Ah, I've always wanted to try pork stir-fry with greens with makrut lime flavoured rice." Sanji hummed rubbing his cheeks in thought as he could already imagine himself cooking tomorrow dinner with the spice. His hand tingled and lips curved up in a smirk. Oh, so many ideas rampaging in his head.

" I don't know what that is but if it's rice, then you've got Zoro!" Luffy giggled putting the cork back on the jar of spice and placing it where he'd picked it from." Sometimes I feel like you keep bringing more dishes to the table so much that we don't even eat normal rice balls anymore."

Sanji allowed a confused frown." Do you not like it? I try to make it presentable."

"What? No no, I'm not telling you to stop, as a matter of fact please do not stop. I enjoy your food." Luffy giggled hitting him playfully on his arm with his wide bright smile." And all your food are plenty presentable.".

" Thanks. "Sanji smiled turning his head away slightly , so his overgrown hair could hide his blush. To comment on his cooking meant a lot to Sanji.

"So where to next?" Luffy questioned.

" Ship supplies." He replied grabbing Luffy's hand again. Luffy allowed him to lead him though the crowd again. He sometimes wondered how Sanji could remember every step and turn that they made in the bustling market. If Luffy didn't have Sanji by his side he was as good as lost. Anyway, they popped back out in the street where they first purchased the fruits. The others were also there too awaiting their arrival.

"A successful bargain?" Sanji asked the trio when they reached the spot.

"More like we cheated the poor vegetable seller out. Nami literally bargained sixty-forty." Zoro snorted tapping his index finger on the hilt of his white sword.

"At least we have more Berry to keep." Nami humped defiantly.

Usopp's eyes caught the two males entwined hands and he frowned, just as quickly as Luffy let go. He stared up at the males with a raised brow, studying their neutral expression. He'd been seeing some mixed signals lately and he had a perplexing time deciphering everything. He still does.

"Ship supplies are next, Usopp?" Nami said tapping Usopp on his arm to get his attention." What are you looking at?"

Usopp snapped out of his trance, and looked at her." Huh? Oh, right ship supplies, you guys leave this to me yeah? Just follow behind."

"Whatever you say" Zoro commented.

And so they did. They followed Usopp silently through the crowd and past many shops til they reached a shipping repair dock. They decided to stay at the entrance as Usopp talked to the man in charge. It was a while as they stood there, watching the torturous conversation dragging out between them. Luffy wrapped his arms around himself, cursing his indecisive brain for letting his excited mind to not remember to bring a coat. The brisk air sunk into his skin, into his bone and he felt like punching Usopp for taking too long. He hadn't even had a proper breakfast yet.

"Next time you bring a coat." Luffy heard Sanji's voice behind his ear as his coat was placed on his shoulders.

Luffy stilled, his ear going red at the proximity. Sanji was standing behind him, lips at his ear and his warm coat around him. Luffy could smell him, there was a tiny tinge of cigarette on his coat but there was also am overwhelming scent of sweet spices emitting from both his body and clothes. It was intoxicating.

To stop him from literally blowing up, Luffy pulled away quickly and gave themselves an arms length distance." Uh, yes silly me. Thanks for the coat, but will you be okay without it?"

" Take it now when he's trying to be nice." Zoro hummed.

Sanji narrowed his eyes." What's that supposed to mean? I can be nice."

"Guys, talks all done." Usopp called to them and walked over with a triumphant smirk." I'm going to get the supplies to the ship and start on the repairs now. I'll finish before tonight, and the day after tommorow we can set sail rest assured that we won't sink."

" Perfect, anything else we want to purchase? "Luffy asked.

" Toiletries and personal item. I need to visit the ladies shop, too. "Nami murmured sending a glare to everyone's questioning stare." Personal female business, one that none of you will ever understand? "

And with that she began to walk away form the docking bay. He hips and hair swaying slightly in the breeze along with her orange skirt." Hey, where are you going to!" Luffy called after her.

" Personal female business, I'll meet you guys back at the ship in six hours!" She yelled after herself waving to the crew.

The four of them watched her silently as she walked on and eventually disappeared into a corner of the street.

Luffy pursed his lips and looked at the crew,  they looked back." So, food?" Luffy asked with a smile.

"Not me, I've got to start the repairs on the ship, I don't want it to drag on till tomorrow. If you need me I'll be back at Thousand Sunny when I'm finished here." He gave a wave before leaving them.

"That leaves the three of us, so breakfast?" Luffy inquired.

" Breakfast. "Zoro hummed and moved to lead the way.


Luffy stood with an annoyed frown on his face, his arms crossed defiantly across his chest and his foot tapping impatiently on the floor board of the building.

His stomache grumbled hungrily as he watched Zoro browse through he collection of swords on display for sale. They had agreed on breakfast first thing, and let Zoro lead them towards it. However, Zoro led them towards a weaponry establishment instead to check out swords that he was never going to purchase, especially with him being completely content with the three swords he had with him.

"Zoro, why did you lead us here. We need food. Food!" Luffy complained with an irritated huff.

"Calm down Luffy, let him be." Sanji coerced with a bored look on his face.

"Are you even going to buy any of these item?" Luffy ignored Sanji's words and leaned forward to look over the short isles of swords to where Zoro stood running his index fingers over the blue hilt of an unsheathed katana.

Zoro let out a sigh, and looked up at his captain. That cute frowning face with his straw hat perched perfectly on his mop of raven black hair. The boy who always thought with his stomach rather, than his head." You can leave if you want to."

"Trust me I would have but I have no sense of direction." Luffy murmured begrudgingly.

"Then let Sanji take you."

"Sanji wants to wait for you, surprisingly."

Zoro looked up at Luffy with a defeated sigh. He decided that he could always come back tommorow. He just liked the atmosphere of the shop, being in a building that had so many beautiful and expertly crafted swords made him feel at home. Even if he never actually intended to buy one, just looking at them brought a sense of nostalgia. Nostalgia with her.

" Fine, I can come back tommorow." Zoro capitulated and moving towards another counter.

"Finally." Luffy yipped with delight  following him with Sanji just beside as Zoro stopped at a dagger shelf.

" Hold on, I just want to check this one out." The green haired samurai murmured reaching his hand out to grab a small white and black hilted dagger with a tigers design on it, a great piece that he'd never seen before ever since he'd stepped into the shop.

However, as he reached over to grab at it, another gloved hand came at it too and their hands touch.

Zoro looked up to find her. The white ghost, standing in the shop also looking at him with a blank cold stare. He caught a clear view of her eyes under the hood that wasn't completely down to block all reflection of light. There it was. The light ice blue that almost made it as white with elongated pupils in a slit. Her white hair was still braided and lay at the side, and her cloak covered he entire body, unlike last night. And her mask was still on her face. Zoro didn't see any scar mark on the porcelain alabaster skin that wasn't covered.

Luffy gasped behind them at the sight of her eyes, and that made her snap her hand back instantly and dash out of the shop.

"Wasn't that-" Luffy began.

"The white ghost." Zoro completed in a murmur watching as she disappeared out the door.

"Wow, your glaring scared the poor girl away." Sanji chuckled nudging Zoro with his elbow." Come on, let's get some food. Rice?"

Zoro hummed at Sanji's words, half of his concentration on their conversation. This mind was only on the pair of the most unusual blue eyes that he had ever seen


His guys, this is the lovely author for this story.

This is my first fanfiction story, and I try a lot to get into the minds of the characters here. A one piece story, that gave me instant inspiration after watching the life action and it just kind of clicked.

I needed something different, something unique and sophisticated so I decided to make it an LGBTQ story. If you happen to not like LGBTQ please kindly leave.

There will be mature scenes in this book, the characters you see here does not belong to me except for some that I made up. Like the white ghost.

I don't appreciate plagiarism, I have only written this story on another platform like Wattpad so if you see this anywhere else know that it was without my permission.

Anyway, enjoy.

See you in the next chapter, bye.

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