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Chapter 95: chapter 94

Chapter 94 This Is The Request Of My Life


Looking at Sōsuke Aizen appearing in the center of the battlefield.

The hearts of the ninja audience, which had just been relieved, were once again hanging in their throats.

Marine Three Admirals are fighting withPain Six Paths. Who among the ninja allies present will come to compete with Sōsuke Aizen?


Aizen's combat power is beyond that of a Kage.

Everyone in the ninja world couldn't help but sigh.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "This level of combat power cannot be compensated by numbers."

Fourth Raikage; "It is estimated that only Tsunade and Jiraiya Summoning Groudon and Kyogre, combined with the power of two Kage-level experts and two god-tier beasts, can barely suppress him!"

Rasa: "Don't forget, there is still one person who hasn't taken action yet!"

Mysterious masked man...

Uchiha Madara!

If all the high-end combat power is used on Aizen and Pain.

So once Uchiha Madara takes action.

How should they respond?

not to mention.

Sasori of the Red Sand, Deidara, Kakuzu, Gin... There are many powerful people in the Akatsuki organization who have yet to take action.

The allied ninja forces are already exhausted.

Terumi Mei: "Alas..."

Terumi Mei: "In the final analysis, we still have too few high-end combat capabilities!"

Onoki: "What a pity. If it had been a few years later and the children from the Generation of Miracles had grown up, the Akatsuki organization wouldn't have anything to fear!"

Onoki: "In addition."

Onoki: "Speaking of high-end combat power, no matter how you look at it, Aizen should be considered on our side!"

Konoha interrogation room.

Shimura Danzō saw the topic caused by Onoki.

No need to guess, he could imagine the next barrage with his eyes closed.

It's nothing more than criticizing him in various ways.

He got used to it.

A group of ordinary people with little knowledge cannot understand the purpose of doing this.

The path he takes is the most correct!

Swear! Swear as much as you like!

Let this storm come more violently!

Shimura Danzō closed his eyes, opened his arms, and showed an expression like "I'm so crazy when others laugh at me, but others can't see through it."


Waited about two seconds.

Shimura Danzō secretly opened his eyes, and what awaited him was not the sound of abuse that filled the screen.

Instead, there was a burst of rare praise and praise.

Danzo: "???"

What happened?

Shimura Danzō quickly looked at the light screen and found that he was slowly walking out of the queue in the video. Under the unbelievable eyes and expressions of the Ninja Alliance, he spoke righteously.

["Sōsuke Aizen..."]

["Let me be your enemy!"]


[ Tsunade looked at Danzo with some concern. ]

[After being stunned for a full second, Tsunade reacted. ]

[Although she doesn't know why Danzo stepped forward, she believes that with Danzo's strength, let alone fight against Aizen. ]

[He can't even delay time. ]

[Then She shook her head and said in a deep voice to Danzo: " Danzo, as a witness to the Chūnin exam, you should have seen Aizen's strength with your own eyes. This is not an opponent you can handle. You'd better let me Summoning Kyogre, let's buy a little more time!"]


[ Shimura Danzō pushed the floor with his crutches, and his voice was laced with a hint of sinisterness: "It's precisely because I was a witness to the Chūnin exam and saw this guy kill Sarutobi with my own eyes!" ]

["That's why I have to stand up even more."]

["Two years ago."]

["He killed Sarutobi in front of me, but I couldn't stop him!"]

[Danzo shouted with emotion and at the top of his lungs: "In the past two years, I have dreamed countless times that Sarutobi stretched out his hands to me and asked me why I failed to stop the knife."

["Fifth Hokage!"]

["You don't need to persuade me anymore, this is my redemption for Sarutobi."]

["Please let me do it!!"]


[Now that the words have come to this point, Tsunade can only nod in agreement. ]

[I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. ]

[I did not expect. ]

[ Danzo has such a good relationship with the old man. ]

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

Yes Yes Yes.

The kind of people who have such a good relationship that they can dig deep into their hearts.

Terumi Mei: "What do you mean Danzo? He actually helped us stop Aizen?"

Onoki: "Young people are indeed young people."

Ohnoki: "Don't you even see such a simple trick?"

Rasa: "It's very simple."

Rasa: "Those of us who are watching the video don't know the true identity of Shimura Danzō at this moment. If he performs well in this battle and Fifth Hokage Tsunade unfortunately has an accident, then the candidate for the next Hokage will be him!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "The most important thing is that Aizen is under control after using Distinguished Heavenly Gods on him and he will actively cooperate with him in acting."

Danzo does his best to stop Sōsuke Aizen.

But the illusion that the others were defeated by the Akatsuki organization.

Wait until after the war to divide the pot.

Danzo is a proper SMVP.

Becoming a Hokage is basically a matter of course.

By the time.

Konoha may become a puppet regime of the Akatsuki organization just like Kirigakure did back then.

In the interrogation room, Shimura Danzō's guess is basically the same as Sarutobi Hiruzen's.

Surprisingly in such a short time.

I came up with such a plan.

As expected of me!

Although in reality, I will definitely have no chance of being a Hokage in this life.

But if I could look at myself on the light screen and become Hokage.

This can also give him comfort!

In the light curtain.

After Shimura Danzō took the initiative to apply to fight Sōsuke Aizen, another black-haired boy wearing a pure white kimono also stood up.

[ Uchiha Itachi was silent for a moment and slowly raised his head. ]

[I saw Uchiha Sasuke slowly walking out of the Konoha camp and looked at his former cowardly and timid brother. ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke is stroking the hilt of the sword with his right hand, his face full of arrogance and indifference. ]

["I've been waiting for you for a long time!"]


[ Uchiha Itachi shook his head and pursed his lips slightly: "I see fear in your eyes. Are you afraid of my eyes? Are you afraid that you are not Mangekyō Sharingan's opponent? You are just a useless person?!"]

["What did you say?!"]

[Before Sasuke could speak, Uzumaki Naruto on the side became furious! ]

["Stay calm!"]

[ Uchiha Sasuke comforted Naruto who wanted to go berserk. His eyes did not change at all, as if he did not hear Uchiha Itachi's humiliation. ]

["Afraid? You saw it wrong!"]

[Uchiha Sasuke stared at Uchiha Itachi, with murderous intent gradually brewing in his eyes: "This is excitement!"]

["The excitement of being able to kill a murderer with my own hands and pay homage to the Uchiha clan!"]

[Sasuke raised his ninja sword and pointed it at Uchiha Itachi, and said coldly: "Tell me the truth about that night of genocide, why you killed the Uchiha clan, and why you killed your father and mother!"]

[This problem has troubled Sasuke for nearly ten years. ]

[Because he believed that the brother who loved him would do such a heartless thing. ]

["Is this so..."]

[ Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes. ]

[Over the years, he has been secretly paying attention to Sasuke's growth. ]

[He knows Kaido. ]

[After receiving rigorous training from Kaido, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the level of Jōnin, even Elite Jōnin. ]

[This is far from enough!]

[When Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes again, his Mangekyō Sharingan was already revealed. ]

["The truth about the night of genocide?"]

["Very simple."]

["Just for the power."]

[Uchiha Itachi reached out and touched his eyes, and said coldly: "When people of our clan activate Mangekyō Sharingan, they will fall into the curse of Mangekyō Sharingan."]

["Using the power of Mangekyō Sharingan will cause vision loss. The more you use it, the worse it will be, and you will eventually lead to endless darkness."]

["This is the price of Mangekyō Sharingan."]

[Speaking of this. ]

[Uchiha Itachi looked at Uchiha Sasuke in a daze, and continued in a cold voice: "There is only one way to restore the power of the eyes!"]


[ Uchiha Sasuke frowned. ]

["Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"]

[Uchiha Itachi spread his arms and his voice slowly became louder: "The eternal Mangekyō can only be opened by transplanting other people's Mangekyō Sharingan. The closer the blood relationship between the two, the higher the success rate."]


["You will be new light for me!"]

["You are just a body accessory that I have prepared a long time ago!"]

[Uchiha Itachi's face showed a trace of madness, and the murderous intention on his body became more and more intense: "For the eternal eye power, to fight with one's own brothers, this is the fate of the Uchiha family!"]

["Come on! Sasuke!"]

["Let me kill you with my own hands, help you free yourself from the shackles of fate, and let me gain transcendence with my power!"]

[Uchiha Itachi's roar is deafening!]

[Everyone present, including his partner Hoshigaki Kisame, has never seen such an image and such a gaffe of Uchiha Itachi!]


[Uzumaki Naruto cursed secretly. ]

[He turned to look at Uchiha Sasuke and said solemnly: "Sasuke, let's work together to deal with him!"]

["That's right!"]

[Sakura nodded and clenched her fists. ]

[Although she no longer has feelings for Sasuke at the moment, there is a more reliable teammate, that is, the legendary bond. ]

[so. ]

[After hearing Uchiha Itachi say that Sasuke is just a body accessory he prepared. ]

[My fist can't help but become hard!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke remained silent and did not speak. ]


[Sasuke chuckled first, then laughed loudly, with a sense of sadness mixed in the laughter: "I thought it was something, but it turned out that it was the power of the so-called Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."]

[After a few seconds, the laughter stops. ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi, a flash of pity flashed in his eyes, as if he was looking at a poor guy. ]

["Uchiha Itachi."]

["Since I was born, I have always followed your example."]

["Even after that night."]

["I also have to admit that you are terrible. I want to kill you in my dreams."]

["but now..."]

[Sasuke shook his head gently, looked at his brother who still looked crazy, and said coldly: "You disappoint me!"]

["Naruto, Sakura-chan!"]

[Sasuke looked at the two teammates beside him and said solemnly: "Leave this guy to me!"]


["you alone?!"]

[Both Naruto and Sakura-chan have expressions of disbelief. ]

["That's right!"]

[Sasuke's eyes were firmer than ever before, and he said to Naruto and Sakura: "I alone am enough!"]

["Believe me!"]

["This is my life's request!"].

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