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Chapter 18: Angering Beauties

The sun beat down on the cadet training grounds, and it seemed like everyone was getting a front-row seat to the Kaito and Mikasa comedy hour. Eren and Reiner's brawl is going on as it was in canon, with Eren questioning Reiner why they need to learn combat against each other when their real enemy is Titans.

"We're soldiers.", Reiner said in a deep voice. "There are times we can't run away, no matter how bad the situation is.

No matter what the enemy is, we have to be ready for it, whether it means using cannons or combat techniques."

That seemed to click on some switch in Eren as he turned serious in their clash.

Meanwhile, Kaito and Mikasa were putting on a sideshow that had the cadets in stitches.

Mikasa, with her trademark laser-focused intensity, launched herself at Kaito with punches and kicks that could've given any Titan a run for its money. But Kaito, that perpetual grin plastered across his face, was as elusive as a cat chasing a laser pointer.

"Nice try!" Kaito teased, each of Mikasa's strikes sailing past him by a hair's breadth. "You're like a one-woman Titan-slaying machine, but you'll have to try harder to catch me!"

Mikasa's unwavering steely gaze intensified, and she recalibrated her strategy, ready for another round. She lunged, this time with a sweeping kick, but Kaito performed a somersault that would make an acrobat jealous, landing with a theatrical flourish.

"Almost had me there, Mikasa!" he quipped, brushing imaginary dust off his shoulder. "But let me show you some real moves!"

And so he did, with a series of comically exaggerated karate chops and air punches that had the cadets doubled over with laughter. Kaito even threw in an over-the-top spin kick that had Mikasa raising a quizzical eyebrow.

Mikasa, despite her disciplined nature, couldn't help but crack a small smile at Kaito's antics. She gathered herself, launched another fierce attack, and this time, her punch connected squarely with Kaito's chest, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The cadets erupted into cheers as Kaito lay there, looking up at the sky with an exaggerated groan. "Ouch, that's a 10 out of 10, Mikasa!"

Mikasa extended a hand to help him up, but Kaito seized the opportunity for a little mischief. Instead of accepting her assistance, he smoothly pulled her closer. Mikasa, ever adaptable, tried to maintain her balance, but Kaito had other plans. He subtly nudged her back foot, preventing her from dodging his maneuver.

Mikasa found herself falling forward, and in a surprising twist, she ended up on top of Kaito. For a brief moment, their eyes locked, and there was a playful spark in Kaito's gaze. He couldn't resist pushing the boundaries, even in a training exercise.

But Mikasa, known for her stoic and disciplined nature, quickly reacted. She swiftly pushed herself up and off Kaito, her expression going cold, a subtle current of anger simmering just beneath the surface. Her dark eyes bore into Kaito with an intensity that could rival even the most fearsome Titan.

Kaito's humor had clearly crossed a line, and he realized it. He raised his hands in mock surrender, a sheepish grin on his face. "Okay, okay, I might have taken it a step too far. My bad, Mikasa."

Mikasa, ever the disciplined soldier, took a step back and regained her composure, her earlier smile gone, replaced by a steely determination.

Meanwhile, on another corner of the training grounds, Eren and Reiner were in the midst of their own circus. Reiner, always the motivational speaker, was all like, "C'mon, Eren, show Annie what you're made of!"

Annie had been cruising around like she was on a Sunday stroll and decided to accept the challenge.

Eren, all fired up by Reiner's pep talk, charged at Annie like a bulldozer. But Annie wasn't having any of it. With a quick move straight out of her dad's playbook, she swiped Eren's feet out from under him. Eren, realizing the floor was his new best friend, met it headfirst.

Annie didn't hang around to bask in her glory. Nope, she turned to Reiner with a smirk that said, "Your turn, big guy."

Reiner, not wanting to make like a banana and split, reluctantly faced off with Annie, who was clearly the ringmaster of this show.

Eren, always the instigator, couldn't resist tossing in a few taunts. "Do it, Reiner.

I thought you wanted to teach her about a soldier's responsibility."

Reiner, pumped up by Eren's not-so-helpful words, decided to take the plunge. But, before you could say "mashed potatoes," Annie had him on the ground, showing him how a pro does it.

Reiner, his pride in tatters but his sense of humor intact, picked himself up with a sheepish grin. "Well, Annie, you've got me there. I guess I need to up my game!"

"That's an amazing technique. Who did you learn it from?"Eren asked in amazement.

She looked toward the skies, " My father."

Eren's face showed surprise,"Your father came up with that move?"

Annie suddenly looked toward him, "Why does it matter? The only ones who take it seriously are naive idiots like you or just ordinary idiots." She started walking away.

She stopped and, without turning back, said"For some reason, in this world, the better you are at fighting Titans, the further you can get from them."

Kaito could see her fist clenching. "I refuse to be stupid enough to play "Soldier" in this inane world."

That last sentence resonated a bit with Kaito. Thrust into this world and forced to survive, he could understand what Annie might be feeling.

Annie was now walking away from Combat Ground.

Kaito decided that now was the perfect time to test his moves against Annie. He hadn't gone all out with Mikasa, mainly because he couldn't resist admiring her cold and focused demeanor. But Annie's victory over Eren and Reiner had piqued his curiosity, and he thought, "Why not give it a shot?"

Kaito aimed to strengthen the human part by shutting down his vampiric strength, just as he'd been doing throughout his training. He walked up to Annie with a confident grin as he challenged her. Annie, unable to mask her annoyance, rolled her eyes.

She thought, "Can't these people just learn by watching? Can't he see how easily I took down Eren and Reiner?" But she was never one to back down from a challenge, and Kaito's audacity had ignited a flick.

Annie took a step back and struck a casual pose. She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at Kaito, irritation masked by her calm demeanor. "You sure about this, Kaito? You've seen what happened to the others."

Kaito's playful grin remained firmly in place. "Oh, I've seen it all right. But where's the fun in just watching? I want a firsthand experience of what it's like to tangle my body with the infamous Annie Leonhart."

The ensuing action was a whirlwind of comedy and combat. Both Kaito and Annie showcased their impressive stamina and strength. But Kaito's true edge lay in his nearly superhuman reflexes and senses.

Annie unleashed a flurry of attacks, her fists a blur, as she aimed for precision punches and kicks. Her moves were like a well-oiled machine, executing each strike with deadly precision. But Kaito, with a grin as bright as ever, seemed to dodge every blow by a hair's breadth.

He moved like a phantom, swaying and ducking to evade Annie's strikes, making it look like she was trying to catch a wisp of smoke. Annie's frustration was palpable, and her usually composed demeanor began to waver.

Kaito's movements took on a dance-like quality, each dodge accompanied by a touch of his signature humor. "Missed again, Annie! You're not as tough as they say."

Annie, fueled by determination and a hint of annoyance, increased the speed and intensity of her attacks. But Kaito's reflexes were in a league of their own. His grin persisted, and it was evident that he was reveling in the thrill of the challenge.

The duel continued, with Annie's frustration growing with each near miss. The training grounds became a spectacle of awe and laughter as Kaito's unorthodox approach clashed with Annie's martial prowess.

Finally, Kaito decided he'd had enough of gauging his abilities in this unconventional manner. He paused, catching his breath and momentarily throwing Annie off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Annie launched a swift half-roundhouse kick, aiming it at Kaito.

But Kaito, ever the improviser, decided to make things interesting. Annie's powerful kick was aimed at his face, but in a surprising twist, it didn't land where intended. Instead, it landed somewhere quite unexpected – right underneath his arm.

Now, Annie was known for her legendary strength and toned thighs. To Kaito, this accidental encounter felt like stumbling upon a hidden paradise in the midst of a training exercise. His expression lit up in surprise and delight, savoring the unexpected sensation.

Annie, taken momentarily off guard, was replaced by a surge of anger. But in that precise moment, Kaito leaned in closer, their noses almost touching. He blew a short, hot breath towards her lips as if to say, "Surprise!"

Annie, who had briefly been lost in the absurdity of the situation, suddenly snapped back to reality. Her anger surged to the surface, and she jumped with her other leg, attempting to deliver what could have been a lethal blow to Kaito's face.

Kaito's reflexes, ever dependable, kicked into overdrive. He swiftly ducked, narrowly evading Annie's attack. It was like a dance move gone awry, a hilarious spectacle that had the cadets on the sidelines in fits of laughter.

Kaito, still grinning, leaped back a few steps, putting some distance between him and Annie. He struck a playful pose, arms akimbo as if he were taunting her to engage in another round of their bizarre duel.

Annie, her anger unabated, had an expression that was a curious mix of annoyance and bewilderment. She, a highly trained warrior, found herself engaged in a duel more absurd than any training exercise she'd ever encountered.

With a sly grin that refused to fade, Kaito decided that a tactical retreat was the best course of action. He turned and started sprinting away from Annie, his legs carrying him as fast as they could.

Annie, taken by surprise at Kaito's sudden change in strategy, couldn't react in time. She stood there, watching Kaito sprint away, as the other cadets, bemused by the spectacle, looked on in amusement.

As Kaito put more distance between himself and Annie, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was all in good fun, after all.

Annie, though initially baffled, quickly regained her composure. She realized that Kaito's antics had turned their duel into a circus performance.

As Kaito sprinted away, leaving the chaos behind, he couldn't resist one last mischievous comment. "Annie, catch me if you can! I promise it'll be a wild chase!" And with that, he disappeared into the distance, his laughter lingering in the air, leaving the cadets in stitches.

Annie's eyebrows were twitching in anger. Seeing her, others left her alone, but she could still hear them snickering amongst themselves.

'Damn you, Kaito Ryder, don't let me see you again..'

Abstracto Abstracto

Despite saying I won't write training arcs much, here I am...

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This fanfic is still unrated, It would be very appreciated if you guys could comment a bit more and leave some reviews and ratings. I wanna see it in the ranking charts, guys!

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