Gor'kan speculated, "Perhaps the Young Master is still processing the inheritance he just received. After all, this is the inheritance of the Beast God. It's not something easily absorbed."
Kenny Lin smirked as he nudged Wealth's body with his foot. "Are you sure this is about absorbing the inheritance? Then what's with the snoring?"
Gor'kan's face stiffened awkwardly. "Perhaps that's just how the Young Master's breathing sounds."
Kenny Lin scoffed, "He's been with me and Amalia long enough for me to recognize it. This is clearly his usual snoring while he sleeps. Don't give me nonsense about 'absorbing inheritance.' We've been out there fighting for our lives, and he's been napping in here. As his father, I think I need to have a good talk with him."
The three Pixiu turned to Amalia for help.
Amalia grabbed Kenny Lin's arm. "Let it go. Maybe after being in seclusion for over two months, he's just tired. After all, he's still young."
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