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Chapter 2: New Person

Mia stood in an empty void surrounded by darkness. "Uh, I died again." She sighed heavily.

Step step step 

She turned around hearing small footsteps come toward her. She saw a small girl with auburn hair. Her light green eyes stared at Mia as she walked. 

A feeling rose inside of Mia. She walked towards the girl. As they walked closer the feeling inside Mia got stronger.

When they were only a few inches away from eachother they stopped. 

"Your Alexandria?" Mia asked softly

The girl nodded in response. She looked up at Mia and slowly lifted her hand towards her. Mia's entire being wanted to reach out and grab it.

Mia knew the feeling inside of her. It wasn't something she was told it was something that she knew instinctively. 

If she were to grab Alexandria's hand she would no longer be Mia, yet she wouldn't be Alexandria either. Mia didn't know how to explain it, but she knew if she grabbed Alexandria hand they would merge together.

They would become one not just memories, but mind body and soul as well. They would become something new, something different.

She knew doing this wouldn't wipe her memories, but she herself wouldn't be here yet she would live. It was confusing even knowing this Mia still couldn't wrap her head around it.

 What confused Mia even more was Alexandria's willingness. "Why?" She asked 

"I want to protect Natasha." These simple words were spoken by the girl. 

Mia didn't know what to say. All she knew was she didn't want to experience dying again. Not yet at least. 

Mia sighed before reaching out for Alexandria. As she did this a light blue liquid appeared out of nowhere. 

It slowly approached them both. Mia knew it was here to help with the process or maybe caused the process. 

She grabbed Alexandria hand the liquid no longer needed to slowly approached. It rushed toward them causing Mia's hand to tighten. 

Mia felt a pull. She didn't resist. She could feel her body morphing and changing to something new. A nauseous feeling washed over her. She closed her eyes and let it all happen.


Meanwhile, Z could be seeing carrying Mia's limp body. He followed Y to a steel door. Y opened the door, displaying a scene that forced Z to lower his head.

No matter how many times he sees it he could not get over it. "Come on already. Get the girl in there with the rest of them." 

Z walked in the room. Small bloodied bodies scattered and stacked on top of eachother. He saw limbs scattered across the room, disfigured children that looked to be in utter pain. 

He shook as he continued forward. The further he went the worse the scene became. He breathing heavily his heart pounding loudly.

"Hurry up before X gets back!" Y shouts broke him out his trances. He quickly put Mia down and returned to Y side.

Y shook his head. "It gets easier. Trust me." The last part was said in a low voice. He walked away.

Z gave the bodies a final look. "I'm sorry." He whispered while closing the door. 

He soon followed Y into an elevator. They soon arrived on the ground floor. It looked like an abandoned warehouse. 

step step step 

They both heard footsteps coming from the entrance. They stood side by side. A y'all man with a neat suit and a trench coat appeared.

"So?" The man asked causally.

"We're sorry Mr. X. There were no suitable A's in this batch ." Y said with his head lowered. 

X looked at Z, who quickly nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, seems we might have to go a little older." X shook his head. "Burn the place then let's go." He walked away. The other two went towards some large barrels.


 *GASP* Mia woke up gasping for air. When she calmed down she felt different. 

A pungent smell filled her nose. She gagged 

before looking around. She was in a pitch black room, yet she could see as if it was brightly lit.


She looked around at the bodies on the ground. She jumped up scared seeing the faces. The bodies underneath her flew backwards as she lifted up in the air.


 She land on the ground causing cracks to appear on the ground.

Oh I know

She smiled brightly figuring out it was her enhanced strength. She got from the serum.

"Wow I didn't think it would affect me to this extent." She looked around the room for a way out.

Swoosh Boom

She saw a door at the other end of the room. She quickly ran full speed at the door. Without stopping she ran into the door.

At the same time a blazing fire blasted toward her. She closed her eyes from the sudden heat. It took her a second to get used to it.

The flames rushed everywhere causing the entire place to be engulfed. She looked around at the fire. She could feel herself being burnt but she also felt herself healing from it.

She smiled excitedly, as she ran through the flames. She didn't know where she was going but she did remember seeing a elevator somewhere.

A large pillar started to fall. Mia could see that the floor would cave if the pillar was to fall. She quickly approached the pillar, and pushed it upward.

It didn't feel like anything in her hands. She looked up and saw it was slightly stable. She looked ahead and saw the elevator.


She chuckled lightly as she let go of the pillar and ran fast as she could to the elevator. She crashed into to the door and slid on the floor. 

Her back hit the wall hard as she saw the floor crash down. She looked up heard the elevator creaking. 

She jumped upward and grabbed ahold of the top latch. She opened the the latch and climbed through.

As expected the cable was about the snap. She looked up and saw the long rope.

Might as well continue to test out my skills

She jumped upward and grabbed the above the broken the rope.


Y and Z we're standing outside the warehouse. They were allowed to leave until the warehouse was completely burnt. 

They knew what was underneath the warehouse couldn't get out. So they were assigned to stay behind. 


Y laid in the backseat, while Z stood outside to watch. He heard a loud bang from the top of the roof and looked up. 

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

"Y! Look at this!" Z panicked not knowing what to do. He hoped Y knew what to do. 

"What? What?" Z lifted up annoyed. He looked at Y, who pointed to the top of the building. 

"Is that the brat who wouldn't sleep." Z got out the car and stood next to Y. 

"Get in the car and follow her. I'll follow on foot." Z took off not waiting for Y. 

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