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66.66% Spiderman Life Simulation / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Resolution

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Resolution

 After a few moments Peter who had fallen from the ceiling slowly started opening his eyes again.


"I'm think that fainting is turning into a habit to me huh"

 He laught as now he wasn't in the ceeling anymore, after falling, his back was now on the matress of his bed and his eyes were looking right up, but what he saw wasn't his room's ceeling, a strange blue window with white text was now covering his vision.


[Spiderman Life Simulation]

 [1]Spiderman Text Based Simulation

"In this simulation an entity with the mentality and skills of the host will be created, this entity will initialy follow the direction given by the host, but, the host isn't capable of influencing or changing the simulation anymore after it's started. The host will be able to gain skills, talents or spider points according to the achviments made by the created entity. Utilizing this form of simulation will lead into the consumpition of the host mental power."

(Simulations Left: 6/6)

[2]Spiderman's Ominiversal Web

"In this simulation the host will descend into the body of Peter Parker of a diferent timeline, plane, dimension or universe, after that the host will be given certain tasks based on the previous owner's of the body wishes or desires. The completation of those tasks will be rewarded in the form of knowledge, skills, items or spider points that can be exanged in the sistem shop."

"The death of the host in the simulation will only terminate the experience and will not affect reality, but, as the feelings, sensations and experiences in the simulation do not differ from reality the host mentality may be or may not be affected, please refrain from indulging in the simulator"

(Simulations Left: 2/2)

[3]Host Information

[4]Spider's Shop


 After reading all of that Peter was a overjoyed, he was overjoyed because if his experience of playing video games all night was right, with the help of this strange simulation system that apeared of nowhere he would be capable of becoming strong in a much more fast rate than with basic training alone, and with that he would be capable of providing protection for himself and his beloved ones with a peace of mind.

 He was also a little bit scared, because, why would something like that choose him of all the people living on the earth? Was that some plan made by some entity that was trying to tricky him, or it was some bored entity trying to use his life as an form of entertaiment?

 With those and diverse others toughts racing inside his mind, Peter let out a long sigh.


" Even if this was part of a plan made by some entity, there wouldn't be anything that I could do to stop them, sure I could just not use this system and forget about his existence..."

 His eyes twitched while he was thiking about all of the possiblities, and after a few minutes puting the pros an cons side by side his eyes got firmer as he finally got his answer.

"Fuck it, I'll use it anyway! Be it just a form of enterteiment for an entity or a devious plan made by others, I will use it to become strong and protect everyone!!"

 After re-afirming his resolution to himself, Peter's mind got so much more relieved as he didn't need to be bothered anymore by the possibles aftermeths that may or may not occurr after the utilization of the simulation.

"It's good that I have made my mind about this and all, but... how do I use this thing?"

 While saying that, he sat up on the side of his bed looking direct at the blue window who followed his actions.

First he tried to reach the [1] option in the simulation window utilizing his hands, unfortunately that action failed as his arms couldn't reach it, or better saying, his arms wasn't even capable of reaching it no matter how far he extended it.

"Urgh! If I can't even reach it, how would I even be able to touch it!"

 As trying to reach it with his hands was not possible he tried shouting, as tought that with this action he would somehow be able to interact with it.

"Start option [1]! Start Spiderman Text Based Simulation!"

 Even after shouting the window stood unfased in his vision, without even a single change on it.

 Seeing that shouting didn't produce any results just like his first try Peter started thinking again, and while he was thinking he searched for some clues in the Spiderman Life Simulation window.

 His eyes were passing throught the texts over and over again as he tryed to find some clues.

 Peter read the small information 6 times in just a couple of seconds, he was a little bit surprised with that feat, as in the past he only would be able to read it 3 times if he was given the same amout of time.

 It was like his mental power increased after his memories fused with the memories of John...

 His eyes widened as that thought crossed his mind

"Wait, that's it! Mental power!"

 Looking at the texts again, Peter found a clue 

"Maybe I could somehow use it to interact with the window, and as it said: 'Utilizing this form of simulation will lead into the consumpition of the host mental power', mental power is probably the answer to control it!"

 After discovering that he rapdily tried interact with the simulation window utilizing his mind, first as to somehow use his mental power he focused his mind and tried to imagine a computer mouse cursor appearing in the window.

 After a few seconds imaginating a cursor Peter saw that in the upper corner of the simulation window a shadown of a cursor was slowly coming to life, and after a few more seconds it finaly toke form of a white triangle that was a little bit tilted to the left.

 Peter was ecstatic seeing that a mouse cursour really apeared after he focused his mind, meaning that mental power was really the answer.

"Nice!!! It worked, now let's try to move it in direction of the option that I want, and imagine it doing the action of clicking to select it"

 After taking a moment to calm his excitment, Peter tried to imagine the mouse cursor moving in the direction of the '[1]Text Based Simulation' the first option that was in the simulation window, as he imagineted it the cursor slowly started to moving in the direction of the option.

 As the white cursor finally reached the first option Peter rapidly tried to imagine it clicking just like how he would do in his computer while trying to open his hidden homework folder while he was alot at home.

 After imaginating it a new window apeared to him, this window was now overlapping the simulation window. 

[Would you like to start the Spiderman Text Based Simulation?]



CrazzyChemister CrazzyChemister

If there's any gramatical error please poit it to me and I'll haply fix it, thanks!

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