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63.12% rule one / Chapter 113: 22-29

Chapter 113: 22-29

Chapter 22 Maybe... maybe I'm not just a servant to him after all

Author's Note

This chapter is in Liu Wei's POV, you'll see different POVs every now and then as it helps develop the side characters and gives you an idea on how they view Kai.

Liu Wei made his way through the forest, his eyes fixed on the back of his master. As they walked, Liu Wei's mind wandered to the events that had brought him to this point.

How quickly life can change, he mused. Just a few days ago, I was nothing more than a lowly bandit, trapped in a life I despised.

The memory of that day still sent chills down his spine. He had watched from his hiding spot as Kai, then a stranger to him, confronted the bandit leader. He had really thought that Kai would defeat the bandit leader in their duel, but when he saw the leader's blade slice through Kai's neck, his heart had nearly stopped.

I thought all hope was lost then, Liu Wei recalled. I believed I'd be stuck as a bandit forever.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he remembered his failed escape attempts. Each time, he had been caught and beaten, the bandits threatening to harm his family if he tried again. The thought of his village, of his family, made his chest tighten with longing.

I wonder if they're okay, he thought. It's been so long... I hope the bandit leader kept his word and left them alone.

No use dwelling on the past, Liu Wei shook his head, trying to dispel the gloomy thoughts. My life is so much better now.

His gaze returned to Kai, and a small smile tugged at his lips. Despite being Kai's servant, Liu Wei felt their relationship was something more. Yes, his master could be cold and distant at times, but he had also taken the time to train Liu Wei, helping him improve his Qi Sensing skills and combat abilities.

Even though we're both at the Qi Refining Realm, I wouldn't mind being his disciple, Liu Wei thought. In fact, I'd love it. There's something special about Master Kai, beyond just being a cultivation prodigy. It's like he has this aura... as if he's the hero of his own story.

His musings were interrupted by an excited squeak from the tortoise sitting on his head.

"Hey, hey!" Zhi-Zhi called out. "You two should really become my disciples! If you do, I guarantee you'll both become immortals one day!"

Liu Wei couldn't help but smile. When they first met the 100-year-old tortoise, he had thought Zhi-Zhi was wise beyond his years. Now, after spending time with him, Liu Wei realized the tortoise was still very much a child at heart.

"Oh really?" Liu Wei asked, humoring the little beast. "And how exactly would you make us immortals, Zhi-Zhi?"

The tortoise puffed up his chest proudly. "Well, first I'd teach you all about the profound mysteries of the universe! Then we'd meditate for a thousand years under a waterfall!"

"A thousand years? Liu Wei laughed. "That's quite a long time, Zhi-Zhi. What would we eat?"

"Eat?" Zhi-Zhi looked confused for a moment before his eyes lit up. "Oh, right! Humans need to eat. Well, we'd... we'd eat spirit fruits! Yes, that's it! Spirit fruits that grow only once every hundred years!"

As they bantered back and forth, Liu Wei kept glancing at Kai. His master's behavior had been puzzling him lately. Kai would often stare off into space, his face cycling through various expressions – excitement, annoyance, disappointment – for no apparent reason.

What could he be doing? Liu Wei wondered. Does he have some special technique that lets him see the future? Or maybe he can sense things far beyond our range? It would explain why we've barely been attacked by beasts on this journey.

Suddenly, Kai turned and fixed Liu Wei with an intense blue-eyed stare. Liu Wei felt his breath catch in his throat, startled by the sudden attention. But then Kai smiled, and Liu Wei felt himself relax.

"Liu Wei," Kai said, "how would you like to get some battle experience?"

Liu Wei blinked in confusion. He couldn't sense any beasts nearby, and a quick glance at Zhi-Zhi showed the tortoise looked equally perplexed.

Is Master Kai suggesting we spar right here in the forest? Liu Wei thought, alarmed.

"Master," Liu Wei began hesitantly, "isn't it dangerous to fight here? We could be ambushed by-"

Kai's laughter cut him off. "No, no. Nothing like that. Come, follow me."

Relieved but still curious, Liu Wei followed as Kai led them to a small clearing. A small lake stretched before them, its surface like a mirror reflecting the sky above. Liu Wei scanned the area but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"There," Kai said, pointing towards the water's edge.

Liu Wei squinted, following his master's finger. At first, he saw nothing, but then... movement. A small, crab-like creature scuttled along the shore, its shell glistening with moisture.

"It's a spirit beast," Kai explained. "Qi Refining Stage 3. A perfect opponent for you, Liu Wei."

Liu Wei felt his mouth go dry as Kai and Zhi-Zhi turned to look at him expectantly. He swallowed hard and nodded awkwardly. "I... I understand, Master."

Taking a deep breath, Liu Wei started to walk directly towards the crab-like beast. He had only taken a few steps when he felt Kai's hand on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked, his voice tinged with amusement.

Confused, Liu Wei replied, "I'm... going to fight it?"

Kai shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "This isn't a duel, Liu Wei. You can ambush it."

Liu Wei felt his face grow hot with embarrassment. Of course! How could I be so stupid? He remembered similar situations with the bandits, how they'd always been baffled by his direct approach.

"I'm sorry, Master," Liu Wei mumbled. "I'll do better."

Pushing aside his embarrassment, Liu Wei focused on concealing his qi signature. He crept towards the spirit beast, his footsteps light and careful on the soft earth.

The crab-like creature remained oblivious to his approach, busy scavenging along the lakeshore. When Liu Wei was just a few paces away, he pounced.

His fist, infused with qi, slammed into the beast's shell. There was a satisfying crack, and the creature let out a high-pitched shriek of pain and surprise.

But the battle was far from over. The spirit beast whirled around, its pincers snapping viciously at Liu Wei's legs. He jumped back, narrowly avoiding the sharp claws.

"Watch its movements!" Kai called out. "Predict where it will strike next!"

Liu Wei nodded, his eyes never leaving the enraged beast. It scuttled sideways, trying to flank him. Remembering Kai's advice, Liu Wei anticipated its next move and sidestepped just as the creature lunged.

"Good!" Kai shouted. "Now counter-attack while it's off-balance!"

Liu Wei didn't hesitate. He drove his heel down onto the beast's exposed back, channeling his qi for extra impact. The creature's shell cracked further, and it let out another pained cry.

"Ooh, ooh!" Zhi-Zhi bounced excitedly. "Now do a backflip and land on its head!"

Without thinking, Liu Wei attempted the acrobatic move. But as he twisted in the air, he realized his mistake. The spirit beast's pincer clamped onto his ankle, sending a jolt of pain through his leg.

Liu Wei crashed to the ground, wincing. The crab-like creature advanced, its remaining pincer raised menacingly.

"Ignore the tortoise!" Kai's voice cut through Liu Wei's panic. "Focus on your strengths. You're agile – use that!"

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Liu Wei rolled to his feet. He circled the beast, staying light on his toes despite his injured ankle. The creature turned to keep him in sight, but its movements were slower now, hampered by its damaged shell.

Liu Wei saw his opportunity. He feinted left, then darted right as the beast committed to its attack. In one fluid motion, he brought his fist down on the crack in its shell, channeling every bit of qi he could muster.

The spirit beast's shell finally gave way with a sickening crunch. It let out one final, weak chirp before collapsing.

Panting heavily, Liu Wei stood over his fallen opponent. His body ached, and his ankle throbbed, but a sense of accomplishment washed over him.

He turned to see Kai approaching, a smile on his face. "Well done, Liu Wei. You made that look easy."

Liu Wei felt his chest swell with pride at his master's words. "Thank you, Master. I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

Zhi-Zhi suddenly bounced into view. "Hey, don't forget about me! I helped too! My advice was super important!"

Liu Wei awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, forcing a smile. "Ah, yes... thank you too, Zhi-Zhi. Your, uh, input was very... interesting."

If by 'help' you mean nearly getting me killed, Liu Wei thought to himself. I'm pretty sure if I had followed all of Zhi-Zhi's advice, I'd be crab food by now.

"Every bit of experience helps, Zhi-Zhi," Kai chuckled, patting the enthusiastic tortoise's shell. Glancing at the fallen spirit beast, Kai asked, "So, what are you going to do now?"

Confused, Liu Wei looked back at the creature. "I... I'm not sure what you mean, Master?"

Kai raised an eyebrow. "You're just going to leave the corpse there?"

Liu Wei's eyes widened. "Oh! Of course not, I'll collect it right away!" He hurried back to the fallen beast, his face burning with embarrassment once again.

As Liu Wei carefully gathered up the spirit beast's remains, he couldn't help but reflect on the battle. Despite the pain in his ankle, he felt... alive. It was so different from his time with the bandits, where violence had only ever brought him shame and regret.

Is this what it means to be a true cultivator? he wondered. To face challenges head-on and grow stronger from them?

He glanced at Kai, who was now in conversation with Zhi-Zhi. His master's casual confidence, the way he seemed to know exactly what to do in any situation – it was inspiring.

I want to be like that someday, Liu Wei thought. Strong, confident, always in control.

As he finished collecting the spirit beast's remains, Liu Wei made a silent vow to himself. He would work harder, train more diligently, and do whatever it took to make Kai proud. Maybe then, he could become a disciple rather than just a servant.

With the crab-like creature in his possession, Liu Wei rejoined Kai and Zhi-Zhi. The little tortoise was bouncing around excitedly, recounting Liu Wei's battle with his usual, dramatic embellishments.

"And then he went whoosh! And the crabby went splat!" Zhi-Zhi exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

Kai chuckled, patting the tortoise's shell. "I'm not sure that's exactly how it happened, Zhi-Zhi, but Liu Wei did do well."

Liu Wei felt a warmth spread through his chest at Kai's words. It was a simple compliment, but coming from his master, the man who spared his life, it meant the world.

"Thank you, Master," Liu Wei said, bowing slightly. "I still have much to learn, though."

Kai nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "That's true for all of us, Liu Wei. The path of cultivation is endless. But you've made good progress. I think it's time we took your training to the next level."

"Really, Master?" Liu Wei's eyes widened with excitement.

"Yes," Kai confirmed. "Using qi-enhanced punches and kicks isn't going to cut it anymore. I'll teach you some proper qi techniques."

Liu Wei could barely contain his enthusiasm. "Thank you, Master! I'll work hard to learn them." Then a thought occurred to him. "Master, will I be able to read the scrolls we took from the bandits? I've always wanted to learn them, but the bandits, they never let me…"

At the mention of the scrolls, a flicker of embarrassment crossed Kai's face. It was gone so quickly that Liu Wei almost thought he had imagined it. His master quickly composed himself, shaking his head.

"No, not the scrolls," Kai said, his voice steady. "I'll just teach the techniques to you directly. It'll be more efficient that way."

Master Kai is going to teach me personally, Liu Wei thought, his heart swelling with emotion. He's investing time in my growth, just like a true master would with his disciple. Maybe... maybe I'm not just a servant to him after all.

Chapter 23 Outer Elder

As Kai, Liu Wei, and Zhi-Zhi reached the top of the final hill, the Misty Waterfall Village came into view. The architecture, a unique blend of fantasy and historical elements, no longer shocked Kai as it had weeks ago. Now, it felt almost... familiar.

"Home sweet home," Kai murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Liu Wei, with Zhi-Zhi sat comfortably on his head, stepped up beside him. "It's good to be back, Master Kai."

Zhi-Zhi looked down at the village, his tiny eyes narrowing. "This is where you're from? I thought you'd be from one of the big cities."

Kai chuckled. "Surprised? Us village boys are no less than city folk."

If only that were true in this world, Kai thought. Back on Earth, maybe. But here? A Foundation Establishment cultivator could rule a place like this. In a big city, they'd be lucky to sweep the streets.

"It's quite... quaint," Zhi-Zhi said, clearly trying to be diplomatic.

Liu Wei patted the tortoise's shell. "It may not be grand, but it's peaceful. After my time with the bandits, I've learned to appreciate that."

As they made their way down the hill, Kai found himself smiling at the memory of Liu Wei's battle with the crab-like spirit beast. The young man had shown real potential.

A system notification popped up in Kai's vision:

Liu Wei's Loyalty 80/100

The poor kid's been through a lotA little positive attention, and he's practically eating out of my hand. In any other situation, I'd feel bad about manipulating him like this, but in this world... I need all the allies I can get. As long as he doesn't betray me, he can join me in reaching the peak.

"Master," Liu Wei spoke up, interrupting Kai's thoughts. "Do you think the village elders will be upset we were gone so long?"

Kai shook his head. "I doubt it. We were only gone about a week. That's pretty fast for a round trip to the Whispering Woods."

As they entered the village, Kai noticed something... off. The usual bustle was subdued. People moved with an air of... was that nervousness?

What's going on here? Kai wondered. It's like everyone's on their best behavior. Could it be...

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Zhang Wei hurrying towards them. The old man's eyes widened as he noticed Zhi-Zhi.

"Kai, my boy! You're back!" Zhang Wei exclaimed, before his gaze fixed on the tortoise. "But... what is a spirit beast doing here?"

Before Kai could respond, Zhi-Zhi puffed up his tiny chest and spoke in what he clearly thought was an impressive voice. "I am their master."

Zhang Wei's jaw dropped. He looked from Zhi-Zhi to Kai, then back again. Seeing no one contradict the tortoise, he bowed deeply. "Forgive me, honored spirit beast. I didn't realize-"

Kai couldn't hold back his laughter. "Stand up, Elder Zhang. There's no need for that. We helped Zhi-Zhi out of a tight spot, and now he's traveling with us. That's all."

Zhi-Zhi deflated a bit. "I didn't need help," he muttered. "No one can break my shell."

Ignoring the pouting tortoise, Kai turned back to Zhang Wei. "Now, what's got everyone so worked up? The village feels... tense."

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up. "Ah, yes! I'm so glad you made it back in time. The Outer Elder from the Azure Sky Sect arrived a few hours ago. Tomorrow, he'll be testing the youth of the village for cultivation potential!"

"That's great news," Kai replied. "But I assume Liu Wei and I don't need to be tested?"

Zhang Wei nodded. "Correct. You've both already entered the Qi Refining Realm. But..." He lowered his voice. "I've arranged for you to meet the Outer Elder tonight. At my house. For dinner."

"Tonight?" Kai blinked. "Elder Zhang, I appreciate the thought, but we've been traveling for days. We're tired, dirty-"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Wei waved off Kai's concerns. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You need to make a good first impression if you want to go far. Now, listen carefully. There are some things you need to know about proper etiquette..."

For the next several minutes, Zhang Wei rattled off a list of do's and don'ts that made Kai's head spin.

"Always address him as 'Honored Elder.' Never speak unless spoken to. Keep your eyes lowered, but not so low that it seems disrespectful. If he offers you a cup of tea, accept it with both hands. Sip it slowly, but not too slowly. If he asks you a question, answer truthfully, but don't volunteer information..."

Jesus Christ, Kai thought. I grew up in America. What do I know about all this bowing and scraping?

But Kai knew the stakes. One wrong move, one perceived slight, and he could kiss his cultivation dreams goodbye. Or worse, get slapped into paste by an offended Outer Elder.

"...and whatever you do, don't mention the Crimson Phoenix Sect. The Azure Sky Sect has a blood feud with them going back three thousand years. Got all that?" Zhang Wei finally finished, looking expectantly at Kai.

If it wasn't for cultivation boosting my memory, I wouldn't have a prayer of remembering all this, Kai thought. But outwardly, he just nodded. "I understand, Elder Zhang. Thank you for the guidance."

Zhang Wei beamed. "Excellent! Now, go get cleaned up. I need to prepare for dinner. Oh, and Kai?"

"Yes, Elder?"

"I'm proud of you, boy. You've come a long way in a short time. I know you'll make a good impression tonight."

As Zhang Wei hurried off, Kai felt a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with qi cultivation. He pushed the feeling aside, focusing on the task at hand.

"Liu Wei," he said, turning to his companion. "Get some rest. We've got a big night ahead of us."

Liu Wei bowed. "Yes, Master Kai. And... thank you. For everything."

As Liu Wei headed off to his own hut, Kai was left alone with Zhi-Zhi. The little tortoise looked from Kai to the simple mud-brick structure that served as Kai's home.

Zhi-Zhi sighed dramatically. "You really are a village boy, aren't you?"

Kai just shook his head, smiling. "Come on, oh wise and ancient one. Let's get you settled in."

Inside the hut, Kai quickly set about cleaning himself up. As he splashed water on his face from a wooden basin, he caught sight of his reflection. The face that looked back at him was leaner, harder than it had been just a few weeks ago.

I've changed, he realized. This world is changing me.

"So," Zhi-Zhi's voice piped up from where he was exploring the small space. "This is how mortals live? It's so... primitive."

Kai dried his face with a rough cloth. "Not all mortals. Just us simple village folk."

"Hmph," Zhi-Zhi snorted. "I still can't believe you're not from a big city. You seem too... I don't know. Worldly?"

"There's a lot you don't know about me," Kai laughed.

More than you could possibly imagine, he added silently.

As Kai changed into his cleanest set of robes - which, admittedly, weren't that clean - he found his mind wandering to the upcoming dinner. Meeting an Outer Elder of the Azure Sky Sect... it was a big deal. Possibly a game-changer.

I need to play this smart, he thought. Make a good impression.

"Hey," Zhi-Zhi called out, interrupting Kai's musings. "What am I supposed to do while you're at this fancy dinner?"

Kai turned to the tortoise, considering. "You know, that's a good question. I don't think bringing a spirit beast to dinner would be appropriate. Even if you are our 'master.'"

Zhi-Zhi puffed up indignantly. "I am a noble spirit beast! Descended from the great Dragon Turtle! I should be the guest of honor at any dinner!"

"Uh-huh," Kai said, unconvinced. "And how many great and noble spirit beasts do you know who live in mud huts and eat porridge?"

Zhi-Zhi deflated. "Well... when you put it that way..."

"Tell you what," Kai said, kneeling down to the tortoise's level. "Why don't you stay here and meditate? Work on your cultivation. I'm sure a wise and powerful being like yourself has many profound insights to contemplate."

Zhi-Zhi's eyes lit up. "You're right! I shall enter deep meditation and unravel the mysteries of the universe!"

That should keep him occupied, Kai thought with amusement. And out of trouble.

As the sun began to set, Kai made his way to Zhang Wei's home. The old man's dwelling was larger than most in the village, befitting his status as an elder, but it was still modest by any real standard.

Liu Wei was already there, looking nervous but clean in a set of borrowed robes. Zhang Wei ushered them inside, fussing over their appearance.

"Remember," the old man hissed as he straightened Kai's collar. "Address him as 'Honored Elder.' Keep your eyes lowered, but not too low. And for heaven's sake, don't mention-"

"The Crimson Phoenix Sect," Kai finished for him. "I remember, Elder Zhang. Don't worry."

Zhang Wei nodded, but he still looked worried. "Good, good. Now, let me go check on the food. You two wait here."

As Zhang Wei bustled off to the kitchen, Kai turned to Liu Wei. The young man was fidgeting with the sleeves of his robe.

"Nervous?" Kai asked.

Liu Wei nodded. "I've never met anyone important before. Well, except you, Master Kai."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "I'm not that important, Liu Wei."

"You are to me," Liu Wei said quietly. "You saved me from the bandits. Gave me a chance at a real life. At cultivation."

Kai felt that warmth in his chest again. He pushed it aside. Focus, he told himself. You can't afford to get attached. This is just a game. A very dangerous, very real game.

"Just follow my lead," Kai said aloud. "And remember what Elder Zhang told us. We'll be fine."

Before Liu Wei could respond, there was a commotion outside. The sound of raised voices, shuffling feet. Then, a presence. It was like the air itself grew heavier, charged with an invisible energy.

Qi, Kai realized. I'm sensing his qi.

The door swung open, and a figure stepped through. He was tall, imposing, dressed in blue and white robes. His face was ageless, neither young nor old, with eyes that held the wisdom of centuries.

This, Kai knew without being told, was the Outer Elder of the Azure Sky Sect.

Chapter 24 I told you not to mention them!

Zhang Wei hurried forward, bowing deeply. "Honored Elder Feng, these are the young cultivators I was telling you about, Kai Thorn and Liu Wei."

Kai and Liu Wei bowed low, careful to keep their eyes respectfully lowered as Zhang Wei had instructed.

Elder Feng's gaze swept over them, lingering on Kai. "Rise, young ones. Let me look at you properly."

As Kai straightened, he felt the weight of the Elder's qi pressing against him. It was potent, far beyond anything he'd sensed from any other cultivator. But compared to the overwhelming presence of Zhi-Zhi's mother, the Ancient Spirit Tree...

This is nothing, Kai thought, suppressing a smile. But then again, if an Outer Elder was at the Nascent Soul Realm, Azure Sky Sect would probably be the number one sect in the whole kingdom, not just one of the greater sects in the region.

As if triggered by Kai's thoughts, a translucent window appeared before his eyes:

Name: Feng Yuliang

Title: Outer Elder of Azure Sky Sect

Cultivation: Pseudo Core Formation Realm

Your Level is too low to observe the character's stats.

Pseudo Core Formation? Kai's mind raced. That's a transition stage between Foundation Establishment and true Core Formation. Interesting. If an Outer Elder is at this level, the main elders are probably at Nascent Soul. And the Sect Master... who knows?

Kai suppressed a smirk as he recalled some of the more ridiculous realm names he'd encountered in xianxia novels. Origin Realm? Ascendant Realm? Heavenly Dao? Creators really just make up whatever sounds cool after a certain point.

Kai's musings on cultivation realms were interrupted as Elder Feng's eyes widened fractionally. "Young Kai, Zhang Wei told me you were progressing rapidly through the Qi Refining stages, but I didn't expect this. You're already at the 7th stage?"

Kai bowed his head slightly. "This junior has been fortunate in his cultivation, thanks to Elder Zhang's guidance."

Elder Feng waved off Kai's humble response. "No need for false modesty. Even starting later than most, you're already surpassing many Outer Disciples. Well done."

Zhang Wei beamed with pride as though it was him who was praised.

Elder Feng's gaze sharpened as it fell on Liu Wei. "And you... I hear you used to be a bandit."

Liu Wei's face flushed with shame. "I... I was forced into it, Honored Elder. I never wanted-"

Elder Feng raised a hand, silencing him. "Your heart will be tested in the trials. If the Azure Sky Sect finds any trace of demonic cultivator tendencies, you will not be allowed to enter. Understand?"

Liu Wei nodded, eyes downcast. "Yes, Honored Elder."

Kai felt a pang of sympathy for Liu Wei. Poor guy. He's too soft-hearted to have any demonic tendencies. It's me they should be worried about.

"Dinners ready, let's eat!" Zhang Wei announced.

As they moved to the dining area, Kai's thoughts turned inward. I hope they don't realize just how selfish I really am. Let's hope their tests aren't too thorough.

The group settled around the low table, kneeling on cushions as servants brought out dishes of steamed fish, fragrant rice, and various vegetable dishes. The meal began in silence, broken only by the clink of chopsticks against bowls.

Elder Feng took a sip of tea, then turned to Zhang Wei. "Old friend, your cooking is as delightful as ever. You should have joined the Azure Sky Sect's kitchen instead of attempting Foundation Establishment."

Zhang Wei chuckled, but Kai noticed the slight tightening around his eyes. "You flatter me, Honored Elder. I'm just glad I can still be of some use to the sect, even in my... diminished state."

Kai observed the interaction closely. Despite calling Zhang Wei 'old friend,' there's a clear power dynamic here. Zhang Wei is practically kowtowing with every word.

"Nonsense," Elder Feng said, waving his hand. "Your eye for talent is as sharp as ever. These two boys are proof of that."

Liu Wei, who had been quiet until now, spoke up hesitantly. "Honored Elder, may I ask... what are the trials like? For entering the sect?"

"Worried about your past, are you?" Elder Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. "The trials test more than just cultivation level. They probe the very essence of a cultivator's spirit. Those with impure hearts or evil intentions will be rejected, no matter their talent."

Liu Wei swallowed hard and nodded, returning his attention to his bowl.

Kai decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. "Elder Feng, I'm curious about the Azure Sky Sect's specialties. I've heard your wind and lightning techniques are unparalleled."

The elder's eyes lit up. "Ah, a young man with good taste! Indeed, our Thundercloud Palm and Gale Step techniques are renowned throughout the cultivation world. But tell me, young Kai, what element calls to you?"

"Lightning," Kai replied without hesitation. "I find its raw power and speed fascinating."

Elder Feng nodded approvingly. "A fine choice. Lightning cultivation is challenging, but rewarding. Perhaps, if you join our sect, I could give you some pointers."

The meal continued, with Elder Feng telling them tales of the Azure Sky Sect's glorious history. Kai listened attentively, filing away every piece of information for future use. Knowledge is power, especially in a world like this.

As the final dishes were cleared away, Elder Feng set down his teacup and fixed Kai with an intense gaze. "Young Kai, I will be honest, you've caught my eye. I rarely take personal disciples, but I see great potential in you. How would you like to become my disciple, here and now?"

I knew this was coming, Kai thought. If I were in his position, I'd do the same. Snatch up the promising recruit before anyone else gets the chance.

He glanced at Zhang Wei and saw the old man's smile falter. The look in his eyes clearly said: Politely refuse.

Kai bowed deeply. "Honored Elder, I'm deeply grateful for your offer. But... I'm not ready to make such a momentous decision yet. I'd like to complete the trials and enter the Azure Sky Sect properly before considering such an honor."

Elder Feng laughed, a sound that didn't quite reach his eyes. "My boy, if I take you as my disciple right now, you won't need to compete in any trials. You'll become an Azure Sky Sect disciple immediately."

Kai's smile stiffened slightly. This elder is persistent. He knows I'm making excuses, but he won't back down.

"Thank you again, Honored Elder," Kai said carefully. "But I still feel I need time to think about it. This is a life-changing decision, after all."

The warmth drained from Elder Feng's face. "You misunderstand, young Kai. I decide who joins the sect. If you're not interested in my generous offer, perhaps the Azure Sky Sect has no need of you at all."

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in alarm. "Honored Elder, please. The boy means no disrespect. He's simply overwhelmed by your generosity."

Kai's eyes narrowed. He's trying to intimidate me. But he won't actually harm me. His reputation as a righteous cultivator is too important, and if word got back to the sect that he killed a prodigy for rejecting his offer, he'd lose his role. And it's not like he would be able to stop word getting back, Zhang Wei would make sure the sect heard about it.

Just to be sure, Kai glanced at his map. The green dot representing Elder Feng remained unchanged. Still not hostile. Time to push back a little.

Kai smiled, the expression not quite reaching his eyes. "Actually, Honored Elder, during our recent trip to the Whispering Woods, the Crimson Phoenix Sect expressed interest in recruiting me. If the Azure Sky Sect isn't interested, perhaps I should consider their offer instead."

Zhang Wei's face went from pale to ashen. Kai could almost hear the old man's voice in his head: "I told you not to mention them!"

Elder Feng's face turned serious, his aura flaring. The pressure of his Pseudo Core Formation cultivation bore down on Kai like a physical weight, making it difficult to breathe.

Chapter 25 Deception Leveled up!

"You dare," Feng growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You dare mention those crimson demons in my presence?"

Maybe I pushed a little too hard there, but I can't back down now, he thought, fighting to keep his breathing steady. This is definitely a dialogue tree with major consequencesI need to choose my words carefully. Too aggressive, and I'll trigger a combat event. Too submissive, and I'll lose reputation points with the Azure Sky Sect.

"I only wished to be transparent about my options," Kai managed to say, his voice strained but still steady. "They seemed quite eager to recruit new talent. I thought it's important to consider all opportunities. Surely a sect as great as Azure Sky isn't threatened by a little competition?"

For a moment, it seemed as though Outer Elder Feng might actually strike Kai. The air crackled with qi, and both Zhang Wei and Liu Wei looked ready to intervene, futile as it might be.

Then, unexpectedly, Feng threw back his head and laughed. The oppressive aura vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that," Feng said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Not many would dare to speak to me like that, let alone mention those red-robed bastards."

He fixed Kai with an appraising look. "Very well. You want to prove yourself in the trials? So be it. But know this - I'll be watching your performance very closely. Impress me, and my offer still stands. Disappoint me..." His eyes hardened. "Well, let's just say you'd be better off with a second-rate righteous sect like those Crimson Phoenix bastards."

"Thank you for your understanding, Outer Elder." Kai bowed. "I won't let you down."

As he straightened, Kai caught Zhang Wei's eye. The old man looked both relieved and exasperated.

Sorry, old man, Kai thought. But I'm not about to let anyone railroad me into a decision, no matter how powerful they are.

"Now then," Feng said, his tone lighter as he settled back onto his cushion. "Tell me more about this encounter with the Crimson Phoenix Sect. What exactly did they say to you?"

Kai's mind raced. He had never actually met anyone from the Crimson Phoenix Sect. This was a dangerous game he was playing, but he couldn't back down now. He'd have to fabricate a story, and fast.

Keep it vague, he told himself. Don't give too many details that could be disproven.

"It was during our journey to the Whispering Woods," Kai began, keeping his voice steady. "We encountered a group of cultivators wearing crimson robes. At first, we thought they might be bandits or rogue cultivators, but their demeanor was... different."

Feng leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Different how?"

"They weren't like rogue cultivators, they were disciplined, organized. Their leader approached us directly. He said they were scouting for new talent in the region."

Kai paused, gauging Feng's reaction. The Outer Elder's face remained impassive, but there was a tightness around his eyes that suggested barely contained anger.

"Go on."

"They spoke of opportunities their sect could offer - advanced cultivation techniques, access to rare resources. It was... intriguing, I'll admit."

Liu Wei shifted uncomfortably beside Kai, clearly confused by this fabricated story. Kai shot him a warning glance, silently urging him to stay quiet.

"And what did you tell them?" Feng asked, his tone dangerously soft.

Kai allowed a small smile to play across his lips. "I told them I was flattered by their interest, but that I had other plans. Specifically, that I was hoping to join the Azure Sky Sect."

Feng's eyebrows rose slightly. "Oh? And how did they react to that?"

"They seemed... disappointed," Kai said, choosing his words carefully. "They made some disparaging remarks about Azure Sky's traditions, implying that I'd be wasting my potential."

A low growl escaped Feng's throat, but he quickly composed himself. "I see. And you weren't swayed by their... persuasive arguments?"

Kai shook his head firmly. "No, Outer Elder. I've heard stories of the Azure Sky Sect from Elder Zhang, he had already convinced me to join the sect. The Crimson Phoenix Sect might be a powerful rival but I trust Elder Zhang's judgement, I just hope the trust isn't misplaced…"

He was laying it on thick, and he knew it. But from the pleased glint in Feng's eye, it seemed to be working.

"Well said, young Kai," Feng nodded approvingly. "Those devils were trying to lead you astray, you were right to listen to old Zhang. Perhaps I was too hasty in my judgment earlier."

As Kai began to relax, thinking he had successfully navigated this dangerous conversation, Feng suddenly leaned forward, his eyes boring into Kai's.

"Tell me, did they mention any specific plans? Locations they were interested in?"

Kai's heart raced. This was the most dangerous part of his deception. He needed to provide something that sounded valuable without being too specific. His mind quickly cycled through common tropes from xianxia stories he'd read back on Earth.

Secret realm opening? Heavenly tribulation? Ancient inheritance? Come on, there's got to be something generic enough to be believable...

"They were careful not to reveal too much," Kai said, feigning thoughtfulness. "But... I do remember overhearing something about a 'Celestial Alignment' happening soon. They seemed quite focused on preparing for it, though I'm not sure of the details."

Kai held his breath, hoping he'd struck the right balance. In most xianxia stories, celestial events were prime opportunities for breakthroughs or accessing hidden realms. If the Azure Sky Sect and Crimson Phoenix Sect were truly rivals, it wasn't far-fetched that they'd both be interested in such an event.

Feng's eyes widened fractionally, a flash of recognition crossing his face before he schooled his features back into neutrality.

"I see," he said, his voice thoughtful. "That is... interesting information. Thank you for sharing it."

As Feng turned to engage Zhang Wei in conversation, Kai felt a subtle shift in his consciousness. A system notification appeared before him.

Skill Leveled Up!

You have successfully deceived a high-level cultivator. Your ability to craft believable lies and maintain composure under pressure has improved.

Deception has reached Level 4!

Kai suppressed a smile. Well, that's certainly useful. Though I'll need to be careful not to rely on it too much. In this world, getting caught in a lie could be fatal.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of polite conversation and veiled probing questions. Kai carefully navigated the social minefield, revealing just enough information to satisfy Outer Elder Feng's curiosity without giving away too much.

As the night wore on, Feng finally stood. "Well, this has been an…interesting evening. I look forward to seeing how you perform in the trials, young Kai. Don't disappoint me."

With that, Elder Feng strode towards the door, pausing only to nod at Zhang Wei. "Thank you for your hospitality, old friend. We'll speak again soon."

As the door closed behind the Outer Elder, the tension in the room finally broke. Zhang Wei collapsed into his chair, wiping sweat from his brow.

"By the heavens, boy," he gasped, staring at Kai with a mix of awe and horror. "What were you thinking, mentioning the Crimson Phoenix Sect? I told you specifically not to bring them up!"

Kai allowed himself a small smile. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Elder Zhang. But it worked out in the end, didn't it?"

Liu Wei shook his head in disbelief. "Master Kai, that was... I've never seen anyone stand up to a powerful cultivator like that before."

"Don't praise him!" Zhang Wei snapped. "That kind of recklessness could have gotten us all killed!"

Kai raised his hands in the air. "I understand your concern, Elder Zhang. But I had a feeling Elder Feng wouldn't actually harm us. He's too smart for that."

Zhang Wei sighed. "You're playing with fire, Kai. The rivalry between the Azure Sky Sect and the Crimson Phoenix Sect goes back centuries. It's not something to be used as a bargaining chip."

"I know," Kai said, his expression turning serious. "But I couldn't let him strong-arm me into becoming his disciple. Something about that offer felt... off."

Zhang Wei nodded slowly. "You're not wrong. Feng has always been ambitious. Taking a prodigy like you as his personal disciple would have raised his status in the sect considerably whilst also limiting your development…"

He didn't need to finish the thought. Kai understood all too well. Politics. It's always politics, no matter what world you're in.

"What do we do now?" Liu Wei asked.

Kai stood, stretching muscles that had been tense throughout the confrontation. "Now? We prepare for the trials. Once we arrive at the Azure Sky Sect, an Outer Elder like Feng Yuliang wouldn't mean much."

Zhang Wei nodded approvingly. "Well said. But Kai..." his expression grew stern, "no more reckless gambles. The cultivation world is not a game. One wrong move could cost you everything."

If only you knew, Kai thought, suppressing a smile. But you're right. I need to be more careful.

"I understand, Elder Zhang," he said aloud. "Thank you for your guidance. And... I'm sorry for causing you so much stress tonight."

The old man waved off the apology. "What's done is done. Get some rest, both of you. Oh, and remember to attend the Talent Ceremony tomorrow!"

Chapter 26 Regressor? Reincarnator?

The morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the Misty Waterfall Village. Kai stood at the edge of the town square, watching as villagers began to gather for the Talent Ceremony.

Liu Wei shifted beside him, his eyes darting nervously among the crowd. "It feels strange not to be participating, Master. Do you think the other villagers will resent us for already being cultivators?"

Kai shook his head, his gaze steady as he scanned the crowd. "I doubt it, Liu Wei. Most of them are probably too focused on their own chances to worry about us."

Not that it matters what they think anyway, Kai mused. In this world, strength is what counts. As long as they can't harm us, their opinions are irrelevant.

Sat on top of Liu Wei's head, Zhi-Zhi puffed out his tiny chest. "Besides, they should be honored to witness my presence at such an event!"

Kai suppressed a smile. This little guy's ego is something else.

"Let's focus on observing the ceremony," Kai said, his voice low. "We might spot potential allies or rivals among the candidates."

Liu Wei nodded, his posture relaxing slightly. "You're right, Master."

As more villagers filed into the square, Kai noticed Elder Zhang bustling about, directing people and ensuring everything was in order. The old man's face was a mixture of excitement and worry.

He's probably concerned about how I'll behave after last night's... eventful dinner, Kai thought.

Near the center of the square, a simple wooden chair had been set up on a raised platform. Next to it stood a small table with a velvet cloth draped over it.

"Look," Liu Wei whispered, pointing. "That must be where the Outer Elder will sit."

Kai nodded. "And I bet that cloth is covering some sort of testing crystal."

As if on cue, a hush fell over the crowd. Outer Elder Feng strode into the square, his blue and white robes billowing slightly in the morning breeze. Trailing behind Feng was a frail-looking old man Kai vaguely recognized as the village leader.

I almost forgot that guy existed, Kai mused. Elder Zhang does all the real work around here.

The village leader cleared his throat and addressed the crowd in a wavering voice. "Esteemed villagers, welcome to this year's Talent Ceremony! We are honored to have Outer Elder Feng of the Azure Sky Sect with us today. He will test our youth for cultivation potential using the sacred Spirit Essence Crystal."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the gathering. Kai watched as parents hugged their children, whispering words of encouragement.

In every xianxia novel I've read, this is always a big moment, Kai thought. The start of the protagonist's journey. I'd better keep my eyes open.

Elder Feng took his seat on the wooden chair, his piercing gaze sweeping over the assembled villagers. When his eyes met Kai's, there was a flicker of... something but it was gone too quickly to tell.

"Let us begin," Feng announced, his voice carrying easily across the square. He reached for the velvet cloth and pulled it away, revealing a palm-sized crystal that seemed to glow with an inner light.

Elder Zhang stepped forward, unrolling a scroll. "We will proceed in alphabetical order. When your name is called, please step forward and place your hand on the crystal."

The first name was called, and a nervous-looking boy of about fifteen stumbled forward. He placed a trembling hand on the crystal, and... nothing happened. The crystal remained dark.

Feng's face remained impassive. "Next," he called out.

And so it went. One by one, the village youth approached the crystal. Most produced no reaction at all. A few caused the crystal to flicker weakly, drawing gasps from the crowd.

Liu Wei leaned in close to Kai. "Master, how bright does the crystal need to get for someone to be accepted?"

Kai kept his eyes on the proceedings as he answered. "I'm not too sure but from what I can see, it needs to glow steadily for at least a few seconds. A weak flicker isn't enough."

Zhi-Zhi snorted. "If I touched that crystal, it would probably explode from my immense spiritual power!"

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged amused glances but said nothing.

As the ceremony continued, Kai found his mind wandering. I wonder if this is how the System chose me back on Earth. Some cosmic crystal deciding I had the right "stats" to be isekai'd?

His thoughts were interrupted by a collective gasp from the crowd. Kai's attention snapped back to the platform, where a young girl stood with her hand on the crystal. It was glowing steadily, brighter than it had for anyone else so far.

Elder Feng leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Interesting," he murmured. "You have some potential, child. Not enough for the Azure Sky Sect, but perhaps one of the smaller sects would take you on."

The girl's face fell slightly, but her family erupted in cheers. Kai could understand their excitement. Even the chance to join a minor sect was a big deal in a village like this.

As the girl stepped down, Elder Zhang called out the next name. "Shen Yu, please step forward."

A young man detached himself from the crowd. Kai estimated him to be around sixteen, with a lean build and sharp features. What caught Kai's attention, however, was the boy's eyes. They were calm, almost unnaturally so for someone about to face a life-changing test.

I don't know much about this one, Kai realized. He's always kept to himself. Could he be...

As Shen Yu approached the crystal, the crowd fell silent. Even Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi stopped their whispered commentary, caught up in the tension of the moment.

Shen Yu placed his hand on the crystal without hesitation. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, slowly, a faint glow began to emanate from the stone. It grew steadily brighter, until it surpassed any glow before it.

Outer Elder Feng nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Well done, Shen Yu. You have earned the right to attempt our trials."

The crowd cheered again, but Kai barely heard them. His eyes were fixed on Shen Yu's face, watching for any reaction.

There was none.

No shock. No joy. No relief. Shen Yu's expression remained as calm and unreadable as it had been before the test.

That's not normal, Kai thought, his mind racing. A village boy with the chance to enter an immortal sect should be ecstatic, or at least surprised. Unless...

"Master Kai?" Liu Wei's voice broke through his thoughts. "Is something wrong?"

Kai shook his head slightly. "No, nothing's wrong. Just... thinking."

As Shen Yu melted back into the crowd, Kai's mind whirled with possibilities. Could he be a hidden protagonist? A reincarnator? A regressor? In xianxia novels, there's always someone with a secret past or future knowledge.

He ran through the possibilities:

Reincarnator: Someone reborn into this world with memories of their past life.

Regressor: Someone who's lived through these events before and come back in time to change things. They'd know exactly what to expect, which could explain Shen Yu's lack of reaction.

Hidden Protagonist: Someone with a secret background or special ability, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves.

Or, Kai reminded himself, he could just be an unusually calm teenager. Not everything has to follow story logic.

Still, Kai made a mental note to keep an eye on Shen Yu. In a world of cultivation and immortal sects, it paid to be cautious.

Elder Feng's voice cut through Kai's thoughts. "We will depart for the Azure Sky Sect in three days. Those who have been selected should prepare themselves. When we arrive at the sect, that is when the real trial begins."

As he said this last part, Feng's eyes locked onto Kai. There was a clear message in that gaze: You'd better be ready.

Then, almost as an afterthought, Feng's gaze shifted slightly. His eyes widened as he noticed Zhi-Zhi perched on top of Liu Wei's head.

Crap, Kai thought. He seems interested in our little "master" here.

As the crowd began to disperse, chattering excitedly about the results of the ceremony, Kai felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Elder Zhang, looking both relieved and apprehensive.

"Kai, my boy," Zhang said in a low voice. "A word, if you please."

Kai nodded. "Of course, Elder Zhang. Liu Wei, why don't you take Zhi-Zhi back to my hut? I'll meet you there later."

Liu Wei bowed slightly. "Yes, Master."

As Liu Wei walked away, Zhi-Zhi's voice could be heard complaining. "But I wanted to show that Outer Elder my true power! He would have begged me to join his sect!"

Kai followed Elder Zhang to a quiet corner of the square. The old man's face was creased with worry.

"Kai," Zhang began, "I hope you understand the opportunity before you. The Azure Sky Sect is one of the most prestigious in the region. If you impress them during the trials..."

Kai held up a hand. "I understand, Elder Zhang. I won't let you down."

Zhang's expression softened. "I know you won't, my boy. It's just... after last night's dinner, I worry that you might... ruffle some feathers."

Kai couldn't help but smile. "You mean you're worried I'll mouth off to the wrong person and get myself killed?"

Zhang winced. "Well, I wouldn't put it quite so bluntly, but... yes."

"Don't worry," Kai said, his voice taking on a serious tone. "I know how to play the game. I'll be on my best behavior."

As long as no one tries to take advantage of me, he added silently.

Zhang studied Kai's face for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I trust you, Kai. Just remember, one wrong move can be fatal."

"I'll remember," Kai promised. Trust me, old man, I've read enough xianxia to know how cutthroat this world can be.

As Elder Zhang walked away, Kai's gaze drifted back to where Shen Yu stood, still as calm and unruffled as before. The boy's parents were hugging him, tears of joy streaming down their faces, but Shen Yu's expression remained neutral.

There's definitely more to that kid than meets the eye, Kai thought. I'll need to keep a close watch on him during the trials.

With that thought, Kai turned and began making his way back to his hut. He had a lot to prepare for in the next three days.

As Kai walked through the village, he couldn't help but notice the change in atmosphere. Everywhere he looked, people were talking excitedly about the Talent Ceremony and Shen Yu's success.

"Did you see how the crystal lit up for him?"

"I always knew that Shen boy was special!"

"Do you think he'll become a great cultivator?"

Kai tuned out the chatter, his mind focused on the tasks ahead. I need to make sure I'm fully prepared for these trials. Who knows what kind of tests the Azure Sky Sect will throw at us?

As he approached his hut, he heard raised voices from inside. Kai sighed. What are those two arguing about now?

He pushed open the door to find Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi in the middle of a heated debate.

"I'm telling you, I could have made that crystal explode with my power!" Zhi-Zhi was saying, his tiny face scrunched up in indignation.

Liu Wei rolled his eyes. "And I'm telling you, Master Zhi-Zhi, that's not how the test works. It's not about raw power, it's about potential and affinity."

"Hmph!" Zhi-Zhi turned his back on Liu Wei. "What do you know about it, anyway? You're just a former bandit!"

Liu Wei's face flushed with anger, but before he could retort, Kai cleared his throat loudly.

Both Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi turned to look at him, their argument forgotten for the moment.

"Master Kai!" Liu Wei said, bowing slightly. "How did your talk with Elder Zhang go?"

Kai moved into the hut, closing the door behind him. "It went fine. He's just worried about how we'll behave at the Azure Sky Sect."

Zhi-Zhi puffed up his chest. "He needn't worry about me! I'll show those sect elders what true nobility looks like!"

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged glances, both trying not to laugh.

"I'm sure you will, Zhi-Zhi," Kai said, keeping his voice neutral. "But for now, we need to focus on preparing for the journey and the trials ahead."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "What should we do first, Master Kai?"

If this were a game, now would be the time to grind for experience and upgrade our equipment. Kai thought as he sat down on a simple wooden stool. But apart from that Roach Carapace Fragment, I don't have any other materials that could make a worthwhile item.

"Well, it's too late to attempt another breakthrough now," Kai said aloud, "instead we need to make sure we have a few techniques up our sleeves. It's time I teach you some techniques!"

Chapter 27 New System Feature Unlocked: Teaching XP

Kai sat cross-legged in the fields outside his little hut. Opposite him, Liu Wei mirrored his position, his expression a mix of eagerness and nervousness. To Kai's right, Zhi-Zhi sat on a smooth stone.

"Alright, Liu Wei," Kai began. "We're going to start with the Swift Wind Step technique."

"I've been looking forward to learning this for years, Master!" Liu Wei exclaimed.

Kai smiled, pleased by Liu Wei's enthusiasm. "Well, thanks to that fruit you ate in the Whispering Woods, which boosted your wind affinity by 20%, you're in an excellent position to learn it quickly."

"I'm ready to begin but Master," Liu Wei said, his brow furrowing in confusion, "why focus on this technique specifically? Wouldn't it be better to work on overall qi cultivation with the Azure Sky Sect trials so close?"

"Good question. In a perfect world, we'd have time to round out all aspects of your cultivation. But we don't have that luxury. The trials are just around the corner, and we need to play to your strengths." Kai paused, letting his words sink in. "Your main advantage is your speed and agility. The Swift Wind Step will enhance those natural talents. In a trial situation, being able to move quickly and unpredictably could make all the difference."

It's basic gaming strategy, Kai mused. Buff your strongest stats first, especially when you're on a time crunch.

Liu Wei's eyes lit up with understanding. "I see! So, we're focusing on what I'm already good at, rather than trying to improve my weaknesses."

"Exactly," Kai nodded approvingly. "In the long run, we'll work on all aspects of your cultivation. But for now, we need to make you as formidable as possible in your areas of strength."

Zhi-Zhi, who had been uncharacteristically quiet until now, suddenly spoke up. "Ah, yes! As the ancient saying goes: 'A fish that swims faster than the current need not worry about the direction of the river.'"

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged puzzled glances.

"Um, Zhi-Zhi," Kai began gently, "I'm not sure that saying really applies here. Or... exists at all."

The tortoise puffed up indignantly. "Of course it does! It's a very old and wise saying. You humans simply haven't lived long enough to hear it."

Right, because you're such an ancient and wise being at the ripe old age of... what, a hundred? Kai thought, suppressing a smirk. Instead, he reached out and patted Zhi-Zhi's shell. "Of course, Zhi-Zhi. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us."

Looking pleased with himself, the tortoise settled back onto his stone.

Turning his attention back to Liu Wei, Kai took a moment to gather his thoughts. When he'd used the Skill Scroll for Swift Wind Step, the scroll had disintegrated, its knowledge absorbed directly into his mind. He understood the technique on a fundamental level, but translating that understanding into teachable instructions was proving to be a challenge.

It's like trying to explain how to ride a bike, Kai mused. You know how to do it, but putting it into words is trickier than you'd expect.

"Okay," Kai began, "the key to the Swift Wind Step is in the name itself. You're not just moving quickly; you're becoming one with the wind. Start by visualizing your qi as a gentle breeze flowing through your body."

Liu Wei closed his eyes, his face scrunching up in concentration.

"Don't force it," Kai advised. "Let the qi flow naturally, like a stream finding its path. Now, focus on your feet. Imagine the wind gathering there, coiling like a spring."

Liu Wei nodded, his eyes still closed.

"When you're ready to move, release that coiled energy. Let it propel you forward, but don't fight against it. Move with the flow of the wind."

Kai watched as Liu Wei's face twisted in confusion. Maybe I'm being too abstract, he thought. Time for a more practical demonstration.

"Here, let me show you," Kai said, standing up. He took a few steps back, giving himself some room. "Watch closely."

Kai closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt his qi stirring, responding to his will. In his mind's eye, he saw it swirling around his feet, building up like a miniature cyclone. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he released it.

To Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi, it looked as if Kai had simply vanished. A heartbeat later, he reappeared several meters away, leaves and dust swirling in his wake.

"Wow!" Liu Wei exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. "That was incredible, Master!"

Even Zhi-Zhi looked impressed, though he quickly hid it behind a mask of indifference. "Hmph. I suppose that's somewhat impressive. For a human."

Kai walked back to his starting position, a slight smile on his face. "That's the basic idea. Now you try, Liu Wei. Remember, visualize the wind, gather it at your feet, then release."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly, getting to his feet. He closed his eyes, his face a mask of intense concentration. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and tried to move.

Instead of the graceful dash Kai had demonstrated, Liu Wei stumbled forward awkwardly, nearly falling flat on his face.

"That's... not quite right," Kai said, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice.

Liu Wei's face fell. "I don't understand. What am I doing wrong?"

Before Kai could respond, Zhi-Zhi spoke up. "Ah, young human, you're thinking about it all wrong! You need to be more... more..." The tortoise paused, clearly struggling to come up with something profound. "More wind-like! Yes, that's it. Be the wind!"

Liu Wei's confusion only seemed to deepen. "Be... the wind? How do I do that?"

Zhi-Zhi nodded sagely. "It's simple! Just... um... blow around? No, wait, that's not right. Swoosh! Yes, you need to swoosh!"

Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the tortoise's well-meaning but utterly useless advice. "I think what our wise friend is trying to say," he interjected, shooting an amused glance at Zhi-Zhi, "is that you need to relax more. You're too tense."

He stood up, walking over to Liu Wei. "Here, let me try to explain it differently. Forget about the wind for a moment. Focus on your body. Feel the energy flowing through you."

Liu Wei nodded, closing his eyes again.

"Now, imagine that energy gathering in your core," Kai continued, his voice calm and steady. "When you're ready to move, let that energy flow down to your feet, then push off with it. Don't try to control every aspect of the movement. Let your body flow with the energy."

Liu Wei's brow furrowed in concentration. He took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then exhaled slowly. Suddenly, he moved.

It wasn't as smooth or as fast as Kai's demonstration, but it was a definite improvement. Liu Wei managed to dash forward several steps before stumbling to a stop.

"That's it!" Kai exclaimed, genuinely pleased. "That's the basic idea. You just need to refine it now."

Liu Wei's face lit up with a mixture of pride and excitement. "I did it! I mean, it wasn't perfect, but I felt it! The energy, the movement... it was amazing!"

Zhi-Zhi huffed from his perch on the stone. "Well, I suppose it wasn't terrible. For a beginner."

Kai smiled at the tortoise's backhanded compliment. "High praise from our esteemed spirit beast friend."

Turning back to Liu Wei, Kai's expression grew more serious. "Now comes the hard part. You need to practice this over and over until it becomes second nature. The goal is to be able to use the Swift Wind Step without even thinking about it."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "I understand, Master Kai. I won't let you down!"

For the next hour, Liu Wei practiced the technique relentlessly. Each attempt brought small improvements, but also new challenges. Sometimes he would move too quickly and lose his balance. Other times, he wouldn't gather enough energy and would barely move at all.

Kai watched closely, offering advice and encouragement. "Remember, it's not just about speed. It's about control. Feel the flow of energy and move with it, not against it."

As Liu Wei continued to practice, Zhi-Zhi couldn't resist adding his own commentary. "Bah! What good is all this running around anyway? True strength lies in standing your ground!"

"Oh?" Kai raised an eyebrow at the tortoise. "And I suppose you'd just hide in your shell if an enemy attacked?"

"Hide?" Zhi-Zhi puffed up. "I never hide! I strategically defend myself with my impenetrable armor!"

Kai chuckled, reaching out to pat the tortoise's shell again. "Of course you do. But remember, Zhi-Zhi, not all of us are blessed with such formidable defenses. We fragile humans sometimes need to rely on speed and agility."

The tortoise seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding sagely. "Ah, yes. I suppose you poor, shell-less creatures must make do with what you have. Carry on with your running practice, then."

As Liu Wei continued his attempts, Kai found his mind wandering. It's strange, he thought. In all the games I've played, learning skills was instantaneous. Click a button, spend some points, and bam! New ability unlocked. But here, even with my gamer-like abilities, learning a skill instantanously is one thing, but you still got to put in the practice.

He watched as Liu Wei made another attempt, this time managing to dash several meters before losing control and tumbling to the ground. The young man got up, brushing dirt from his clothes, a look of determination on his face.

He's got potential, Kai mused. More than I initially gave him credit for. With the right training, he could become a formidable cultivator.

A notification popped up in Kai's vision:

Liu Wei's Loyalty: 85/100

As Liu Wei prepared for another attempt, Kai called out, "Wait a moment, Liu Wei. Let's take a short break. You don't want to exhaust your qi reserves completely."

Liu Wei nodded, wiping sweat from his brow as he walked back to where Kai and Zhi-Zhi were sitting. He plopped down on the grass, breathing heavily.

"How am I doing, Master Kai?" he asked, a mix of hope and anxiety in his voice.

Kai considered his answer carefully. In a game, I'd have exact stats to reference. Here, I have to rely on observation and intuition. "You're making good progress," he said finally. "Your control is improving with each attempt. The key now is to make the movement more fluid, more natural."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "I think I understand. It's like... like when I used to scout for the bandits. I had to move quickly and quietly, without thinking about each individual step."

"That's a good analogy, Liu Wei. This technique isn't so different from that. The main difference is that you're using qi to enhance your natural abilities."

Just as Kai finished talking, he noticed a message pop up.

New Title Acquired: Novice Instructor

Description: Your efforts in teaching others have been recognized. You now have a 5% increased chance of successfully imparting knowledge when instructing others in skills or techniques you know.

New System Feature Unlocked: Teaching XP

You can now earn XP from teaching. XP will be gained when a student successfully learns or improves in a skill you're teaching.

Kai's eyebrows rose slightly, but he managed to keep his expression neutral. Another title, and a new system feature? This could be a game-changer.

He quickly glanced at his existing title:

Village Protector

Description: You have proven yourself as a defender of Misty Waterfall Village.

+10% to all stats when fighting to protect the village or its inhabitants.

Interesting, Kai thought. This new title is more specialized, but it could be incredibly valuable in the long run. Especially if I end up taking on more disciples in the future. And earning XP from teaching? That's a whole new avenue for progression.

He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the task at hand. "Alright, Liu Wei. Now that you've got the basic movement down, let's work on incorporating it into combat situations."

Liu Wei's eyes lit up with excitement. "Like how you used it against those rogue cultivators? That was incredible, Master. One moment you were there, the next you were behind them."

Kai nodded, pleased by Liu Wei's enthusiasm and recollection. "Exactly. The true power of the Swift Wind Step comes from how you use it in battle. It's not just about moving fast; it's about moving smart."

"I remember," Liu Wei said. "You used it to dodge attacks that seemed impossible to avoid, and to strike from unexpected angles. It was like you were everywhere at once."

"Those are exactly the kind of applications we'll be working on," Kai nodded. "The technique can be used both offensively and defensively."

"So, how do we practice these combat applications, Master?" Liu Wei asked eagerly.

"Let's set up a little test," Kai grinned. "I want you to try and tag me using the Swift Wind Step. Don't hold back - I can handle it."

"Tag you?" Liu Wei's eyes widened. "But Master, you're so much more skilled with the technique than I am."

"That's the point," Kai explained. "In a real battle, your opponents won't go easy on you. This will help you learn to use the technique under pressure. Remember how I used it against the rogue cultivators - try to apply those same principles."

Liu Wei took a deep breath. "I understand. I'll do my best."

Chapter 28 Spirit Stones

"Before we start," Kai said, his expression turning serious, "I'm going to suppress my qi to Stage 3 Qi Refining. It'll make things fairer and give you a fighting chance."

Kai closed his eyes, focusing inward at the qi flowing through his meridians. Slowly, he began to restrict the that flow, dampening his energy until it matched that of a Stage 3 Qi Refining cultivator.

This should level the playing field a bit, Kai thought. It'll make things more challenging for me too, which is perfect for training.

Opening his eyes, Kai noticed Liu Wei watching him with anticipation.

"Now, let's begin," Kai said, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Without warning, he activated his Swift Wind Step. Even with his qi suppressed, the world around him blurred as he moved with impressive speed, leaving a swirl of dust in his wake. He reappeared behind Liu Wei, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

"Too slow."

Before Liu Wei could react, Kai was gone again, moving to a new position. He watched as his student frantically scanned the area, trying to locate him. He needs to feel the qi, not rely on his eyes, Kai thought.

From his vantage point, Kai observed Liu Wei closing his eyes, presumably sensing the flow of energy around him. Good, he's starting to get it.

Suddenly, Liu Wei's eyes snapped open, and he gathered qi in his feet, propelling himself forward. Kai watched, impressed, as his student moved faster than ever before, the world blurring around him.

"Not bad," Kai said. "But you're still thinking too linearly. The Swift Wind Step isn't just about moving fast in a straight line."

Liu Wei nodded, catching his breath. "I understand. I need to be more... unpredictable?"

"Exactly," Kai confirmed. "Now, let's try again. This time, focus on changing directions mid-step."

As they continued to practice, Zhi-Zhi watched from his rock, his expression a mixture of boredom and poorly concealed jealousy. "Hmph," he muttered. "I could move that fast too if I wanted to. I just choose not to."

Kai, overhearing the tortoise's grumbling, called out, "Feel free to join us, Zhi-Zhi. I'm sure Liu Wei would benefit from trying to dodge your... um... lightning-fast attacks."

The tortoise's eyes widened in alarm. "Ah, no, that's quite alright. I wouldn't want to... er... overwhelm you with my superior combat techniques."

"Of course," Kai said, trying not to laugh. "I'm sure you'd be great at this if you weren't so focused on 'standing your ground.' It must be tough being so strategically immobile."

"It's not immobility!" Zhi-Zhi puffed up. "It's... it's tactical positioning! Something you flighty humans wouldn't understand!"

"Right, tactical positioning," Kai nodded solemnly, winking at Liu Wei. "Well, if you change your mind about showing us your 'lightning-fast' moves, just let us know."

Zhi-Zhi retreated partway into his shell, muttering something about "disrespectful youngsters who don't appreciate the finer points of combat strategy."

Kai shook his head at the tortoise's antics as he turned his attention back to Liu Wei, the young man was improving rapidly. His movements were becoming smoother, more fluid. He's got real potential, Kai thought approvingly.

After about an hour of practice, Liu Wei was panting heavily, sweat beading on his forehead. Despite his fatigue, there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"This is amazing, Master Kai," he said between breaths. "I've never moved like this before. It's like... like I'm becoming one with the wind itself."

Kai nodded, pleased with his student's progress. "That's exactly the feeling you should have. The Swift Wind Step isn't just a technique - it's a way of harmonizing with the natural world around you."

As Liu Wei took a moment to rest, Kai considered his next move. In a game, this would be the point where I'd increase the difficulty, he mused. But I need to be careful not to push him too hard too fast.

"Alright, Liu Wei," Kai announced. "You're doing well, but let's make things a bit more challenging."

Liu Wei straightened up, his fatigue seemingly forgotten in the face of a new challenge. "I'm ready, Master. What did you have in mind?"

Kai grinned. "This time, I'm going to fight back. Nothing too serious - just some light sparring. Your goal is still to tag me, but now you'll have to dodge my attacks as well."

"Now this sounds interesting!" Zhi-Zhi perked up. "Finally, some real action!"

Kai raised an eyebrow at the tortoise. "Oh? And here I thought you didn't approve of all this 'running around'."

Zhi-Zhi huffed, trying to maintain his dignified air. "Well, I suppose there might be some small value in learning to dodge. Not that I need to, of course, with my impenetrable shell."

For someone who claims to be above it all, he sure is invested in our training, Kai thought, amused. Aloud, he said, "Well then, Zhi-Zhi, why don't you be our referee? Make sure we're following the rules."

"Yes, yes, I suppose I could do that. Someone needs to keep you humans in line, after all."

As Zhi-Zhi settled into his new role, Kai turned back to Liu Wei. "Remember, the goal is still to tag me. But now you'll need to be aware of my movements as well. Ready?"

Liu Wei nodded, settling into a ready stance. "Ready, Master."

"Then begin!"

Kai activated his Swift Wind Step, disappearing in a blur of motion. Liu Wei, anticipating this, immediately moved as well. The field became a whirlwind of activity as master and student dashed back and forth.

To an outside observer, it would have looked like a strange dance. Kai would appear in one spot, arm outstretched to tag Liu Wei, only for the younger man to vanish just in time. Liu Wei, in turn, would materialize behind Kai, fingers grasping at empty air as Kai slipped away.

"Keep your movements unpredictable," Kai called out as he dodged another of Liu Wei's attempts. "Don't fall into a pattern!"

Liu Wei gritted his teeth, focusing intently. He gathered qi in his feet, preparing to dash forward, but at the last moment changed direction, spinning to his left instead.

The sudden change caught Kai off guard. For a brief moment, his eyes widened in surprise. Clever, he thought approvingly. He's learning fast.

But even as Liu Wei's fingers brushed the fabric of his robe, Kai was already moving, twisting away in a graceful arc.

"Close," Kai said with a grin. "But not quite close enough."

Liu Wei didn't respond, already gathering qi for his next attempt. His face was a mask of concentration, eyes darting back and forth as he tried to predict Kai's next move.

From his position on the rock, Zhi-Zhi was practically bouncing with excitement. "Oh! He almost had you there, Kai! Come on, Liu Wei, show him what you've got!"

Zhi-Zhi sure is getting into it, Kai thought, amused by the tortoise's enthusiasm.

As the sparring continued, Kai noticed Liu Wei's movements becoming smoother, more instinctive. He's starting to get it, Kai realized. The Swift Wind Step isn't just a technique to be used consciously. At its highest level, it becomes an extension of the cultivator's will.

Deciding to test Liu Wei's progress, Kai suddenly changed tactics. Instead of dodging, he went on the offensive, his hand darting out in a mock strike towards Liu Wei's chest.

Liu Wei's eyes widened in surprise, but his body reacted instinctively. Qi surged through his legs, and he blurred backwards, narrowly avoiding Kai's touch.

"Good!" Kai called out encouragingly. "That's exactly what I was looking for. You're starting to internalize the technique."

Liu Wei's face lit up at the praise, but he didn't let it distract him. Immediately, he launched into another series of rapid movements, trying to catch Kai off guard.

As they continued to spar, Kai felt a familiar sensation. It was subtle at first, a slight tingling in his extremities. But as he executed another Swift Wind Step, narrowly avoiding Liu Wei's outstretched hand, the feeling intensified.

Is this...? Kai thought, excitement building. Yes, I think it is!

Sure enough, a moment later, a notification appeared in his vision:

Skill Leveled Up!

Swift Wind Step has reached Level 4!

Your Agility increases by 40% when activated

You have gained 50 XP!

Kai couldn't help but smirk. This is why it's better to have a training partner, he thought. The pressure of real combat, even simulated, pushes you to improve faster than solo practice ever could.

"Alright, Liu Wei, let's take a break. You've earned it."

Liu Wei, panting heavily, nodded gratefully. He stumbled over to where Zhi-Zhi was sat, collapsing onto the grass beside the rock.

"That was... intense," Liu Wei gasped out between breaths.

Zhi-Zhi nodded sagely. "Indeed, indeed. You humans and your running around. I must admit, it was... somewhat impressive. For beings without shells, of course."

Kai joined them, settling down on the grass. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he looked at Liu Wei. The young man was exhausted, but there was a new light in his eyes, a confidence that hadn't been there before.

He's growing, Kai thought approvingly. Not just in skill, but in spirit. This is what it means to be a teacher.

As if in response to his thoughts, another notification appeared:

Teaching XP Gained: 50 XP

Kai nodded to himself, pleased. Not bad for a day's work. Liu Wei is improving rapidly, and I'm gaining XP from teaching. It's a win-win situation.

"You did well today, Liu Wei," Kai said aloud. "You're grasping the essence of the Swift Wind Step faster than I expected."

Liu Wei's face lit up at the praise. "Thank you, Master. It's... it's incredible."

Zhi-Zhi huffed. "Yes, yes, very impressive. But let's not forget the importance of a strong defense. Perhaps tomorrow we could focus on something more... stationary?"

Kai chuckled. "Don't worry, Zhi-Zhi. We'll get to defensive techniques soon enough. But for now, Liu Wei needs to focus on mastering this skill."


As the sun began to set, they decided to call it a day. Liu Wei bowed deeply to Kai. "Thank you for the lesson, Master. I'll continue to practice on my own."

"Good," Kai nodded. "Remember, consistent practice is key. Even a little bit each day will yield results over time."

Just like grinding skills in an RPG, Kai thought. Small, consistent gains add up to big improvements.

As Liu Wei headed back to his own quarters, Zhi-Zhi waddled over to Kai. "I suppose you did an adequate job teaching the boy," the tortoise said grudgingly.

Kai grinned. "Why, Zhi-Zhi, was that almost a compliment?"

The tortoise huffed. "Don't let it go to your head. I've seen better teachers in my time. Of course, they were all tortoises..."

"Of course they were," Kai said, trying not to laugh. "Come on, let's head back. I think we've both earned some rest."

As they made their way back to Kai's hut, he found himself reflecting on the day's training. In games, training montages are usually just cutscenes or time skips. But, the process itself is valuable. There's so much to learn from the act of teaching.

Once inside, Kai settled onto his bed, crossing his legs in a meditative pose. Zhi-Zhi retreated into his shell in the corner of the room, pretending to meditate but quickly falling asleep. For such a small creature, his snores were surprisingly loud.

Alright, Kai thought, time to check out this crafting menu.

He focused his mind, and a translucent window appeared before him:

Crafting Menu

Available Materials:

- Roach Carapace Fragment (Rare) x1


- None available

Craft an item:

[ ] + [ ] = ???

Just as I thought, Kai sighed. The Roach Carapace Fragment is a rare material, but by itself, it's useless for crafting. And even though, I have enough spirit stones from the bandits to probably buy some basic materials, the Misty Waterfall Village doesn't exactly have a thriving market for cultivation resources.

Closing the crafting menu, Kai reached into his inventory and pulled out a spirit stone. It was about the size of a small pebble, glowing with a soft, blue light. As he held it in his palm, he could feel the qi pulsing within it, like a tiny heartbeat.

I've been using XP to level up so far because I'm always in the middle of action, Kai mused. But now that I have some downtime, let's see if these spirit stones are as useful as they claim to be in all those novels.

Kai closed his eyes, recalling the Basic Qi Gathering technique Zhang Wei had taught him. He focused on his dantian, the energy center in his lower abdomen, and began to circulate his qi.

Breathe in, drawing qi from the spirit stone. Breathe out, guiding it through the meridians, then circle it into the dantian.

As Kai cycled his breath and qi, he could feel the spirit stone in his hand growing cooler. The qi within it was slowly being drawn into his body, refining and strengthening his own energy.

Time seemed to stretch as Kai focused on the technique. He lost track of how long he sat there, absorbing the qi from the spirit stone. Finally, when he could no longer sense any energy within the stone, he opened his eyes.

The once-glowing spirit stone was now dull and lifeless in his palm, its energy completely depleted. As Kai set it aside, he noticed a notification:

Skill Leveled Up!

Basic Qi Gathering technique has reached Level 2!

You can now gather qi 2x faster.

You have gained 50 XP!

Kai smiled, pleased with the progress. He quickly checked his stats:

Name: Kai Thorn

XP: 155/2000

Level: 7

Qi: 200/200

My qi is back to full, and I gained 5 XP from absorbing the spirit stone. But that's it. Kai frowned, doing some quick mental math. At this rate, I'd need almost 350 spirit stones to break through to Level 8. That's... not great.

Kai shook his head, putting the thought aside. The Basic Qi Gathering technique is just that - basic. Once I enter the sect, I'll gain access to better techniques. The conversion rate from those should be much higher and more worthwhile.

He looked at the dull spirit stone, turning it over in his hand. There's no point in grinding to level up this basic technique when I'll be replacing it soon. Better to save my resources for when they'll have a bigger impact.

Stretching out on his bed, Kai let his mind wander to the next day's training plans. Tomorrow, I'll work on my Iron Skin skill, he thought with a wry smile. The only way to level up Iron Skin is to become a punching bag. It's not going to be comfortable, but no pain, no gain, right?

In the corner, Zhi-Zhi let out a particularly loud snore, briefly interrupting Kai's thoughts.

At least someone's getting a good night's sleep, Kai thought, amused. I wonder if spirit beasts dream? And if they do, what does a baby tortoise dream about?

Shaking his head at the thought, Kai closed his eyes, allowing himself to fall asleep.

Chapter 29

The next morning, Kai woke up feeling refreshed. He sat up and glanced over at Zhi-Zhi's corner.

The little tortoise was already awake, he was perfectly positioned so his shell gleamed in the early morning light, giving him a dignified and wise look.

I bet he's been awake for hours, trying to get that 'wise old master' effect just right, Kai thought, amused. Did he practice different poses? Test out various angles to catch the light? I can almost picture him shuffling back and forth, muttering about optimal feng shui for maximum sagacity.

"Good morning, Zhi-Zhi," Kai said, smiling. "Ready for some training?"

"A true cultivator is always ready to impart wisdom, young Kai," the tortoise replied. "I suppose I can spare some time to oversee your training."

"I'm honored by your generosity," Kai said, keeping his face straight with effort. "Shall we head outside?"

As they made their way to the training field, Kai spotted Liu Wei already there, practicing the Swift Wind Step. The young man was dashing back and forth across the field, his movements growing smoother with each repetition.

"Excellent work, Liu Wei!" Kai called out as they approached. "Your control is improving rapidly."

Liu Wei stopped, bowing deeply to Kai. "Thank you, Master. I've been practicing since dawn."

Kai nodded. "Keep at it for now - I'm going to work on a different skill this morning."

As Liu Wei resumed his practice, Kai turned to Zhi-Zhi. "Alright, my friend. Today, we're going to work on defensive techniques. Specifically, my Iron Skin skill."

Zhi-Zhi's eyes lit up. "Ah, now that's a proper technique! None of this dashing about nonsense. A strong defense is the foundation of true power!"

Says the creature with a built-in shield, Kai thought wryly. But he nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And who better to learn from than a master of defense like yourself?"

The tortoise preened at the compliment. "Well, I suppose I could share some of my vast knowledge. What exactly does this 'Iron Skin' technique entail?"

Kai explained the basics of the skill - how it allowed him to reinforce his body with qi, increasing his durability and resistance to damage. "The tricky part," he concluded, "is that to increase my skill, I need to actually take hits while the skill is active."

Zhi-Zhi nodded. "Ah, yes. The time-honored tradition of learning through pain. Very wise."

Easy for you to say, Kai thought. You're not the one who's about to get beaten up.

"So," Kai said, clapping his hands together. "I'm going to activate the skill, and then I need you to... well, attack me."

The tortoise' blinked. "Are you certain, young Kai? My power is not to be underestimated."

"Absolutely," Kai nodded. "I'm counting on your strength for this. As a Peak Qi Refining cultivator, your attacks will be perfect for pushing my Iron Skin to its limits."

Zhi-Zhi puffed up with pride. "Finally, you recognize my true power! Prepare yourself, young Kai. You're about to experience the might of a superior cultivator!"

This is going to hurt, Kai thought, steeling himself. But pain is just another form of experience points in this world.

"I'm ready when you are, Zhi-Zhi." Kai announced, his skin taking on a subtle metallic sheen.

The tortoise's eyes gleamed with anticipation. Without warning, he charged forward with surprising speed for his stubby legs. His head connected with Kai's shin with a resounding THWACK.

"Gah!" Kai gasped, stumbling back. Even through his Iron Skin, the force of the blow was impressive. Yep, definitely going to feel that tomorrow.

"Ha!" Zhi-Zhi exclaimed, looking smug. "How's that for a wake-up call?"

Kai grinned through the pain. "Excellent start. Keep it coming!"

For the next hour, Zhi-Zhi unleashed a barrage of physical attacks. His lack of agility didn't matter since Kai was deliberately standing still, acting as a willing punching bag. Each impact pushed Kai's Iron Skin technique to its limit, the constant stress forcing it to adapt and grow stronger.

"Adamantine Shell Slam!" Zhi-Zhi cried out, withdrawing into his shell. It began to glow with a soft, golden light before he shot forward like a cannonball, slamming into Kai's midsection.

"Oof!" Kai wheezed, doubling over. His Iron Skin flickered but held. This is exactly what I needed. High-level impacts to really test the technique's limits.

As they continued, Kai could feel his Iron Skin growing more resilient. The impacts, while still jarring, were becoming easier to withstand.

Finally, Zhi-Zhi stepped back, looking slightly winded but immensely satisfied. "Ready for the grand finale, young Kai? I'll show you a true qi technique!"

Kai nodded, bracing himself. This is where the real test begins.

Zhi-Zhi's shell began to glow brightly, the air around him crackled as he gathered his qi. "Celestial Tortoise's Roar!"

A visible wave of qi, far more potent than Kai had anticipated, erupted from Zhi-Zhi's mouth. It slammed into Kai with devastating force, completely overwhelming his Iron Skin technique.

Kai felt the protective layer shatter like glass, the remaining energy crashing into his now-unprotected body. The impact lifted him off his feet, sending him flying backward several meters before he crashed to the ground with a painful thud.

"Urgh..." Kai groaned, struggling to catch his breath. Every part of his body ached, and he could already feel bruises forming.

Zhi-Zhi's eyes widened in shock. He quickly waddled over to Kai, his earlier bravado replaced by genuine concern. "Kai! Are you alright? I... I didn't mean to... that is... oh dear. I may have... slightly miscalculated the power required for a human of your... fragile constitution."

Despite the pain, Kai couldn't help but chuckle at Zhi-Zhi's flustered state. He held up a hand, waving off the apology. "It's okay, Zhi-Zhi. This is exactly what I needed."

Zhi-Zhi blinked in confusion. "You... needed to be blasted across the field?"

Kai smiled but before he could respond, his attention was caught by a notification that had appeared:

Iron Skin has reached Level 4!

Your Durability increases by 40% when activated

New ability unlocked: Iron Rebound - Damage absorbed has a 5% chance to be reflected back at the attacker

"Wait, what?" Kai muttered, momentarily forgetting his pain. "Iron Rebound?"

This is new, he thought, his mind racing. The scroll never mentioned anything about reflecting damage. Is this some kind of hidden ability?

Zhi-Zhi, still looking concerned, tilted his head. "What is it, Kai? Are you alright?"

Kai nodded absently, his thoughts elsewhere. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... surprised."

Could it be that all skills have secret abilities that aren't known? Kai wondered. Or is this something unique to my situation?

He thought back to the games he used to play, how sometimes skills would evolve or unlock new abilities as they leveled up. But this felt different. The Iron Skin scroll had been quite detailed in its description, and there had been no hint of this reflective ability.

Or maybe, Kai mused, a new idea forming, the system is giving me new abilities based on how I use the skills. I've been using Iron Skin as a punching bag, taking hit after hit. Could that have influenced its evolution?

If this was true, it meant that Kai had even more control over his growth than he'd initially thought. By using skills in specific ways, he might be able to shape their development.

"Kai?" Zhi-Zhi's voice broke through his thoughts. "Are you sure you're alright? Perhaps I really did overdo it with that last attack."

Kai shook his head, focusing back on the present. He gave Zhi-Zhi a reassuring smile. "No, you did exactly what I needed, Zhi-Zhi. In fact, you helped me discover something incredibly valuable."

The tortoise puffed up slightly, curiosity overriding his concern. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Kai patted Zhi-Zhi's shell. "Let's just say that sometimes, pushing past your limits can lead to unexpected breakthroughs. Thank you for your help, my friend."

As they made their way back to the hut, Kai was limping slightly but had a satisfied smile on his face. If this is true for Iron Skin, what about my other skills? What hidden potential might they have?

He knew one thing for certain - he had a lot more experimenting to do.

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