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12.5% Kal Son of Odin / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Kingship

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Kingship

Odin watched as his sons played with their friends, the group was currently involved in some sort of game of tag combined with hide and seek as far as he could discern. One of the group's numbers would run around the wide-open courtyard and once they found another of their numbers that child would race off to find someone else.

He smiled glad this his children were engaging more with people their own age, despite his mother's statement at the last Yule celebration Thor had been allowed to invite the girls he had met. Only after much begging and then only under the prevision that they were joined by other boys, and all were under the close watch of an adult.

The group currently consisted of mostly noble children, namely that of the Ladies, Sif, Amora and Lorelai, along with the noble's sons Volstagg, and Haldor as well as an interesting invitation of a commoner boy named Fandral, and a Vanir named Hogun.

Fandral, and Volstagg as well as all the young ladies were invitations of his eldest Thor who was fast becoming the leader of the group. The only other invitation by his other sons was given by Kal who had invited Haldor, a boy that he had met at the Yule celebration and the two were fast becoming inseparable.

Whilst Hogun had been an invitation of Frigga's design, Hogun was the son of an old Vanir friend of hers who had asked Frigga for her aid as her son was becoming melancholic and needed friends. Odin could see why Hogun was a dour and grim-faced boy, but he seemed to be joining in the game well enough.

Whilst Loki had invited no one, a fact that had not gone unnoticed by his parents. Loki was quickly becoming a recluse of their children and Frigga more often found him practising magic or in the library than with his brothers.

A large part in allowing the children to come to the palace was an effort to get Loki to interact more with others and correct some of the more troubling behaviour that was beginning to appear.

Loki's pranks were getting more brazen, he talked less to his brothers, often eat his meals alone and was starting to talk down to the servants in a manner Odin did not like.

Normally, the duty of watching the children fell to Frigga or a more reluctant Mímir when she was too busy, but today Odin was watching them as he had lessons prepared for their youngest.

Loki was casting illusions of himself across the courtyard much to the annoyance of most of the other children who lacked the ability to discern which one was real. The sole exceptions however were Amora who's magical abilities impressed even Odin and Kal who's gifts were allowing him to find his brother was ease.

"Got you!" Kal shouted smugly as he half tagged half jumped onto the real Loki.

Loki merely smiled at his little brother ruffled Kal's hair and quickly set off to find his victim which turned out to be Volstagg who's large frame failed to hide behind a rather slender tree.

Odin sighed; Loki's relationship with each of his brothers was so different.

Loki and Thor were like oil and fire, sometimes capable of great things when used correctly together but more often than not resulted in a fiery explosion he had to put out. Thor was not wholly innocent, his eldest at times could be arrogant and a show-off, casting a long shadow that Loki struggled with.

However, with Kal Loki was almost the very picture of brotherly affection and brotherhood. Where he played pranks on Thor, Loki instead entertained Kal using all of his magical abilities to make his little brother laugh.

It was perplexing, to say the least, but one thing Odin was certain of was that both his eldest sons adored Kal, and Kal in return adored them.

"Missed me!" Kal ducked under Thor's hand as he tried to tag his little brother. "HA missed me again."

Odin watched in slight amazement as Kal effortlessly dodged every single one of Thor's attempts to tag him. Kal was almost a blur of motion, he sidestepped, twisted, or bent out of the way of Thor's attempts.

"Oh, come here! I will get you litt-" Thor began to say but was cut off when he tripped over a root of a tree sending him sprawling.

"Are you alright Prince Thor?" asked Kal's friend Haldor who quickly ran over to the bigger boy lying face down on the floor.

"AH-HA!" Thor sprang up from the ground and quickly tagged Haldor.

"Hey, no fair!" Haldor called running off after Thor.

However, Odin's eyes had not left Kal who was standing still and breathing as normally as if he was taking a stroll in the garden, which should not have been the case. Kal had been sprinting around the courtyard at full speed for almost an hour and had just performed some impressive dodging, yet his breathing was calm and normal.

Odin suspected that this was more of Kal's unique development beginning to show, something they would have to keep an eye on.

His youngest son was starting to grow not only in height but also in terms of raw physical power. Every day, Kal seemed to be a little faster, a little stronger and even more durable as well, he had once seen Kal place his hand on a scolding pot by accident, but instead of pain or scarring, Kal was fine and hadn't even noticed the heat.

"Come on Haldor, you can catch him!" Kal shouted encouragement to his friend as Haldor who was still it, the boy ran after Fandral now as Thor had slipped his grasp.

"I'm trying Kal" Haldor laughed back as he took deep breathes, panting with exhaustion.

Odin was still focusing on the children when Frigga settled in next to him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek that altered him to her presence.

"How are they my love not too much trouble?" Frigga asked, whilst looking down at the children.

"No, my dear, Kal has gotten faster though" Odin stated nodding towards Kal who proved his point when almost in a blur had crossed the length of the courtyard in no time at all.

Frigga released a soft sigh "Of course he has, nothing is ever simple, is it?" she teased.

"No, it is not" Odin chuckled in response. "I take it from your arrival that it's time for the midday meal?"

Frigga nodded "Yes, I'll take over after the meal. I am assuming you want to take Kal with you."

"Yes, indeed I do" Odin stated whilst gazing thoughtfully at their son.

"Just don't be too hard with him, okay? Thor and Loki still have nightmares about their time" Frigga teased with a gentle smile on her face.

"I promise, I shall be as delicate as I can." Odin patted his wife's hand before clearing his throat to get the children's attention.

"That's enough for now, you can continue after your midday meal." Odin's commandant was met with a few groans but was still universally obeyed.

Odin and Frigga followed the children inside to a dining hall that had been prepared and sat at their own table whilst they watched the children eat. Only interceding when the children began to get too close to a food fight for comfort.

Kal and Haldor sat together, chatting away like the two had not seen each other in years despite having been together most of the day and having met every day for over a month now. Whilst Kal was fixed on either his food or his friend, Haldor's attention held a third subject, the Lady Sif who Haldor kept glancing at whenever he could.

Thor had taken his place in the centre of the table and was likewise the centre of attention he had all but shoved Loki next to him and seemed to be leading the elder children in some sort of eating contest. As food was being consumed at an almost alarming rate, pieces of meat were flying everywhere.

Amora and Loki evidently were trying their best to distance themselves from the other children's behaviour, whilst Lorelai meekly sat by her sister's side. In all the time she had visited Odin surmised the girl had spoken about 10 words in total, all to her sister.

Volstagg was the clear winner of the contest, having consumed what appeared to be almost half the table whilst Thor came in a close second.

Frigga rolled her eyes at Thor's antics and allowed the children a few more moments at the tables before she clapped her hands and announced the children would be with her for the afternoon for lessons.

A declaration that was met with a widespread groan but no one dared challenge the decision instead they all meekly rose and began the slow processes of preparing themselves for an afternoon of hard studying.

"Kal, come here please." Odin gestured to his youngest son to come over.

Kal gave a quick shrug to Haldor, who looked at him questioningly, and promptly went over to his father a hesitant look on his face.

"Yes, father?" Kal asked clearly believing he was in trouble.

"No worries my boy you are not in trouble. You and I are going to spend the rest of the day together." Odin offered Kal a warm smile.

"Really?" Kal asked in excitement a wide grin on his face.

It was rare that his father could spend a whole day with just one of his sons, usually, it was a group activity, like them going all on a trip together or going to the theatre to watch a play from the royal box. However, even then those tended to be only for a few hours and then Odin was back to work.

Now Kal thought about it, both Thor and Loki had separately spent a full day and a half with their father in the past month. Kal remembered as it was unusual and neither Thor nor Loki would tell him what it was about.

"Yes, it's time I showed you what it means to rule Asgard," Odin spoke in the solemn voice he always had when talking about important matters.

"Rule Asgard?" Kal asked with wide eyes.

Odin nodded "Yes, I did this both with Thor and Loki, just as my father once did it with me when I was little."

"So, what are we going to be doing?" Kal asked his head racing with ideas.

"Although you are still very young and have two older brothers, it's still very important you learn about the role and duties of a King. As you may one day sit upon the Throne, my boy. As such you'll be helping me rule for the rest of the day and tomorrow." Odin explained placing a comforting hand on Kal's shoulders.

Kal's mind went blank as a single thought took over 'I'm going to help run Asgard!'

His mind was a mixture of panic, excitement, and consideration. He was only 7 and had rarely actually thought about his position as a Prince, in truth he didn't do much and largely spent his time studying or playing. He had never once considered that he might end up as King one day.

When Kal thought about it, the whole concept seemed bizarre, he tried to picture himself as King and couldn't really do it. Now Thor or Loki, Kal could imagine, his brothers in his mind seemed to be each one half of their father.

Kal's head quickly conjured the image of Thor as King. His brother was now taller, shinning golden locks flowing freely, whilst in splendid armour as he powered through the ranks of Asgard enemies. He was the warrior, decisive and charismatic leader Asgard needed, the people cheered him and loved him whilst he in return basked in their admiration.

The image however was soon replaced by Loki, who instead sat regally on the throne, he was commanding, poised, projecting both power and confidence. An army of advisors surrounded him as Loki gave decisive commands to each of them, who then went of to fulfil their master grand vision. Whilst Loki joyfully sat immersed in the admiration of his subjects who were safe and protected under his watch.

"Do not be nervous my son. I am here to guide you. Let us begin." Odin offered a reassuring smile and led Kal off towards the Throne room.

Kal had learnt two things about ruling such far. One, it seemed to be a lot of waiting and listening, and two, it was not very engaging.

Kal was seated next to his father on Hlidskjalf, as he was still small enough to be nestled next to their father. He looked up at his father who had a blank expression on his face as he listened to Mímir give a very detailed report on ships to an assembly of nobles that sat below them.

Kal was trying his best to listen but in all was quickly becoming bored, when his father had stated that we going to help rule Asgard he had imagined grand decrees or listening to petitioners. Not sat for hours listening to a bunch of old people talk.

"- and as you see this results in the hull of ships becoming more worn I sugges-" Mímir voice was like a sleeping spell Kal thought, as he zoned in and out.

Kal had listened to Mímir many times but had never realised just how boring Mímir was or how monotonous and dull his voice was.

"As you can see this would improve our produ-"

As you can see. That seemed to be Mímir's favourite phrase as far as Kal could tell, the man started nearly every sentence with it, and it was beginning to irate him.

'As you can see I am very boring and like to hear myself talk.' Kal mused in his head causing him to chuckle slightly, an act his father quickly spotted.

"Is something amusing my son?" Odin asked his eye gazing at his son.

"No father nothing." Kal quickly stated going rigid as every eye of the high council of Asgard descended upon him.

"Really, you're not bored. It's not Mímir's dull voice and constant use of the phrase, As you can see?" Odin asked in a neutral voice that caught Kal out.

"Yes, I MEAN NO" Kal quickly spat out trying to make up for his truthful admission.

However, instead of shocking murmurs or disappointed looks, he heard a handful of chuckles and more than a few sincere smiles directed at him.

"I honestly thought he wouldn't make it past my report on street repairs, let alone to ships," Mímir stated to another advisor with a grin on his face.

"That was about three hours, pay up." General Tyr gestured to Grand Healer Eir who sighed and passed a handful of coins to the general.

"Father?" Kal looked confused at the interactions now occurring since his admission of boredom.

Odin let out a friendly sigh, "My son, it's okay to be bored, we are not expecting a boy of 7 to be enraptured by reports and in fact, I am quite proud that you lasted as long as you did."

"So, this was all a test? None of it was real?" Kal asked.

"Oh no this was all real, the reports, the listening to advisors, everything was real. This was just to show you" Odin stated with a kind smile on his face.

"Show me?" Kal was looking up into his father's eye that held such love and wisdom in that moment.

"To show you that ruling is not what Thor or Loki believe it is. Kingship is not rushing into things, going off to battle or scheming your way around problems. It is largely listening, waiting, thinking and only then acting once you have considered all your options." Odin explained.

"I think I get it," Kal stated unsure if he was trying to convince himself or Odin.

"Don't worry if you do not, it takes time my son. Ruling is a skill that is learnt, now see if you make it through the rest of Mímir's dull reports" Odin jested causing a small laugh to rise from the advisors below.

Kal sat straight again and tried his best to listen to Mímir's reports, and despite them still being undeniably dull, he started to pick up on a few things and started well not enjoying the session at least seeing the point of it.

Like, how the details of one report affected another report or several, how the group spoke about old solutions when problems arose or how several ideas were floated and picked apart before any decision was made.

However, what he noticed most of all was that his father listened more than he spoke but when he spoke no one else did and whatever Odin had decided was the final decision.

Kal was intrigued by that most of all when any spoke about his father they all made it seem like Odin just decided everything himself, even his brothers. Thor spoke about father boldly making choices and being swift to action and Loki talked endlessly about father's sharp mind and schemes within schemes.

Yet, what Kal was seeing was not rash action or scheming, just simple listening, thinking and then a final decision, the only bit that daunted him was that the final decision was ultimately in the hands of one man. The King.

That was the word that entered his head King, not father. Kal looking at his father now clearly saw a different man than the one he knew, before he wasn't his father Odin, the kindly man that lifted him upon his shoulders.

No, what was before him was the All-Father, King of Asgard and Protector of The Nine Realms, who decided the fates of every person that Kal knew.

Kal sat there for a while as he thought about it all, in truth he believed it was more than his seven-year-old mind was capable of thinking about but yet he did so. And what was sticking in his mind most of all was his brothers.

Kal again tried to picture them as the Kings of Asgard like he did before, but the imagines refused to from instead all that came to his mind was the throne room, the throne Hlidskjalf and the advisors waiting below.

Despite his attempts, he couldn't imagine Thor or Loki just setting on Hlidskjalf listening to people, weighing options and then making choices.

No Thor in his mind would take the first option presented, without listening to it fully and then rush off to do something fun, namely go fight someone.

Whereas he pictured Loki just dismissing all the advisors, calling them small-minded fools and then enacting some grand complex scheme to solve a very simple issue, like cracked roads.

However, despite not being able to imagine his brothers on the Throne, Kal still couldn't picture himself on it. In his head he would sit there, stroke his chin listen gravely to the problems and advice, them just say 'I have no idea what to do'.

Kal was pulled back to reality by the sound of the clattering of feet as the advisors rose and gave a quick bow before departing the chamber.

"We are stopping for the evening meal," Odin said answering Kal's questioning look. "Come now, you and I are going to eat together in my study."

Kal took his father's hand as they descended from Hlidskjalf and made their way through the Palace, with guards bowing to them as they went. All the talk of Kingship made him notice it for the first time and he realised that they bowed to him even when his parents were not around.

"So how are you finding it, my son?" Odin asked as he pushed open the door to his study their meal already waiting for them on a table.

"It's ….. Interesting." Kal decided to say after settling on the right word.

"Well, that is good to hear." Odin was very pleased with hearing that neither Loki's or Thor's response had been as good or genuine.

"It's a good thing we are only just helping out, I don't think anyone, but you could be King father." Kal said whilst eating the food before him, grinning at his father.

Whilst Odin appreciated the compliant and his son's faith in him, he nevertheless had to inform his son of the reality of the throne. Releasing a heavy sigh, he spoke to Kal gently.

"Kal one day, I will not be here," Odin stated softly.

"Oh, are we going on a trip?" Kal asked.

"No, my son. What I mean is that one day, I won't be here to help and that Thor or possibly Loki maybe even you will be King." Odin stated softly looking to see if his son understood.

"But you're the King? And I don't think we can be?" Kal was puzzled by his statement.

"I am the king, for now, my son, but I will not be forever. It is why I am doing this; you and your brothers are not yet ready it is true but given time and the right lessons you will be." Odin spoke softly and saw that Kal was beginning to understand.

They sat in silence for a while as Odin watched Kal who was clearly trying to process everything that he had just been.

Frigga and he had already taught Kal about the concept of death but watching the boy now it was clear that although Kal understood death he had never actually considered it a factor when it came to his parents.

"Father?" Kal's voice broke the silence as he glanced up at Odin.

"What is it, my boy?" Odin moved his plate out of the way and set his cup down to give Kal his undivided attention.

"When you're…. gone, Thor's going to become King, right?" Kal asked.

"Yes, that is the most likely outcome," Odin admitted.

"So, what will I do?" Kal's face was one of consideration.

"You will aid Thor and Loki, the three of you will work together," Odin said a hint of pride entering his voice as he pictured his son's bright future.

"Okay, but what will I do?" Kal asked not knowing how else to phrase his question.

Odin merely smiled and spoke in his grand voice as he provided his son with a picture of his future. "You my son will be the rock on which your brother's reign will be formed. You will be the very strength and certainty that all of Asgard will rely on."

"I will?" Kal asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. Kal you will possess strength and power that I cannot yet imagine, but I knew from the moment I first held you in my arms that you are destined for great things." Odin had moved to kneel next to his son and place a reassuring hand on Kal's shoulder.

Kal broke into a wide smile and leapt into his father giving Odin a tight hug that the Allfather returned with affection, and a proud smile when they broke apart.

"Well, that's good. I don' think I want to King anyway." Kal stated with gravity Odin had not heard before.

"Really, you don't?" Odin asked in surprise both Thor and Loki wanted the throne, they practically begged for it when he spent the day with them.

"Yeah, it seems very boring, and the Throne hurts my butt." Kal smiled at his father with a wide grin.

Causing Odin to start chuckling at his son's childish joke, "Aye it does, it hurts mine too."

Odin's admission caused Kal to start laughing as the two finished up their evening meal.

The next day saw Kal dealing with a very different situation than listening to reports and one he thought could be slightly interesting, hearing petitioners.

"My King I am clearing in the right, Berg Askelsson is a convicted liar and a thief." The speaker was a tall board shouldered middle-aged man that was dressed in fine robes.

"Your Majesty, I was once in my youth, but I swear to the fates I am innocent. I have changed my ways I swear." The man defending himself looked about the same age as the other man but was scrawny and dressed liked a farmer.

The two men quickly descended into bickering both losing their sense of place as they began to shout insults at the other, seemingly forgetting where they were standing. Odin merely raised his hand and the room fell deafly silent.

Kal was always amazed by how his father could command so much with such little action, a raised hand or a look and his father's will was done.

The current petitioners before them were by far the most interesting Kal had heard so far, most had simply been people asking a boon of their King or else were seeking the Allfathers advice on the correct course of action.

However, what was before them was a 'thing' or trail as the mortal's Midgard would call it. In all the case was not an interesting one, but it was the first one Kal had ever seen so he was enraptured by it soaking in all the details he could.

The case was simple it was a matter of theft, the nobleman, Ketill Hagison, who had brought the case before Odin claimed that the farmer a man called Berg Askelsson had stolen cattle from his land and had stated that the cattle had been found on Berg's farm. Berg had apparently been a petty thief in his youth and had spent time in Asgard's cells working as a labourer to pay for his crimes.

Berg of course denied the charge stating that he had no idea how the cattle had ended up on his land and were happy to return them, but Ketill was demanding further compensation and that Ketill be jailed for his crime.

"I have heard your testimony; however, it is for the Thing to decide upon the case. If they should find you guilty Berg Askelsson then you will be exiled from Asgard, and your land sold." Odin spoke clearly with a blank expression upon his face.

This caused the noble Ketill to smirk at his opponent, but Odin was not finished, and his gaze turned towards Ketill fixing the noble with a glare.

"However, if these charges are false, you will be found guilty of perjury before not only this Assembly but to your King, a charge most grave. If either of you wishes to concede and submit for mercy, your sentences shall be reduced." Odin's address carried clear across the throne room.

The room was again silent and Kal was watching with batted breath to see if either man would beg his father for mercy, and he watched the jury most of whom were looking disgustingly at Berg Askelsson. It was then that Kal's hearing picked up something, it was barely a whisper and without his gifts he would never have been able to hear it.

"Allfathers protect me and allow my acts to safeguard my family's honour." The whisper came from the accused Berg Askelsson, who suddenly stepped forward and knelt before his father.

"My King, I have no need of mercy for I am innocent, but I fear my past actions have robbed me of the mercy of the court. Therefore, I request a Holmgang, let my body answer the charge." Berg spoke gravely and with a sombreness to his voice.

The action caused an immediate, a Holmgang was a duel to settle a matter or dispute, usually invoked when one believed that they could not receive a fair hearing at a Thing. The other reason for the murmur was that Berg was clearly outclassed by the noble Ketill, who was nearly twice Berg's size.

"I accept of course," Ketill stated before Odin could respond, a smile spreading on his face clearly happy with the result.

Odin's eyes lingered on the kneeling Berg who seemed resigned to his fate, clearly knowing that he would not be able to defeat Ketill and that he possessed no champion who would fight for him. Berg's head sifted slightly enabling him to cast his gaze on a woman in the crowd who was clutching to small children to her waist tears in her eyes.

"That is your right before this assembly Berg Son of Askels, do you have a champion to fight you?" Odin asked ignoring Ketill's statement and obvious glee at the proposed duel.

"I have none, my King," Berg responded in resignation.

Kal caught sight of something, his father's vision briefly shifted to General Tyr who was standing just at the edge of the cleared space where the trail was occurring in front of the woman Berg had glanced at. He almost missed it, but he could see that Tyr gave a single subtle nod to his father.

"Very well, Lord Ketill you are happy to accept the challenge and face the defender of Berg Askelsson honour in a Holmgang to be held in 3 days' time?" Odin's unwavering gaze shifted to the grinning noble.

"I am my King." Ketill replied giving an arrogant bow as he did so.

"Very well, is there any here who will defend Berg Askelsson's honour and life, or shall he answer the charge himself?" Odin raised his head allowing his voice to boom across the hall.

It was clear that both Berg and Ketill expected silence, however, a powerful and strong voice answered the Allfather's question.

"I will, my King." General Tyr stepped forward causing a collective gasp to occur within the hall, and for Berg to raise and look at the general in shock.

Although onehanded now Tyr was still one of Asgard's finest warriors, Kal often heard his brother Thor speak about the General in awe and had heard some of the stories the guards whispered about the general when they thought no one was listening.

"My King, I must protest the Lord Tyr has no reason to interfe-" Ketill had gone deathly pale and was scrambling to lodge his protest.

"I have every right, by the laws of Asgard, to stand as anyone's champion." Tyr cut off Ketill's protest.

There was silence in the hall and Kal could clearly see that Ketill was trying to think of a way out of fighting the legendary General, but clearly, nothing was coming to mind as his mouth kept opening and closing.

Ketill then abruptly moved forward and threw himself to his needs before Odin. "My King, I withdraw the accusation against Berg Askelsson, it was I that planted the cattle on his land. And I ask for your mercy."

At Ketill's words Kal watched as his father rose from his seat towering over the quivering mass of the man below.

"Lord Ketill Hagison you have falsely accused another of a crime, and committed perjury before your King, such crimes would usually result in exile or death, BUT as you have admitted your guilt, I shall be lenient."

Odin's gaze swept across the hall, and with a strong hand gripped Gungnir in one hand raising the spear clear off the ground.

"I, Odin Allfather, herby strip from you all titles, lands and privileges that your rank affords you and declare that you shall be known as a liar without honour for the rest of your days."

Odin struck the ground hard as he declared his judgment causing a boom to echo that rendered the room silent except for the happy sobs of the woman and children that had broken rank to huge Berg Askelsson.

With that, the trial was over, and the former Lord Ketill was quickly dragged off by a pair of guards who were likely taking him to be held in a cell for the time being whilst his lands and titles were formally stripped from him

Kal watched his father closely trying to decipher the blank expression his father's face held as the throne room solely emptied until it was just him, his father and the usual assortment of guards under the command of General Tyr.

After the last, the assembly had left Odin's gaze turned to Kal and he gave a small smile to the boy who had a slightly puzzled look upon his face.

"I take it you have questions, my boy?"

"I don't understand, so Kettil accused Berg falsely?" Kal asked trying to fit the pieces together.

"Yes," Odin answered pleased his son had figured that much out.

"But why?"

"For land my son, Ketill has been accusing men with small holdings on the borders of properties of crimes and taking them to court. As a noble with his standing, he usually wins, thus is able to seize the land as recompense for the supposed crimes." Odin explained.

"So, he was lying so that he could steal land? If you knew that why not bring him to trial?" Kal looked at his father hoping for an explanation.

Odin sighed "It is not always that simple, sometimes the law is not always fair and can be abused. Ketill's standing made it difficult to prove and if I had accused him without proof or an admission of guilt he might have gotten away without punishment."

Kal's brow furrowed at that explanation "But you're the King, if you know he is guilty why not just convict him?"

"Because then that isn't justice my son, that is simply tyranny. If I impose my will on others even with the best intentions, it can lead to great harm and cause untold devastation. The laws of Asgard exist to bind the King as much as any common man." Odin knelt before his son so that he could look Kal in the eye.

"However, sometimes the law is unfair and can be abused, but I cannot just choose to ignore it. So as the King, I have to find a way to act that is both just and lawful." Odin placed his great hand on his son's small shoulder.

"So, you brought the case before you, knowing that Berg's past would force him to seek a Holmgang and that you could then allow Tyr to fight as his champion. Making Ketill either admit his guilt and beg for mercy or fight the general?" Kal's face was one as pure concentration as he looked up at his father to see if he was right.

"Exactly right my son." Odin gave Kal's shoulder a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"That doesn't sound very honest father," Kal said with a hint of hesitation not wanting to anger his father with his statement.

"Maybe not honest, but it was just Kal. The crown restricts me in many ways and sometimes the Law although it must be obeyed is not always fair. Remember son that one, especially a prince, must always act justly and seek to give justice to all."

Kal nodded his head as he straightened his back and puffed out his chest "I understand father."

"Good boy, I have no doubt that you will grow up to a justice and honourable man." Odin smiled down at his son.

Kal's eyes swelled with pride at his father's complaint and gave his father a quick hug that the Allfather gently returned.

"I will make you proud father I swear," Kal whispered softly into his father's great embrace.

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(Authors Notes)

So firstly I hope everyone had a good Christmas or is at least enjoying the winter period. So this will likely be my last chapter of 2021. Going forward I am going to be updating on the weekends, so hopefully their should be a chapter once a week.

I will be honest this is not my best work, but I felt the story needed a chapter with Odin imparting his expectations and hopes onto Kal, which not only forms a big part of this story but also generally in the life of a young man.

So, this will officially be the last chapter with Kal as a child the next will see him in his late teens and a lot more powerful, with the full range of abilities starting to emerge.

The next 2 chapters will deal with Kal as he transitions into young adulthood and the responsibilities of being a Prince of Asgard, as well as him getting his own Unique weapon.

Again, I am so encouraged by the response this story is receiving. Over 7,500 views and 175 followers.

Please, continue to favourite, follow, and review.

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