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Chapter 41: A Lioness

Annie's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing as she tried to process Kaito's words.

"W-what are you talking about?", She stammered, trying to play it cool, but her heart was pounding in her chest.

Internally, she was on high alert, her instincts screaming at her to be prepared for anything.

As she spoke, her right hand slipped behind her back, her fingers closing around the ring blade hidden in her sleeve.

It was a habit she'd developed over the years, a precautionary measure in case things got tense. She didn't think Kaito knew about the blade, but she wasn't taking any chances.

It would take just a single second to make a cut, and in the next, there would be a 15 meter big Titan in her place, something that could slaughter her way out of the place.

But she didn't knew how much the infuriating boy in front of her knew, so she stopped, for now 

Kaito's grin grew wider, "I mean, I love how your tits look in Titan form. 10/10, I would say." His words were laced with a flirtatious tone, but Annie's instincts told her he was fishing for a reaction.

And a reaction he got.

Her left hand shot forward, aiming for Kaito's face, but her right hand was already moving, the ring blade glinting in the dim alleyway light. Her finger hovered over the blade, moving to cut herself and transform into Titan form.

But Kaito was too fast. He dodged her attack with ease, his movements lightning-quick as he grabbed her right hand and enclosed it in his own. His fingers closed around her finger, trapping the ring blade, and Annie felt a jolt of fear.

Not a moment later, both of her hand was held above her head by his left hand. She saw a opportunity, but it was foiled the moment she felt there was no ring on her finger.

"Not so fast, Annie," Kaito whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "You wouldn't want to blow your cover, would you? Not to mention, I think we've only just begun to have fun."

Annie's heart was racing, her mind reeling as she tried to process what was happening.

What the fuck happened? It looked like a blur in her eyes, as she was suddenly pinned to the wall with both of her hand held by another.

She tried to pull her hand free, but Kaito's grip was like a vice.

She tugged and twisted, but his fingers remained locked around her wrist, his thumb pressing into the tender skin. She felt a surge of panic, her heart racing as she realized she was trapped.

Undeterred, Annie tried to use her body weight to her advantage. She leaned forward, trying to use her momentum to break free from Kaito's grasp. But Kaito didn't budge, his stance rooted to the spot. He didn't even flinch, his smile growing wider as Annie struggled against him.

Annie's face reddened with effort, her breathing quickening as she tried to wriggle free.

She jerked her hand to the side, then tried to pull it back, but Kaito's grip remained firm. It was as if he had anchored himself to the ground, refusing to let her go.

How was this guy so damn strong!? That was what Annie was crying in her mind. 

As she struggled, Kaito just watched her with a smile, she looked so moeee..

Annie's anger and frustration grew with each passing moment. She was a skilled fighter, a Titan-shifter, and yet she was being held captive by this... this... boy.

Her face burned with embarrassment, her pride wounded by her own helplessness.

Finally, exhausted and defeated, Annie stopped struggling. She stood panting, her chest heaving, as Kaito continued to hold her hand in his. His grip hadn't loosened, but his smile had grown softer, more gentle.

"It's okay, Annie," he whispered, his lips near to her ears, his voice low and soothing, but the hot breath on her neck was irking Annie as she had never felt before "I'm not going to hurt you. And its not like you can do that to me either"

Annie's eyes flashed with anger, but Kaito's words only seemed to fuel her frustration. She felt trapped, helpless, and at his mercy. The way he whispered in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine, only made her skin crawl.

And then, to make matters worse, his other hand began to trail across her cheek. The touch was gentle, almost tender, but it was a violation of her personal space. Annie's face burned with embarrassment, her cheeks reddening visibly as she tried to jerk her head away.

But Kaito's grip on her hand remained firm, holding her in place. He continued to stroke her cheek, his fingers tracing the curve of her jawline. Annie felt a shiver run down her spine, her heart racing with a mix of anger and... something else.

She didn't know what to make of Kaito's touch. It was infuriating, yet... yet it sent a spark of electricity through her body. Annie's eyes narrowed, her gaze flashing with anger as she tried to process her emotions.

But his grip held firm, and his fingers continued their slow exploration of her jaw. A shiver ran down her spine, a confusing mixture of anger and something else, something that made her stomach clench.

"What. Do. You. Want, Kaito?" she spat, her voice laced with venom. "Out with it."

"Me? What more could I want," he purred, leaning closer, "when I have such a beautiful, love-struck girl in my arms?"

"Love?!" Annie choked out, incredulous. "You think this is love? You're delusional!"

Kaito's grin widened. "Oh, Annie," he chuckled, "so cute when you're flustered."

Fury coiled in her gut. Trapped, helpless, and he was enjoying it. Revelling in it. "You like this, don't you?" she hissed. "Making me squirm?"

"My apologies if I've been a tad...forward," he said, suddenly serious, before releasing her hand.

Annie stood, stunned, rubbing her wrist. One moment he was a tormentor, the next...apologetic? "What's going on, Kaito?"

He shrugged, all innocence. "No games, Annie. Just realized I might have overstepped. Didn't mean to scare you."

His face was unreadable. "You're a strange one, Kaito," she muttered, her anger fading into wary confusion.

He flashed that grin again, eyes gleaming. "That's what they all say."

Annie rolled her eyes, but her was mind racing. He was fast, terrifyingly so. She'd never seen such speed, not even during their spars. He'd let her go, though. Confidence? Or was he that certain she wouldn't transform?

She was wary, unsure of his motives, but...that touch, that look in his eyes...she needed answers.

"How?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. "How did you know...about the Female Titan?"

Kaito's grin widened. "Ah, Annie," he drawled, "that's the million-dollar question, isn't it?"

Annie rolled her eyes, trying to process what had just happened. The man was fast, faster than she had ever experienced in their practice spars. With his reflexes, she didn't doubt that he could easily dispatch her before she could even transform into her titan form.

Not to say, he let her go without any reason. Either he was so confident of his abilities...or was it confidence that she won't turn into a titan.

She was still wary of Kaito, still unsure of what he wanted from her. But for now, she was willing to let her guard down, just a little...see what game he was playing...

"How?" She asked the most glaring question that was prickling her mind, how did he knew that she was the female titan.

"That's the million-dollar question, isn't it, Annie?"

Annie's eyes narrowed, her gaze flashing with suspicion. "What do you mean? How did you figure it out?"

Abstracto Abstracto

Woohoo I felt motivated enough to write up another chapter!


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