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5.26% Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story / Chapter 1: Chapter One
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story original

Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

Author: Kuro_Joo99

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

The five musketeers walked into their favorite pirate bar in Mock Town. A week at sea with choppy weather and rough waves had completely worn them out with them having to keep up from day to dusk.

The week was unsuccessful in finding the One Piece. Nami was wearied out by spending days looking at the map and trying to decipher the coordinates leading to the Grand Line. She felt like the remaining amount of her brain cells were sizzling away at every second spent peering endlessly on the paper.

Zoro kept to his training. His dream to defeat Dracule Mihawk the weilder of Yoru keeping him going till he couldn't for the day. Nami had tried to get him to ease up on wasting away his strength at such vigorous training but the embarrassment and failure he endure after he'd lost the fight and broken his promise to his friend kept him going. Luffy had no objections, nor did Sanji or Usopp.

Usopp hung Luffy's wanted picture in his room and had his picture in the background circled out so he could be prideful to be in a wanted poster every morning he woke up. He still missed Kaya dearly, leaving as soon as he was kissed for the first time. He sends her private messages decoded in words only the both of them knew whenever they reached land, however he hadn't received a reply. He didn't even know if she ever got any of them.

Sanji's dream to find the Deep Blue still persisted. His culinary skills improved more as he practiced endlessly and brought new dishes to the table. Not like the crew had a problem with free delicious food. He liked to cook and feed, and they liked to eat. His french delicacies and absence of Oregano was more different then his master's, and he was unique for that. He hated Oregano. They were for savages.

Luffy always had that wide smile on his face everywhere they went. His positivity kept the crew in high spirits, and his straw hat still good and new on his head. He was famous, and wanted with the greatest bounty on his head. Recently they've had plenty visitors. Johnny, Yoru, Marines and many more bounty hunters and pirates , all wanting one thing in common. His head, of course, and that cash that came with it.

Catch me if you can, Luffy told them. And they haven't ever.

The bar was bustling at the time that they entered. The moment they stepped into the wooden establishment the music stopped and so did every living soul in the bar. Thousands of eyes were trained all on the particular band of pirates. Counting out all their bounties put together if they were to be taken down by someone right that instant, that person would be set for life.

However, Mock Town was meant to be a resting place for pirates. A pact was made to put a stop to any form of killing or raiding on the place. It was a place for pirates to enjoy themselves, because let's be straight, Mock Town is the only town suitable to fit pirates without their necks being out in danger. What good is the loot they steal if they have nowhere to spend it on?

"Oh, why stop the music. Don't mind us, keep it up." Luffy clapped, the sound resonating and spreading through the silent room, his huge signature smile on his face. Zoro kept a hand to a swords all the while staring carefully at everyone else. There was no killing here, but you can never trust pirates to keep their words. Nami clutched on to her satchel tightly, so many pickpockets and thieves, the map to the Grand Line lay in her bag and she would lose her mind if she lost it again for the hundredth time. Usopp had a weary look on his face as he scanned the room of pirates, he honestly never really liked Mock Town. As for Sanji, his eyes were boredly trained on the bar daydreaming of a shot of whiskey.

Everyone went back to their businesses after a while and the crew moves on the an empty side of the bar and sat on the stools.

"Well that was tensive." Usopp commented lowly fixing his bandana over his dread again, dark eyes scanning the wide room.

" Get used to it." Nami huffed placing her bag before her and still not releasing her death grip over it." We are literally walking Berry."

"I call whiskey shots, game time?" Sanji announced flagging down a female bartender.

"Count me in, I need a distraction. The week has been shit." Zoro grumbled.

"Oh come on crew, we've had worse days." Luffy's pitched cheery voice pierced throughout thier ears, his smile still not wavering. Nami always wondered if his cheeks ever got tired or if he could never be cheery for one day." Don't worry, our next voyage will be interesting."

" It better be-"Nami said with a frown just as the bartender reached their spot.

"What can I get you five?" She asked, her thick western accent rolling off her tongue like butter, which surprised them all. You hardly ever saw the West kind in the East Blue.

"Beer." Nami rose a finger.

"I'll have your best cocktail." Usopp ordered with a flirty smile.

" Ten whiskey shots each for the both of us," Sanji nodded and pointed towards Zoro." Luffy, want anything? '

"Rice balls." He sighed dreaming.

"I want rice balls too." Zoro murmured, looking blankly at his captain.

"Then get us two plates of rice balls, thank you." Nami added shooing away the bartender. She needed that beer and she needed it fast, both Zoro and Usopp had drained them dry a week after they'd set sail.

"How many days are we keeping to shore." Nami asked no one in particular when the lady had left their side." I would like to know how much free vacation time we get before we have more bounty hunters and enemy ships on our necks when we set sail."

" Maybe a day? Or two?" Luffy thought with a shrug." We really need to restock on our supplies, we are out of food.... and beer. "

" And who are the culprits to that predicament? "Sanji chuckled in amusement.

" Hey, you cook pretty well and so I eat." Luffy defended.

"Five helpings every time at every food break?" Nami shot him a sour look." Yeah, real mature captain."

"Here are your orders." The woman arrived quickly with their orders on a large tray. She placed them gently and carefully on the table with a small smile before making a move to leave their spot.

"Wait!" Nami called to her when she found a bowl of rice puffs that had been placed in front of her. She pointed to it with a frown." I didn't order this."

The bartender nodded." Five foot guy to your left wearing green ordered up for you." The woman answered before leaving.

All their eyes turned to look at the short man at Nami's left. He was clad in a green tunic, grey trousers and boots, a swords at his waist and his hair receding. He smiled and winked at Nami's direction trying and completely failing to look attractive.

"Gross." Nami grimanced in disgust.

"I thought you liked shorter men." Zoro teased earning a hard kick to his shin from Nami. He hissed quietly backing away from the tangerine and biting his thin lips.

" Wait really?" Sanji inquired staring at the man.

" I do not, stop it! "Nami sneered annoyed, her cheeks painting a little pink as she blew out a breath.

"You're pink." Usopp teased wriggling his thick eyebrows and leaning in towards her and singing." Nami has a boyfriend...."

"Do you want one to the shin like Zoro? Shut up, ugh, you guys are the absolute worse." She groaned putting her head in her hands in embarrassment. They always did this to her, being the only girl on the ship and pretty goodlooking one might add, they had so many ways to tease her. This wouldn't be the first time she'd been tried to be courted by unknown men at bars, like she would ever give them the time of her day. For now she had only one goal, find the Grand Line and get the One Piece. She didn't need need a relationship, at least she didn't need one now.

"But seriously, I heard you say you liked shorter guys." Luffy added chirpy, chewing on his rice balls." You know, the first time at that bar when you were on a mission to get the map of the Grand Li-!"

"Can you keep your voice down for heaven's sake? Let everyone know why don't you. "Nami hissed gripping her bag to her chest tightly like anyone was going to snatch it at any minute. She'd lose her mind they had to chase down someone to get it back." Mock Town might be a resting and non-violence policy for pirates held together by a pact but there is no saying if they would hold on to their words of no fighting if they have knowledge of our possession of it!"

"Oh, damn, sorry I forgot." Luffy whispered, doing a once over in the local bar before moving in closer." I heard you say it at that bar where we were looking for that object that is not to be named."

" How did you even hear me, we were like afar from each other! "She exclaimed.

Luffy grabbed his ear and stretched it till arms lengthy, a wide grin spreading in his lips." Right, I forgot you were elastic "Nami commented sourly.

" Are you going to eat those rice puffs? "Usopp asked grabbing the bowl and beginning to devour it without waiting for a direct go ahead from Nami. Not like she cared, eating the puffs only meant accepting his invitation.

" What kind of a man, offers a woman rice puffs as a way to flirt. Where did the alcohol go, this is a bar." Zoro hummed finishing his rice balls and facing Sanji to start the drinking game.

" A great man!" Luffy exclaimed defensively." If I wanted to ask someone out I would  buy them the most expensive and tastiest dish on the menu."

" In a bar? "Usopp cocked his head to the side in disbelief.

Sanji let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head in amusement." And that my dear Luffy, is why you are still single."

" Dude you haven't even fallen in love yet, much less thought of properly courting someone." Usopp said with his mouth full of rice puffs.

" Hey, I've fallen in love before!" Luffy defended.

" Your straw hat is not a person! "Zoro mused downing two shot glasses of whiskey at once and wincing from the kickback of the sharp shot.

"What's that supposed to mean ... and it is not straw hat...." He huffed quietly, tan cheeks tinting a bit of rosy as his dark brown eyes travelled to Sanji for a split second. Usopp caught his movements and frowned.


"I still think the Straw Hat pirates sounds lame by the way." Nami announced and everyone else agreed with murmurs and nods.

"Hey, it already sticks, we're keeping it." Luffy demanded with a pout." Plus it fits you know, highest ship with a crew with the highest bounty on their heads, all in god mode. We can beat anyone."

"You haven't even beaten Zoro yet."

"I think Zoro will beat Luffy in a fight." Usopp said." I place my bet on him."

"Luffy hasn't even entered god mode with Zoro yet." Nami defended." I place my bet on Luffy."

"I thought you'd be more supportive of Zoro? "Sanji frowned pointing to the green haired samurai currently downing his last shot.

Nami shrugged." I place my bet where I can make more Berry."

" Okay, when we set sail, let's have those two fight in a duel, in God mode. Well see who's stronger then." Usopp offered with an excited grin on his face and stretching his hand towards Nami to finalize their bet.

" No, not on my ship!" Luffy declined shaking his head and slapping Usopp's and Nami's hands before they came together for a shake." We'll get it destroyed."

" Speaking of ships, we need to do some repairs on it." Usopp chimed in changing the topic." There's a leak in the main cabin, I've sealed it for now but I think it's best we have it fixed before we set sail on Thousand Sunny. And the ship also needs some new retouching and st-"

"Why don't you fix it?" Nami grimanced." Why are you telling us that?"

" Yeah, Great Captain Usopp can't fix ships again?" Sanji teased.

"Don't be absurd, yes I can. I spent my lifework on Going Merry, so big ol' Sunny isn't a problem." He rolled his eyes." My real problem here are the lack of materials and equipment. If we can get it early tommorow I can fix the ship up before it's time to leave."

"Then we'll buy materials and equipments." Luffy shrugged easily.

"Ship materials and equipments cost a lot of Berry." Nami informed biting her lips, her heart breaking as she imagined thousand of Berry's being invested on A Thousand Sunny again.

"We have Berry." Luffy shrugged again." We have no choice, it's sail or sink. Plus if we happen to get short on Berry I'm sure we'll find more loot on the next ship that tries raid us."

Nami chuckled earning a look from her crewmates." It's usual the other way around you know, pirates raiding cities and towns, and villages. Hardly themselves, except they have beef"

" Well...we are different kind of pirates."Luffy said cheerily with a bright smile.

Suddenly the door to the local bar burst open and everyone went silent. You could literally hear a pin drop. Everyone had paused in their activities, their eyes now trained at the door just like when the Straw Hat crew walked in. The crew stretched their necks to look ahead at the person stealing all the attention.

There, standing at the entrance of the building was a person, clad in an all black attire. Black skintight leather pants and a black cropped long sleeved top showing on their thin curvy waist and an almost visible six pack, with thick leather gloves. A knee length black cloak was draped over their shoulders and the hood covered their face completely, along with they mask they wore that only left their purple eyes to the wonder. Their hair was as white as snow, braided neatly to fall at the left shoulder and reaching past their waist length. Thick black boots with thigh holsters carrying different assortment of throwing knives and daggers. Two samurai katana at their back and two more at their slim waist just below the ammo belt.

A cold breeze blew in as they stepped inside and closed the door behind them. Everyone still stared like that person was the most interesting thing in the world. The person strode towards the counter in silence, their movement barely carrying any sound.

"Who is that?" Luffy wondered in a whisper.

"Who is that, you say? "A short pot bellied man appeared out of nowhere behind Luffy. All of them jumped slightly in shock, minus the brooding Zoro. The man had a bulbous nose and pink chubby cheeks plastered with dark freckles. His attire had dirt on it and he smelt like alcohol. His hair was black and receding looking a little greasy. Nami tried her outmost best not to gag." Where have you Straw Hat's been putting your head eh? It's the news between pirates and the people of Mock Town. The white ghost, we call her."

" The white ghost. "Sanji repeated looking back at the girl walking slowly towards the counter.

" Yeah, she always coming in here with her hood over her head and her face completely covered with that mask." The man continued." A mystery, she is. No one has seen her face before and those who claim they have says she looks like he spawn of the devil. Scarred terribly and that is why she hides behind those walls. She walks in here and move to the counter asking about things from the bartendress there, they seem to be decent with each other."

" We've never heard of her outside of Mock Town." Nami applied.

" Because what happens in Mock Town stays in Mock Town. Plus, she's a complete shadow, not even the Marines have knowledge of her existence despite the bounty work and assassinations that she has carried out. You never notice who does it, but not finding a clue is your clue because it only means one thing. The white ghost did it. They also say she's a great sword samurai, you can definitely tell." He said gruffly before moving away.

" Hmm, with four swords, I definitely see some competition. "Usopp teased wriggling his thick eyebrows directly at the green haired brood scrutinizing every nook and curves of the white ghost.

"Don't be absurd. I'm the greatest swordsman in the world." He groaned." After  I beat Mihawk."

" You still have a long way before that. "Luffy sighed patting his first mate on the shoulder.

" Mendala e river." The white ghost said to the bartendress, her voice as soft as butter with a sort of slight deepness to her tone.

The woman gave a wide smile." Nada." She replied.

"Report?" The white ghost asked.

"Incognito?" The woman asked as the white ghost nodded slowly. The woman gave a sharp nod in return and surveyed the silent bar with a frown. She clapped her hands loudly." Alright you poke nosers right at it, get back to your business nothing to see here!"

And with that everyone obeyed and the white ghost disappeared behind the counter with the woman.

"They're speaking in codes." Nami pointed out squirting her eyes.

"It's not any of our business, let's get back to the ship and have some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tommorow." Zoro announced getting off the bar stool and the others followed suit.

"Huh? But I haven't even touched my rice balls yet!" Luffy whined staring up at his with puppy eyes.

" Leave it, I'll make something better for you." Sanji declared with irritation pushing the oregano sprinkled rice balls away from Luffy and pulling him off the chair gently by his soft palm." Something that doesn't include Oregano savagery."

A wide grin spread across Luffy's face and a faint color pink dusted his lips as he nodded meekly and allowed Sanji to guide him towards the bar so that they could place an order in advance for a month booze allowance for their ship.

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