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47.05% Protocol: Stigmata / Chapter 37: The 12th Herrscher

Chapter 37: The 12th Herrscher

"Hello, my name is Mushoku Kika... Looking forward to this mission."

Kiana and I exchanged glances, surprised by the sudden appearance of our new teammate.

"Nice to meet you, Kika," I greeted, offering a nod of acknowledgment.

Kiana, ever the outgoing one, stepped forward with a smile. "Hey there! I'm Kiana, and this is Shin. Welcome to the team!"

"Likewise," Kika responded with a nod before retreating back into the room, leaving us with more questions than answers.

"Huh? Is she an introvert? She kind of reminds me of Bronya," Kiana mused, scratching her head in confusion.

Fu Hua shook her head. "No, she's not an introvert, but yes, she does have similarities to Bronya."

"So, what kind of help will she provide us?" I inquired, curious about Kika's role in our mission.

"Air support and ranged support."

"Oh? That's actually interesting," I remarked, intrigued by the prospect of having additional firepower on our side.

I don't mind having that on my back since every time I go out on a mission with the squad (A/N: Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Shin), I always have Bronya watching my back.

"Hm..." Fu Hua stayed silent before speaking again, "Shin, Kiana, can I tell you something?" Fu Hua's expression grew solemn as she motioned for us to come closer.

Kiana and I exchanged glances before approaching Fu Hua with concern etched on our faces.

"Actually... the idea of bringing Kika Mushoku on this mission was opposed by the headmaster herself, although it was insisted upon by her grandfather," Fu Hua divulged, her voice lowered.

"Does that mean... she's dangerous?" I couldn't help but ask, a tinge of worry creeping into my voice.

"No, but I wouldn't say that you should let your guard down either," Fu Hua replied cryptically.

Kiana nodded, her expression serious. "Got it. We'll be cautious around her."

"Good, now then, let's change the topic. Any leads?" Fu Hua inquired, shifting the focus of our conversation.

"I believe none yet, but we encountered a few zombies on the way. Is that normal?" I asked, curious about the unusual encounter.

Fu Hua paused, her brow furrowing in thought. "Encountering zombies in this area is indeed unusual. It could be a sign of increasing Honkai activity in the region."

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise. "So, you mean the appearance of zombies might be related to our mission?"

"It's a possibility we shouldn't dismiss," Fu Hua replied, her tone grave. "We'll need to remain vigilant and investigate further as we proceed with our mission."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of urgency creeping over me. "Understood. We'll keep an eye out for any signs of Honkai activity and report back to you."

Fu Hua nodded in approval. "Good. Let's stay focused and continue our search for the Divine Key."

"Roger!" Kiana and I said in unison, determined to carry out our mission diligently.

As Fu Hua walked away, the door slid open once more, and Kika peeked out at us. "You two... encountered the zombies, right?"

"Yeah, we did."

"I'm sorry. I imagine it must have been tough for you two to face them," Kika said sympathetically in a sarcastic tone.

Uwah... Is that sarcasm? That stings.

"Yes, it was unexpected, but we managed to handle it."

I see... Well, if you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to ask. I'll do what I can to help."

"Thank you, Kika," Kiana chimed in, her voice warm with gratitude.

With that, the door slid closed once more, leaving Kiana and me to exchange glances.

"That's definitely not Bronya," Kiana remarked, breaking the silence.

"Agreed," I replied, sharing her sentiment.

And so Kiana and I went back to the forest together, the moon casting an ethereal glow upon our path as we ventured toward the unknown.

"By the way, Kiana, how was your leg?"

"Oh? I told you it's just a scratch, although it doesn't hurt anymore. I think I should use my kicking style less for now," Kiana replied, brushing off the injury with her usual nonchalance.

"For once, you actually are taking care of yourself. Mei-senpai would be really proud of you," I teased, acknowledging her rare display of self-awareness.

"Heh! Of course!" Kiana grinned proudly, basking in the praise.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Mei-senpai."

"Ohh! Mei-senpai? She is also out on a mission."

"How did you know?"

"Because Mei-senpai texted me."

"Ah... How lucky. I haven't gotten her contact information yet," I admitted, feeling a twinge of envy.

Now that I think about it, the only contact info I have on my phone is Bronya, Himeko-sensei, and Miss Theresa, also known as the Headmaster. It's strange how such a simple thing as a phone contact can make you feel connected to someone, even when they're far away.

Just then, a familiar voice echoed in my mind, interrupting my thoughts. "Oh, are you jealous?"

"Tsurugi? It's been a while since I heard your voice."

"Yeah, I've been enjoying some well-deserved rest."

"How relaxing of you."

"More importantly, I sense an aura... a disgusting aura that is."

"What do you mean?" 

"I can't explain it, but it's near."

"A disgusting aura, huh."

"You're looking for the 12th divine key, correct?"


"Then how about I lead you to the divine key."

"That'll be great but I know there's something you want from me."

"Yes, Of course, and that is I want you to get rid of that key."

"I'm not the boss here you know?"

"I don't care, as long as you get rid of it, that's finished."

Just then, a strange sensation washed over me, as if my senses were heightened, allowing me to perceive things beyond the ordinary. Amidst my surroundings, I noticed a trail of black and violet fog, twisting and winding through the darkness.

"That must be..." I murmured to myself, my curiosity piqued as I felt drawn to follow the mysterious fog.

"Huh? Shin? Where are you going?" Kiana's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to reality.

"Follow me, Kiana. I think I know where the 12th divine key is."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kiana's confusion was evident as she followed my gaze, trying to make sense of the situation.

"I'll explain along the way. Just trust me."

As we ventured forward, the trail of fog leading us deeper into the darkness, we suddenly found our path blocked by a group of zombies. Their eerie moans filled the air as they charged toward us, their movements jerky and unnatural.

"Uwah! That was close!" I exclaimed, narrowly avoiding the sweeping strike of a Praetorian as I stepped back.

I almost lost my head!

"That's a lot of Praetorians!" Kiana remarked, her voice tinged with urgency as she readied her handguns and assumed a defensive stance.

"You don't have to say that!"

With a swift movement, I drew my blade from the air, "Let's take care of them quickly," I said, my voice steady despite the tension in the air.

As the battle dragged on, exhaustion began to take its toll on Kiana and me. Despite our efforts, the Praetorians seemed relentless, their numbers overwhelming us at every turn.

"Why are there so many of them?" Kiana exclaimed, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she continued to fire her handguns.

"I have no idea," I replied, parrying a blow from an oncoming zombie before taking a defensive stance.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the chaos, causing us to pause in surprise. "You two are really idiots. You didn't even know that there's a Lich hiding in the forest," Mushoku's voice rang out, commanding our attention.

"Mushoku!?" I exclaimed, stunned by her sudden appearance.

"What? Surprised to see me?" She retorted, summoning two laser cannons to her sides with a snap of her fingers. "You two step back and let me handle this."

Kiana and I exchanged glances before complying, stepping back to give Mushoku space to work her magic.

And then, with a swift command, she unleashed a devastating attack, launching a massive laser from the night sky. The force of the blast obliterated the Praetorians in an instant, leaving nothing but dust in its wake.

"Woah! Did you just use a satellite from space?" I exclaimed, awestruck by the display of power.

"Oh? I'm surprised you knew that," Mushoku remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"How did you get such permission!? You... You must be very special, huh?" Kiana added, echoing my sentiments.

With the threat neutralized, Mushoku turned to us with a smirk. "Let's just say I have my ways."

As the echoes of the laser's power faded, we were left standing amidst the aftermath, surrounded by nothing but a massive crater where the Praetorians once stood. The ground was scorched and barren, a stark contrast to the dense forest that surrounded us.

Mushoku approached us, her expression calm and composed despite the chaos that had just unfolded. "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, thanks to you."

"Indeed, we owe you one," I added, nodding in appreciation.

Mushoku waved off our thanks with a dismissive gesture. "No need to thank me. It's all in a day's work."

"Still, we couldn't have handled that on our own," I insisted.

"Well, I'm glad I could be of assistance," Mushoku said with a small smile. "Now, shall we continue our search for the Divine Key?" (This guy is weird.)

"Yeah, now that you've 'cleared' the path, let's head toward that cave," I affirmed, pointing in the direction where the fog originated.

Mushoku followed my gesture, her gaze focused on the cave entrance. "So, you believe the 12th divine key is located there? Seems a bit cliché, doesn't it?"

"I agree with Kika-chan," Kiana chimed in, earning a blank stare from Mushoku.

"Kika-chan?" Mushoku repeated, clearly caught off guard by the nickname.

"I've decided to call you Kika-chan from now on!" Kiana declared proudly.

Mushoku sighed, seeming resigned to her fate. "Fine, call me whatever you want. But are you certain about the location of the 12th divine key?"

"Yes, I'm certain."

Mushoku regarded me with a skeptical expression before reluctantly agreeing, "Very well. Lead the way."

With that settled, I took the lead, guiding them toward the cave entrance. Despite encountering more zombies along the way, we swiftly dispatched them, clearing the path to our destination.

As we ventured deeper into the cave, our eyes fell upon a shrine bathed in an ethereal glow, with the 12th divine key displayed prominently at its center.

"There it is, the 12th divine key," I remarked, my voice barely above a whisper.

But just as I prepared to approach, I noticed Rin seated near the divine key, her presence unexpected yet somehow fitting.

"You've finally arrived," Rin's voice resonated in my mind, catching me off guard.

"Rin, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your sister?" I inquired, confusion evident in my tone.

Now that I think about it, I'm the only one who can see Yae Rin.

"Eh? What do you mean, Shin... I... have already departed from this world."

"Huh? I don't understand."

"Perhaps it's time I shed light on what truly transpired before all of this," Rin suggested, her voice filled with solemnity and mystery. With a gentle touch, Rin placed her hand upon my forehead, triggering a flood of memories that unfolded before my eyes like a vivid dream.

I witnessed the tragic tale of Yae Sakura and her younger sister, Rin. Sakura, determined to protect Rin from becoming a sacrificial offering to appease the village's Youkai, devised a plan to escape together.

They would seek out a doctor to cure Rin's illness and embark on a journey to witness the cherry blossoms bloom.

But as the sacrificial ritual commenced, Sakura's attempt to flee was thwarted when Rin's hamstring was cut, rendering her unable to stand. The Yae chief, wielding Sakura's discarded blade, carried out the sacrifice, sealing Rin's fate.

Rin's last words were: "I'll curse you all... Even you Father."

As the rain poured down in response to the Inari's tears, Rin's heart filled with hatred and despair, cursing the world that had brought such suffering upon her.

In the aftermath of the ritual, Rin's body began to glow with an ominous darkness, a manifestation of the hatred and malice that festered within her. 

Suddenly, she transformed into the Herrscher of Corruption, her body disintegrating into a dark mist infused with potent Honkai energy.

 The mist spread, infecting everyone in its path and turning them into bloodthirsty zombies driven by Rin's vengeful desires.

Yet amidst the chaos, Yae Sakura remained untouched by the corruption, her heart heavy with sorrow and remorse as she witnessed the tragedy unfold before her eyes.

"No... This is not the Rin I knew," Yae Sakura murmured, her voice tinged with grief as she drew her katana. "Rin..."

Onee-chan?" Rin's voice echoed through the cavern, her form obscured by swirling dark mists as she reached out towards Sakura.

But Sakura's resolve remained firm as she raised her katana, her hand steady despite the tremble in her heart. With a single swift motion, she drove the blade into Rin's heart, a pained expression crossing her face as she watched her sister's form dissolve into the darkness.

"Onee-chan," Rin whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the fading echoes of her existence.

"I'm sorry... Rin... I'm sorry," Sakura murmured, her voice choked with sorrow as she withdrew the blade, the darkness that once enveloped Rin now seeping into the katana's gleaming blade.

Tears welled in Sakura's eyes as she gazed at the weapon in her hand, a silent acknowledgment of the heavy burden she now carried.

"You did well... Onee-chan, Thank you."

And so, amidst the lingering shadows of their shared tragedy, Sakura stood alone, burdened by the weight of her sister's sacrifice and the darkness that had consumed her and also ended her by her own hands.

Sakura couldn't forgive herself.

But once again, something unexpectedly happened... but before I could reach the final memories.

I snapped back to reality and I felt Kika and Kiana shaking me, their concerned voices breaking through the haze of my thoughts.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Kika's voice sounded urgent as she reached out as if to slap my face.

"I'm here," I reassured them, blinking away the remnants of the memories that had overwhelmed me.

Kika paused mid-motion, her hand hovering in the air. "What happened?" she asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

Right when the memories were about to end... I noticed her face filled with sorrow and hatred. It's her... The 12th Herrscher.

"The 12th Herrscher..." I began, my voice trailing off as I turned to see Yae Sakura standing before us, her face concealed behind a fox mask. "Are you perhaps the 12th Herrscher... Miss Yae Sakura?"

Yamiru Yamiru

Please do remember that this IS fanfiction so anything that could happen here is within my plot. (If you want to know what really happened, Please play the game.)

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