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40.47% AoT Unleashed | How to Survive in a World infested with Titans / Chapter 16: 3 Step Guide to Soothe a Woman

Chapter 16: 3 Step Guide to Soothe a Woman

Y-you are...Kaito?" Carla asks, her brain still catching up with the bizarre reality.

"In flesh and soul, yes", Kaito shrugs nervously.

There was a moment of silence, after which Carla asks, "How old are you?"

Rivers of sweat dripped down from his face. He cautiously answered,"14..."

Another minute of silence, before Carla speaks in a low voice, the tempest of rage barely holding back, "So you are telling me...I have been doing all those things with a 14 year boy....barely older than my son...."

Carla's head was emitting steam, making Kaito doubt if carla was a titan shifter for a moment.

His survival instincts kicked in, and he decided to give her a bear hug, even though she was wriggling like a fish on a hook.

"Hey, hey, Carla, chill!" Kaito exclaimed, attempting to restrain her. But Carla was on a one-way train to Furiousville, and she wasn't making any stops.

"Let me go! You... you lied to me!" Carla yelled, her voice wavering with anger and disappointment. Tears were welling up, and it was clear that Kaito had some serious 'splainin' to do.

"Wait, wait, Carla!" Kaito said, trying to calm the tempest he'd unleashed. "I can explain! You see, this is just a little... magical mishap."

Carla's confusion and anger were not subsiding, and Kaito knew he was in the hot seat.

Amidst Carla's justified wrath, Kaito's mind raced to come up with a plausible explanation, even if it was a bit on the absurd side.

"You see, I am 14 but not actually 14!" Kaito blurted out, his face planted in his palm. He quickly realized that this explanation was about as sturdy as a cardboard house in a storm.

But he couldn't back down now. In a desperate bid to save his skin, he decided to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of his vampire "condition."

"It's a vampire thing! I'm 14 in vampire years, not human years," he said with an earnest look. It was a delicate lie, woven with threads of desperation, and he could only hope that Carla would buy it.

He couldn't tell her the truth about his origins,

Imagine if he tells her that he is actually from another world and was transmigrated to this world. And also you don't really exist, and neither does your world, its all just someone's imagination.

Feeling sad about your husband? Don't worry, your sufferings were just created to entertain some creatures in that world.

Ehh... that seems like a sure fire way to light an nuke under his ass.

And that's also ignoring the possibility of her falling into a midlife existential crisis

Kaito noticed the lingering doubt in Carla's eyes. He needed to make his story a bit more convincing. "Look, Carla, I never told you my real age because I didn't want you to be scared. I'm a vampire, and our ages work a bit differently. I didn't want you to think I was a child, but I also didn't want to reveal my true age because I've been a vampire for a long time."

Carla looked at him, still a bit skeptical. "Vampires? Really?"

Kaito nodded, sticking to his fabricated tale. "Yes, and it's not something I can easily share with others. You're the first person I've ever told."

Carla seemed to mull it over. "So, you're saying you're a 14-year-old vampire?"

Kaito smiled, relieved that she was buying into his story. "Yes, exactly! And that's why I look different in my vampire form."

Carla let out a sigh and leaned back, appearing to accept his explanation. "Well, you really scared me with that sudden change. Just please, don't hide things like this from me anymore."

Kaito nodded fervently. "I promise, Carla. I'll be more open with you from now on."

And with that, Kaito had managed to dodge a potentially catastrophic situation with some quick thinking and a liberal dose of creative storytelling.

For some time, Kaito didn't say anything, letting Carla process all that.

"So, as I was telling you earlier," he began, a hint of excitement in his voice, "I've decided to join the Training Corps with Eren this time."

Carla paused in her chores, looking at Kaito with a mixture of surprise and concern. "But why, Kaito?" She questioned, a furrow forming on her brow. "You're already so strong."

Kaito let out a weary sigh, the weight of his decision evident in his posture. "I appreciate the compliment, Carla, but I'm really not as strong as you think. I've told you this before."

Carla nodded slowly, understanding his need to prove himself. "I see," she replied. "But I still worry. I couldn't stop Eren from joining, and now you too..."

A mischievous grin curled on Kaito's lips. He leaned closer to her, his eyes sparkling with playful intent. "Is it because you can't bear the thought of living without me?" he teased.

Carla's cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as she turned her gaze away. "N-no, it's not like that," she stammered.

Kaito couldn't help but chuckle at her shyness. He reached out and gently lifted her chin, causing her to look back into his eyes. "Come on, Carla," he whispered, his voice soft and tender. "We share the same bed. You don't have to be so shy."

Carla's face turned an even deeper shade of red as she tried to stammer a response. "I-I mean... I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Kaito's teasing smile softened as he pulled her closer. "I know, Carla. I appreciate your concern. But I have my reasons. I want to protect you and everyone else, just like Eren does."

Carla's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, and she pretended to be suddenly engrossed in a nearby vase of flowers. "Kaito, you're impossible."

Kaito laughed heartily, enjoying her flustered state. He gently pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "I know you'd miss me too much if I weren't around."

Carla couldn't help but smile despite her embarrassment. She leaned into him, her voice barely above a whisper, "Maybe just a little."

Carla sighed, realizing that Kaito had made up his mind. "Just promise me you'll be careful out there, okay?"

Kaito chuckled as Carla's head rested against his chest. "Don't worry, Carla," he reassured her. "While the training will be three years, the camp is near Trost. I promise I'll find a way to sneak off and see you frequently."

Carla couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing him often. She quickly composed herself and raised a concerned question, "But, Kaito, won't it be dangerous if you get caught?"

Kaito gazed into her big, expressive eyes and flashed a smug grin. "Do you really think they can catch your daring, dashing jester?" he replied with a twinkle in his eye.

Carla couldn't help but laugh at his confidence. "I guess not," she conceded, her worries momentarily pushed aside by Kaito's boundless charm.

Night before Departure

Amidst the dimly lit room, a subtle tension hung in the air as Carla and Kaito shared their last night together before Kaito would leave for the Training Corps. Carla's anxiety about his departure fueled her desire to be closer to him, to forget the impending separation.

Their kisses were passionate, fiery even, each one echoing with the unspoken longing that had built up between them.

"Kaito," Carla breathed, her voice trembling. "Please don't go."

Kaito's eyes were filled with a mix of desire and tenderness as he caressed her cheek. "I have to do this, Carla. It's important."

With a sense of urgency and desperation, Kaito began to peel away Carla's clothing, layer by layer. The room was filled with a hushed symphony of their whispered breaths and the soft rustling of fabric.

"Are you sure?" Carla asked, her voice heavy with vulnerability.

Kaito kissed her gently, his lips trailing down her neck. "I'm sure about one thing, Carla. I love you."

But then, amidst their heated moments, Carla gently pressed her hand against Kaito's chest, signaling him to pause.

"Kaito," she said, her eyes searching his, "I need time to heal."

He nodded, understanding her unspoken words. "I'm here for you, Carla. I'll wait as long as it takes."

With the understanding and patience that only deep affection can bring, Kaito held her close, allowing their breathing to slow, and their hearts to find a steady rhythm.

Abstracto Abstracto

Today, finally after many days I woke up before afternoon!

I have uploaded pictures of Kaito in both his forms in Auxiliary Chapter, check it out.

Also I am thinking of adding an character's info chapter with their illustration, should I do it or not?

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