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Chapter 17: Chapter 17

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"Give me a freaking break..."


He weaved a head strike from a rock goblin and roundhouse kicked it away. He leaned to the left and caused two goblins to come crashing into each other and then axed kicked the into the ground.

'I can use my fists against these monsters since they aren't covered in molten rock, but I'm gonna have to discard my Razor Tail soon. It's become too dulled from the other enemies natural constitution,' it didn't mean that fighting became any easier, but he was reassured by the fact that he could land physical blows on the faster goblins without burning his skin off.


Concentrating massive amounts of mana into his fist he smacked the ground shooting up a wall of debris to block incoming magma projectiles resulting in cloud of dust to form. This worked in his favor because the monsters had lost sight of him.



[Fatigue: 49]



"Tch!" Kim grunted as he was slowed down by the ankles because of a lava blob sinking down to where he was standing and in that moment of reprise he was jumped by multiple other goblins on his back, creating a dog pile on top of his back.

They never actually touched him because of the infinite space between them but the high temperatures emitting from their bodies were sucking the moisture not only from his body but all around him, making it almost impossible to breathe.

He screamed out in anger, expanding the infinity to push them off his back. "Okay! Now you've pissed me off!" he glared at the blobs of magma. They stood in a circle around him attempting to sandwich him between each other.

Two glowing blue eyes glistened an even brighter azure from rage. He leaped high up into the air, pooling mana into his fist and plummeted towards the ground striking at the ground with an unprecedented amount of force.


The ground fragmented apart from the power behind his punch causing the blobs surrounding him to go flying off into the lava river they came from.

'That's not enough!' a sick grin made its way onto his face. Stretching his arms out towards the river in front of him, a small but extremely bright blue orb started to appear.

The blue orb grew bigger and bigger sucking up to towards it as well as the monsters in the vicinity with incredible amounts of force. 'More!' he thought, swinging his arms around him directing the orb to do a full 360 around him and pulling everything towards the blue mass and leaving the lava river dried up and the land forever scared.



[Enemies remaining: 131/500]



[You have leveled up!]



Kim released a small breath looking at his hands in bewilderment. "Wha...What was that?" It felt as if some kind of unknown instinct had taken over him in that moment of rage. It wasn't unwelcome but definitely strange.




[Limitless Technique Amplification: Lapse Blue

Description -

By channeling a significant amount of mana into the execution of the Limitless Technique, impossibilities are born and in doing so a magnetic force of attraction is created.

- 175 MP required to activate the technique -

-Consumes 1MP per minute-]




'Blue...?' An apt name for the technique, considering it literally was a blue orb. A blue orb of destruction. 'Brings the concept of negative distance into reality? There's no such thing as negative distance in reality...' he mauled over the description of the Lapse Blue technique.

Whatever that was it had definitely helped in clearing the monsters surrounding him, but this was the umpteenth time he had lost himself. Clenching his fists, he had never questioned his outbursts of emotion before now, but he needed to get a grip or else he might end up doing something he'll regret very soon.



[Lapse Blue activated! 175 MP will be consumed]



"Alright let's take care of the rest of you," Kim coldly glared at the approaching molten rock monsters. He raised his hand and pulled in one of the rock monsters with his blue technique just so they could be greeted with his fist. It broke apart upon contact.

'It's hard focusing on one target,' he noted.

Cracking his knuckles together he smirked and whipped both his arm forward causing multiple monsters to go flying into another blue orb of his, high up in the air. Once they were crushed he released the technique and let them plummet to the ground. It was more of than same and after sometime they eventually stopped coming.



[MP: 1574/2158]



'Hm, levelling up restored my MP to about 70%. How convenient,' he normally didn't worry about running out of MP, but gaining a new extension of the Limitless did put him on edge because the technique was always his most taxing.

'No more enemies?' he thought confused. He looked at his quest screen and saw that there was only one enemy remaining.



[Enemies remaining: 001/500]



"Well, let's get this over with big guy! There's no need to hide, I don't bite," he scanned the area searching for the sole remaining creature for him to defeat so that he could exit this instant dungeon.

Leaping over the pile of debris leading to the the giant double doors, it was there he spotted the sole remaining enemy.

"There you are."

He appeared in front of the door where the monster was waiting for him almost as if by teleportation. He grinned at the one eyed humanoid figure. It had skin that was pale white in color and stood at a similar height to Kim himself with strange blades protruding from its wrists.



[Guardian of the Gate, Brontes]



'This must be the boss... It's on a different level to anything I've encountered in this dungeon,' Kim saw the white monster raise its arm and point a finger at him with its very human-like appendages.

A straight beam of fire shot out from its pointed finger way too fast for him too dodge, but he didn't really need to at this point.

"That won't work on me! But keep trying," he said with a confident smirk on his face.

'It's fast!' The six eyes user fretted internally, as Brontes quickly closed the distance between them raising its blade raised up high and striking at him. It didn't penetrante his infinity but it did cause something strange occur around the distorted space surrounding him. With the blade getting too close for comfort.

He didn't get to ponder in it for too long and launched a vicious right hook at the monster's face, but it dodged him easily. Appearing behind him the next moment ready to slash down at him with its wrist mounted blade. It's attempt was unsuccessful once again, but close.

They suddenly became blurs to any onlookers, moving across the battlefield at blinding speeds launching strikes and counterstrikes at each other, but only one of them was getting damaged.

They separated once more with Kim gaining a anxious look on his face. 'I see... There's definitely something off with those blades.'

Brontes tilted its head slightly before blitzing Kim's perception and cutting him deeply on his shoulder. This gave him pause and then panic seeing his blood sparyed in the scorching. He forced himself to calm down and analyze the situation.

'Those blades can disrupt techniques, eh? And that eye of his is capable of spotting the weaknesses within the disrupted technique. If I give him more time he'll be to forcibly disrupt the focus I have on my technique and slice me open!' he surmised the monster's entire stragery and arsenal with the six eyes.

He couldn't just focus on defense anymore with those blades in the mix because there was a high possibility of being struck by the monster. And he knew that things could definitely kill him in one shot or at the least do significant damage.

Using his dash skill to land a surprise gut punch on Brontes, stunning it, he immediately followed up with a combination of palm strikes and punches to the head and then roundhouse kicking it into wall causing mass amounts of debris.

Brontes came barreling out the ruble with a a barrage of slashes that disturbed his focus on infinity, forcing massive amounts of mana to maintain it. However, it was a fruitless effort because Brontes was able to slice through him with his blades leaving with massive gashes on his chest.



[HP: 2261/4131]




Brontes whirled around for another strike aiming to decapitate his opponent, but Kim dodged and countered by grabbing its arm and rocking it on the back of the head.

Still holding onto the arm he spun it around and threw it into the air and wound up an uppercut. Using his other hand he cast [Limitless Blue] to bring down at ungodly speeds and socked him in the to the jaw.

At that moment of contact something strange occurred. Space distorted and a flash of black lighting appeared from within that space. Kim's eyes stared blankly with a strange intense focus after he saw the flash of black light.




[Physical strikes have been amplified to the exponential power of 2.5]



[Additional Intelligence stats will be awarded, temporarily.


+25 as a permanent effect.]



He didn't get to ponder for too long before he saw a beam of fire heading straight for him, but he merely leaned to the side to dodge the attack, noting that the disruption skill was imbued in the fire.

It seemed that Brontes was also learning.

He didn't realize it then, but when punched the jaw of Brontes he had unknowingly applied mana to his physical strike within one millionth of a second. Amplifying his magical potential to an unparalleled degree and his physical strikes to the power 2.5.

With this new state of being he was able to catch the white monster and smash its face to the ground before unleashing a barrage of blows straight to the body.

The monster pushed him off though and swung wildly which Kim was easily able to avoid by leaning to the side. Before putting a hand on its chest and causing its body to implode with his [Limitless Blue] technique.

It backpedaled in visible anguish but the six eyes user didn't let up and launch a lightning fast punch caving the monsters eye completely as purple blood sprayed everywhere.



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[Guardian of the Forge, Brontes, has been slain!]



[Challenge completed!

All enemies have been slain. The player may advance further beyond this point for further challenges.]



[Quest Rewards:

Choose your reward -

Reward 1. Memory Lapse Crystal x2

Reward 2. Additional Stat points (+10)

Reward 3. Key to the Gate.

Will you accept?

Accept / Reject]



"Memory Lapse Crystal? Wonder that's all about..." he mumbled to himself going through his rewards, it was pretty underwhelming after all he'd been through. But at least he'd gotten some really good loot.



[Item: Blades of Disruption

Item Class: A-rank

Item Type: Sword

Description -

Two short swords imbued with the unique ability to disrupt any and all techniques.

Effects: Technique disruption.

Additional +85 damage points.]



The base of the blades were patterned steel with golden trimmings. The handles were full tang in color with strange leathery wrap that felt like similar to Brontes's skin. Sharpened edges and pin prick points, these were the very definition of sharp.

He experimentally swung the blades around, getting a feel for their weight, shape and grip. They fit like a glove.

"Ohh! I leveled up quites a bit too!" he exclaimed happily, storing the swords within his inventory.



Name: Kim Bora Level: 34

Title: Lynx Predator,... Fatigue: 71

Job: None

HP: 4743/4743

MP: 2770/2770


Strength: 75

Agility: 95

Vitality: 61

Sense: 105

Intelligence: 144


Remaining Stat points: 12]



"Man, I guess I should be getting outta here. I won't be able to move on any further without recovering my stamina." It would have been just plain recklessness if he kept pushing on through the dungeon with his current fatigue so he thought it best to call it a day for now.

Also he needed to get another change clothes seeing all the burn marks and blood that accumulated over time.

Lway20 Lway20

To clarify on Brontes's blades of disruption. They work similar to a Miguel's black rope in JJK 0, however it works a little differently. Whereas the black rope can nullify techniques allowing for Miguel to actually touch Gojo it sacrifices a piece of itself every time he uses it.

The blades of disruption are different because it takes a few attacks for it to actually render techniques null and void, however the more hits that are landed the better chance of nullifying the technique.

It's far more OP than the black rope since it doesn't have to sacrifice pieces of itself even though it takes longer to null techniques.

Interestingly enough, the black rope really puts into perceptive how strong Gojo is. Because even when Miguel was able to touch him, Gojo still dominated his opponent in hand to hand combat, showing that he is more versatile than his technique.

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