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78.88% Arcane: Champion Witness System / Chapter 284: -278- All it need was a single day

Chapter 284: -278- All it need was a single day

"Then, let's stop here for today."

"Jarven, I'll have a student take you to your dorm in a moment. That's where you'll be living for the next few years. I've checked the environment, although it's a six-person room, it's still very nice."

"I understand, Linwin."

"As for Sejuani, your two tribesmen have already moved in with Vi in Zaun's Boundary markets. I'll have her come over to pick you up now. Please don't worry, take the next few days to get to know Twin Cities well, as an ally. Oh, and for these days, feel free to spend as you wish. Any shop, just show this badge."

Linwin said, walking up to Jayce and grabbed something, then walked over to the cold woman and opened his palm.

"That's my family emblem!" Councilor Talis exclaimed unhappily from the side.

"Just this?" Sejuani held the Talis family emblem, looking up at Linwin.

"Of course, Jayce and I are the wealthiest men in Twin Cities. He's the richest in Piltover, and I'm the richest in Zaun. But I don't have a family emblem, so you can only use this one."

Linwin chuckled, "I also know the hammer doesn't look great."

"Linwin!" Jayce stood up, unhappy. "You're using my family emblem, my money and you still have the audacity to mock me?"

"Alright, alright, I get it."

Linwin waved his hand, not bothering with Jayce at all.

Seeing this, Jayce muttered and stood by the windowsill, then, in front of Sejuani and Jarven IV, he flew away on his Hextech hoverboard.

"And.... He's gone. As for me, it's almost dinner time, and I have to go home and cook."

Linwin glanced at the time, seeing that it was already past five in the afternoon, and quickly spoke up.

Kai'Sa isn't at home, and Zoran has become a drunkard again recently. If it's only Zoran then it's not too bad, but the problem is there's also a little rock sparrow."

Taliyah is at home, though. Linwin, as her mentor, of course, has to go back and feed Taliyah, the great benefactor of Zaun's floating island project.

"You, still have to cook for yourself?"

Jarcen IV said, puzzled.

Sejuani echoed the sentiment.

She was even more shocked than Jayce IV. Twin Cities brought many supplies to the north, and the Winter's Claw benefited from it.

A man who controls such a powerful place. He still needs to cook for himself?

Linwin also stood at the window, one foot on the windowsill. He turned back with a smile and said, "Of course, we don't have the concept of slaves in Twin Cities. Although I can hire someone to cook with money, but it's only for a few days. In a few days, my cook(wife) will be back."

"You guys wait here."

"The person who will pick you up will be here soon."

Leaning back, as Jarven IV's pupils contracted, Linwin's body floated, then he smiled and waved at them, and flew away into the distance.

"Flight magic," Jarven IV muttered.

He doesn't reject the existence of magic because Jarven IV knows very well that magic is an innate talent of humans. It is not a curse, as his father, the king, told him.

Moreover, Garen's sister Lux is a powerful mage.

Sejuani looked at the young prince of Demacia, a slight smirk appearing at the corner of her lips, and then, she lowered her head to drink tea.

In the past, she would never drink this stuff, even when raiding in Demacia down south, when lucky enough to loot precious tea from passing merchants, Sejuani would trade them as commodities for goods.

But it's different now.

After many days of cultivation, although her white hair is still dry and split, Sejuani's complexion has improved a lot. Her skin may not be fair and elastic, but at least it's not dead skin that can be pinched up.

There is fat now.

And it's not just Sejuani who has this condition.

With the help of Twin Cities, the Winter's Claw has ushered in a new life, and everyone in the tribe can eat and sleep well.

And with supplies, being able to eat well, Sejuani began to expand again.

In the days when Vi and Caitlyn returned, besides some tribesmen guarding the Hextech stations on the southern border, when Sejuani returned to the tribe, in three days, just three days, she conquered six places and integrated a large group of people.

Afterwards, Sejuani became even more brave in battles. With logistics in place, coupled with the fact that the captured tribes can also eat delicious fish soup and fish meat, when the news spread, wherever Sejuani led her warriors to, those hungry people would actively join her.

The Winter's Claw grew more and more.

In just over ten days, the number of people had almost doubled.

But Sejuani wasn't worried. In the past, she dared not attack, dared not accept small tribes willing to join the Winter's Claw because there wasn't enough food.

At that time, even her own people couldn't eat enough, but now it's different. The more people, the more mouths to feed, but at the same time, the stronger the power, ah, the more things can be done to help Twin Cities.

Powerful as she became, able to be of help, Sejuani could better negotiate for resources.

"Do you have anything you want to talk to me about, Sejuani?" Suddenly, Jarvan IV spoke in the quiet room.

"I have nothing to discuss with you, little prince," Sejuani replied, lifting her gaze to meet Jarvan IV's.

He was tall, strong, and from his eyes, Sejuani could tell he had seen battle. But so what? Were there people in the world living in conditions harsher than those of the Winter's Claw?

They were stuck between gods and witches, struggling to survive...

"I thought you'd have a lot to say to me. After all, we're both allies of the Twin Cities now," Jarvan IV frowned as he spoke to Sejuani.

Putting down her teacup, Sejuani stood up, looking at Jarvan IV with a sneer. "What do you want me to say? Little prince. Are you expecting an apology from me?"

"An apology won't quench my anger. You know best what you've done in Demacia," Jarvan IV said sternly.

"Demacia never invaded other countries, and you, Sejuani, have repeatedly crossed the line, you're the aggressor," he continued.

"And so what?" Sejuani's expression remained unchanged.

Shame? Sejuani didn't feel that emotion. She was a beast, leading a group of beasts, that wildness stemming from the Freljord, inherent to her.

Looking at Jarvan IV, she continued, "If it weren't for the Twin Cities, I would probably be making my third journey south now. This year's harvest is worse than before, so I might have to snatch more and maybe kill a few people."

"Do you know what you're saying?" Jarvan IV grasped the armrests of his chair, slowly standing up.

"Sit down, little prince, don't try to threaten me," Sejuani said disdainfully, looking at Jarvan IV.

"You can't even climb the terrain in Freljord, let alone venture deep into it. You want to threaten me?" Sejuani scoffed.

Jarvan IV fell silent, then stood up quietly, looking at Sejuani.

The Winter's Claw invading Demacia had happened countless times. Each time, it brought considerable destruction to the remote villages and towns of Demacia, yet Demacia was powerless.

As Sejuani said, even dragons couldn't withstand the northern cold, let alone Demacia's soldiers. Without the protection of the ice-born bloodlines, ordinary people would struggle to survive in the extreme cold of the north.

Jarvan IV knew that the relationship with their allied nation couldn't be damaged, at least, he couldn't allow himself to damage it.

But at this moment, he was pressuring Sejuani.

Yes, he couldn't ruin it. But what if Sejuani was the one who acted first?

The barbarians of the north would not be able to stand humiliation...

Jarvan IV stared at Sejuani intently.

Sejuani raised an eyebrow, icy air emanating from her eyes, clenching her fists, she said coldly:

"Little prince, I told you to sit."

The door suddenly pushed open, and a student with glasses exclaimed loudly:

"Who here is Mr Jarven? Come with me, hurry up, It's almost dinner time too."

The tense atmosphere was interrupted.

Jarvan IV was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand: "That's me."

"Oh, hurry up, I'll take you to the dorm."


At that moment, Vi, dressed as an enforcer, burst in.

With a powerful kick, she kicked open Linwin's office door and stood beside the student. With her hands in her pockets, Vi casually whistled loudly, then smiled and said, "I'm here to pick you up."

"Big sis Vi...." The previously impatient student suddenly shrank his neck, cautiously greeting Vi.

The fearful look on his face was evident.

"Oh, what are you doing here, you stinky kid?" Vi saw a "familiar face", this was one of the kids who once hanged out with Vi back in the undercity.

Vi immediately reached out to put her arm around his neck, squeezing it hard.

"I-I can't breathe, sis, please.....not so hard," he said, patting Vi's back rapidly, the enforcer's vest rustled as he spoke.

"I was called here by Linwin, he asked me to take a student from Demacia to the dormitory."

"Oh." Vi listened and immediately let go, turning to look at Sejuani, who was still dazed.

Waving her hand, Vi said loudly, "Come on, what are you standing there for?"

Sejuani looked at Vi strangely.

She had always thought Vi was just Caitlyn's bodyguard, but now it seemed that Vi was more than just a bodyguard in the Twin Cities?

With her hands in her pockets, a woman about a head shorter than Sejuani bounced ahead of her, smiling and saying, "I'll take you to try our Zaunite specialty later - toxic frog meat!"

"Frog meat?"

"Yeah, Sejuani, you're in for a treat," Vi said, wearing a smug expression.

Watching Vi and Sejuani disappear down the corridor, Jarvan IV frowned.

That rude, ruthless woman, does she know someone in the Twin Cities?

"Who is that Vi?"

"Vi? Oh you have no idea....." a Zaunite youth opened his mouth, complaining as they walked, but it was all trivial, like Vi stealing from Piltover folks, being unreasonable, and always getting into fights.

Jarvan IV nodded strangely.

No wonder she gets along with Sejuani.

Loves stealing, unreasonable, loves fighting.

Isn't she just a toned-down version of Sejuani?

Sejuani loves grabbing things, super domineering, loves killing.

"But, I advise you not to mess with her."

The person in front of Jarvan IV suddenly stopped, turned around, pushed his glasses, and said in a deep voice, "Her identity is not as simple as an enforcer. Her brother is Councilor Linwin, her father is Lord Vander, and her sister is Miss Powder. If you're thinking of any bad ideas, you'll have a hard time. Councilor Linwin dotes on his two sisters."

During Zaun's most chaotic and dark era, fourteen-year-old Linwin wielded his sword and supressed many of Zaun's chem barons.

Many feared the retired Vander, but they also coveted his territory.

But no one dared to lay a hand on those two girls, even though they knew they were Vander's soft spot, because they know they wouldn't be able to survive the consequences that will befall them.

Jarvan IV's brow furrowed even deeper.


Following Linwin's assigned student, Jarvan IV found the dormitory with his help.

Looking at the three-story building in front of him, Jarvan IV remained unfazed.

Having lived in the military for years, Jarvan IV was not picky about food and shelter. He had been taught fairness and justice by his father, Tianna, and his uncle, the steward.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Jarvan IV walked straight into the building.

He was a prince after all, a man who had led troops into battle several times.

This is also why Garen both admired and was troubled by Jarvan IV.

He had to clean up after the prince.

"Your Highness? You're back."

As soon as he entered, someone noticed the movement and saw Jarvan IV.

A group of Demacian noble youths hurried out, including the leading boy Jasticar.

Approaching Jarvan IV, Jasticar respectfully said, "Your Highness, your bed has been prepared for you. Please follow me."

Jarvan IV looked at Jasticar, but furrowed his brows, speaking, "Jasticar, this is something I usually do myself. You've been with my troops before; you should know my character."

"In my army, special treatment is not tolerated."

"Yes," Jasticar nodded, bowing his head, but there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Some things just couldn't be said.

Yes, Your Highness is undoubtedly a noble and enlightened prince.

But just because you can do without, doesn't mean we can too.

He had followed the prince in training when he was young. But that time made him understand what kind of person Jarvan IV was.

Decisive, brave, and just.

On the battlefield, Jarvan IV was invincible, his unwavering determination inspiring the whole army, showing his true qualities as a leader.

But some things had to be done.

Jasticar lowered his head, waiting for his order,

And Jarvan IV just nodded again, reaching out to pat Jasticar's shoulder, "But still, thank you."

Led by Jasticar, Jarvan IV entered Room 101. As soon as he entered, Jarvan IV turned his head in surprise and looked at Jasticar.

"Why is it so cool here?"

"It's because of the Hextech air conditioner, Your Highness."

"And Your Highness, there's also a Hextech water heater. We can turn on the air conditioner and take hot baths. And Orianna said, the first year's Hextech gems are free, so we can sleep under the covers with the air conditioner on."

Jarvan IV looked at the several youths who were already proficiently operating it, wearing a pensive expression.

He remembered when he first saw these guys, they were all wearing solemn faces.

And just a few hours ago, when they were on that outdoor platform, they all looked resentful. But now?

They were smiling, excitedly introducing the Hextech air conditioner and water heater to Jarvan IV.

"By the way, Your Highness, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet," Jarvan IV shook his head, saying, "Give me my dry rations, I'll just have some for dinner."

"Don't eat dry rations, Your Highness. Quick, Winsk, go call the others, and go call Iris too. Let's go to the cafeteria together."

"All right."

"The cafeteria?" Jarvan IV sat at the table, organizing his cabinet, turning to look at Jasticar curiously.

"Yes, Your Highness, it's where Twin Cities University students eat." Jasticar smiled, "The food in the cafeteria is very delicious and suitable for our taste. And there are fruits and juices too."

Jarvan IV nodded, not really surprised by this.

What's not to like about good food and fun in the Twin Cities?

She is a very wealthy city state after all.

Jarvan IV was well aware of Twin Cities' financial power. Hextech stations filled Demacia, and Demacia paid a hefty price for it. That's why when Linwin proposed the student exchange program to the king, the king agreed immediately and sent him for a reason.

If Demacians could learn Hextech knowledge and manufacture Hextech gems themselves, it would save Demacia a lot of financial resources.

But what Jasticar said next surprised the prince.

"And it's very cheap, Your Highness. The money for buying a mug of barley wine in the capital can get you three or four meals here, and they are very delicious, especially delicious."

Naturally, the taste that even the duke's children emphasized would not be bad.

But this price?

"Can they make profit from this?" Jarvan IV couldn't believe it.

"Orianna Reveck lent me her student card and taught me how to top up. I've already topped up ten gold coins this afternoon," Jasticar said with a smile, taking out the card to hand it to Jarvan IV.

"No, you keep it," Jarvan IV shook his head, "This was given to you by someone else, as we are now, we are students of equal standing."

"No special treatment, Jasticar."

Jasticar nodded and took the card.

"I understand."

"Let's go then, let me see what kind of cafeteria can win you all over in just one day."

As soon as this was said, the group of Demacian noble youths felt a bit embarrassed.

They cursed up a storm when they came.

But now...


All it need was a single day....

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