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Chapter 220: Emeraude (R-18)

The girls, wearied from their battles and travelling on the various, departed to find some much-needed rest on the ship. Kaya, Nojiko,Vivi and Saphiri headed to Vivi's room to chat. Mikita, Alvida, Zala and Robin headed to the deck of the ship. Marianne and Honey took a picnic basket to the rear of the ship. HQ headed to the Bridge of the ship. While BM and Rubis headed back to Simon`s base to find Pau au Pa. 

Ben scooped up Emeraude in the princess position. He then proceeded downstairs, making his way to the Captain's room. "Ben," Emeraude said. 

"I love you," Ben replied. Emeraude smiled. She put her head into his chest. She could hear his strong heartbeat. They reached the Captain's Room and entered. Ben walked towards the bed and gently put Emeraude down. He went down and took her thick heel pumps off. Emeraude scooted on the bed. Ben saw her green eyes looking back at him. There was a hint of shyness in her eyes. She was wearing a green bikini top and a long green skirt. 

"You look beautiful," Ben said. 

Emeraude smiled back at the compliment. "You are handsome as well," Emeraude replied. She said it quietly but there was conviction behind it. 

Ben took his shoes off. He got onto the bed. " Before we start, I want you to know you can stop this at any point," Ben said. 

"They did tell me you are a gentleman, and from yesterday, you proved it. My heart wasn't ready yesterday, but when I healed you today, I could feel it. I love you," Emeraude confessed with sincerity and affection in her voice.

"Okay, I love you too," Ben replied. Ben leaned towards her. Emeraude saw him coming and closed her eyes. He stopped. Emeraude stood there in eager anticipation, her heart quickening with each passing moment. A sense of curiosity and excitement filled her, wondering what it would be like to feel his lips against hers, to experience that momentous first kiss with a handsome man who held affection for her and her sisters. As she waited, the anticipation increased and a sense of dread came over her. She wondered what if he had changed his mind. She began to worry. She needed to know. She opened her eyes to see Ben looking at her. He was smiling.

"I got distracted by your beauty," Ben said. Emeraude smiled at that. 

"Take my first kiss," Emeraude said. Ben continued to move towards her. Emeraude closed her eyes again. Their lips met. She blossomed like a flower. Her heart felt emotions pour out. The kiss felt magical to her. 

Ben thought her lips were soft. He kissed for a few minutes like that. He did not want to let go. Emeraude did not want this to stop. She was giggling inside that Ben took her first kiss. 

Ben thought of going further. He wanted to enjoy her mouth. He slowly inserted his tongue into her mouth. There was resistance. Emeraude lips were shut. She thought about what was poking her. Ben put a bit more force. Emeraude was startled by this. She opened her eyes to see Ben kissing her. He looked adorable. Then she realised it must be his tongue poking her. She wondered why. 

Ben put a bit more force the third time. Emeraude then realised he was trying to put his tongue in her mouth. She thought that was strange but trusted him. She opened her mouth. Ben`s tongue steadily slid in. 

Ben`s tongue entered her mouth. He could feel her hot and wet mouth. His tongue explored her mouth a bit. It moved around. Emeraude thought it was different but not bad. She thought this could be invasive but this is Ben. She thought that she did not know this man for more than a week but she was in love with him. She thought he had a crazy pull. Ben's tongue gently danced, seeking and finding hers in a tender union. The delicate touch ignited a surge of sensations, creating an explosion of shared intimacy and connection between them.

They both intertwined with each other. They kept kissing. Their tongues did not leave each other. They kept at it for another few minutes until Ben stopped and withdrew his tongue and her lips.

"That was amazing," Emeraude said. She smiled widely. 

"This is just the start," Ben said. 

Ben looked at her necklace. It had a green stone. "Your necklace is very pretty and the emerald matches your eyes," Ben complimented. 

"You have your way of words," Emeraude said. Ben thought he heard that before. 

"Let's take that bikini top off. I want to see you," Ben said.

Emeraude heard the request. She was hesitant. "I," Emeraude said. 

"Like I said, you don't have to do anything you are uncomfortable with but I want to see you. Your beautiful body," Ben said. 

"I trust you, Ben, but could you take your shirt off first?" Emeraude requested, her cheeks flushing slightly. She covered her face with her hands, a mix of anticipation and shyness.

"Sure," Ben replied. Ben pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor. Emeraude licked her lips seeing his body. It was toned and had muscles in the right place. It was a dazzling sighed. 

"Wow," Emeraude said. 

Ben smiled. "It's your turn," Ben said.

Emeraude nodded. She reached back and unhooked the strap of her bikini bra. She took it off and placed it on the bed. Ben saw her wheat coloured breast. They were not the largest however they looked like they could easily fit in his hand. They looked puffy. They were perfect for her body. 

"They look lovely," Ben said. Emeraude covered up. Ben approached her. "Do you trust me?" Ben asked. Emeraude nodded. 

"I do, Ben," Emeraude affirmed with sincerity, her words carrying the weight of her feelings.

Ben got closer. "I want to show them my love for you," Ben said. 

She nodded. She thought like a child. 

Ben moved his hands and touched her breast gently. His index fingertip glided over her nipples. Emeraude moaned. She thought his hand felt good on her breast. Ben gently pressed down on her nipples. Emeraude moaned a bit louder. Ben let go. "Can I make love to your breast?" Ben asked.

Emeraude nodded. "Yes,but be gentle," Emeraude said. She was a bit nervous since this was the first time someone is going to make love to her breasts. 

Ben cupped her right breast with his left hand and massaged it. He started rubbing it gently up and down. He moved his hand around her breast first. He continued to move his hand on her puffy breast, going up and down and then moving in circles around her nipple. He did not touch her nipple yet. Ben looked at Emeraude who was moaning. Her eyes were closed and she looked flushed. 

He moved to her left breast with his other hand and moved them in circles. He moved up and down like he did with her right breast. He did not want to touch her nipple yet. Emeraude moaned continuously. 

Ben went back to both her boobs. He circled the areolae on her breasts. He used one finger on both areolas. Emeraude thought this was a new feeling. She moaned loudly as Ben circled her nipples. Ben went clockwise slowly first and made a full circle. He stopped. He then went anti clockwise and made a full circle. Emeraude was horny. She was enjoying Ben playing with her breast.

Ben leaned down and went toward her breast. Her puffy nipple was directly in front of him. He licked the tip of her nipple. 

"Ben," Emeraude moaned. Ben then gave a few more licks on her nipple with his tongue. Emeraude moaned each time. Ben then put his mouth over her nipple and softly sucked it. Ben kept sucking on left breast. He sucked it with more intensity. Her breast were really flavourful, he thought. Ben let go.

"Your breast are lovely, you are lovely," Ben said. 

He leaned down to her right breast. Ben licked the nipple with his tongue . He moved this left hand to her left breast and slowly squeezed it. Ben then moved his mouth towards her right nipple and started to suck her puffy breast. 

Emeraude's mind was going crazy. She was having thoughts of children. Having his children. She loved this man. He was driving her crazy in a good way. She could feel a wet spot down there. She thought she might pee herself at this rate. She will have to control herself. Her heartbeat was fast. 

Ben sucked on her right breast. He put his mouth over the breast and sucked it. She moaned loudly. Ben sucked her right breast while his other hand pressed and flicked over her left nipple. He sucked harder. He then pressed a puffy nipple with his finger tips. This pushed Emeraude and she came and exploded. She could feel her panties wet. She was happy but embarrassed. A tear came down. "Ben," Emeraude said. 

Ben thought something was wrong. He looked up to see her tearing. He pulled her into a hug. 

"What's wrong?" Ben inquired, his concern evident in his voice.

"I…" Emeraude hesitated, feeling embarrassed and unable to voice her thoughts.

Ben gently pulled her away, his gaze full of understanding. "I will never make fun of your feelings," he assured her.

"I think I wet myself," Emeraude said, in a weak voice.

"No, you haven't. You had an orgasm. It's something beautiful, to show how much you love me," Ben reassured her, his words carrying both understanding and comfort.

Emeraude smiled. She was happy to hear he was not upset. "Can I see it?" Ben asked.

She was confused; what else does he want to see, she thought. "See?" Emeraude asked.

"I want to see your flower, you're downstairs," Ben said. 

Emeraude thought this was going to be the case. He had already seen much of her. "I want to see yours first," Emeraude said with determination.

"As you wish my lady," Ben replied. He got up and took his pants and underwear off in one swoop. 

Emeraude gasped. She saw it before when she was doing her medical check on him. It was big and hard. His head was nice and round. His balls were large. Everything about it was huge. She stared at it for a few seconds. 

"Your turn," Ben said, snapping her out of her thoughts. 

Emeraude smiled and nodded. She took her long skirt off and placed it on the ground. She was not wearing any panties. Emeraude had a small neatly trimmed bush above her pussy. It enhanced her beauty. It looked dazzling. Emeraude then covered it up with her hand. 

Ben leaned down. He slowly used his hand to open her knees. Emeraude saw him going for her. She smiled. Ben gave a peck on her thighs. Emeraude's body shook. He gave small kisses until he reached her pussy. He gently pulled at it from each side, causing it to bloom. Ben lightly flicked the nub with the tip of his tongue. Emeraude gasped at the contact. It was the first time anyone had touched her like this. Ben stiffened his tongue and worked it deep between the reddening pedals of flesh. Ben licked her pussy. He stopped and went to lick again. He made sure to lick it slowly first. 

Emeraude was moaning. She had gently touched his hair and started to stroke it. Ben began to lick her pussy faster. His tongue was lapping her lips from the base of the slit to the nub. He was licking faster and pressing his tongue down. Emeraude moaned louder. She was close. Ben tongue was magic. "Ben," Emeraude moaned. Ben then sucked on her clit hard.

Pleasure took over Emeraude and she came over Ben. Her body trembled and exploded and exploded as she had another orgasm. "Ben," she shouted. Ben kissed her clit and let go. She was breathing loudly. 

"You are amazing," Ben said. He leaned up and kissed her on the lips. Emeraude responded with passion back. She kissed him fiercely back. Ben thought where did this come from but he was not complaining. 

Ben withdrew from this kiss. "Ben. make love to me, make me your woman," Emeraude said. Ben smiled and nodded. 

"I love you," Ben said. He thought that most of the women had said something on those lines. Their eyes burned with passion and love for him. 

Ben went back down. He saw Emeraude had closed her legs. He gently touched her knees and pulled them apart. Her pussy and bush looked wet and enticing. 

Ben positioned his penis to lead straight into her little tight pussy. He rubbed his penis head on the entrance. They were in the missionary position. 

"Ben make love to me," Emeraude urged. 

"Say the magic word," Ben teased. 

Emeraude looked at Ben. She looked him in the eye. "Please make love to me," Emeraude said. Ben smiled and kissed her on the lips again. He rubbed the head of his penis on her pussy lips. Emeraude moaned through the kiss. 

Ben withdrew from her lips again. "I am going in. I love you," Ben said. Emeraude nodded. 

He slowly started to push. The tip of his cock entered her. She was tight. Ben slowly pushed through. His dick went deeper and deeper. He was all the way in. She moaned loudly as Ben went all the way in. Ben thought she was a fishwoman so there may be some genetic differences. 

"You are in so deep, you are touching my womb," Emeraude said. She was being hysterical due to the pleasure she was feeling. Her pussy was full. She moaned loudly. Ben was enormous, she thought.

 Ben was in heaven. Her pussy squeezing his dick and he had not even started moving. "I will start moving now," Ben said. Emeraude nodded. 

Ben at first took it a little slower. He moved his hips as he went in and out of her pussy slowly. She had a smile on her face as Ben went in and out. Emeraude moaned. Ben slid in and out a little faster. Emeraude moaned louder. Her heartbeat was going fast. Ben began moving faster and harder. 

"Ben, I love you, keep going," Emeraude encouraged. 

He looked up at her again. Ben went to her mouth and began kissing lips. He withdrew. 

Ben was going pretty fast now and deep in her. She was able to take his whole dick. He increased his pace. Her puffy tits were bouncing with every pump. She looked dazzling. 

Ben then slowed down. He moved his hips slower. He went deep and long. Ben moved slowly to pleasure her. Emeraude moaned more. He moved his hips slowly. He went inside and outside her pussy. Ben then increased his pace. He moved his hips faster. Emeraude moaned. 

They continued for another 20 minutes until Ben was close. The pleasure was cosmic. Her mind was blank. Ben kept going. He knew he was close. Her pussy was squeezing his dick. She was tight. "I am close," Ben warned. 

"Cum in me, cum deep within my womb," Emeraude said. 

Ben went into overdrive. He pumped his hips harder. His dick went in and out her pussy. "I am cumming," he announced as he shot his load inside her. Ropes of sperm left his penis, painting the inside of her walls with his sperm. 

At the same time, Emeraude had another orgasm. "I love you," Emeraude shouted. She felt exhausted after the multiple orgasm. She could feel her pussy filled. She thought maybe they could reach her womb. She smiled and fell asleep. 

Ben pulled out, sperm came gushing out of her filled pussy. He went up towards her and gave her a peck. Ben got up. He saw a towel on the table. He grabbed it and cleaned her pussy. He put the towel back on the table and covered her up. He kissed her forehead. Emeraude said something in her dreams. 

HQ entered the room with a towel. "Master you are up," HQ said. She saw his dick dripping with a mixture of Emeraude and Ben`s juices. 

"I am and I am heading to the Radio Room to give the blueprints," Ben replied.

"Okay, Master," HQ replied, eying his penis. Ben saw her eyes downwards. 

"You don't have to, HQ," Ben replied, expressing gratitude for the offered assistance in the past. 

"Master, we like to serve you," HQ said. 

"Okay," Ben replied. 

HQ dropped to her knees. She opened her wet mouth and pressed her lips on his large head. She went deeper until she reached half way through the shaft. She went up and down on the shaft of the penis. She sucked hard. Ben moaned. She let go which made a loud pop sound. She then licked the head of the penis with her tongue. She swirled her tongue around it. She then pressed her lips and kissed the head of the penis. She smiled. "All clean," HQ said.

 She got up and walked over to pick Ben`s trousers up. She walked back and held it out. "You," Ben was about to say. However he looked at HQ and the smile on her face. He put his leg in one and HQ helped to put it on. "Thank you," Ben said.

"I am happy to help Master," HQ replied as she walked about. She did have a nice ass, he thought. 

Ben picked his shirt up and put it on and headed towards the Radio Room. 

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