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Chapter 114: chapter 113

Chapter 113 It Is Recommended To Vigorously Promote It To The Entire Ninja World

[In the arena of the world's best ninja tournament. ]

[The last second, Bruno was still surprised by the weight on Rock Lee's body. ]

[The next second. ]

[Rock Lee's figure suddenly appeared in front of Hitmonlee, and kicked Hitmonlee hard, "Forcing this Taijutsu Grandmaster fighting Pokémon to take several steps back quickly!"]

[Bruno stared at Rock Lee who suddenly appeared. ]

[He is amazed at his speed. ]

[Rock Lee took advantage of the victory to pursue and kicked Hitmonlee directly. ]

["not good!"]

[Seeing that Hitmonlee was in decline, Bruno immediately issued an order: "Hitmonlee, use guard!"]

[Rock Lee's movements are really too fast. ]

[Even him. ]

[Only afterimages can be seen. ]

[Faced with this blow that hit his face like a white rainbow piercing the sun, Hitmonlee, who could not avoid it, immediately stretched out his hands to block his chest after receiving Bruno's order, assuming a defensive posture. He blocked Rock lee's kick. ]

[But this kick is powerful and heavy, both the air wave sweeping over it and the strength contained in it are very powerful. ]

[Even if he prepared his defense in advance, Hitmonlee was still kicked away by this kick. ]

[Experienced the feeling of being hit by a big truck. ]

[Almost sent to Otherworld. ]

["It's not over yet!"]

[As Rock Lee's words sounded, a white bandage wrapped around Hitmonlee's waist, and it was pulled back forcefully. ]

[next moment. ]

[Rock Lee's palm turned into a fist and punched him. ]

[Hitmonlee, who suffered two consecutive rounds of heavy damage, instantly flew out and landed on the ground. ]

Uzumaki Naruto: " strong!"

That thick eyebrow.

Is he so strong?!

"So fast!"

Uchiha Sasuke next to Naruto clenched his fists.

Today's him.

Under Kaido's training, he has been able to activate the One Tomoe Sharingan awakened on the night of genocide at will.

Even so, he could still only see an afterimage.

Gaara was also a little surprised.

In his opinion.

My future self has become Fifth Kazekage.

Even if it is not as good as Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, as well as the monster named Accelerator in Otogakure Village.

But among peers.

Ranking in the top five shouldn't be a big problem, right?


Looking at the light screen, a huge roar sounded, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Rock Lee easily defeated Bruno's second most loyal Pokémon, Onix, with the help of Primary Lotus.

Gaara: "You Konoha ninjas..."

Are they all monsters?

Might Guy showed a proud smile: "Rock Lee doesn't know Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, and that's why he can devote all his time, effort and energy to Taijutsu."

Might Guy: "Although he only knows this, he will never lose to anyone!"

Hear Might Guy's words.

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly aroused his fighting spirit and turned to look at Kaido: "Kaido-sensei, we also need to increase the weight!"

"That's right!"

Uchiha Sasuke nodded.

Since Rock Lee can do it, so can he!


Kaido groaned and took out four heavy turtle shells from nowhere and handed them to Naruto and the others: "I've already prepared the weights!"

"Eh? So ugly!"

Sakura took the turtle shell with some disgust.

Turning to look at Sasuke, I saw that they had already put on their turtle shells with great interest.


Under the leadership of Kaido.

Continue training such as picking up stones, delivering milk, and plowing the fields by hand.

Sakura sighed.

Silently carrying the heavy turtle shell on my back, I couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

Is this kind of training really effective?

[On the arena. ]

[Bruno looked at Onix whose eyes turned into mosquito coils and the unconscious Hitmonlee, took out the Poké Ball and took the two Pokémon back, and said calmly: "It was a good fight, even I can't help but feel excited."]

[Bruno's voice is very flat. ]

[However, there is an invisible and compelling aura exuding from his body. ]

[It's not Kaido's Conqueror's Haki, nor Orochimaru's almost substantial killing intent. ]

[But one kind. ]

[Mysterious, indescribable, and uniquely the aura of a martial arts master. ]

[At this moment. ]

[Rock Lee's whole body felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar, and he saw the shadow of his teacher Might Guy in Bruno's body in a trance. ]

[As expected of one of the Elite Four of Cloud Shinobi Village. ]

[Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person!]

["Be careful."]

[Bruno's expression became serious, holding a red and white Pokemon ball in his hand, and said solemnly: "Next, I will use my full strength!"]

[As he spoke, a red light curtain flashed, and Bruno released his trump card. ]

[ Machamp ]

[The structure of the skeletal muscles is very close to that of humans. The four thick arms have large bulging muscles like hills and green veins protruding like giant pythons, all of which show how terrifying this Pokémon's explosive power is. ]

[Rock Lee took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and murmured to himself in a low voice. ]

["Ah Teacher Guy!"]

["Please agree with me, now is the time for me to implement my own way of tolerance!"]

["Third Gate----Gate of Life!"]


[In an instant, Rock Lee's body underwent changes that were visible to the naked eye. ]

[The veins on his forehead popped out, and the skin all over his body became congested and turned red in an instant. His breathing was as heavy as an ox, as if Naruto had entered Nine Tails mode. The chakra on his body became violent, looking like a tiger out of the cage. ]

"This is......"

Kakashi showed a surprised expression: "Guy, did you teach him the Eight Inner Gates?"

Might Guy: "That's right! That kid has this talent!"

Although I only had contact with him for a short two days.

Might Guy has already determined that Rock Lee is the ninja who can inherit his mantle.

Him in the future.

There is nothing strange about teaching Eight Inner Gates to Rock Lee.

Kakashi: "It's not a matter of talent or no talent. You shouldn't let him use such dangerous moves!"

Terumi Mei: "Eight Inner Gates? Such a familiar name."

Onoki: "It's the Eight Inner Gates that Might Dai used to kill four of the seven Mist Shinobi and cripple three of you with one kick. Do you remember it?"

Terumi Mei: "..."

I remembered!

That is, after the Eight Gate is fully opened, you can have the strength beyond the kage level in a short period of time!

However, after using it, the caster himself will not survive!

No wonder Kakashi is so excited.

In the light curtain.

The Chakra on Rock Lee's body became more and more intense, forming red steam visible to the naked eye.

Fourth Gate, Gate of Pain—open!

Fifth Gate, Gate of Limit—open!

Sixth Gate, Gate of View——Open!

Kakashi gasped.

At such a young age, he can actually drive to the Sixth Gate?!

This cannot be achieved through hard work alone. As Might Guy said, this kid...

What a genius!

It feels similar to Kakashi.

["So strong!"]

[Bruno's eyes became solemn when he looked at Rock Lee. ]

[He can feel from the opponent's aura that this kid in green tights has surpassed him in strength after using some kind of Forbidden Technique!]


[In the moment when he was distracted, Rock Lee stepped hard, and the ground under his feet became cracked. ]

[He Kicked Machamp on the jaw. ]

[Knock it away. ]

[Afterwards, while Machamp is unable to defend himself. ]

[Rock Lee kept moving back and forth in the air, holding the monster firmly in the air like a sandbag, and Machamp could only goten be beaten passively. ]

[Bang! Bang! Bang⋯⋯]

[Each attack was done with full strength, and the aftermath alone made Bruno below feel the power enough to defeat his body, let alone Machamp who was suffering the blow. ]

[This move. ]

[Absolutely no one can stop it. ]

[But, as a fighter, how could he fall here! ]

[Bruno stared hard at the green afterimage flashing in the air, looking for the opportunity, and made a hoarse voice in his throat: "Now, use Recover!"]

[Recover. ]

[For Fighting Pokémon's skills, the lower your HP, the more powerful the skill is. ]

[Under Rock Lee's continuous cold attacks. ]

[There is only a trace of blood skin left in the Machamp. ]

[Save all your strength and strive towards Rock Lee. ]

[In the eyes of others. ]

[The shadow of Machamp's fist was like a slow-playing video in Rock Lee's eyes, and he could clearly see every move of his opponent. ]

[However, Machamp or Bruno's timing was too clever. ]

[Let Rock Lee avoid it. ]

[I can only swing my fist in the same way, exchanging injuries for injuries. ]

[The power that the two people burst out was like a tsunami and huge waves were pouring in. Machamp's figure instantly turned into a cannonball, falling downwards at an unimaginable speed and "embedded in the field."]

["I won!"]

[The corners of Bruno's mouth raised slightly, showing a smile that showed he had a winning chance. ]

[Although Machamp has lost its combat effectiveness. ]


[Rock Lee also flew upside down due to the shock wave. Based on his current trajectory, he will inevitably fall outside the field when he falls. ]

[However, what Bruno never expected was. ]

[Rock Lee taps his toes lightly. ]

[As if walking on flat ground in the air, he walked back to the ring again. ]


[Bruno widened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "What move is this?!"]

["This is called Wu Kong Technique!!"]

[Rock Lee looked at Bruno's surprised expression and said in a deep voice. ]

[at the same time. ]

[I silently apologized in my heart. ]

[Sorry, Mr. Garp, for the sake of the mission, I cannot reveal the true name of the move. ]

[What Rock Lee used just now is actually one of the Marine Six Styles invented by Garp. ]

[Moonwalk. ]

[Step on the air with strong foot power to generate strong air-holding force. You can walk in the air like stepping on stairs, but you cannot stay in the air for too long. ]

[On the night when the Five Kage Conference ended. ]

[Luffy invited him, Naruto, Sasuke and other friends who had taken the Chūnin exam to visit his home. ]

[At Luffy's house. ]

[Rock Lee met Luffy's grandfather, the Marine hero who arrested Roger, the pirate king, and the warden of Impel Down——Garp!]

[When Garp saw Rock Lee, he was instantly shocked. ]

[Patted Rock Lee's shoulder hard. ]

Garp said loudly: "It's incredible, at such a young age, you have strong muscles and muscles. Your a martial arts prodigy that has only been seen in a century."]

["The task of maintaining peace in the ninja world is left to you!"]

[Speaking. ]

[Garp took out a yellowed secret book and said in a deep voice: "This Marine Six Styles secret book. It is a priceless treasure. I think it is destined to you, so I will give it to you for ten ryo."]

[Rock Lee agreed without hesitation. ]

[After getting the secret book, he studied it carefully. ]

[Marine Six Styles is a physical technique created by Garp that transcends the limits of human physical ability. ]

[Respectively. ]

[Shaving that moves at high speed, Paper Arts that changes the shape of the body like clay, Moonwalk that can move in the air, Tempest Kick that is comparable to slashing, Finger pistol concentrates all the power of the whole body on the index finger to launch air bullet, and the Iron Body, which makes the body as hard as iron and cannot break through even bullets and swords. ]

[It's just because it's too difficult to practice. ]

"Marine Six Styles!!"

Terumi Mei was overjoyed when she saw the introduction about Marine Six Styles on the light screen.

These six skills are used one by one.

If you can learn it.

Kirigakure's strength will be raised to a new level again!

Fourth Raikage, who is also a Grandmaster in Taijutsu, was also impressed by Garp's attainments in Taijutsu. He was able to create such exquisite moves. He said solemnly: "As we all know, ninjas are high in attack and low in defense."

" If all ninjas can learn Iron Body, the survival rate will be greatly improved!"

Fourth Raikage: "I suggest."

Fourth Raikage: "Make Iron Body a required course in the ninja school and vigorously promote justice to the entire ninja world!"

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