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Chapter 26: Birth of a Henchmen

Since he had to change his approach he pulled up his skills and examined what would fit this situation.

[Skills: Robotics Lv1, Engineering Lv1, Programming Lv1, Metallurgy Lv1, Battery Management Lv1, Ballistic Weaponry Lv1, Laser Weaponry Lv1, Plasma Weaponry Lv1 and Jury-Rigging Lv1]

He first crossed off his Weaponry skills. He wouldn't have time to build all that. He was already using his [Metallurgy Lv1] skill to find the best metal for the skeletal frame.

Although he figured every time the System gave him new metal and he found no issues it was because that skills level was too low and couldn't help him anymore. He also wouldn't have time to change the programming of his Henchmen or even its battery capacity. 

The only things he could really change, at this time, is the metal that makes up the Henchmen. His [Engineering Lv 1] to make sure it's frame is anatomically correct and able to move. And using his [Robotics Lv 1] to make it functional. 

He got to work laying out all the metal and wiring and anything else he would need for the skeletal frame. Thankfully the System automatically enlarged his [Workshop] to be able to build this monster.

His first priority was the Skull. He had to convert the bone into metal. Or at the very least dip it in Liquid Metal to cover it. He was unable to do that since he didn't have a foundry. It was just a simple [Workshop] with some tools and the space to build. He was out of credits as well so he couldn't purchase one. Then an idea sparked!

In his Kur suit he began to channel mana into his hand. He knew how to use mana, at least the very basics, since he could cast certain [Space Manipulation] skills. He could sense his hands getting hotter and hotter as he channeled mana into them. He grabbed some of the metal and began to melt it and mold it around the Wyvern skull!

His idea worked!!

He spend the next hour shaping the metal around the skull. Making sure it's eyes were hollowed out. That each tooth was sharp and matched the shape of the skull. He moved on and used his new idea to shape the rest of the body. Meticulously creating the body structure of the Wyvern. Using his [Engineering Lv 1] to make that it was anatomically correct. While simultaneously using his [Robotics Lv 1] skill when the anatomy clashed with its ability to function as a machine. 

Even his [Jury-Rigging Lv 1] skill saw some use! When he ran into a problem of its body and being able to function correctly while still maintaining its shape, this skill was used. He had to come up with a new solution to get his other two skills to work in tandem with one another. 

He proceeded to spend the next 6-7 hours he had left building he skeletal frame. It was tough work. Not only did he have to juggle half his skills, but also make sure he had enough mana to perfectly meld the metal into the shapes and sizes he needs. The other issue he was running into was not using all his skills or planning out where skills would be needed.

For example he had left extra room on the throat of the skull for a plasma thrower. He had to point out where he wanted weapons and start with the base of how they would fit onto the machine. It was becoming more and more a complicated mess. Now that he was finally getting a real grasp on his creations he was learning how much a challenge it really was.

He also realized how much his System had helped him previously and figured that's why his System had treated him so badly. 

After hours of work he climbed out his Kur suit, wiped the sweat off his brow and admired his work. He was happy with the actual frame of the Henchmen, but something about it looked off in his eyes.

Then it hit him! It looked like a skeletal dragon from Skyrim. Although even if they were called dragons they were technically Wyverns. As he admired his work he saw a notification pop up.

[New Skill created] [Metal Manipulation Lv 1] [Description: By channeling mana into ones hands they can manipulate metal. Changing its size and shape and even purifying it if they focus hard enough] 

[Gain 50 VPs for creating a new skill]

[Notice. System is impressed User has finally created a new skill without the Systems help. User is taking their first real step to becoming a true Cultivator. Keep up the good work]

Lucas was shocked. He had actually created his own skill and even got complimented for it! He had no idea he could create his own skill. Maybe he should try creating other things on his own?! But now wasn't the time for that. He had to awaken his Henchmen and name it. Wanting to keep his naming scheme and mythological connection, and even a game connection.

If Kur was the first Dragon than his Henchman will be the first Wyvern! Alduin!

Lucas wanted this to be dramatic. This was his first real creation. The ones before were just nameless Minions. They would be crushed and die and rebuilt. But this. Alduin would be his companion for the rest of his life. This was a special moment. He climbed back into this Kur suit and stood in a summoning position. He raised his arms and spoke.

"Rise Alduin! My first Henchmen! You will be the leader of my armies. The conquer of worlds. The eater of souls!"

He channeled his mana through his body and into the skeletal frame of Alduin. He watched with glee as the Skeletal Wyvern slowly began to move. It was a live! He finally felt like a real mad scientist type of super villain! This was his first real passion project, even if it wasn't complete, he was still happy with its progress. 

He watched as his first Henchman slowly loved and watched a spark in its hollow eyes appear. It was a greyish green flame. Kur felt like his creation was looking directly into his soul. The mouth slowly opened and spoke to him. 

"Master?" his voice sounded horse and dry. Like an ancient wizard speaking for the first time in years. 

"I am your Master Kur. You are Alduin, my first Henchman."

He watched as Alduin lift itself off the ground uneasily. He stumbled and crashed back into the ground. It was like a toddler trying to walk. Kur remained silent allowing Alduin adjust to his his new body. Alduin looked over his body and noticed his skeletal frame. He knew he wasn't fully build. He wasn't angered by this, but more confused.

"Master. Where. Is. Rest. Of. Me?"

Kur clasped his hands together and fiddled with them. He wasn't sure how to inform him that his master was on a time limit when creating him. Not only that, but was expected to fight while being only 30-40% completed. He figured he'd just be honest and let Alduin know the truth. There was no harm in letting his henchmen grow into their own being.

"You are yet to be fully completed Alduin. I have a mission to slay a Vampire and I require your help. Unfortunately I am under a time restraint and did the best I could to build you in my time limit. That being said you are already incredibly powerful. I have all the material needed to build you, after I deal with this Vampire."

He paused to let Alduin digest what he said before he continued. "That being said I will not force you to join me right now. I leave it up to you to decide if you'd like to accompany me or wait till I come back."

What Kur didn't know was that this simple question would dictate the personality growth of Alduin. Instead of feeling like this was an order or command, the choice was left entirely up to him. He could dictate his own life and not be a simple machine under Kur's command. 

As he thought about his decision Kur did his best to not feel unnerved. Alduin's undead appearance was truly freighting. He truly looked like a skeletal wyvern. Even his unblinking soulless flame eyes made him feel like he could never lie to him. He was tempted to not change that in the future, or at least work around it leaving the head so skull like. He hoped it would be a passive affect like what his Wolven had. 

After a few minutes of contemplation Alduin spoke clearly. "I wish to join you Master. I would like to test out this new body and test my limits!" He raised his body to roar out to challenge the very heavens with his half completed body!

His roar shook not only the room, but the entire asteroid! It had a diameter of over 500 miles! Kur had to change his stance to avoid falling over and Yimi was woken up in a cold sweat from this primal sound!

It was the start of a new life! One that would later be known as Alduin the Eater of Worlds!

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