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25.49% Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam / Chapter 13: Blindfolded Makeup Challenge

Chapter 13: Blindfolded Makeup Challenge

The video opens to Peter and Tony sitting at the kitchen counter, a straight line of makeup spread in front of them. Tony looks annoyed and resigned; Peter looks thrilled. 

"Hello everyone, welcome back to the Ironfam!" he exclaims. "So, first of all, Mr. Stark and Pepper would like to thank you all for the congratulations on their pregnancy, and, from some of you, name suggestions! It's still a little early, but I've read all the comments, and there are some good names in there, so thanks for those! And for those of you asking; don't worry, I'll let you know the gender as soon as I know!" 

"Are we going to actually do this video?" Tony asks. 

"Yes, Mr. Stark, chill," Peter says. "I've just got to inform the Ironfam about what's going on with Baby Stark!" 

"Please don't turn that into a thing," Tony sighs. 

"It's already a thing, Mr. Stark, and I didn't make it," Peter shrugs. "Someone commented it, and I loved it, so now it's a thing. Now, let's move on, and get this show on the road!" 


"Today," Peter says. "We are doing the blindfolded makeup challenge! I'm going to be blindfolded, and Mr. Stark is going to sit here patiently and let me put makeup on him! This one was MJ's idea… so let's all say thanks to MJ, who's behind the camera, for getting us to do this video!" 

"If you stab my eye out," Tony threatens. "I'm sueing you." 

"I live with you," Peter says, making a face at Tony. "You'd just be sueing yourself, as I don't have a job. Or money." 

"You do too," Tony objects. "What, you think I don't pay you for the internship? It's in your bank account." 

"I have a bank account-?" 


"Okay!" Peter picks up like nothing happened. He holds up a pink, fluffy sleeping mask. "I'm going to put this on, and we're going to start! Ready, Mr. Stark?" 

"As I'll ever be," Tony sighs. "On goes the blindfold." 

Peter slips the mask over his eyes. He reaches out in front of him, and grabs the first makeup item in the line. 

"So first," he says. "We have concealer, which I'm just going to…" he pulls a small makeup wand out of the tube of concealer, and dots it around Tony's face, narrowly missing his eyes, which are tightly shut. "Alright…" he says, feeling around. His hands land on a sponge. "Now, I believe I use this to blend it in."

Peter rubbed the sponge around Tony's face, missing most of the concealer and just smearing around that that he did get. He drops the sponge onto the table, and grabes a foundation stick. 

"Now, this is foundation," Peter explains, pulling the lid off. "I'm not sure how this works, but I'm just gonna kind of… put it on his face…" 

He draws lines all over Tony's face with the foundation stick. He sets the stick down, grabs Tony's face in his hands, rubs for a moment, then pats his cheeks and moves on. 

"Alright, now that we've got all the blemishes covered…" Peter says, feeling around on the table. "I think it's time for powder." 

He finds the powder and opens it. He sticks his hand into the powder, and pouts slightly. 

"I thought there was supposed to be a pouffe?" He says questioningly. 

Tony shrugs. "I know nothing about makeup, kid." 

"Well…" Peter hesitates, before shrugging. "On it goes, I guess." 

Peter takes the container of powder, lifts it up, and jerks his hand forward, effectively throwing all the powder at Tony. Who, unfortunately, had just opened his mouth to ask what Peter was doing. As such, he began violently coughing and gagging. 

"Oh, was your mouth open?" Peter asks. "Sorry." 

Tony turns and looks directly into the camera. He looks quite like a clown now; MJ snorts loudly, and begins laughing uncontrollably. 

"Hey, don't mock my work!" Peter objects, sounding offended. 

"Sorry, sorry," MJ says, trying and failing to stifle her laughter. 

Peter huffs, and reaches his hand out again. "Next is highlight. I've got this kind of stick, roller thing, and I'm pretty sure it goes on the cheekbones and down the bridge of the nose, so… I hope I put it in the right spot?" 

Peter opens the highlight and smears a thick, horrifically bright line across the middle of Tony's cheeks, and then straight down his face, going through his forehead, down his nose, across his mouth, and through his chin. 

Tony sighs. "I think your placement was a little off there, bud." 

Peter shrugs. "Oh well. I'm sure you'll look fine." 

Tony looks directly into the camera again, and MJ starts laughing again. 

"MJ, if you cannot stop disrupting my artwork, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Peter says seriously, turning his face towards her. It looks as though he's trying to give her a stern look. 

"Sorry!" MJ says. "I'm sorry, I'll be quiet." 

Peter turns back to Tony. 

"Now, it's time for the eyes," he says, feeling around the table. "Pepper wouldn't let me use eyeliner, for some reason, so all we've got is eyeshadow and mascara. We do, however, have an eyebrow pencil, but I think we'll do that once I'm done with the eyes." 

"Eyeliner is expensive," MJ begins explaining. "And it's very difficlult for girls to do when they're not blindfolded and know what they're doing, so Pepper and I thought it was best for you to not try to do that on Tony." 

"Oh," Peter thinks for a moment. "Yeah, that was probably smart. Alright, let's just get on with eyeshadow." 

Peter opens an expensive looking pallate, and just sticks his finger into one of the colors. He reaches his hand out and dabs it around Tony's eyelids, miraculously landing in the right place. He then picks up the mascara, pulls the wand out, and brushes gently around Tony's hairline. As he goes to put it away, MJ stops him. 

"You know, most girls put a little on their bottom lashes, too," she says, her voice full of suppressed laughter. 

Tony turns to glare at her. 

"Oh, right!" Peter picks the mascara up again and dabs it around Tony's jawline, brushing it through the bottom of his beard. 

"I hate you all so much right now," Tony sighs. "This is going to be on the internet for everyone to see. Forever. It'll never go away. This his terrible. I hate everything." 

"Oh, relax, Mr. Stark, I'm sure you look fantastic," Peter brushes him off. "I've just got to do the eyebrows now, and then we're done." 

Peter picks up the pencil, takes the cap off, and draws long, thick eyebrows into the middle of Tony's forehead. He almost gets the general shape correct, but then he keeps going, making them larger and thicker, until it mostly looks like someone took a sharpie and doodled on Tony's forehead. 

"Alright!" Peter says, adding one last touch, before putting the pencil down. "I'm finished! Can I take the blindfold off, now? 

"If you must," Tony sighs, sounding resigned to his fate. 

Peter reaches up and yanks the mask off. Immediately, his hands go to his mouth, as he starts laughing uncontrollably. 

"Oh my god, Mr. Stark!" he shrieks. "This is amazing, hold on, I'll be right back, don't move…" 

He sprins away. 


Peter's sliding back into his seat, holding his phone. He holds it up. 

"Smile, Mr. Stark!" Peter says brightly. 

Tony glares, deadpan, at Peter's phone. After a moment, Peter lowers it, and begins tapping at the screen. 

"And… there!" Peter turns his phone around to show Tony. "It's now been posted!" 

"I swear to god, kid, you're going to kill me," Tony groans, dropping his head onto the counter. "This was horrible. I hate everything." 

"You already said that," Peter says, sounding overly cheerful. He turns back to the camera. "Alright, well, that's it for today's video! Like and subscribe if you want to see more of… this. Also if you want updates about Baby Stark! Bye!" 

He and Tony both wave at the camera; Peter's cheerful, while Tony looks to be plotting murder.



Reidseeker: This was amazing! Tony looked so done!

Re12re: So funny! 

Kkiyomizu: I love watching Peter ruin Tony's reputation, one video at a time. 

DoritoGod: #IronDad

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