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87.5% Multiple Talents in Naruto World / Chapter 84: Returning Back after Talk!

Chapter 84: Returning Back after Talk!

Asahi looked at Kidou and Tsunade who had no change in their expression, and he didn't know if he was listening to things or an illusion.

After all, it was hard for him to believe that someone from the Senju clan would speak of world domination, and then he remembered Tobirama Senju and muttered, "It's not surprising. After all, not only First Hokage but Second Hokage is also from the Senju Clan."

Tsunade gave Asahi a puzzled look, but Asahi shook his head.

"To be honest, it wouldn't be bad to move out instead of staying on this island for a lifetime. Unlike us Old guys, the youngsters don't like the fact that we aren't involved in the world."

Asahi said after making the decision and Tsunade laughed at his words.

"Ha ha! That's great news. I too have been living in Konoha for a long time and have been yearning for the outside world, even if some places are dirty and cruel. During my five-day trip, I have witnessed many things and now feel that it was a waste for me to spend 20 years cooped up in Konoha."

Tsunade said as she remembered the journey to the Land of Whirlpool. Even if the five-day journey, they had to kill hundreds of bandits, rogue ninjas, and the ninjas sent by the other villages on Kidou's demand as Uzumaki, they saw many beautiful scenery and heart-warming scenes in different villages.

Even if they lived a 'difficult' life, Tsunade could feel that they were happy with their current life and didn't have any sky-high aspirations.

This made Tsunade know that these common people didn't care about who ruled them as long as they were safe, could eat with their family and live happily.

Asahi looked at Tsunade who said the word, and he started to think of the last time he went outside to just look around. This stunned him as he remembered that the last time, he went outside was more than 5 years ago.

Even at that time, he went outside because of pirates and Kiri ninjas attacking their village.

"You are right! It's time to move outside and look at the world." Asahi said with a complex look on his face and Kidou nodded at his words.

"Then, I have something that will help you in moving around," Kidou said as he snapped his fingers and pulled them in an illusion. Asahi looked at Kidou for a moment and he didn't resist it. He saw various seals appearing on the table and joining to form a formation.

"Hmm?" Asahi muttered as he looked at the formation appearing on the table, and his shined as he tried to check the seals and what it was about.

"I don't understand,"

A few minutes later, Asahi said as he looked at the complex sealing patterns that even he didn't know about, and Kidou just smiled at the words, and he didn't say anything.

Tsunade looked at the formation and she remembered seeing the formation at Kidou's base.

"Teleportation formation," Tsunade said remembering about it and Asahi looked at her.

"Are you sure that this is a teleportation formation?"

"Hmm, I have seen it before," Tsunade said and a few moments later, Kidou finished forming the formation in Genjutsu.

"So, what do you think? I can place the formation here and make tokens for it. You can use this to move away to the mainland instead of travelling via water and wasting days."

"What are the conditions?" Asahi asked and Kidou just laughed at his words.

"No conditions as I just need to place it once, but you need to make the tokens on your own. I will give you the main seal." Kidou said generously and Tsunade raised her brows at the word. She didn't think Kidou would be generous and there must be a plan.

Asahi looked at Kidou for a moment and asked, "What do you need?"

"Hmm! I don't need anything for now. When I will, I will just ask you." Kidou said after thinking for a moment and he thought of Uzu and Ame cooperating together.

'Well, they can start from there, and they will get involved on their own.' Kidou thought and he inwardly smirked at the future. He was looking forward to what would happen three years later and if Isshiki Otsutsuki would get involved in the matter.

Kidou and Asahi talked more and then they ended their conversation. After that, Kidou went to check the records of Uzumaki Clan while Tsunade looked around Uzushiogakure and talked with others.

They stayed in Uzu for three more days and then went back to Konoha.

At the gates of Konoha, Tsunade looked at the ANBU ninja cold look on her face and the ANBU felt pressure from her.

The ANBU Ninja said that the Third Hokage had ordered her to meet him as soon as she arrived at Konoha, and hearing him, Tsunade was irked with her good mood disappearing.

"I will go back. You can go and meet him," Kidou said putting his hand on Tsunade's shoulder, and just as she was about to nod, the ANBU said, "You are also asked by Hokage to go and meet him alone."


As soon as Tsunade heard the words, she released her chakra and the cracks appeared on the ground. The ANBU Ninja fell on his knees because of chakra pressure.

Whole Konoha felt Tsunade's chakra pressure, and at Senju Estate, Mito chuckled at the pressure, and she muttered, "Princess of Konoha is back."

In Hokage Office, Hiruzen felt the chakra pressure at the gate, and he cursed, "This idiot, what did he do?"

"Go and meet Tsunade, and ask her to see me," Hiruzen said to the ANBU commander and Sakumo disappeared from the place and rushed to Konoha Gate.

At Konoha gate, Tsunade looked in the direction of the Hokage office, and she sensed someone rushing at them.

"It's Sakumo," Kidou said looking in the direction with a look of interest, and Tsunade snorted at his words. She waited for Sakumo and a few moments later, Sakumo appeared beside the ANBU Ninja and put him behind him.

"Tsunade, Hokage-Sama has asked you to come and see him," Sakumo said in an indifferent tone, and Tsunade looked at him.

"That's all he said?" She asked, and Sakumo gave a nod and stopped speaking anymore.

"Hmm! You could take him away, if you had started to fight me, it would have been fun. I heard that you treat all ANBU as your comrades. So, why didn't fight for him? Answer this before leaving." Tsunade asked with a frown on her face, but Sakumo didn't say anything, and he took away the ANBU Ninja.

Seeing this, Tsunade clicked her tongue, but she didn't stop him. She knew that since Hiruzen was Third Hokage, they would have to follow his 'orders' unless they had good reason to reject him, or they had a position to reject him.

"I am leaving, take care on the way. I feel that you will be attacked!" Tsunade said with a smirk on her face, and she glanced in the direction where someone was trying to hide.

"Ahahaha! Tsunade, you are back."

Jiraiya came out from the place and Tsunade didn't say anything and she walked away from the place.

"Let's go! Where is Orochimaru? Did Hokage not ask him to come?" Kidou asked while looking at Jiraiya who had an embarrassed look on his face and he said, "Orochimaru declined the matter, and he asked Teacher to not mess around."

"But Teacher didn't listen to him, and I also advised him," Jiraiya said with a sigh and he hoped that Kidou would understand the matter.

"But you didn't reject the order, huh!" Kidou said and Jiraiya looked at him, but he didn't say anything.

"I am going back as I am not in the mood to play games with you." Kidou waved his hand as he looked at Jiraiya seemed to be hesitating to accept Hiruzen's words, but Kidou knew that Jiraiya would follow his orders.

"Kidou, Teacher has asked me to test your strength and you can use this chance to prove it," Jiraiya said, and Kidou looked at him with no expression on his face.

"Prove? Prove what? Prove that I am weak, strong or hiding my strength? Why would I prove this to him? So that he can send me on dangerous S-class missions using his authority as Hokage?"

Kidou asked and Jiraiya opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out of his mouth. Yeah, since Kidou chose to become a Medical Ninja, why does he have to prove his strength?

"Still! I can see that you are asking this matter because of a different reason. Besides Hokage's orders, what else do you have in mind that you decided to accept this task to test me?" Kidou asked and he remembered that Jiraiya was Toad's contractor and he remembered about Big Toad's prophecy.

"Wait! Let me answer this. I think I know. Hmm! I read in the records that the Big Toad of Mt. Myoboku can see the future in dreams and give prophecies. Did you receive something like that and want to test me?"

"Also, Jiraiya! What's with that Protector you are wearing? Why can I see Oil Written in Kanji instead of Konoha's symbol?"


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