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Water vessel

"Oh god, no not this. Ough, oh no. Please stop. Jesus, no. What have i done to deserve this? Ough, there is nothing more to throw up, please stop"

Samuel. Was. Suffering.

Vomiting is one of the worst things known to man, and continuously doing so for dozens or even hundreds of times, is nothing short of torture. Luckily before he started truly crying, an opening appeared in the space tunnel. Unluckily the opening was hundreds of meters in the air, above an ocean.

"NOOOO, I hate the ocean! Why do I have to suffer all the things I hate the most? Pain, vomiting, the ocean. This is hell. Wait, is this hell? Did I not transmigrate, but died and ended up in hell? But then why would I be granted a super talent related to time?"

Samuel was questioning his very existence at this very moment. But the moment didn't last very long. Before he could even react he fell stomach first right into the ocean. As a cultivator, you would think it wouldn't hurt him. But. It. Did. Presumably it's because of the water elements enhancing its density. Or the muscle memory of experiencing this before. We will never know. 

"Hey, what was that sound?"

From the thick water vapor, a ship that can only be described as grandiose, emerged. On it stood a young woman, appearing to be in her early 20s, with long golden hair tied up in a bun. She was wearing loose red fighter robes. The question was posed to a middle aged pirate looking man, standing at the bow of the ship.

"I think I saw someone falling from the sky, but I am not sure. I couldn't really see through the vapor"

The man had a voice that would make anyone turn their heads in confusion, the voice of a child. A child no older than ten years old. Clearly the woman was used to this baffling contrast, yet she still appeared exasperated at his antics.

"Lukas, why do you insist on looking like that, yet you refuse to alter your voice?"

"Because it looks cool. Obviously"

"Do you only care about looking cool, but not about sounding cool? It doesn't make a lot of sense"

"Whatever. There is only me, you and uncle Merling on the ship. Does it matter if I sound cool?"

Just as Quinn was about to respond to his question, a veteran awkward cough interrupted them.


Immediately there was silence. A silence so crippling the ship started quaking , just to avoid staying in it for a single moment longer. Samuel took the hint, and decided to greet his ticket to civilization.

"Um, hello kind sir and madam! Would it be inconvenient for me to borrow a spot on your magnificent ship to proceed back towards a populated area"

As Samuel was the undeniably most popular amongst his friends back on Earth (he had none), he often perused the dark side of the internet. And boy, did that help him here. A sir and madam. Wow! Impeccable performance from him. Could you imagine greeting them in a less formal way? He'd be turned down immediately! No shot some random goober, who just belly splashed into the ocean, in the middle of nowhere, would ever be allowed onto someone's ship.

Despite being stunned, Quinn still managed to formulate a response to this ridiculous series of events. Albeit, not a good one.

"Hello to you too, we have some extra room on this humble water vessel. But would you mind first telling us how you ended up here?

'Water vessel? No one refers to a ship as a water vessel, or is this the difference in culture? Will they not let me on if I don't refer to it as a 'water vessel' from now on?'. Samuel was freaking out. He was in the middle of nowhere. How many ships could possibly be passing by this spot? This is his only chance to get home, lest he gets eaten by some sea creature. As such he steeled his resolve.

"I do not know how this happenstance came about young miss. One instant I was in the mountains, then the next I appeared hundreds of meters in the high heavens. As I was wallowing in my self pity, I spotted your extraordinary water vessel cruising out from the thick vapor. Being akin to my life, I could only attempt to ask for a ride back towards civilization.

"I see. Well I need to a…"

Just as Quinn was about to respond to this nonsense with more nonsense, Lukas could no longer take it.

"Why are both of you acting so weird? And why are you both referring to the ship as a water vessel? It is a SHIP. S H I P. Got it?"

But Samuel didn't get it. Not because what was being said was so complex, rather because of how it was said. By an incredibly manly guy, with the voice of a child. He. Was. Stunned. And so was Quinn.

"Lukas, you just said you wouldn't talk with that voice around other people!"

Lukas: "..."

He totally forgot! Just as his face was about to explode from the rush of blood to his head, a calm voice came from the cabins below the deck.

"We have a guest. Stop acting so immature, both of you. Young man, you are welcome to catch a ride on this 'water vessel' as you called it. But we are going to Stargate Port, from there on, you'll be on your own to get home"

Relieved that he found transportation, and embarrassed that he was mislead into calling the ship a water vessel, he hurriedly thanked the mysterious 'captain'.

"Thank you, mister"

"No need. Quinn, take him to the guest cabin, and let him rest. He looks like he took quite the fall"

Samuel: "..."

He forgot that he landed like a plank. His entire face was beet red, and his clothes were disheveled. The minor amount of embarrassment he was feeling was now major.

Abyss_of_Infinity Abyss_of_Infinity

If you have some idea about my story, please comment it and let me know.

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