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83.87% Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey / Chapter 51: Ice and Fire

Chapter 51: Ice and Fire

In a matter of seconds, the dynamic shifted entirely. With Aerodactyl falling, Articuno wasted no time and immediately pursued Pidgeot. Without its partner's help, there wasn't much the Epic Stage Pokémon could do against a natural Legendary Pokémon. "Nooooooo!!!" Blue screamed from below as he witnessed the gruesome scene unfold. Within moments, Articuno firmly grasped the epic stage Pidgeot in its talons, poised to cleave it in two. But just as Articuno was about to deliver the fatal blow, the entire night sky lit up with a blazing meteor-like figure descending from the heavens.

It was a legendary stage, Mega Blaziken, using Flare Blitz to descend from the skies. Jumping from the back of its partner, another legendary stage Charizard, who had also entered the Dragon type Mega Evolution form, the Blaziken landed with a thunderous impact. Just before Articuno could tear apart the Pidgeot, a sickening attack landed on the back of Articuno. "Boom!!!" The shockwave was strong enough to free Pidgeot from the natural legendary's talon, but Pidgeot had already passed out. Just as it was about to free fall, a Gardevoir materialized next to Pidgeot and instantly teleported away, arriving next to Blue.

Blue, still reeling in shock from the fiery display of the legendary stage Pokémon, was not new to the pressure of legendary stage Pokémon, as his father had two legendary Pokémon of his own. However, the pressure exuded from the Blaziken was even stronger than his father's Pokémon. One thing felt odd, though: the Blaziken felt like a variant, but unfortunately, Blue was not yet aware of Mega Evolutions, so he couldn't discern the difference between a regular Blaziken and its Mega Evolution. Meanwhile, Articuno was sent crashing to the ground, cracking the icy layer beneath it.

Ice-type Pokémon were inherently weak against fire- and fighting-type Pokémon. However, Mega Blaziken was the embodiment of the pinnacle of these two species. The two legendary stage Pokémon had concealed their auras until the very last second, so Articuno was completely caught off guard by the aerial assault. The attack sent a resounding boom throughout the surroundings, and the presence of the two new legendary stage auras completely caught everyone off guard; even the Pokémon tide momentarily froze.

The Articuno, which had crashed into the frozen waters below, got up shaking, its sickening attack causing significant damage. It let out a deafening screech, clearly aware that the newcomer was more than capable of harming it. Without holding back, it immediately fired a powerful Ice Beam towards the free-falling Mega Blaziken. But just then, a deafening dragon roar echoed throughout the night skies, and a pillar of blue flames descended from the sky, countering Articuno's Ice Beam.

Blue flames clashed with blue ice, forming a deadly yet beautiful contrast. Then, with a brilliant aerial maneuver between the two pokemon, the free-falling Mega Blaziken landed on the back of the Mega Charizard. However, what caught Blue by surprise was that on the back of the Mega Charizard was another figure. He looked like an old man with graying hair, but his face was covered with a mask, half painted black and the other pristine white. The aura emanating from the man was overwhelming.

Even Articuno became wary, confident as it was in handling a single legendary stage Pokémon. But facing these two legendary Pokémon combined, it did not fancy its chances. Still, it had its pride; it was a Pokémon born to be at the apex. Despite their high pedigree, these Pokémon could not match its majesty. With a powerful beat of its wings, Articuno ascended to the skies again, the man on the back of the Charizard vanishing as the Gardevoir teleported him back to Blue's side. Hovering high in the air, the two sides faced off, ready to begin a legendary 2v1 showdown.

The chilling, icy domain clashed with the two domains of Mega Charizard and Mega Blaziken. When combined, the fiery domain power of the two legendary Pokémon showed signs of suppressing Articuno's domain. This indicated that Articuno might not be as ancient a powerhouse as Zapdos in the north. Articuno could be merely a millennium or two old, whereas for natural legendary Pokémon, longevity is often equated to strength.

Articuno immediately summoned a massive Blizzard, attempting to engulf the entire sky with frost. But Charizard was prepared to counter. With a primal roar, it flew higher, its entire body glowing with otherworldly power as it invoked Overheat, burning through the Blizzard. Meanwhile, Blaziken launched itself into the sky, using bursts of fire from its limbs to propel itself.

As the Blizzard and Overheat clashed, both Pokémon maintained their attacks, neither willing to yield dominance. Suddenly, Blaziken moved at blinding speed, closing the distance between itself and Articuno within a split second. Seizing this opening while Articuno clashed with Charizard, Blaziken unleashed a powerful Blast Burn. Though Articuno raised its wings to defend itself, the attack still packed a punch, causing it to falter.

Charizard and Blaziken then closed in on Articuno, preferring close combat. Despite Articuno's struggle to create distance, Blaziken, with its superior speed and maneuvers, stayed close, raining down devastating attacks. Meanwhile, Charizard interrupted and countered Articuno's attempts to retaliate. Despite Articuno's superior strength, it became evident that it was on the back foot under the joint assault of Charizard and Blaziken. However, its sturdy physique allowed it to endure a lot of punishment.

Blaziken attempted a Brave Bird, aiming for Articuno's spine, but Articuno swiveled at the last moment, causing the blazing claw to tear through its icy feathers. The legendary Pokémon emitted a deafening screech as Blaziken left a gash on its wings.

Enraged, Articuno launched a Steel Wing attack, intending to send Blaziken crashing to the ground. However, Charizard intercepted the attack with Dragon Claw, preventing Blaziken from being hit. As Articuno attempted to retaliate with an Ice Beam at close range, Blaziken struck with a devastating Fire Punch aimed at its face.

The clash between the three legendary Pokémon painted a breathtaking spectacle across the night sky, the very heavens themselves becoming the stage for their titanic battle. Each move and each clash reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across the landscape below.

As Articuno summoned the massive Blizzard once again to push the two legendary Pokemon away, the air around them grew thick with icy shards, swirling and dancing like ethereal spirits. But Charizard, with its primal instincts, met the challenge head-on. Its roar echoed through the heavens as it soared higher, its fiery aura intensifying until it seemed as if the very stars themselves bowed before its might. With a burst of searing heat, it unleashed Overheat, the flames devouring the approaching Blizzard with a voracious hunger.

Meanwhile, Blaziken became a blur of motion, its fiery feathers leaving streaks of light in its wake as it propelled itself skyward. With each powerful leap, it closed the distance between itself and Articuno, the very air crackling with the intensity of its movements.

A deafening Giga Impact sent Articuno reeling towards the icy ground below. For the second time since the start of the battle, Articuno was thrown down from the skies. For a flying Pokemon, this was absolute humiliation. Articuno screeched and refused to bear this humiliation. It immediately had a cunning idea and turned its attention to the man who seemed to be the master of these two pokemon and aimed a massive IceBeam.

The old man, his mask hiding his expression, shook his head in disappointment at Articuno's tactical error. "Tch, leaving yourself exposed when you have enemies on your flank, such an amateur," he muttered, his voice tinged with disapproval. Blue, stunned by the turn of events, was ready to intervene, but before he could react, a powerful Ice Beam was hurtling towards them.

Panicked, Blue was about to command his Arcanine to shield them, but before he could, a mysterious force whisked them away. In the blink of an eye, they found themselves a mile away from the impending danger. As they stumbled to their feet, a Gardevoir gracefully landed beside them, its presence reassuring in the chaos.

Meanwhile, Charizard and Blaziken were seething with rage at seeing their partner targeted. Charizard, with its primal fury unleashed, plummeted towards Articuno with a deafening roar. Its outrage attack was relentless, each strike tearing through Articuno's defenses with savage force. Articuno fought back fiercely, using every weapon in its arsenal to fend off the onslaught. Its talons slashed, its beak snapped, and its wings battered Charizard, each blow exchanged with brutal intensity.

Just as Articuno attempted to take flight to gain the advantage, Blaziken intervened with a devastating Focus Punch aimed squarely at its back. With a mighty blow, Blaziken's fist connected with Articuno's icy hide, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The legendary bird screeched in agony as the force of the punch drove it back to the ground, its wings flailing in a desperate attempt to regain its footing.

Blue watched in awe as the battle unfolded before him, the sheer power and ferocity of the combatants leaving him breathless. Despite Articuno's strength, it was clear that Charizard and Blaziken were not backing down, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. With each blow they exchanged, the very air seemed to crackle with energy, the intensity of their clash echoing through the night.

As Charizard and Blaziken continued their assault, Blue couldn't help but marvel at their resilience. Despite fighting against a natural legendary Pokemon, they fought on with courage and tenacity that was nothing short of inspiring. With each strike, they pushed themselves to the limit, their fiery spirits burning brightly in the darkness.

But even as they fought, Blue couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind. Articuno was no ordinary opponent, and he knew that it would take more than brute force to defeat him. With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, leaving the outcome of the battle hanging in the balance.

As the clash between Articuno, Charizard, and Blaziken reached its zenith, the night sky became a canvas for their primal struggle. Above, the moon shone down, casting its silvery glow upon the tumultuous scene unfolding below. Below, the land trembled beneath the sheer magnitude of their power, the very earth itself seeming to quake in awe and fear.

With each exchange of blows, the landscape bore the scars of their battle. Cracks formed in the ground, fissures splitting the earth asunder as if unable to contain the sheer force unleashed by the legendary combatants. Rocks shattered, trees swayed precariously, and the sea roared in protest, its waves crashing against the cliffs with thunderous fury.

Yet amid the chaos, there was a sense of awe-inspiring beauty to the spectacle. The clash of elements, fire against ice, created a mesmerizing display of light and color that painted the sky with hues of crimson and azure. Sparks flew as flames and frost collided, illuminating the darkness with their fierce radiance.

Charizard, its wings spread wide, soared through the air like a fiery comet, its tail flame burning bright against the backdrop of the night. With each beat of its wings, it unleashed waves of scorching heat that seared the very air around it, leaving trails of molten fire in its wake.

Beside it, Blaziken moved with a grace and agility that belied its immense power. With every leap and kick, it unleashed torrents of flame that danced through the air like ribbons of fire, leaving trails of smoke and ash in its wake. Each strike was calculated, precise, and aimed at exploiting the slightest weakness in Articuno's defenses.

And yet, despite their ferocity, Articuno remained undaunted. With every blow it endured, it fought back with equal ferocity, its icy wings slicing through the air with lethal precision. Ice crystals formed around it, swirling in a vortex of cold and frost that threatened to engulf its adversaries in an icy tomb.

As the battle raged on, it seemed as though time itself had slowed, each moment stretched to eternity as the combatants clashed in a symphony of destruction.

"Child, you should get back to town. The tides seem to be receding, and this fight will go on for a long time. You should stabilize the situation there; save as many as you can," the old man behind the mask commented, his gaze still fixed on the distant battlefield where his two legendary Pokémon confronted Articuno.

The expanse of the battlefield between the legendary Pokémon spanned across miles, with even the sea below appearing to have split into two—one side completely frozen, the other side boiling. Craters, magma, and ice littered the landscape, evidence of the clash between these titanic powerhouses.

"Who are you, sir? Are you from the Aura Guardians?" Blue couldn't help but question, though he harbored doubts. According to his father, the legendary-class trainer from the Aura Guardians was not due to arrive until dawn the next day, and it seemed unlikely that they would dispatch a powerhouse with two legendary Pokémon to his name, even given the dire circumstances. Raising a single legendary-stage Pokémon was a monumental task, yet the old man before him possessed two.

However, the old man offered no response to Blue's inquiry; his attention was wholly focused on the battle ahead. Despite his Pokémon's current advantage, in such a high-intensity battle, the balance could shift in a split second. The old man communicated expertly using his psychic energy with his Pokémon, maneuvering them to keep Articuno in check.

Blue hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to stay and witness the battle and the old man's urging to return to the town. He knew that his place was with the people of Pallet Town, doing whatever he could to help them in their time of need. With a determined nod, he turned to the old man. "You're right. I'll head back to the town and do what I can to help. Thank you," he said gratefully, his resolve firm.

As Blue turned to leave, the old man's voice stopped him. "Wait," he called out, his tone commanding. Blue turned back, meeting the old man's gaze. "Take this," the old man said, tossing something towards Blue. It was a small, ornate pendant, pulsating with a faint glow. "The things in it will help you save as many lives as possible." Just as Blue was about to check what it was, he felt a prick on his fingers, the pendant glowed, and he felt a connection with the device. "I have left the usage manual for all the items, including the PSP, and a few more instructions inside. Now go, and may luck be on your side."

As Blue examined the pendant, a strange warmth emanated from it, drawing his curiosity deeper. What he perceived left him in awe—a separate dimension within the pendant, filled to the brim with emergency resources like medicine, food, and many life-saving potions. Blue couldn't fathom why the old man had bestowed upon him such abundance, but he was grateful beyond words. With these supplies, he could potentially save thousands of lives.

Tucking the pendant into his pocket with a sense of reverence, Blue turned to leave once more. The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders as he made his way back towards Pallet Town. His mind raced with thoughts of the battle he had witnessed, the power of the legendary Pokémon, and the mysterious old man behind the mask, who stood like a bastion, denying any more room for Articuno's mad carnage and in turn defending the entire Kanto coastal line.


Back in Evergrande City, it was well past midnight, and the auction had been ongoing for hours. Currently, the bidding for the final item was reaching its climax—a supposed mythical rank item, an egg from an unknown species. The aura emanating from the egg was palpable, enough to freeze the entire venue in awe. However, there was a palpable lack of joy in the auction hall, even among the VIP boxes, as a somber mood hung heavy over the proceedings. The reason for this atmosphere was none other than the Blackthorn family.

The Blackthorns had monopolized the last 20 items, which were not listed in the catalog and were considered priceless treasures. Even the lowest rarity among them was of legendary rank, and the Blackthorn family had outbid every other bidder, leaving esteemed families like the Stones and other Hoenn families unable to compete. With the recent transactions regarding PSP by Agatha, the Blackthorn family was overflowing with wealth.

Even in this auction, they had auctioned off a few of their own novel products, further increasing their immense wealth. Currently, the entire venue waited with bated breath as the final two bidders vied for the supposed mythical Pokémon egg.

"Are you sure we have to get it, Aron? For all we know, it might be a dud. The bid has already crossed the 150 billion mark," Isabel questioned, her skepticism evident regarding the so-called mythical Pokémon egg.

Originally, the bid had started at 10 billion Pokedollars, but upon seeing the Blackthorn family's interest in the egg, every other powerhouse decided there must be some hidden secret and started bidding fervently. However, no matter how much they bid, they couldn't match the Blackthorns' wealth.

"Grandma, we have to get the egg, no matter the cost. I'm not sure what exactly the egg contains, but my gut instinct says that we have to get it," I remarked, keeping my gaze fixed on the screen displaying the egg. Even my current probing abilities couldn't discern the slightest information from the egg—it was all filled with question marks.

I was sure that if it were a legendary Pokemon egg or below, I should have at least obtained some information; however, the egg in front of me gave zero information. But I felt it in my bones that I couldn't let this chance pass, so I was dead set on acquiring the egg. Perhaps in the future, as I develop my special abilities to a higher level, I could help hatch the egg by finding the right method.

Finally, after a few more minutes of heated bidding, to everyone's dismay, the Blackthorns won the final item for a mind-boggling amount of 162 billion Pokédollars. The moment the final gavel sounded, after a moment of stunned silence, dissent spread throughout the venue as many parties openly showed their dissatisfaction at the Blackthorns openly monopolizing all the final items using their immense wealth.

However, amidst it all, I couldn't help but smile at Grandma Isabel's ingenuity. She had orchestrated a situation where my abduction would look much more believable; with every power within the auction venue reeling to have a go at the Blackthorns. We were already aware that Archer had breached the security of the room, but we sat in the box as if we were unaware of the encroaching danger.

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