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67.59% rule one / Chapter 121: 224-232 Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 121: 224-232 Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 224 - Aging Thoughts

As we travel along, my mind begin to wander about what he had told me.

… His grandniece? 

Well, since he's a cultivator and she's a cultivator, it's very possible. Normal even, as strange as it is to consider.

But even so, she's clearly much farther along in cultivation than he is. And everything I've heard from about her has been that she's the youngest elder in a very long time.

So why does she look that old?

Certainly, she could have had a cultivation growth spurt late in her years, and that's what many people assume about her. Even within the sect.

But I get the feeling that the real answer isn't as simple.

My scan gives me the answer, pulling together different pieces of information that would make sense.

Including what I have in my bag with me.


She's been cursed.

Cursed with massively accelerated aging, speeding it up by a factor of 25. At least, it appears to mimic the effect of such a thing.

To make it even worse, my estimation shows that the curse had been placed upon her just before she had cultivated.

Which can only mean that cultivating for her had become a desperate struggle to gain more years to live.

Not only that, but it even aggressively affects cultivators.

If I'm not incorrect, moving into the Qi condensation realm gains you 50 years of life span, foundation establishment 200 years, Core formation 500 years, and nascent soul 1000. After that, you go into a semi-immortal state.

Visually, she looks like she's 85 or 90.

So, judging based on the estimated time., her current state, and where she is in her cultivation (which I guess to be peak core formation) … She's probably only around 40 or 45 years old.

Still older than me, but almost unimaginable in cultivation years.

But unless she makes it to Nascent Soul, she likely only has five more years left to live.

But before I can continue this train of thought, we finally begin getting to the area where we had gotten our spirit roots tested.

From this point of view, I can see that she is speaking to the latest batch of recruits, just like how she was doing with my group. It Looks like they've already done the spirit root testing, but they haven't gone through the additional ones yet.

Each of them, even the cultivators beside her, looks at her as someone far older and above them. Not knowing her true age.

My understanding, everyone other than those in leadership believe that she just came in and started cultivating at a later age, which is why she looks so old. No one really knows that she's really not that much older than them.

But does it really matter if she has the skill and knowledge to be at that level? 

With that perspective, it's clear why they made her an elder. 

Because just from the short time I've been here, I can already see that she's exceptional at reading the situation and is clearly far above the average cultivator at her rank.

I can't help them look at her in a new light with this knowledge.


… My thoughts immediately stop, as I spy in the crowd of recruits, two people I've been waiting to see for a long time.

Ai and Lin.

All thoughts of Senior Song and the issues that she faces leaves my mind at the sight of them. 

Just by seeing me come over the horizon, both of them have immensely bright smiles, simply glad to see me.

… and that I likely got into a good position.

The mere fact that I'm on a sword with a sect cultivator could only mean good things in this situation. But I can still sense a hint of worry from them, so I give them a huge grin, to show them that all is going according to plan.

Their smiles become almost blinding as I can visibly see the anxiety wash off of them.

Things are going well.

I give them a cautious thumbs up for their situation, which, surprisingly in this culture means the same thing it did in mine. 

They give it right back.

The meaning is clear to us both.

They got into the inner court as well.


I'm a little surprised, as I feel a loosening in my back, as well. I had been more worried than I thought about the situation with them.

A distance away, I can see a squad of giant spiders that accompanied them on the way up. Which is one of the main reasons I wasn't worried about their safety in the situation. Not only that, but they are more than capable enough to make it up themselves.

Taking a closer look at them, I can see that they are much more toned than before.

I know each of them has been constantly pushing their bodies to the limit with training, using my healing to build them up better. 

… I think they might be stronger than me. Which is terrifying in its own way. Even without the advantage of the Healing Constitution, they are using my aura to become absolute monsters in the physical sphere. 

I wonder if they've had to use it on the way up?

After a quick glance at the dynamics of the group, I can easily see some males looking fearfully in their direction.

… even I'm a little scared of them, at this point. I wonder what they did to earn those looks.

Oblivious to my now strange thoughts, they continue to beam at me unknowingly.


But it's not all positive, as I can feel a heated look toward me that pulls my thoughts away from them. When my gaze lands on the subject in question, I can feel my face freeze in shock at what I see.

I can see an amazingly attractive, yellow sashed, curvaceous, wavy-haired blonde woman w/ Asian feature gazing at at me. To be frank, her beauty is a few notches below Wu Qing's true form, the Yellow Sashes leader.

This isn't a knock on her, but a compliment. Just the sight of Wu Qing was enough to put me in a complete daze. To be hypnotized by her looks.

To be compared to her, especially when she hasn't even cultivated yet, is the greatest of compliments.


But even with that, she seems familiar for some reason. A beauty like this isn't easily forgotten and I quickly remember how I know her.

It appears she was a high-end escort back in Monchon City… who I had accidentally disrespected when I went into autopilot mode. She was trying to catch my attention, but I didn't even see her because I was so deep in it.

It's one of the main reasons I plan on never going full autopilot again, as while it's effective for the request, it makes it so I might miss other things.

In either case, this woman stormed off in shock and anger after I had done so. And I hadn't seen her again, even with me running all over the Yellow Sashes base in the city.

But even with that… why does she seem so fixated on me? I couldn't have made that much of an impression, right? 

My confusion briefly seems to come over my face and just as I as fix it, she caught it.

Her eyes twitch in irritation and she seems infuriated. Her head sharply turns up and away, as if displaying that she's now ignoring me.

There's a group of women that seem familiar, but after looking at her, they give a small wave and then follow suit. 


… I'm not sure how to handle this. But I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to deal with this later.

So, I'm just going to ignore it and focus back in on the situation. 

Luckily for me, we are quickly touching down next to Senior Song.

Chapter 225 - Success Breeds Attention

As could be expected, when we touch down close to Senior Song's position, she continues speaking to the group. Unlike how it typically happens in stories, we don't immediately gain her attention as she's doing something important.

For the next 30 minutes, Senior Ling and I stand at the side waiting for her to finish speaking to the group.

Once she finishes, she dismisses the group and then turns to look at us.

Despite being dismissed, I can see many in the group are loitering around, acting as if they're about to leave, but are actually trying to get more information on what's going on.

Just like it was in my group, there are several information traders who exchange information and fill in each other for favors and money.

I don't focus in too much on this, as most of it is what I already know and I see something much more important coming from the surrounding area, waiting for Senior Song to finish.

Soft mutterings fill the air, as groups from the previous tests and mine have mingled together with them.

It's not long after that I see some of my personal group and the coalition groups are arriving, having gotten word that I am here. Searching out the people that are important to me, like Mei Lin and the others that I traveled up with, I quickly acknowledge them with a smile before focusing my attention on the incoming Senior Song.

Just as she arrives before me, both Senior Ling and I quickly bow. She waves it away, allowing us to rise.

And then she just looks at me with a smile.

A look of expectation.

Catching the hint, I reach into my pack and take out two Star Renewal Flowers. Far more than the 4 petals she had asked for.

Even in the light, their blueish petals visibly glow with an ethereal light.

As I hand them to her, her fingers brush one petal purposefully, leaving a small impression on it that shines brightly before returning to its natural glow.

Her smile grows wider as she sees this, as it shows that it is an above average specimen, kept in good condition.

Soon after, it vanishes. Though, my scan picked up that it went into one of the pouches she carries on her hip.

"You've done well."

Her voice resounds over the field, freezing everyone in place. Sounds of talking stop and everyone listens closely for her next words.

"Now, as of this point, you're an inner court disciple… but you may find that there may be something that is far more beneficial to you coming soon."

She throws a glance behind her, and immediately I do a ping to see what's coming.

Just as I sense several individuals coming from higher up the mountain, she moves close beside me, right next to my ear, and whispers softly.

"I'll warn you, make your choice carefully. For not all are who they appear to be."

I can see a flash in her eyes, just before she steps back as if she had never spoke

Almost an instant later, the figures I had seen via my scan quickly approaching from the edges of my pulse appear in front of us.

3 individuals covered in draping clothes that clearly denote a higher status than all around here. Even without my scan, I'd know the position that these people hold.


They arrive sequentially, but in the manner of seconds. The first to arrive was an elderly gentleman, who really reminded me of Merlin from the Arthurian tales of my world. From the assortment of potions and elixirs on his belt, as well as the scars and burns on his hands, give me an indicator that he is an alchemist by trade.

The second to arrive is a woman, seemingly in her 40s or 50s, and covered in purple garments that wrap around her tightly. Past that, her eyes and face speak of great wisdom held within. I'm not able to discern what position she holds and what her specialty might be with my scan.

Last to arrive is a gentleman that looks to be in his 30s. From how he walks, to the sword at his side, it is clear that using the sword is both his specialty and focus. The glint of a symbol on his clothes from a sigil hanging from his belt. I can tell he's part of a major sword clan within the sect. One that shouldn't be trifled with.

One thing I do note is that he has a kind face but with greedy eyes.

But this isn't unlike the others, who all look at me as if I was a great catch that only needed to be brought home.

Quickly approaching me, they stop briefly to elder song, showing their respect for her.

But immediately after, they give bright smiles to me and I get a feeling of what they've come here to do.

The Alchemist elder speaks first.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the renowned, and now proven genius from Group 1. There's been much talk about your exploits, both on and off the mountain."

The way he says it reveals that he likely has knowledge of me and my actions in Monchon City. However, his next words confirm my guess to his identity.

"I've also heard wondrous things about your exploits in the alchemical realm. I think it would be great if y…"

Before he can continue, the woman softly interrupts him and offers some words.

"Now, now Elder Ro. We haven't fully welcomed our new initiate to the sect yet. Or introduced ourselves."

Turning to me, she gives a warming smile that doesn't feel manufactured.

"Congratulations on passing your test and becoming part of the inner court. My name is Yin Tian, but you can call me Elder Yin."

The alchemist, Elder Ro, seems a little perturbed by the interruption, but still nods in agreement. A twinkle flashes in his eyes as he adds in a few words.

"You may call me Elder Ro, though that may change soon enough."

The last elder steps forward brusquely and quickly says his name before stepping back.

"I am Elder Gu. I look forward to seeing the heights you can reach."

Before he steps back, I can see his eye linger on Elder Song for a moment, before looking away in disappointment. Her expression hadn't changed, even after his looks.


Well… this is a can of worms.

Elder Ro is definitely the one that the Alchemist leveraged to almost put me in the Outer Court. Is he playing nice because of my actions towards the Alchemy Guild or because he wants to make a good impression in spite of it? 

Elder Gu brings another thing to consider. Clearly, he and Elder Song have some relation or he wouldn't have shown such a reaction.

… Actually, I think when I first arrived; I heard that there was a dispute between her and him. And that there might be something more there. 


Before I could finish my thoughts, they lay another bomb on me.

One which I suspected could happen if I became too excellent.


"To get to the point of why we are here… we'd like you to consider becoming a core disciple of our sect."

Chapter 226 - Core Decisions

After hearing their offer, I still feel some internal skepticism.

… Even with my abilities, I didn't think that I qualified for being a core disciple. Or at least shouldn't.

Even nobles have an extremely hard time getting into those positions.

Elder Yin steps forward and slowly brings out a familiar sight, and something that confirms why we're having this conversation.

In her hands is a mirror, one very similar to the one used for the spirit root testing that it started this whole journey into the jungle.

However, a simple glance can easily show that it is different in subtle ways. Whether it's the small glow that comes from it or the silvery finish to it, it's easy to see that it's of a higher quality.

"Since your last result was… unclear, we wanted to allow you a chance to see what your true level is as you embark on your journey."

From here, she gives a sly smile.

"And if it's as we believe, then we can give you the chance to be a core disciple here in the sect."

Her face turns immediately serious, showing a clear change in tone.

"But if we find that there was any manipulation done to bring about a higher score, then we will deal with that accordingly as well."

And so, the real reason comes out.

An opportunity and verification.

I bet the uncertainty of my first result caused some waves within this sect. Ones that need to be addressed in fear of foul play.

Interrupting my thoughts, is Elder Yin turning toward the lingering crowd of people, who were hoping to catch more information.

Unlike how she treated me, I can see a fierce look and a scowl cross her face.

"What are you waiting around for? Get out of here!"

She gives a wave and they all scatter like flies.

Even with that, some remain nearby, but out of sight. Still looking to gather as much as they can.

This seems enough for her, as it becomes clear why she even bothered.

Similar to how Elder Song had done in my exam, she holds the mirror out toward the sun in a way that allows it to reflect on the ground before us.

Like the previous time, the back of the mirror shows on the ground as a large sun. But this time, there are two smaller suns besides the larger one. The area reflected is much larger now, being around 10 meters in diameter.

Rising from the ground, it shines extraordinarily bright, even in the clear sunlight.

Different from the last exam, the elders are not shy in their examination of me. As the suns twirl around me, they going in deeper than Senior Song did.

… They'll definitely be able to see my Healing Constitution at work.

Shivers crawl down my back at this realization, which calms soon after.

Sadly enough, there should be some evidence of my healing capabilities already from my previous interactions.

With that in mind, I can see Elder Ro's eyes raise up slightly, while the others look shocked.

Which isn't too much of a surprise for me, as Elder Ro is connected to the Alchemy Guild, who in turn might have heard something from the Female Assassin. In fact, part of the reason he's part of this might be to verify the information.

Well, that automatically takes him out of the running for me being a disciple under him.

While all this is happening, the suns continue to revolve around me, going faster and faster.

It is only after three minutes of this that it finally stops to announce the result.

"Temporary, Orchid Heaven 2. Actual, Orchid Heaven 8."

Oh my. 

It actually pulled up the real, final result of what my spirit root would become. They must have brought out the serious goods for this analysis.

I've been severely restricting my scan while in front of these elders, so I could only tell the mirror was a much higher tier and rarity than the one used before. 

This is the one they use when they need a sure answer.

If their eyes were wide before, then they are saucers now.

Huge grins cross their faces, and I can hear Elder Yin victoriously say something aloud.

"HA. Those old fogeys will be so jealous that they didn't 'gamble' on this. All the signs were there, but they just refused to see it."

Her face has the epitome of a shit-eating grin on it, proud that she got one over on them.

It's mirrored on the face of the others, though Elder Gu seems to have a more retrospective take.

While also stealing another glance at Senior Song.

… it doesn't seem to be a glance of attraction, but one of guilt. I'm curious about what is between them.

On Senior Song's side, she also has the same grin, but for a different treason. But she doesn't say a word about it, only looking proudly in my direction.

But then the air changes, as it inevitably would.

The three elders turn predatory gazes at me. If before it was as if I was a great catch, now I have become a succulent hare in front of a starving family.

It's not a good feeling.

That gaze quickly turns from me to their now competitors.

Senior Song, for her part, looks on as if entertained by the now rising tensions.

Elder Ro gives the first pitch.

"Congratulations on passing to be a core disciple, young master! Now all that is left is to choose your master.

"I, for one, can provide many things for you, being one of the Alchemy Masters of the sect. As I know you are an aspiring and prodigious alchemist in your own right, I can lead you down the path of greatness."

He finishes his words and looks to his right at Elder Yin.

They seem to respecting each other's time to pitch. This might be part of a type of informal courtesy to other elders. Or maybe a wish not to be interrupted themselves.

Elder Yin seems to come from a different angle. Giving me a sweet smile that is tainted by her obvious greed, she speaks.

"Young Master James, considering your abilities and cultivation method, I could provide you with a way to leverage those abilities to make you many close friends. While I do not share a similar method, I have several contacts that do and could share many insights that have helped them on their journeys."

She pauses and hesitated.

"In know Elder Ro's ability to progress one through cultivation is high, so you wouldn't be at a loss if you chose him as your master instead. In such an eventuality, I'd still be willing to provide such help to you."

Hmmm… she's trying to maintain the relationship with Elder Ro, likely because of his role as an alchemist. No matter the world, you don't want to piss off the person who heals you and strengthens you.

Even more so if your business is focused around connections, which is how it seems for her.

Finally, it is Elder Gu's turn.

Although he clearly wants me to join him, his specialty is the sword, which I've shown no aptitude for.

He seems to come up with an idea and asks me a question.

"Young Master, I am simply a swordsman and that is all I can offer you. With your abilities to heal, both yourself and your allies, you could become a force to behold on the battlefield. While you are quite a bit old to learn, with your capabilities, it would be worth the effort to attempt it.

"Have you considered following the way of the sword? If you'd like, I could show you a demonstration…"

I can feel my excitement grow.

Although I wouldn't be able to use sword Qi because of my cultivation method, seeing it in action would allow me to get a better grasp of it for my allies.

There's always the potential one of the Demi humans could have a gift for it.

And unfortunately, sword Qi is one of those things you have to feel, in order to get a true grasp of.


But I quickly catch myself.

To agree to this would infer that I would like to join him. Using him for that onetime experience would be insulting, in its own way. Adding to that, what my actual plan is, it would clearly aggravate him.


… I'd rather go with Senior Song.

From the time I had arrived here, to my introduction into the sect, she's been relatively benign and forgiving.

Heck, even as a mortal, she was forgiving of my disrespectful comments.

I don't even need to check to know what the normal response in this world would be from people of her status. 

Even though these elder are being nice now, if I were to lose value or cause issues for them, I easily could see them turning their backs on me.

For Senior Song, I feel there's a quite a bit of difference there. That there would be an attempt to help from her, even in bad situations.

If I cultivated that relationship deeper, that is.

… now I just have to figure out how to make her my choice.

A check to my scan tells me the answer, but makes me unsure if I want to even try.

Chapter 227 - A Wrinkled Choice

As I look up, Elder Gu is still awaiting my answer patiently. A gracious, but understandable, action because of the seriousness of the situation.

To show my gratefulness for his offer and patience, I bow and decline.

"My apologies, Senior, but my cultivation method has a few restrictions on it. One of which is the usage of sword arts. Such a wonderful show of skill would be wasted on one such as me."

I can see his face fall, but he nods in understanding as the others gain some valuable knowledge.

Things like restrictions, constitutions, and features can help pinpoint the cultivation method a person uses. Not only that, but it can provide insight into what to and not to offer a person.

But it's time. There's really only one sure way to get them to step aside without issue. Even if I don't like the approach.

Before they can say anything, I actually deepen my bow and apologize further.

"I'm truly sorry, Esteemed Elders, but there's actually one that has already stolen away my thoughts."

They look at each other, as my wordage was weird.

Elder Yin is once again the one to speak up first, after a pause.

"Who would this person be, Young Master?"

I summon all the admiration in my heart and direct it to my far right… towards Elder Song.

I continue with passion.

"Since I first saw her, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. After taking the exam and issuing my challenge, I then knew there was only one Elder's side I'd want to stay by."

I literally hear a pen drop from one of the hiding students.

It's so silent.


Senior Song is practically frozen in place. The other three were slightly less so, but only by a little.

… I'll need to add the bait for Senior Song, as she'll likely not want to be involved.

"In fact, I've worked so hard since that time to figure a real answer to what might be ailing the person who I admire so… And finally coming to an answer."

The air shifts as real attention from her now shines palpably around us.

Although the three elders before me are likely Nascent Soul, the strength of Senior Song is clearly higher, even being at peak Core Formation level. An unthinkable occurrence, as the strength gap between those two levels is massive. The reason she could become an Elder at such a young age becomes more and more apparent.

Sweat shines on the other's brows as she steps forward.

"My my…

"I didn't know I had such an admirer in you, Young Master James. With such words, I guess I just have to take a better look at you."

Slowly, she steps towards us and even the elders creep backwards subconsciously. But her only focus is on me as she moves.

All until she arrives in front of me. She leans in close, staring me directly in the eyes.


And despite her body's advanced age, the beauty of her past appearance shines through, like the elderly women from my world, that got (excellent) plastic surgery to recover some of their youthful looks.

And for me, who prefers older women, I'm able to look a little past that sort of thing because she still keeps that beauty at such an age.

As she gets closer and closer, I can feel my cheeks redden from her attention. And I can't help but look away in embarrassment.

And her eyes go wide. But a strangely happy smile crosses her face.

"… Well, I'll be."

In this world of eternally youthful women, women of her 'age' and looks are viewed as truly unattractive. Disgusting even.

My words denoted something worth challenging. Which I passed with flying colors, as she can read how I truly feel from my subconsciously actions.

While the others elders' faces are full of surprise and shock, only Elder Gu's is full of complete disbelief and some jealousy.


Despite feeling extremely good about passing this major test in her eyes, there's a creeping feeling in my heart.

… I may have made a mistake.


But it is far too late to regret, as I quickly find myself literally swept onto a sword.

She speaks domineeringly to the others.

"Since my disciple has decided, I trust you all have no complaints?"

As I look at them from my new position, rather than anger, I feel looks of pity towards me… even from Elder Gu.

Even Ai, Lin, and Mei Lin, who I spy peeking around one building, are looking at me like I fucked up.


… I really might have made a mistake here. 

What kind of reputation does this woman actually have?!


But I have no chance to complain, as the millisecond they nod, we shoot off into the distance, past the nearby residential towers, past the inner city and court, and straight into the core disciple towers. Within this area are multiple mountain peaks and what I recognize as Senior Song's area.

Why was it so easy to recognize? Because the symbol on the towers was the same as the ones on her clothes. Ones that I quickly could identify as a symbol representing her specific position as an elder.

I see a large peak, and two smaller ones. On each of them is a massive pagoda, with floors reaching into the skies.

If I'm not incorrect, the big one should be for her most senior disciple, with the others being for the ones that come after.

Although they're smaller, they're still far larger than the biggest skyscrapers in my world.

Nonetheless, she lands us on a balcony on the tallest one. Basically pushing/throwing me in.

Immediately after, she closes every window and performs a complex series of motions that seemed to change the structure of the tower itself, moving the room we are in deeper and deeper into the structure.

Even the space itself seems to wrap and change with it the movement. Rather than a technique of her own, this appears to be more of a formation that was built into the tower itself as a security measure against unwanted listeners.

For good reason, too. As after we had left, some other figures discreetly followed along.

After this dizzying series of actions, things finally went silent, and she slowly turned to me.

Her aura seems to have calmed down, now that we're in a location where no one else can hear. While I have an instinctual reaction to fill the silence with words, my instincts indicate this is the time for silence.

She continues moving towards me, but instead of stopping, moves right past me and drops into a chair. Turning to face me, she takes a relaxed posture and asks a question.

"What do you know about what ails me? As a forewarning, if you're too far off, I'll send you back into the outer court for wasting my time and energy. Regardless of your potential."

From just these words, it's easy to see that she doesn't hold much importance for the spirit root. I don't believe would have taken me in if I hadn't had thrown out the bait of healing her.

Since I can't directly use the scan on her, I'm not totally sure that my findings are correct. 

98% sure, since the scan ran through multiple scenarios and this was the likeliest one from the combination of information. But, there's still a chance I'm wrong.

She's losing her patience, though. It's time for an answer.

"You are cursed with massively accelerated aging, or at least something that mimics its effects.

"From what I could figure out, your lifespan has been extended by upgrading your cultivation realm to this point."


She thinks about it for a bit, making me quite nervous.

"Hmm… That's close enough to the truth, but how did you find this out?

"There's been a lock on this information for quite a while and the plant shouldn't have given enough indicators for that…"

She pauses her words and then shakes her head.


"Disregard the last question. Your ways of finding that out are your own. What can you do to fix this beyond what I have done?"


A simple question, but with many answers.

How deep should I go? 

I definitely won't go as deep as I did for my closest allies… But I have a good feeling that I can give inferences to my actual abilities with her. A compatibility with taming creatures, an increased ability to heal myself and others. A sixth sense.

I certainly won't be able to hide them completely if we're going to be working together closely.

Either way, I should start with what she'll care most about.

"I can heal your curse."

I can tell she's been watching me carefully for every physical reaction sent from my body and anything that could be an indicator that I'm lying to her.

After a moment or two of this, she asked another question.

"Will you allow me to use my spiritual sense on you? Before we begin, I want to know my disciples better."

I don't see a problem with it. I've already been cross-examined by the other three elders.

The cat is already out of the bag, at this point.

Chapter 228 - Easy Mistakes

She wants to use her spiritual sense on me.

Clearly, this is a test of trust. One that I can't afford to fail at this point in time.

"Yes, you can use your spiritual sense on me. After all, you are my master now."

She gives a soft and mysterious smile, right before I can feel the effects of her sense on me. Although I have a minor block against spiritual senses, I quickly lower it so that she can scan me more effectively.

Of course, the other elders could scan me so easily because they're just that powerful. And also, it would have looked terrible if I resisted. Especially during a test where they're supposed to actually determine whether or not I'm cheating.

To my surprise, she actually does the same level of probing as she did the first time when I met her up on my first Test.

However, I could see her face scrunch up more and more and, almost unconsciously, she probes deeper and deeper. All until she goes far deeper with her spiritual sense than the other elders did. Searching every aspect of my body, and taking my permission as far as I would allow it.

Probably, because there's no other elder here to keep her in check and give off the image of impropriety.

Of course, I say nothing, because that gives her a far better opinion of me and what I'm trusting her with…

The only thing she should be able to get from it is the depth of my healing abilities, which in some ways, would have come out anyway. Considering that she has a relationship with Elder Ro, there's the chance that she may have heard of my resurrection, of sorts. This would explain that, and if she's willing, allow it to protect me in a different way.

Everything else is housed in my deepest parts of my soul, and while she is probing towards the cultivator soul, my actual one and its qualities that wouldn't show up on any type of spiritual sense.

Funnily enough, in almost every other situation, any special additions or effects on the soul would also be shown on the cultivator's soul. With my abilities not being reflected in the same way, it is a perfect cover.

But just as soon as it had begun, it quickly finishes.

The almost permanent look of surprise on her face is actually quite entertaining. She's clearly surprised at the number of benefits my healing ability has given me, and, to be specific, the healing constitution.

"… You really something else, aren't you? I was wondering why they looked so surprised when they scanned you.

"It's also explaining why you held up so well against my pressure. I could tell from that moment there was something special about you."

She pauses in place. And her looks shift yet again.

"But I suppose we can talk about that stuff later. For now, let's focus on the thing that we both know is the reason that I accepted you for.

"What is your plan, in terms of healing me of this curse? And what will you need from me to make it happen?"

This is honestly another plus in Elder Song's favor, making me glad I joined her instead of the others. In some ways, she is subtle, but in others, she's extremely direct to the point.

It feels like I can trust what she says.

Now, if that's the case, is a different story.

I get straight to the point, as there's nothing else that really needs to be said.

"The combination of my cultivation method and special constitution should suffice to fix the issue, with no outside items. You've likely already heard about my techniques through your information channels.

"While I can't share details on this, as there is another master that has sworn me to secrecy, my healing constitution is one that allows me to boost any type of healing action that I do."

While I was in the library from when I first entered the city, I looked for any ways to explain away the slightest hint of healing that I've done before I got my cultivation method.

Luckily, there are quite a few methods that allow the giving of life force and other mystical ways of transferring energy to heal others. As an example, Lin, who shared hers and kept Ai alive despite her rampant illness and abuse. Though it certainly stunted her growth in several ways.

Combining that with my alchemy abilities, that should quell any suspicious rumors from the time that I may have healed others, despite the fact that I wouldn't have had the ability at that time. 

And my explanation bore fruit, as she nods to herself and affirms my words.

"I've heard about the way you healed the teleporter guards and their family members."

Despite her attempts to look sagely, I can slowly see excitement and hope creep into her eyes.

"If what you say is true, we should start immediately, then."

She hesitates for a moment and pauses.

"But there is one thing that we need to do first, before that."

Stepping back, she performs a set of hand gestures and then releases some Qi towards a wall in the corner. 

Materializing like it was always there, is a tray with a single slip of paper and a full set of tea. Hot as if it's just been made.

Once again, her eyes look at me with expectation, and while not as much as before, some level of excitement.

My conversation scan already showed me what I need to do and what she's expecting.

I guess this is it, the disciple ceremony.

Where a student and teacher swear to enter a relationship as close as or even closer than family. In my world, such a thing was a verbal or written agreement. And while shameful, you could break such a contract with no personal effects, other than social.

Here the line is both more solid and blurred. A complete betrayal to your master might have effects on your cultivation, though it's not a sure thing. But doing the ceremony ties yourself to them in a way that is a little more esoteric than most other things. Betraying them is like betraying yourself. It's truly binding yourself and your intentions with theirs. 

It's the reason when I use a hidden master as a cover. It's believable. With such a sacred relationship, their word is law.

Of course, if you disobey them or even do something against their interests, it doesn't mean there will be negative effects. That only happens when you do things along the lines of truly betraying them, such as trying to get them killed. And even then, if the relationship is broken to that extent, they would likely feel it.

My scan goes into overtime to learn the ceremony and what I need to do, while I keep my conversation scan active to figure out how I should approach this.

Surprisingly, it directs me to stop worrying about it, as it would be better to let her take the lead on this.

"Ah, considering your… background, you may not have known such a thing.

"Siiiigh, I guess it will be up to me to fill in the gaps in your knowledge."

Despite her words, it's clear that she is fighting to keep a delighted, smug smile off her face.

In short, it seems like she's happy just to have a disciple and is excited to teach about it.

Which is strange, because my scans show she was extremely against having any disciples before I came along. Though it is more likely that she was averse to getting one that isn't worth her time and doesn't already understand her situation.

She quickly explains what I need to do, and how while bringing the tea set over to us.

Setting it before us, we go through each of the motions of the ceremony as a practice session of sorts. From getting the tea ready, to pouring it for her and allowing her to drink.

Even within these steps, my scan gives me indications to make minor mistakes so that she can correct them.

Despite her clear skill, knowledge and poise, it appears there may be some insecurities that get eased with these types of slip-ups. By showing me "the ropes", it allows her to feel more comfortable in this situation. And with me by proxy.

Thank goodness for this conversation scan.

I can't scan the elders or other cultivators directly, as that could trigger something. The conversation scan gets around that, by reading the situation itself, and including information about the past that would help.

In doing it this way, it gives me a little of information about the person in question, while also allowing me to navigate the situation in a better…


Why is she holding my hand so tightly on the cup?

My eyes focus on her hands, tightly woven around mine on the cup. From there, I noticed the slightly heavy breathing resounding through the room.

And finally, when I raise my eyes to meet hers, I found her intense and heated stare.

This is when I remember a critical flaw of my conversation scan. Almost every interaction goes better when the other side is attracted to you.

Looking at it from another perspective, namely hers, she is currently around 50 years old, but already considered a wizened old woman.

Right when she would have been looking at her best, her body was changed into a state considered being completely unattractive to most of the population. In addition, going through such a accelerated process with her body caused certain… changes to her hormonal levels, even as a cultivator.

Many women become hornier as they grow older.

That was compounded and intensified for her. With her desperate situation and no one being truly attracted to her (that would be to her standard), she would be bottled up.

Of course, dual cultivation was an option, but that had its own connotations that she would want to avoid.

So, likely, her only outlet would have been… porn.

But tasteful ones. Like romance novels.

And this exact situation is one that could be found in a niche one a few years back.

A youthful, powerful, and foreign young man finds an older woman extremely attractive and looks to be her disciple, seeing both her amazing power and beauty. Teaching him step by step, eventually the lessons become more intimate in nature, until they cross the boundary from master and disciple to insatiable lovers.




And since I've gone this far, my scan shows I at least have to do one thing to make sure this goes well, but can still stop the cascading storyline.

With her gaze hot onto mine, I slowly lean towards her…

Chapter 229 - When it Rains...

My eyes look down from hers, focusing on her lips. I can hear her gulp as her breath quickens even more. She seems frozen in place, seeing what I'm planning on doing.

Closer and closer I move.

All until my lips meet hers.


A soft savoring of the lips, before I pull back and continue with the practice tea ceremony.

She remains in place, not moving and seeming to have lost her mind for a moment.

My voice shakes her out of this, as I ask a question.

"Now, did you say I was supposed to bow while I pour the tea?"

I keep my voice casual and act like what just happened hasn't happened.

After blinking a few times, she takes a breath and the answers in the affirmative. For the next few minutes, we finished out the practice and it was time for me to actually do it.

Just as I was readying myself to pour the still hot tea, her voice softly came out.

"Don't do that again… ok?"

My conversation scan gives me the sign to pause, as if hesitating before nodding slowly.

She seems a little disappointed, but then her face changes to a half smile.

I can just see her mouth move a bit, revealing her true thoughts.

"… There'll be a lot more time for that later."


The rest of the ceremony goes smoothly, as it's primarily a sequence of ritualistic actions of bowing, offering tea, and repeating my reasons for choosing them and that I swear oath not to betray her.

Following the ritual, I state my reasons.

"When I realized I could become a core disciple, there was no doubt in my mind that you were the only one that was suitable for me.

"I swear that I'll never betray you. That your interests become my interests."

By this time, she seems to have calmed down.

Also following the ritual, she states her lines.

As your master, I swear to protect you as my own and help you grow beyond the extent that you could do alone. To grow together alongside you, in all ways."

Just as she finishes her words, I can feel a change in the air. My scan picks up something subtle, a connection between me and her.

This must be the mysterious contract that is formed between disciple and master.

As it is likely that she can feel this change more cleanly than I can, even with my scan, I can see a happy smile on her face

It's official. She's now someone I can trust and rely on in this world.

While I can't completely trust her, as she still has her own interest and responsibility to the sect, I can give her more information about myself and other things.

One thing I definitely need to keep to myself though, and that's the scan. Out of all my abilities, that is 1 that could lead anyone to temptation.

Before I can think further on this, she grabs my hand and pulls me towards another room within this sealed off series of rooms.

As we move, she speaks quickly.

"Now that that's out of the way, let's hurry so you can start the treatment!"

She actually is moving so quickly and forcefully that it strains my arm a bit. Luckily, my healing eases anything that might happen to it. A fact I wonder if she has considered.

Probably not.

Within it is a bed similar to the one you could find in any doctor's office.

My scan lets me know that this is pretty typical for all the things that cultivators have to do for themselves to progress. And in case of a medical emergency from such things.

She quickly sits on it and looks expectantly at me.

From this point, it is up to me to take over.

One thing I've learned since I've started to treat people is that you have to bring a certain air to your work, because it helps to put people at ease.

Using my scan, I'm able to quickly get into that mode and give off the air of an expert at work.

"Okay, I'll need you to lie back and let your Qi flow freely within you. Once you do so and I start working, you'll begin feeling a warmth go throughout your body. That'll just be me working."

"O-oh, okay."

She seems a bit surprised by my sudden change, but quickly follows my directions. The image of a lost doe appears in my mind, despite her elderly looks.

Since I've realized her true age, I notice the small ways that much of the sage/elder front she tries to put off is just that, a facade.

In terms of actual age, she's really not that much older than I.

Though, it is worth considering that the main activity for cultivators is to sit in a room and chew pills, with the occasional battle to the death.

However, there are many stresses that this world has that many in mine couldn't even comprehend. Like having your soul stolen and body puppeteer'd. And having to deal with practically everyone trying to screw you over.

It's the reason that master and disciple are sacred here, in some ways, more than family relationships. A safe and chosen relationship..

But in this situation, the likely reason for her daze, is that she's probably still trying to grasp the concept that her issue that she's been dealing with might get solved soon.

And in such a simple way.

She lays back and begins circulating qi easily.

Just like other things with age, getting too old has effects on your cultivation as it does the body. With that said, I see no such things with her, and it appears to be because of her own hard work. Which is also similar to my world in normal aging. With consistent training and a good diet, even in elderly person could have a fantastic body with limited issues.


Funnily enough, I don't actually need her to circulate anything.

I found that if you give someone something to do when you're working on that; it makes the process go a lot easier and helps you feel better about the situation.

Raising my hand over her body, I began using my cultivation method to pierce into her.

Almost immediately, as I do so, I can feel the resistance of the curse on the surface of her body.

This curse is powerful.

I'd hazard to say, but even an extremely skilled healer and alchemist team wouldn't be able to beat it. Which is likely the reason that she's still dealing with it. With me being at the first step of this hyper specialized cultivation, I can only barely treat this curse and get rid of it.


But it would still take me a year or more, especially with my low cultivation base. Compared to other healers who wouldn't be able to even get that far, it still shows the immense power of this ability.

But I quickly began seeing why having this cultivation method is so important. Because it really gives me a cover to use my healing aura.

Just the healing aura itself could get rid of this curse. It's truly an overpowered ability.

But it has its limits. Such as a limited mana amount and the fact that it can't change aging or bring people back from the dead.


Two things that the cultivation method will easily surpass, later on.

For now, though, mana is a non-issue, because of the sheer amount that I have in store from continuously using my taming ability and the aura of myself and others. 

Adding to that is the efficiency of the ability. As long as it's one person in their problems, I'm generally able to handle it, but the residual amounts I leave open for such activities.

Moving back to the issue at hand, I activate my aura deep within her body, planning on having it reinforce her insides so they can handle the changes on the outside. 

"… Uugh…"

All the while, it should help in eradicating the curse from her body, giving it no place to take hold.

While the healing technique radiates into her skin, like sun on sand, my healing aura springs up in targeted locations and spreads without stopping.



I continuously do this in certain areas of the body to make sure that regardless of what happens with the curse, she should be able to survive the procedure.

"Aaah… so deep…"

It might be easier to assume that with my abilities that nothing should go wrong and that I should be able to heal her to full at any time. However, interruptions and emergencies happen.

"...d-don't sto…"

Making sure that she's in the best position to get up and go is the best way to make them feel secure, as even now she is internally watching what I do.

While I was healing the yellow sash members, there are situations where they have to run off in the middle of a procedure. I've learned from those lessons.

In fact, once I wa….

"w-wait…. let me rest …"

A breathy objection makes my hands and ability immediately stop in place.


… Did I do something wrong? I should check.

"Are you OK? Did you want me to stop?"

Her eyes shoot open like lightning, as they had closed during the procedure. A normal action, as I've seen.

She grabs my hands and practically thrust them towards her body again.

"What are you doing?! Don't stop!"

"Huh? Are you sure? But you just asked me to…"

A terrifying glare freezes me in place, and makes me automatically stutter out in affirmative response.

"O-ooh, okay."

As I do so, things are quiet again, but she seems to have a twisted smile on her face. I have to pull my eyes away from it, as it is entrancing in its own way. She's close to halfway healed and already has a far more youthful look to her.

But I force myself to focus back on the issue at hand.

Previously, I was just relying on my cultivation abilities to get a look into her body to see what's wrong.


Just like before, using my scan on a cultivator at this level is a very risky situation.


But I believe this situation warrants it.


Cautiously, I use my scan to see what might have gone wrong.

Only focusing on the medical side of things, and nothing else, to avoid any issues that may pop up. With this, even if it was discovered, it should only hit on that aspect, which would be expected for someone treating you.


It doesn't even take a thorough analysis into her, before I find the answer of what had been happening.

The answer should have been obvious.


She's really been getting off to the healing.


I've typically tuned out the sounds of pleasure from people, as it's usually not good for me to focus on. 

It just gets me horny, and to be frank, in a city full of prostitutes, it wasn't the best idea to think that way. I'd be taken advantage of faster than I could say 'let's do this'.

The pleasure is just a side effect of the healing, not something that either I or them could affect. Much better than the alternative, at least.

After healing so many people in a row with the variety of issues, I've got into a flow where I no longer allow myself to focus on it. 

Admittedly, it was a little tough in the first batches, with people not having that many issues. After thousands of people, it's a lot better.

But it shouldn't be to where they orgasm. 

It should just feel like a really fantastic massage. Which also can get people horny, but shouldn't overtake their mind.

… But this might be the exception.

I forgot about this special case. That I'm healing age-related issues with Senior Song's body, besides the curse itself.

This is like getting a deep tissue massage to the power of 100. Not only is the normal pleasurable effect being applied, but one related to having literally years of her life being added back to her.

Add in the sensation of having your insides and outside being treated like that and it literally can cause your body to orgasm multiple times from the pleasure.

Even for a cultivator, it makes sense that they'd lose their minds a little.

I'm honestly surprised that she stayed so silent for so long.

I can't rely on the amount of pleasure a person feels from this to stay constant and that people have the same resistance threshold. 

I will have to work my treatment plans around that idea.

… If I don't want there to be any long-term addiction effects that could be troublesome to get rid of, I might want to finish this up as quickly as possible.

This will take a lot more mana than I'm used to using, but it should be worth it in the long run.

I'm really concerned about the short-run, though. 

My scan assures me that this is the best way, though. For my sanity and future. 

I do not feel assured.

Changing my priorities, I reduce the amount I'm spending on other mana abilities, as well as the one for Senior Song. I also dropped my other Qi related abilities, as I will do this all in a single action.

Concentrating all my energy for one final push.


"… Huh?"

Her eyes flutter open hazily, just before they slowly fixate on me in wanting confusion.


And that's when I pour an enormous amount of mana and Ki into both my healing abilities.

"Ahh! O.. Oh!… Ahh! AAAH!"


It's raining.

Chapter 230 - ...It Pours.

A shower of Qi rains down on me from Senior Song.

During periods of intense shared pleasure, cultivators tend to collect and release a concentrated amount of Qi. It's part of the reason why dual cultivation is successful, as it's an easy way for both partners to not only merge and cultivate together, but collect just that much more from the local environment.

Of course, other things come out as well that are more typical of such situations. Things that are a bit more liquid in nature.

But despite that, I'm frozen in place, unable to stop myself from staring at Senior Gong's face.

She's overwhelmingly gorgeous.

Since being in this world, I've found that most people in this world would be considered at least moderately attractive in mine.

On top of that, there are many people who far exceed the beauty of my world, being so attractive that it's partially questionable whether they're even real. Such as Wu Qing, the yellow sashes leader or the young blonde woman who seems to be still angry at me for ignoring her.

Senior Song's youthful beauty is unquestionably above them.

If before, she looked to be in her 80s, and still conventionally attractive for an older woman (in my world), now she looks to be in her high 20s, with her features that sagged from age becoming far sharper. In my world, it would be questioned whether she is a goddess of beauty.

But the change is more than the obvious.

Jet black hair in a half-ponytail, with majestic curls cascading in slight waves.

Large, hazy blue eyes slanted slightly upwards like a cat, giving off a seductive, mysterious air.

A face that exudes gentleness and grace.

… and an excessively voluptuous, hourglass body that rises and falls with her labored breath.

Those same aspects are even more tantalizing with the blush across her pale body from the… strenuous activities from before.

There's also something that is very familiar to me. A thick and enrapturing scent of vanilla and jasmine with woody undertones capturing my thoughts.

Even more dangerously, a slightly sweet scent emanates from a certain soaked area of her body.

My eyes hover there, before I tear them away.


I now have realized what my scent does to other women.

This woman, Song Nuan, is all that fills my mind.

Using my healing aura and cultivation method on her only enhanced these natural qualities of hers.

I want to stay by her side, if possible. 


I immediately use both healing abilities on myself, which alleviates the daze I was in, but doesn't help the sheer attraction I still feel.

It's not a negative effect, just her state of being. The good thing is, is that if it had the effect of controlling me, it would stop it.


Unfortunately, though…. The subconscious aspect will always be there. This differs from the hypnotism of Wu Qing. It's just how she is. She's just that pretty.


Using my willpower, I force myself back on track.

I need to focus on this situation. This is a dangerous moment.

After that enrapturing scream and a shower of qi bursting from within Senior Song, everything had gone silent soon after, except for the soft, delicate sounds of her breathing.

In the next few minutes, I expect she will come down from the emotional high of such an intense sensation. Soon after, a realization of what had just occurred will certainly cause issues.

While she is glassy eyed now, her eyes will be sharp with accusation, if this isn't framed correctly.

So, I do the only thing that would work best in this situation.

I grab a towel, water, and tea for when she wakes up. The last item that I grab is also a mirror for her to see her appearance.

By the time I return with these items, she's just arising from her previous state. With the slow realizations that come from this, does not bode well for me.

I immediately take the initiative.

"Senior Song? Here's your water. You need this to rehydrate. I've also prepared an herbal tea to assist with this."

Before she can say anything, this seems to stop her in her tracks. Her suspicious look is mitigated by the professional aura that I'm giving off. Cautiously, she accepts the water and leaves the tea.

She doesn't actually need to rehydrate, but it should help with her mindset. A placebo.

After this, I then hand her the towel, while adding in some additional words.

"With these types of healing techniques, some… additional effects sometimes occur. My apologies, but you may need this for cleaning up."

Obviously, this is not enough to quell the irritation that one would feel from being put through such embarrassment. Her face remains red and her eyes focused on me.

Though, there seems to be something else there too. Something that is definitely not conducive to making it through this moment.

I finish gathering her attention with my final item.

The mirror.

Raising It to her face, I finally let her see result of the efforts.


She immediately freezes in place, disbelieving her eyes. Other thoughts forgotten. I can even see strands of qi sent out to the mirror to see if it is enchanted.

Her lips tremble, as her shaking hand reaches towards it as well. The other hand strays to the wisps of black hair that lay in front of her eyes. And then to her skin, which she cautiously touches, flinching at the feeling.

After a moment of contemplation, she runs her qi through her body even more thoroughly than before.

It appears to just be a final confirmation of all the changes in her body.

But the flow of qi doesn't stop…

It keeps rising and rising.

The hairs all over my body rise as the both of us realize a chain reaction has started. One that all cultivators know of.

A tribulation. She's about to pass into Nascent Soul.

Before I can even blink or register the action, I find myself safely moved to the side of the room, as she forms several symbols with her hands. From her shoots out a significant quantity of qi that leads to the ceiling of the building, illuminating a massive formation that my scan shows encompass the entire building.

And that's when the ceiling opened up.

Not normally, mind you… but as if reality itself was folding in on itself. Very reminiscent of what I've only seen in movies, like Inception or Doctor Strange.

She shoots into the air, moving through these changing parts Like a snake in the grass. I quickly switched to my scan to keep track of her and her actions.

She's flying frantically on a sword to the top of the building, which, as I had seen from the outside, is perilously high. Adding to that, like everything on this mountain, the space inside is slightly larger than it is on the outside. Even with that, she continues moving on the inside, as if there's some special purpose to it.

Wait. Everything seems to move the slightest bit slower outside the tower… did she initiate some kind of time change with that formation?

But I have not time to think more about it. The entire tower itself shakes.

A massive storm is forming above the tower, covering it and rumbling with an intensity that shakes all the mountain peaks nearby.

The air shivers with threats of death and destruction. A strange form of electricity surges through. My scan picks up countless bolts being created.

It feels as if the world itself is arming itself.

While not focused on me, it gives the feeling that if I dared to get involved, it would send its might at me, as well.


… I'm not sure I can regenerate from even one of these bolts, if it were to hit me.

Senior Song soars through countless moving areas at a high speed. Just to keep track of her causes me to strain my scan a bit.


And she just makes it to the top of the building, as the first bolt strikes her.

Chapter 231 - Survival Prep

The air itself shudders as the bolt strikes her from the pitch-black clouds above, spreading from horizon to horizon, and possibly even further.

The second before it impacted, I saw three swords materialize around her, with her bringing one of them to block the bolt.

But it wasn't enough.

Although the swords are artifacts with a considerable amount of power behind them, part of the bolt arcs and still hits Senior Song right in the head.

Just a single blow from it knocks her back onto the tower.

She doesn't have that much time to waste as more and more bolts are churning within the storm, ready to shoot out.

But she's caught her stride.

Her stance changes, her legs crossing, and hands folded while moving into a meditative position.

The moment she does this, the fierceness of the storm subsides a little.

However, like a whirlwind, a wind tunnel swirls around the entire tower, causing her to rise into the air.

At this motion, the clouds seemed to make way for her as she continues to rise higher and higher, all until she's in the middle of the storm.

The position she was in seems to be one that allows her to regulate how the tribulation affects her.

Although the violence of the tribulation has subsided a bit, that doesn't mean its strength has. Now that she's in position, I can see the bolts regain their former strength and strike at the same time towards her with a massive crash.

In the distance, other elders and people approach from the horizon, curious about the massive tribulation occurring. 

I can pick up their words and seem to be.

"My God. Can you see the size of that tribulation cloud? What kind of talent could generate such a volume?"

"You fool, look where we are. It could only be Elder Song. Though, you raise a good point. Even if she is finally ascending to Nascent Soul, I haven't seen a cloud this large before. Has her talent achieved a breakthrough?"

"… if so, then this isn't good. Tribulations like this aren't easy to surpass. I hope we don't lose an elder today."

"Watch your words. You don't want to offend the wrong people here."


Right after these words, that are like a curse towards a person in this culture, I see the man who worried about Elder Song get struck down by a bright light. It quickly became apparent that it was Elder Gu, one of the elders that wanted me as their disciple.

More importantly, he seemed to have the greatest connection to Senior Song.

He doesn't even look down at the man he threw to the ground, only looking towards the clouds where Senior Song is. The others around follow his lead, albeit warily, and look towards the skies. The man on the ground, who struck the side of one mountain, picks himself up and flies on a sword away from the area in disgrace, mostly unharmed as it was a warning strike.

However, his words stick with me and I focus my scan on Senior Song's state.


… She's okay.

For now.

However, these simultaneous and consecutive strikes will take a while. And my scan informs me that the larger the cloud, the longer it will go for.

It could even go for a whole day.

Automatically, I use my scan to determine how long this would take and if she could make it.

Unfortunately, my fears are confirmed. It would last for a full day, and while she might have been able to make it if she was having a normal or even her previous tribulation amount… with her increased talent from my healing, she won't be able to survive since she didn't prepare correctly.

The strangest part about this is that normally you would trigger the tribulation yourself, on purpose. The only answer that comes to mind of why it would spring suddenly, as it did for her, was that the change was so significant that it triggered automatically. She was already so close already to breaking through, and this was like increasing it by several times its amount.

But that still leaves the fact that she won't be able to make it through this. Not without help, at least.

As I look around, I try to find anyone that would intervene and capable of surviving such a thing. There's none. While I highly suspect elder Gu might try to step in, I don't believe he could survive such an action.

Which leaves only me. Of course.

I'm unsure that I'd be able to make it through the tribulation. If it's only a single strike, I should be able to regenerate from it.

However, a hopeful thought comes to mind regarding my mana and whether the tribulation would detect it.

But that's quickly squashed by my scan, as there is a difference between the people of this world, and the world itself. The world contains mana and can tell when it's being used. While people using qi to detect things may not know, the level of existence that a tribulation comes from can.

If I use this, I should expect retribution.

Which means I need to use this at the right moment. To be specific, the last moment.

Right when she's about to fall, I need to pour in a lot of healing energy both into her and myself. Based on what my scan is telling me, I should get struck at immediately once I intervene.

She'll be raised back to full health, and I will be vaporized. What I'm gambling on is that there will be enough of me left to regenerate.

… This will be the first time that I'm ever brought to this state. Of basically dust. Though I'm still banking on at least having a smoldering piece of flesh left.

Even my scan can't tell whether I'll be able to come back from this. Not every tribulation bolt is the same.

If I can actually survive this… that will open its own can of worms.

As she will certainly be able to tell that I helped her, and since I'll be hiding in the tower behind the shields, she'll be the only one that knows.


Especially with all the attention she's drawing over here. I highly suspect the elders and maybe the higher-ups of the group are keeping their eyes on the situation.

I won't be getting out of this one easily.

With my decisions in order, all that's left to do is just wait.

Senior song seems to be deep into the meditative position, just trying to collect as much as she can from the tribulation, while surviving it.

Hours pass.

Despite the time passing, no one has moved from their position. They may talk and discussing other things in the meantime, but they keep their eye on this situation in case there's any big changes.

The only person who stared unwaveringly at the situation, has been Elder Gu.

I can see hints of regret, guilt, and other emotions on his face. Based on his actions thus far, I'd say it's pretty easy to tell. He used to be an old lover of hers. But when she turned into her elderly form, he couldn't be with her anymore.

What I find strange is that he appears to be the same age as what she should be

But as I've discovered, looks can be very deceiving.

Time seems to crawl as we wait.

I use that time to work my scan on how I can improve my chances of survival for this.

The first thing I do is tell the spirit beasts on my body to move to another room.

Obviously, using them as a shield would increase my survival, but would defeat the purpose of why I'm doing all of this, anyway. They would be vaporized and I'd be sacrificing my allies and friends for my own benefit.

That's not how I do things.

This doesn't mean I don't have other options, though.

I look through my bag, which contains some items I had bought previously from the market and a massively reduced price than they normally would have been. Mostly because the people using it didn't realize the true value of them.

The item I'm searching for is quickly found.

Small silver plate, not unlike those that you would see inside the home of a noble. Certainly, something that could be sold for a decent amount, but nothing too large.

It's true value, however, lies in the fact that it's actually a shield. One with a tiny formation built into it.

This reveals its true purpose. It was meant to be slotted into a hidden compartment on the chest, directly over the heart. It's able to take the attack from a core formation specialist.

I'll be using this on my feet.

My thought process is that as the tribulation bolt goes through my body, it'll likely hit my head first and travel down through my body. I'll be orienting the shield in a way that it can slightly redirect the bolt elsewhere.

The next item and last, I bring out, are some explosives.

My thought is that I just might blow up my body enough that it could escape the bolt radius. If so, I'll be left in a state similar to that of when the assassin had attacked me.

Giving me a chance to regenerate normally.

The only issue is that some tribulation bolts will chase you down, and needing you to strike them down, if you're not going into a meditative state.

I can only hope that's not what will happen to me.

It doesn't always happen, so there's still a chance.


All I can do now is wait until it's time, since all the preparations I can have happened. And if I survive this, that it'll give me some resistance to the bolts in the future.

Well… probably not, but still a small hope.

Chapter 232 - A Sacrifice Made Too Late

After a few more hours, it's becoming more and more clear that Senior Song won't be able to last much longer. Each hit from the bolts causes her frown to grow larger and a shudder to appear in the small spherical shield around her body. More of the bolts are piercing through the barrier and hitting her actual body.

This is actually beneficial to her long-term health, as tribulation bolts temper and purify your core for the next level. In the same vein, though, it is still killing you in the short term.

I still wait until the last possible moment.

Unfortunately, not everyone will wait or have the capabilities of knowing when that will be. I can see that Elder Gu is preparing himself to do a big action.

There's a chance I may not have to do anything…

My thoughts turn to what I know of his ability. As it is quite clear that he is a swordsman, it makes me wonder what he'd be able to do to help with this situation.

Which makes it even more curious when I see him take out a talisman. Even to my untrained eyes and without my scan, I can see that this is special, as it glows and pulses with a golden light.

From my guess, its effects can't be less than the core formation level. His eyes shine with a hesitant but still confident light.

It's clear that he's making a sacrifice of sorts.

He tosses the Talisman in her direction towards the cloud. I quickly expect the clouds to turn on him, but before they can do so, it explodes into a mist of color in shapes. All my scan shows me is there now are four familiar shapes.


They slowly drift over to her as she struggles, seemingly with a heavy weight.

The moment that it met her shield, is when a massive congregation of bolts soared out of the clouds towards Elder Gu.

Luckily, he was ready for this.

Using a straight sword, he faces it directly and does a seemingly simple movement.

He faces it direct, raises the sword up above his head, and brings it down. All in one smooth motion.

But that's just what I see. My scan shows the true way of things.

The moment he moved; the flow of air changed. 

I can see wisps of energy subtly move around him, along with the path of the sword. It is reminiscent of qi, but has a different feel. It shifts in seconds from flowing like water, to being as sharp as the teeth of a dragon.

At every point where he moved, I could feel danger emanating from his body with my scan. It's to the point where I feel that if I distracted him, I might die from the action.

… is this the Sword Qi I've read about?

Before I can think anything further, he finishes the motion. The sword qi erupts from the edge of his blade and carries forward, no longer attached to the sword.

Right as the bolt was about to hit him, it was split into two by the sword qi and dissipated.


My healing aura is suddenly activated, healing my body.

I can't help but feel surprised, as I see my hands shaking in fear. Despite my healing aura, the level of lethality shown in just that move caused my body to instinctively produce a fear reaction.

And I got it lightly.

Some of the foundation establishment sect members near his position directly ran away as soon as he started the motion, while others froze in place. It didn't appear to be a conscious action, but their body is just reacting from the proximity of it.

For those of higher cultivation, it's easier for them to sense sword qi, while I'm using my scan to make up for that on my end.

In this case, the elder made no attempt to shield those around him from the effects of his attack. All of his energy was directed towards stopping the tribulation bolt that headed his way.

But the Tribulation wasn't done with him yet for interfering. Two more bolts soared towards him, and just like the previous time, he waves his sword in a seemingly A simple manner to protect himself.

His body moves like a blur, while also appearing to be slow. Considering the speed of the bolt and his movement, there's no way we should be able to see his actions. But somehow this technique allows such a thing. An illusion of sorts, generated from his movements.

Like before, he cuts through the tribulation bolts like a scissor through paper.



Despite his speed, strength, and technique, we all can see him stand there.

All until he collapses onto one knee, coughing blood from internal injuries. Luckily for him, his flying sword somehow keeps him stable and balanced. Soon after, some people around him fly back over to him with potions that he quickly drinks.

… I wouldn't have been able to survive three bolts. Maybe one of those, but definitely not that many. Especially from a Nascent Soul tier tribulation. And that would have been coming at me instead.

It looks like my plan to help should be shelved, as his actions appear to have solved the situation. 

Dang. I was hoping to see if I could get resistance to tribulation bolts…

I quickly put away the items I had taken out, except the small plate. I keep that on my leg, as a secret way to survive sudden death. 

By the time I'm finished, I can see that the talisman swords are now revolving above Senior Song's head, projecting a shield over top the one that was already generated around her.

Her face finally relaxes, but soon after I can see her peek over at Elder Gu with a complex look.

Okay. I'm almost totally sure they used to be lovers before her change. The guilt he shows towards her must be because he couldn't be with an "ugly" woman. 

He seemed to still care for her, as evidenced by him taking such a loss today. 

… though, she is otherworldly attractive right now, so that might have played a part.

Nonetheless, losing a talisman that produced effects of a mid-Nascent Soul tier is a major action. Adding to that, he suffered for interfering in a tribulation, causing him to be attacked and severely injured for it.

I don't even have to use my medical scan to tell that he suffered multiple internal injuries that will stay with him for a long time, requiring a lot of healing (meaning a lot of additional costs).

All to save her life.

One might think that instead of taking such a personal action, you would just have to take distance from the tribulation cloud and send something over from there… but the clouds just form over you, no matter where you are. And contrary to the person who the tribulation was originally meant for, you can't benefit from helping them.

There's been attempts to use sacrificial people for other's tribulations, like forcing a weak individual to give a strong item to a favored person, all with the intention that they would die in the process.

The world knows.

The bolts also go after the person, or people who made that person do the action.

Especially in this world of dog eat dog, that action usually meant many people were involved in forcing a person into that situation. In the past situation, a terrifying occurrence of multiple clouds forming over a variety of people's heads happened, killing many, many people from the domino effect.

Now, sacrificial people aren't even slightly considered, unless it is a single person's decision.

The rest of the tribulation goes smoothly, with Senior Song even having the swords stop protecting her a bit, to allow her to use the bolts for refinement.

During this time, Elder Gu leaves to return to his tower to recover and has everyone else leave as well.

Despite that, I can still sense many eyes (via spiritual sense) viewing this location.

Near the end of the tribulation, the clouds dissipate and send one final bolt before disappearing. Senior Song remains in position and eventually floats down. Once she gets back to where she originally started floating, she then releases her stance and flies down to me on her sword. 

The look she gives me has me shivering.

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