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40% Fire Gun / Chapter 2: Chapter 1.

Chapter 2: Chapter 1.

"Joe Flint."


"... Is that the way you address your sheriff?"

"Your not my sheriff. I don't live here. I'll address you in whatever way I want."

"You won't. Not if you want to get paid for your efforts with the Widow Maker atleast."

"You can't deny me my prize."

"Sure I can. I'm the sheriff of this town and you're currently residing in this town. My town. Doesn't matter if you live here or not. Now that you mention it, I don't know if I can pay you your bounty."

"And why is that?"

"Well as you said, you don't live here. And since your not a citizen of my town and you killed the Widow Maker in my town, I don't know if you're entitled to your bounty. I mean for all I know all you did was do me a favour. I never promised you anything." Said the sheriff hoping to rile up Flint.

Flint was sitting on a chair with his feet kicked up on the table and his hat covering the upper half of face, while smoking a cigar. 

Upon hearing what the sheriff said he put out the cigar, put his hat on and rised to meet the sheriff. Towering over him, he looked down at him.

"How would the mayor feel bout' you goin' around callin' his town YOUR town. Huh sheriff?"

The sheriff gave Flint a smug smirk 

"You think the mayor is the one with power around here?"

Flint smiled at the sheriff 

"Nah. I know better than that."

Flint and the sheriff both sat down at the table maintaining eye contact before Flint broke it and started to pour the sheriff and himself a glass of alcohol. 

" How long you been pullin the strings on the old man?" Flint asked the sheriff as he lay back in his chair.

The sheriff took a sip of out of his glass and looked Flint in the eyes for a couple of second, without saying anything.

"How much was the bounty?" Asked the sheriff while trying to change the subject.

"Im assumin' around 5 years or more huh?" Flint probed

"Didn't take you for the type to give a shit about these types of affairs Flint."

"I don't. Just trynna' be polite. Sheriff."

"And tell me, how is that polite?"

"I don't fuckin' know. Think it's called small talk or whatever the fuck they call it."

"Small talk?"

"Yeah. The idea is to pretend you're interested in someone else's life and talk about boring shit for a while. And then you get to the real point of the conversation."

"Wow, how fascinating Flint. I had no idea." Said the sheriff sarcastically 

Flint sighed and took a sip out of his glass. "4 gold." 

"You sure it was 4?" Said the sheriff 

Flint maintaining intense eye contact. "Yeah... 4."

Flint and the sheriff were looking into eachothers eyes. Both with piercing gazes, as if they were in a staring contest. The sheriff sighed and took out 4 gold coins out of his pouch, laid them on the table and slid them towards Flint.

As the sheriff was sliding the coins to Flint, Flint put his palm on the sheriff's hand, stopping his hand and taking the coins himself.

The air began to get heavier with suspense, both men staring daggers into eachothers hearts.

"Welp, thank you for you for efforts Mr. Flint, this town is now a safer place thanks to you. Sorry for your troubles, I trust that 4 gold is enough to hold you off until your next bounty?" Said the sheriff mockingly while standing up from his chair. "Oh and thanks for the liquor." He said before beginning to walk away.

"No problem". Said Flint in a sarcastic manner.

"Hey sheriff" Flint called out.

The sheriff stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"

"Is that the way you address the hero of this town?" Said Flint mockingly with a smug smirk on his face.

The sheriff looked into his eyes for a couple of second and then walked off.

"Kinda fuckin' sheriff wears a belt that's ready to burst at any time? haha." Flint laughed to himself thinking about how fat the sheriff was and how unfit he was to be called a sheriff.

Flint finished his glass of liquor and kicked backed in his chair once again, this time hoping to fall asleep. 

Unbeknownst to Flint, the other men from the bar where Flint killed Widow Maker, of which there were around 40, decided to all band up and try to kill Flint. The Sheriff had planned this earlier, before going to the small hut where Flint was staying for the night. He told the 40 men that they would be paid 13 golden coins each if they managed to sneak up on Flint in the night and kill him. The sheriff wanted Flints infamous weapon, of which only stories were told, The Fire Gun (Flint isn't the best at naming things). The easiest way for the sheriff to get it was to kill Flint and take the gun. If he used those 40 men to simply distract Flint and steal the gun, Flint would come for him. And the sheriff didn't want to risk that.

The 40 men were armed with revolvers, shotguns, knives and ropes. Their plan was to surround Flints hut from all sides and attack at once, taking him by surprise.

Flint was beginning to fall asleep. It was quiet, very quiet. Not even the crickets could be heard. Only the occasional wind breeze blowing gently in the air was audible. 

Until he heard the slightest sound of a multiple men's boots marching on the gravel, trying to be as quiet as possible. But no matter how descrete you try to be, it's hard for 40 of any mammal or animal to be absolutely silent.

Flint now had his guard up, but he reminded himself that it could just be a mouse or lizard scurrying across the ground. 

Flint then heard the slow cocking of guns. It was unmistakable for Flint. He quickly got under the table the shield himself.

All 40 of the men, shot their guns simultaneously. A rainstorm of bullets was ravaging through Flints hut, ricotheting off of the walls to every part of the hut, destroying the windows, small parts of the wall and everything else that was inside of it.

It was loud, very loud. Flint took a rough estimate of how many of them there were. Then suddenly it stopped. The men ran out of shotgun shells, as they knew they eventually would. The men loaded their revolvers and took out their daggers, planning to march into the hut to finish the job.

Most of them thought that he was already dead, so their guard was down.

Flint cocked his gun and waited for the first men to enter, and as soon as the first one did he came out from under the table and fired the first shot. 

The sound of fire igniting in the air sent shivers down some of the men's spines, while the men that Flint shot at saw their life flashing in front of their eyes, in the glowing mirror of a fiery sphere heading towards them.

The first shot took out around 16 men, and ravaged the ground outside of the hut.

"HE'S ALIVE!!" the rest of the men screamed.

They started shooting at Flint once again.

Flint shielded himself with his trenchcoat. To which the inside was coated with steel, the same as the sole of his boots. 

Flint could still sea a tiny bit out of a small sliver in his coat. Using that sliver, he gauged the locations of all the other men that were shooting at him.

He peaked out of the coat barrier thingy for a moment to shoot another shot.

This time, the shot incinerated 18 men. The ground was beginning to get painted with blood and guts and other charred and severed limbs. 

Flints coat was beginning to get stained by the men's blood.

Almost immediately after the first shot, Flint turned around and shot one final shot making sure to leave one of the men alive. The shot took out 5 of the 6 remaining men along with the leg of the last man.

The last man tried to crawl away, screaming and writhing in pain.

Flint slowly walked up to him, his trenchcoat now dripping with blood. Not of his but of the other 39 men that tried to kill him.

He grabbed the man by the back of his shirt. "Who sent you." 

"N-no one!, I promise!"

Flint took a long displeased look at the man.

The man had one last ditch effort, he grabbed the dagger from his pocket and tried to slash at Flints neck.

Flints hand stopped the dagger, and crushed the man's hand using his left robotic hand. The man's blood splattered on his face.

"AAAHHH" the man screamed.

Flint looked at the man's hand, now crushed and disfigured, blood gushing out of it and bone snapped in half piercing his skin.

Flint snapped off a sharp piece of bone from the man's crushed hand, and asked the man with a stone faced look once again.

"Who sent you."

All the man did was scream from the pain.

"I see." Said Flint. Taking the sharp part of the bone and holding to the man's eye, "you won't anymore though, if you don't tell me who sent you."

The man looking at his bone mere centimetres away from his eye "THE SHERIFF! THE SHERIFF SENT US, HE PROMISED HED PAY US 13 GOLD COINS EACH! PLEASE LET ME GO!

"520 huh? Thought id be worth more than that" said Flint. Flint took the bone away from the man's eye and slit his throat.

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