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88.4% I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy. / Chapter 61: Trapped in the new demon lands

Chapter 61: Trapped in the new demon lands

I come to in a basic bed. In a cell. Well shit.

I see no physical binding on me but I spy some dark crimson tattoos around my wrists and ankles. When I try to bring out my ki I feel the tattoos burn a bit.

I grunt in pain and wind down.

I huff in annoyance, then perk up in thought. I gather divine ki this time. And find it actually weakens the bonds. I go full power. The bonds almost break but they don't go further.

I figured I simply needed more strength.

I looks around and notice my time ring still on and my amulet still on. They left me in my gi but I felt me emergency pouch of senzus missing. And my wallet and communicator both gone.

I huff as I rise form the bed and stretch.

Nothing to do but wait for someone to come check on me I suppose. Might as well go full Iroh from avatar and train in my cell.

The passing patrol guard stops for a few moments seeing me with my legs wrapped around the upper bars of my cell doing upside down hanging sit ups.

He shrugs as he mutters, "Strange mortal. Like training will help in the arena."

I file that away as while I am training I notice me amulet is actually taking in the demonic energy around me and purifying it into divine ki for me to mould and condense into my soul.

I smirk as I realize this rate of growth is actually ten times faster than earth with all the demonic energy to convert around me.

I am wondering why Towa and Daburas didn't take my items away. I shrug and chalk it up to something about divine versus demonic energy. Or maybe they were aligned to me and protected?

I'll find out either way.

After another 2 hours of pushing my body a bit in the cell. Only so much you can do when you have bars and a bed with a toilet bucket.

After that they sent me a meal of rice, some unknown meat, (Thankfully wasn't pork so no suspicious thoughts of it being human.) And a few dark colored veggies and an apple.

I ate it up after checking it for poison or spells using a small bit of divine ki to sense it out for evil intentions.

I was finishing it up when a guard came out and said, "The king and princess have requested an audience with you! Get out mortal!"

I sense the guard and he was a solid million in power. Damn demonic body and soul. Some races have all the luck.

But he leads me out as I still feel the chains of sealing on my body limiting me at my best to 20k.

As we walk I notice a large arena in a far part of the grand palace I found myself in. I also see a castle town. But what really got me were the various human servants all over the place. They wore collars and some looked more fit than others but they were all average looking. So they are fed and treated at least higher than animals.

But in this time line that is a small comfort until I see more.

What chilled me was when I saw a certain pink orb in the central garden with a familiar Majin symbol on it. So in this world they resealed Majin Buu.

Probably To was doing. Damn all I can say is damn.

The guard sees me dawdling and he pushes me roughly to continue.

We make it to the throne room with more 500k+ power guards here and there.

I am then forced to kneel at Daburas throne as he eats a big leg of dinosaur while his sister sits in an advisors seat.

I glance between them as he finishes his meal and messily wipes his face with a large napkin.

He places the dishes on a cart with a familiar female there.

I see Bulma!! She had a collar but dead eyes! I grunt and yell out, "Bulma!!"

She flinches and looks at me, a look of confusion comes over her face then recognition. But before she can say anything she is orders to leave by a guard.

I glare at Dabura as he smirks at me with evil in his eyes, "Some one you know?"

No use denying it, "Yeah Old friend. She was the wife to Vegeta. Unless she is a widow now if you killed him."

Dabura shocks me when he shakes his head and laughes fully, "Hahahahahah! I wouldn't kill my best gladiator! Not after my sister reworked his spell to be our combat puppet! Ah no~ I suppose we better explain what happened on that day. Sister? The memory magic if you please."

Towa nods and smirks at me as she shines her staff and releases a mist of magic.

It shows the invasion of Babidis ship like normal after Daburas killed Kibito and petrified me and Piccolo.

However at the crucial moment of when Babidi was about to finish unsealing Buu after making Vegeta and Goku fight. Towa appears and has her brothers mind control broken allowing them to kill the wizard. She reseals Buu with a demonic seal spell. And then they turn to Shin and Gohan.

Shin takes Gohan and disappears somewhere.

With the demon lords left unchecked they used the Majin symbol on Vegeta to turn him into a combat puppet and make him fight even harder against Goku. Nearly killing them both.

However they then put it on Goku using it as a mind control spell instead of an evil enhancing spell at first like before.

Soon they had the two most powerful people on earth as their puppets and they took over.

They released me and 18 into the arena with Piccolo as we were confused on what happened. But this time we were ready to fight only to suddenly be ambushed by Goku and Vegeta having them fight us.

We lost. Hard.

Then Daburas said to kill me making 18 rage as they smashed my skull in. I wince at that scene. Then Piccolo was next as they vaporized him. 18 raged hard and tried to do something by attacking Daburas herself. But in the end she was caught in a spell and was destroyed. I cried a bit at seeing a version of my wife die like that.

I glare at them as they close the memory mist spell. They both chuckle at my eyes but Towa then comes to me and points at my ring and amulet, "We are now curious about your items. Obviously they are artifacts. But what we are not sure of is how you came to have them or how they work. I can feel the magic in them. And I am willing to keep you alive if only I can study them. After all the last guard who tried to take them off from your unconscious form... well he is now fertilizer in our garden. So we will be keeping you alive until we understand them. In the mean time you are our... guest I suppose."

I turn to her with a dead pan and a completely sarcastic voice, "Oh well great! I'll order room service and a dip in the pool if you don't mind!"

She laughs at me and Dabura is chuckling some too. He then goes, "That can be arranged if you cooperate with us. And let my sister analyze your artifacts. We know one of them is a dimension hopping artifact based on how we definitely killed you. And no one can use the Dragonballs on this world since we killed the host of them. Ensuring our reign for years to come."

I cringe at that before realizing something, "What about Shin and his pal? How long have they been missing to where you aren't worried about them?"

Dabura chuckles before snapping his fingers.

Two statues are wheeled in revealing a petrified Shin and Gohan. I go pale as Towa chuckles as she waves her hand and goes, "Clairvoyant magic is convenient isn't it? Being able to know when and where to set an ambush up with my brothers spit and my magic ready for them. It was quite the scene."

Both statues had shocked and surprised faces revealing they had no clue there was an ambush waiting. I grunt in anger at how there is no one left besides the two in the arena to fight. The guards grab me as I am hauled to my feet.

Towa puts a finger under my chin as she analyzes me and gains a cheeky grin saying, "Well you are handsome. I can see why that female fought until she died for you. Maybe while I analyze your artifacts I can analyze... Your body for research purposes. Hmmm?"

I gulp at that thought before shaking myself off. She giggles at that as I am dragged away. She says, "Lock him back up until I am ready for the research. And if he wants take him out for the pool and the walks he may want. I do so love to see a mortal trying to beat us."

The guards all cackle at that since they could sense my weakened state among them. I grin at that as I begin to make plans for my training in this world.

I would free everyone left from this dark future. I promise them.

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