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54.28% INVINCIBLE : FEAR / Chapter 19: chapter 19 : The Mother's Awakening and the Daughter's Anger

Chapter 19: chapter 19 : The Mother's Awakening and the Daughter's Anger

Just at 11 o'clock in the day, Liam and the others ended up spreading the video on the internet and hacking major television news platforms to broadcast the video with the hacking skills possessed by Terry.

 All over the world, on news channels and giant advertising screens but especially on social networks, a shocking video was seen.

 Mark was having breakfast with Eve in front of the television when the program was interrupted by images showing a group of masked people with a woman in the back huddled up while wearing only underwear.

 Mark, looking at the images, immediately stopped eating as discomfort was felt within him.

 One of the group appearing to be the leader walked up to the camera and started talking, it was Liam.

 Liam: Well, hello ladies and gentlemen wherever you are in the world, my name is Liam and of course I won't give you my full name. Me and my friends here are gathered here to show the whole world the cries of our hearts as well as our thirst for justice and reparation (A Nazi who demands justice ! Do you see how far we have fallen or not?)…

 Eve: What is that? Who are these people ?

 Mark: Probably terrorists maybe.

 Liam: First of all, know that we are close to certain people who died during the great destruction caused by Omni-man and his son Invincible. Like many others, we are only weak humans who could never take justice into their own hands.

 However, we managed to get our hands on an interesting person so on our own, we found a way to avenge our loved ones but also others.

 Now I'm going to turn to Mark Grayson aka Invincible who killed so many of our people. My group and I have your mother, this is the only most effective form of pressure we could have against you and I prefer to warn you, we are going to hurt her, we are going to hurt her very much and the only way for you to to stop her suffering will be to kill yourself in a video and in a public place.

 In case you're not motivated and don't take us seriously then here's something that might encourage you, (looks at his group) Go ahead.

 They clearly forcibly showed Deborah's face before continuing to beat her first with kicks and then with weapons to the screams of their victim and immediately upon seeing this, Mark's mind immediately went empty.

 At Lucas' villa, Saeko was practicing swordsmanship in the training room when Amber came home in a panic with her smartphone to show her the images from the video and immediately, Saeko let go of the hold she had on his saber as his lips trembled.

 She immediately activated her bracelet and a holographic screen appeared, she had to react quickly, she had to react very quickly first before letting her emotions explode.

 With the bracelet's tracking option, she was able to find Debbie's location in Manhattan far from Arlington.

 Where thGDA had failed in locating her, Saeko had succeeded easily first thanks to the technology she created herself which was much more advanced but in addition she had placed a microscopic spy in her mother's body to through a water worm.

 She quickly called Mark to give him the information and he immediately flew off at high speed to New York without even changing.

 He had to act first, he was itching to go and demolish GDA right away, but first he had to save his mother as quickly as possible.

 With Saeko, they automatically adopted this attitude simultaneously without even consulting each other. Mark had matured a lot and knew what his priorities were now.

 ** Before continuing, put the music [Sahara – Hensonn] to your ears for the atmosphere of the next actions. You can also continue reading like this but the sensations will be poor **

 Several dozen minutes before, in Manhattan, Deborah was suddenly able to open her eyes and regain consciousness, the assimilation of the product had been a total success and now, she had 8 times the abilities of a normal human, her IQ which was at 151 went up to 470.

 She felt very good despite her injuries, better than ever and slowly felt her injuries starting to heal, her broken arms and ribs that were supposed to heal in two months or 8 weeks were going to do so in a few days.

 She was able to think much more easily but above all with frightening speed.

 Silently, she stood up from her bed with her hand still cuffed and looked around the room to see on the floor not too far from her a nail.

 Bending down to increase the reach of her leg, Deborah tried to grab the nail with her toes but couldn't, she tried for a while but to no avail.

 Sitting on the bed with great frustration, Deborah stared at the nail for several minutes wondering how she could get it back to hook her handcuffs even with her mouth because her hands were definitely unusable at the moment.

 She stayed there focused on looking at this little nail on the ground until, very hard, she thought about moving it.

It was a strange, instinctive fixation that kept her sitting there focusing on the nail when suddenly the nail rose from the ground and floated through the void and hurtled straight towards Deborah's face, who dodged it.

barely enough for it to lodge itself in the wall behind her.

 "What…that must be my extra power. Saeko said that in addition to becoming stronger you gain additional power based on your knowledge." Debbie whispered calmly.

 She was strangely not agitated or too surprised by what had just happened and immediately thought about the most rational cause of the strange movement of the nail, she could move the objects by thought according to her quick deduction.

 Turning around to see the nail she concentrated hard enough and calmly to slowly unhook the nail from the wall and slowly float it towards her so that it landed gently on the bed.

 For the next few minutes Deborah was able to do small experiments with the nail without touching it and ended up manipulating it freely and with great precision in a vacuum after 23 minutes (Do you think this is going too fast?! She has a IQ of 470 so imagine how quickly she analyzes and understands things. A fucking 470 IQ guys, try to imagine, that's higher than Saeko's who already managed to work on nanotechnology without forcing.)

 After some time of experimenting, Deborah realized one important thing, she could only move metal objects.

 It was a completely strange feeling, as if with every object made of metal that she manipulated, she had her consciousness spreading like a current of air over it to connect her securely to the object and even know all the parts of its mechanism.

 She focused on her handcuffs and especially her lock. With a *clack* the handcuffs opened as she had knowledge of the parts of its mechanism now and how to manipulate everything freely and open it without having to resort to force or even the key.

 She got up from the bed and with the help of the nail, she wrapped herself with the brown sheet of her bed to cover her body because at the moment, she still could not use her broken hands to cover her clothes.

 She walked to the locked door which she simply opened without any problem, exiting the room.

 Deborah walked for a number of seconds in the corridor when at the other end of it, the door opened so that the whole group of her kidnappers except Liam found themselves in front of her because they were coming to check her condition and make a decision.

 When they crossed paths, everyone took one or several seconds of surprise to wonder what was happening and what she was doing there, all except Deborah with her now superhuman speed of reaction who in an instant moved the point high speed.

It was so fast that within 3 seconds, everyone except Terry had been pierced multiple times by the nail before any of them could even say or do anything. (If you want a reference, think of Yondu's arrow in the MCU but with more speed)

 Debbie with a face more calm and serene than ever looked at the group who were dying horribly on the ground where their blood slowly began to flow while they suffered from their multiple perforations, they were just simple humans.

 Terry who was still standing and totally paralyzed with fear looked at Deborah's face and it was entirely different from what he had seen so far, she was cold and very murderous.

 Near Deborah he saw a small sharp object floating, it was the nail she used to riddle her friends at an unimaginable speed now covered in her friends' blood.

 Terry: I…my-ma'am Grayson…

 Deborah: You have nothing to fear from me, of the whole gang, you were the only one to recognize an innocent person. I need you to show me the exit and where your boss Liam is please.

 Terry: Y-yes…yes Ms. Grayson.

 They walked to a certain room where through the windows, Debbie could see Liam in front of several screens processing the broadcast and effects of their video.

 Deborah asked Terry to stay outside and went inside the room herself. Liam thought it was one of his gang and didn't pay attention.

 "Please know before you leave this world that I am sincerely sorry for what happened to your son Mr. Müller."

 Liam immediately turned around but before eye contact was even made, the nail pierced his head killing him instantly without giving him a chance just like the others.

 Deborah's way of thinking was completely different now, she wasn't using her power for fun revenge, scaring or impressing anyone but to do what she needed in the moment, kill her enemies and he There was no time to waste doing something as terrible as killing for her, the sooner it passes the better.

 [You can stop the music]


 A loud crashing noise was heard and the whole structure shook, the shaking was so strong that Deborah even lost her balance and fell.

 This shock was actually Mark who broke through the building to get in, he had a small device that Saeko gave him to track his mother's location.

 Mark with his mind immersed in the darkest anger flew around the building with the aim of truly killing everyone he came across who was responsible for his mother's kidnapping.

 "Mark, is that you?" he heard his mother's voice not too far from his position and saw Debbie near a man.

 Mark directly flew to her to hug her, he looked at his mother's state and started crying asking her forgiveness over and over again for not knowing what happened earlier.

Deborah reassured him that he was not at fault and that he had no way of knowing but above all that everything was fine and that they could leave there now because she hated that place.

 Mark saw Terry and frowned, he asked where those who kidnapped him were and she calmly told him that they were all dead except Terry who had taken care of her and even opposed the others for their mistreatment of her.

 Mark: (To Terry) You can consider the fact that I'm sparing you as a thank you but the day I see you again-(interrupted)

 Deborah: Enough Mark, these people had their reasons and they lost more than you can imagine. Terry here because of your father lost his wife and his barely born child in a hospitalisé. (looks at Terry) Once again, I am deeply sorry for your loss and nothing will certainly console you but you must move on like I did and hold on for the moment to those who can bring you ounce of joy. (Sighs) I hope you find happiness again one day.

 After that, Mark flew with her in his arms at Slow Speed ​​back to Arlington, leaving Terry there who later deleted the video from the internet.

 It was 1 p.m. when they arrived at Drake's villa and found Art, Eve and Amber immediately rushing over to take care of Deborah .

 She was immediately taken to her room where they began to seriously take care of her and it was Amber and Eve who would stay to take care of her more intimate care.

 "Where is Saeko?" Mark asked and Amber just shrugged before Art took him by the shoulder and led him outside.

 Art: Mark, as soon as you left to rescue Debbie, the kid was thrown into a deep, dark rage, from what Amber told me. She left just after I arrived and I think I have an idea of ​​where she went.


 Art: That's what I think too, you need to bring her back, this little one is completely unpredictable.

 ** Change of atmosphere guys immediately put the music on [ Cataclysm – Yvetzal ], it will really heat up right away **





 Gunshots were heard in the GDA premises as several of the agency's elite soldiers were shooting at a small figure that was moving like a specter and teleporting around while also shooting with his pistols on the soldiers.

 Obviously, it was Saeko, or rather BLINK, who had come to punish the GDA' agents for letting these terrorist kidnap and torment her mother, whom they made believe she was being protected.

 Fortunately, the kid didn't come to kill anyone but to hurt them, bullets in the limbs, shoulders or even the buttocks were enough to hurt these idiots who pissed off the bad child.

 She dodged all their attacks by attacking from everywhere and had already neutralized their automatic defense system with an electromagnetic pulse bomb.

 Because of this bomb, all the power tools in the base were unusable and even if they had a countermeasure, it was going to take a while to get everything back to normal.

 Seeing a group of soldiers coming for reinforcement, Blink threw a very powerful smoke bomb at them and a huge cloud of smoke spread to blind and suffocate everyone.

 Saeko appeared in the middle of the group and began attacking them in close combat, her speed and strength were such that none of her elite soldiers were able to react properly against her on top of her terrifying combat skills in hand-to-hand combat.

 She teleported to the next room, it was the entire white room where the GDA was conducting their main experiments and where they were using a frequency of light that made everything invisible to those who had drunk the water from the city where the ADG had introduced a molecule which reacted at this frequency.

 The problem is that due to Saeko's bomb, all electrical systems were temporarily unusable until the base's auxiliary systems responded and thus, the light frequency was not activated.

 When Saeko arrived there, she saw several reanimen on the ground because their electrical system was no longer functional because of Saeko who continued to injure and neutralize the agents who stood in her way.

 Several groups of soldiers arrived but they couldn't do anything to Saeko who was completely untouchable and too fast, she threw a mini electrifying bomb which neutralized the entire group.

 She had found a way to make her own technology invulnerable to Electromagnetic Pulses so even if everyone else's gadgets were broken, hers still remained operational.

 Suddenly, when she was able to get rid of these soldiers, a man appeared in front of her, he was quite advanced in age in his fifties with completely white hair with a muscular body and wearing a green military outfit.

 It was Brit, named Britanny and Britney's half-brother who trained Amber. Like her, he was completely invulnerable but did not have super strength or superhuman speed unlike her but was a very good fighter.

 Brit: That's enough Blink, we know why you're here but you didn't kill anyone here so if you leave now, we'll move on.

 Saeko without even saying anything started running towards him shooting at him but the bullets were just bouncing off his skin, she took out her sabers accordingly and a close fight started between the two.

 Brit was strong but Saeko's reaction speed coupled with her teleportation made her untouchable for him, likewise, despite all of Blink's sharp attacks, Brit received no damage and did everything to neutralize her.

 Saeko avoided a tackle attempt from Brit and gave a sweep to his leg before he put it on the ground with all his support and the poor thing immediately found himself on the ground, this was the technique that Lucas had done to Battle Beast in front of her.

 "You're really starting to annoy me," she said, aiming your gun at Brit's head while she was still on the ground before shooting three times at his chin.

 Even though these bullets didn't do him any external damage, it was enough to seriously shake his brain to knock him out for a while.

 When Brit recovered from this he found Saeko looking at him coldly and calmly asking "Where's Cecil?!" 

 Brit stood up and tried to grab her but was immediately kicked by Saeko which sent him 2 meters away. As she stood up, it was Saeko's knee that connected with her face, throwing Brit's head back before following up.

Brit was standing and couldn't even react anymore while Saeko was flashing everywhere authorizing him giving him a blow every time, it was too fast for any hope of reacting but the man was experienced, invulnerable but above all patient.

 At one point, Saeko kicked him in the face but Brit managed to grab his leg but just when he thought he might have done something, he heard a *beep*beep*beep* from behind him.

 It was a mini-bomb hung by Saeko on his back and when it exploded, Brit was covered in a large layer of purple foam that immediately solidified with the same strength as hardened cement.

 Saeko teleported nonchalantly, quietly escaping Brit's grasp who ended up only having his head outside the foam to breathe, Brit helplessly saw Saeko standing in front of him and asking in the same tone

"Where is Cecil ?! ".

 Brit: Go home little one, there's nothing you can do to me so I can tell you anything. What happened is no one's fault here.

 Saeko: You may be invulnerable to external damage, but what's stopping me from teleporting with you to the middle of the ocean?! This moss is as heavy in this state as stone, no one will find you and will not be able to locate you in the ocean depths, old man.

 Brit, upon hearing this, seriously started to panic, this little girl by her tone and attitude didn't seem to be bluffing and in fact, a fate like what she had just promised him was worse than death.

 He started to sweat but while he wanted to talk to Blink to try to coax her or even reveal Cecil's location, a voice was heard.

 "That's enough Saeko, let's go back. No post would be scarier than what you've done here." Mark said as he stood behind his little sister.

 Saeko: Onii-san…mom…(she started to cry slowly)

 Mark: It's okay princess, mom is waiting for you at home and those who hurt her are already dead. Let's go back to her, okay?

 "Okay...I want to help take care of mom." She said calmly as Mark took her to leave with her leaving Brit to breathe a deep sigh of relief.

 "What a family of monsters!" he said before huffing with his head down as the auxiliary systems just took over.

 "Lucas would have been proud of you little sister, I am very proud of you too." Mark said while carrying Saeko in his arms.

 The little girl got teary-eyed again as she buried her face in her brother's chest.


 In Lucas' coffin, his heart was now beating very well, at a rhythm even better than that of a healthy athlete and under his closed eyelids, we could distinguish the small movements of his eyes because in fact, Lucas' consciousness had already returned to him although he had not yet awakened from his long sleep, but waking up would not take long now and very soon, he would emerge from his prison of wood and earth.

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