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28.15% A Different Smallville / Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Spinning in the rolling chair while inside the Torch as summer vacation came to an end and school began once more. Clark was looking up at the ceiling as he tapped a pencil on the desk. He was currently waiting for Chloe to decide on what she wanted to put in the next Torch issue.

For why he doesn't write something of his own, well the last few times he did under Leonardo suggestion. Chloe shot down either finding it too boring, not fitting the theme or it overshadowed her own article. Hence, he decided to just go with the flow wondering what article it will be. The new football players, cheerleaders, dating advice, help solving acne.

Hearing some shuffling near the door, "Have you decided on the article theme this week, Chloe?"

"Mr. Kent. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think I am the person you're looking for." A deep male voice replied.

Spinning in his chair, Clark looked over to see a thickly built man with dark skin and gray hair standing there. The man had a nicely trimmed mustache and hair while he fixed the end of his sleeve. Which gave him a feeling like he doesn't believe in a small town, but the upper society of rich and famous or prestigious schools.

"Sorry, sir. You got me at a loss, but who are you?" Clark asked, trying to sound nice.

"I'm your new principal, Principal Reynolds." The man said confusing Clark and Leonardo since Kwan was just here yesterday. "Quite the room, you got."

Watching the man walk over to the Wall of Weird, Clark asked his question. "Did something happen to Principal Kwan? It seems weird as I just saw him yesterday."

"He had a few family matters to deal with." Principal Reynolds said.

'Code word for the school board felt it was necessary to replace him. Probably due to the many incidents with meteor infections causing havoc in school and his son hit and run.' Leonardo added.

'That is not fair on the first part. He can't control who or what they do with their powers.' Clark grumbled.

'Well, people with abilities are becoming more common, and those without are becoming worried. Since abilities are outside the world view they built for themselves and many don't tend to react well when it suddenly changes or completely shatters. Your friend Lex is one and probably more extreme due to his narcissistic personality.' Leonardo explained. 'Not to mention not all ability users want to play nice.'

"I hope everything is ok for him. So what brings you to the Torch, it can't be for Chloe's Wall of Weird." Clark tried to smile.

"I was looking for you, actually." Principal Reynolds said.

"Oh," Clark was slightly taken back. "What can I help you with? It's not something bad is it?"

"You're not in trouble. I am just curious, from what I found when I was combing through student files in order to get to know them better. I noticed you spent most of your summer vacation in Egypt." Principle Reynolds spoke straight forward.

"I did, I was lucky to be picked for this opportunity." Clark said. "Surely you didn't come here to talk about that did you?"

"I was merely curious why I haven't seen it mentioned in the Torch. It is mentioned in a few other local and few bigger newspapers, yet not the Torch you write for. Hence you can see my curiosity." Principal Reynolds said. "I like it when students strive for success and push to become a better version of themselves. You however, show such things but tend to hide it away it seems."

"I don't tend to like being in the spotlight, hence most of my friends don't even know. They just know I was out of town for most of the summer." Clark looked down.

"You files say as much, you are confident yet meek, smart yet average in grade. So here is what we are going to do. By Friday, I want a five page essay about where you see yourself in five years." Principal Reynold said.

Not only Clark, but Leonardo was a bit speechless as they watched the man walk out. It felt like they skipped over a lot of dialogue and were assigned homework. How did it come from talking about not writing an article about their hunt in Egypt to writing an essay where they see themselves in the future.

'That was strange.' Clark grumbled. 'Whatever, let's get this over with. So where do you see yourself in five years?'

'No idea really. Maybe I can become the number one male pornstar, bestseller author, or maybe a screenwriter. Something with relaxed hours or allow me to pop in or out in quick moments.' Leonardo said. 'While I may never feel like a hero, helping others is in my nature.'

Clark rubbed his forehead, but didn't comment on it. He could practically feel Leonardo's interest in the first one and felt like it was not outside the realm of possibilities. Since it just felt like Leonardo, and he was unsure how to feel about that.

'Well, who knows, I will need to get a body of my own first.' Leonardo added after a moment. 'However, this paper isn't about me, but you.'

'I was sort of hoping your answer would give me some inspiration.' Clark added dryly.

'If I recall you were interested in being a reporter. So I see you appearing in slightly oversized clothes, big nerdy glasses and a clumsy and bumbling mild-mannered reporter.' Leonardo joked much to Clark sigh.

'Why do you bring this up.' Clark pleaded for an answer.

'Dual identity, but we can skip that part. Why don't you just write you see yourself as a reporter for…let say the Daily Planet. You are working your way up the reporter ladder.' Leonardo gave a suggestion that fit Clark's interest he remembers. 'You work at Daily Planet to hear about large scale events from anywhere in the world first hand…so you can lend a helping hand and not raise so many questions. Many such as why you're there or asking questions.'

Clark rolled his eyes, but he couldn't disagree with that idea if he did become a hero or expand his scope outside of Smallville. It truly did feel like that idea could work in his favor. Since any news will pass through there.

'For how long newspapers will last or be a dependable job for you. It's questionable at best due to the rise in technology in recent years.' Leonardo added on after. 'Hey, Clark, why don't you become a businessman and work your way up to take over Wayne Enterprises?'

Clark just rolled his eyes at that idea and had no plans for such a thing. He saw how busy Lex is and truthfully, he didn't want to sit in business meetings day in and day out. Not to mention he could tell, Leonardo was joking at that.

'Well, you also try to be a personal fitness trainer, sport coach, private detective, jewelry or watch craftsman. There are quite a few options for you, Clark.' Leonardo said after thinking again.

'I will just go with the reporter.' Clark decided.

Opening up a word document, Clark began to type outlining the essay. Since the essay needed to be five pages and writing a bunch of nonsense will make it much more difficult without a plan. So after a few minutes with a bit of superspeed, he had an outline and needed to fill in a few details.

"Clark, I got the next story." Chloe happily skipped into the room.

"The new Principal Reynolds?" Clark asked, still typing away.

"Huh, no. Have you heard about the body they pulled out of the school pool last night? Well, it was Jake Pollen, and apparently he was trying to drown Lana as she was swimming with what she thought by herself." Chloe said.

"Why was Lana alone at the pool last night anyways?" Leonardo asked.

"No idea, but get this, they found a meteor rock with 'freak' written on it thrown into the pool." Chloe said. "It seems that Smallville has its own vigilantes."

"Oh, already talking about the Smallville hero?" Pete smiled as he walked in.

"How is he a hero if he killed others?" Clark asked, feeling uncomfortable about their thoughts of heroes.

'Anti-heroes don't last long, Clark. While they are praised, they often feel rejected by society, and veer down a self-destructive path that results in isolation or death.' Leonardo warned.

LegendaryChaos LegendaryChaos

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