Even thoughts of rebellion required strength. The Immortal Palace was a battlefield of survival, where weaker spirits submitted to the stronger one. Only by becoming powerful could they rise like a king.
"Those who dare betray me will receive no mercy."
The crimson spirit seethed with burning anger.
"All three of you, gather your followers immediately. Kill the humans intruding into the Immortal Palace and seize their tokens. When time permits, I will deal with the rest myself."
The purple spirit who had slandered Quenya felt triumphant. The king's anger was so intense that, even if Quenya wasn't guilty of disloyalty, his failure to report to the king at such a critical time would cost him. The king would not forgive such a delay.
The three purple spirits accepted their orders and left.
Afterward, human cultivators scattered across the palace found their small tricks were no longer effective.
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