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Chapter 178 Aokiji, Dragon and cheerful Luffy

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Perorero... Perorero... Perorero... 

In the midst of the Grand Line, Admiral Aokiji casually answered his Den Den Mushi while leisurely pedaling a tricycle. The device buzzed repeatedly before connecting him to an official from naval headquarters.

"Admiral Kuzan, this is Ripper from headquarters," the voice on the other end announced with a formal tone. "Fleet Admiral Sengoku requests your current location."

Stretching out with a yawn, Aokiji responded nonchalantly, "Ah la la, I'm somewhere in the first part of the Grand Line. I've got things to handle here, so I won't be returning to headquarters anytime soon. Could you pass that along to Admiral Sengoku?"

Despite the casual dismissal, Ripper pressed on without a hint of irritation, "I understand, Admiral Aokiji. My purpose isn't to rush you back but to relay a new directive from Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

This piqued Aokiji's interest, prompting a shift in his tone from laid-back to attentive. "Oh?" he inquired.

Ripper continued, "Intelligence reports have placed the Straw Hat Pirates near the G8 fortress. Admiral Sengoku requests that you investigate and, if possible, capture Straw Hat Luffy alive. Additionally, there's a potential lead on members of the Revolutionary Army on a nearby island. We will send you the Eternal Pose shortly."

After ending the call, Aokiji's demeanor shifted back to its usual relaxed state. He mused aloud, his tone tinged with mild curiosity, "The Straw Hats, huh? They've sure been stirring up a storm lately." He chuckled lightly, adding, "Might as well check them out while I'm at it, see if that woman's aboard their ship too."

With a casual flick of his wrist, Aokiji turned his bicycle towards the direction of the nearest island. "And those Revolutionary Army folks have been buzzing around a lot too," he continued, talking to himself as he adjusted his course. "Might as well drop by and see what they're up to..."

Pedaling effortlessly, Aokiji's figure soon became a speck, vanishing into the vast horizon of the sea.


On a secluded island, Sabo, a young man with vibrant orange-yellow hair and wearing a distinctive top hat, stood before a stern figure. He reported confidently, "Mr. Dragon, the plan involving the Straw Hats is proceeding smoothly."

Sabo, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, looked up at Monkey D. Dragon, the enigmatic and commanding Supreme Leader of the Army.

Dragon, with a contemplative gaze that seemed to pierce through the veils of strategy and secrecy, nodded thoughtfully. "Let's not rush," he advised, his voice calm. "We should allow this situation to escalate further."

Sabo hesitated, his concern evident. "But... this will draw more attention to the Straw Hats from both the Navy and the World Government," he eventually continued, the weight of the issue pressing on him. "And given that Monkey D. Luffy is your son, Mr. Dragon, shouldn't we consider offering them some protection? Perhaps we could even guide them to one of our bases."

There was a palpable affection in Sabo's voice when he mentioned Luffy, reflecting his personal connection to the young pirate captain. His suggestion was fueled not only by strategy but also by a genuine concern for Luffy's safety.

Dragon didn't directly respond to Sabo's concern. Instead, he offered a reflective statement, "A man's adventure should be decided by himself." This response was laden with a broader perspective on freedom and choice.

Dragon viewed the situation through a lens of personal growth and challenge. In his eyes, it was less concerning that Luffy might attract the attention of the navy and more critical that he face and overcome encounters with formidable pirates. This approach hinted at Dragon's belief in tough love and personal development through adversity.

This philosophy also provided insight into the broader actions of the Revolutionary Army. Sengoku's suspicions were indeed correct; the recent upheaval in various countries and the extensive coverage in the "Straw Hats Special" edition of the newspaper were orchestrated by the Revolutionary Army under Dragon's direct orders.

Dragon's deep involvement began after a pivotal visit to Loguetown, influenced significantly by an encounter with Bai Ye. During a quiet conversation in a tavern, Bai Ye expressed a hopeful vision, referring to Luffy as the "Joy Boy of our time," capable of changing the world. This statement profoundly impacted Dragon, prompting him to integrate his son's journey into his broader revolutionary plans.

Driven by this newfound perspective, Dragon had operatives covertly gather information about Luffy from the East Blue, monitoring his early exploits. The Revolutionary Army, though not overwhelmingly powerful, was adept enough to carry out such intelligence operations seamlessly.

Dragon saw the good Luffy had done—helping villages, confronting pirates—and while proud, he recognized these actions as just the beginning. The potential for greater impact lingered on the horizon, and Dragon was patient, ready to execute his plans when the right time comes.

Though Dragon isn't physically with his son, he has a deep understanding of Luffy's nature. Coupled with the enigmatic Bai Ye, whose depths Dragon has yet to fully comprehend, he is convinced that this young pirate crew is destined for significant impact. Initially, Dragon had projected that it would take at least half a year sailing the Grand Line before Luffy and his crew would stir up the level of commotion he anticipated. However, Luffy proved him wrong by causing a major uproar almost as soon as they entered the Grand Line. This unexpected turn of events not only surprised Luffy's father but also delayed the planned progression of their activities.

Despite the unexpected timing, the impact was profound and led the Revolutionary Army to establish a new division specifically to monitor the Straw Hat Pirates' movements and influence. Sabo, trusted and close to Dragon, was appointed to lead this new department.

Looking up at the sky, Dragon found himself musing about his son's unpredictable journey: "Luffy..." he pondered, a mix of curiosity and pride in his voice, "What other surprises will you bring to me and to this world?"


On the deck of the Golden Merry, Usopp was practically glued to the main mast, furiously lecturing Luffy, who just couldn't stop chuckling. "Luffy, you goof! When are you going to start taking things seriously?!"

Luffy, with a wide grin, clutched his straw hat against the breeze and cheerfully replied to Usopp, "Hahahaha, my bad, I didn't see this coming!"

Just a few minutes earlier, Luffy had decided to do some fishing using his usual talismans, calling over Merry and Chopper to join in the fun. Unfortunately, Luffy's luck was anything but good. His first attempt stirred up the Sea Monkeys resting nearby. These creatures, large with monkey-like heads known for their mischievous nature, hadn't initially noticed the Golden Merry. But Luffy's talismans piqued their interest.

Suddenly, several Sea Monkeys kicked up a massive wave that surged toward the Golden Merry. Nami, who had been observing from the deck, quickly took command over the chaos, her voice cutting through the noise, "Enough bickering, you two idiots! Merry, take the helm; Zoro and Sanji, secure the sails; Bai Ye, we need a favorable wind. We've got to outrun this wave, or the Golden Merry is going down!"

Her orders were met with immediate action as the crew responded in sync, "Aye Aye!" It was clear that Bai Ye's rigorous training had paid off, as the Straw Hats instinctively knew what to do without needing their captain to direct every move.

Ironically, amidst the urgency, the captain himself seemed oblivious to the gravity of their situation. Instead, Luffy was caught up in another discovery, his voice ringing with excitement over the howl of the wind, "Hey, crew! Check it out—I found a weird ship nearby!"

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